virtual void progress (const char *message, float progress)
		ProgressBar.setLine(0, string(message));
		ProgressBar.updateProgressBar ((uint32)(100 * progress));
void CNelExport::viewMesh (TimeValue time)
	// Register classes
	// done in dllentry registerSerial3d ();

	CScene::registerBasics ();
	// Register CPath in our module
	regsiterOVPath ();

	// Create an object viewer
	IObjectViewer* view = IObjectViewer::getInterface();

	// Check wether there's not an instance currently running
	if (view->isInstanceRunning())
		::MessageBox(NULL, "An instance of the viewer is currently running, please close it :)", "NeL Export", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

	// set the water pool manager
	// Build a skeleton map
	mapRootMapBoneBindPos				skeletonMap;

	std::map<INode*, CSkeletonDesc>	mapSkeletonShape;

	if (view)
		// Init it
		if (!view->initUI())
			::MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to initialize object viewer ui, this may be a driver init issue, check your log.log files", "NeL Export", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

		// Get node count
		int nNumSelNode=_Ip->GetSelNodeCount();
		int nNbMesh=0;
		// Create an animation for the models
		CAnimation *autoAnim=new CAnimation;

		// *******************
		// * First build skeleton bind pos information and animations
		// *******************

		int nNode;
		for (nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
			// Get the node
			INode* pNode=_Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);

			// It is a zone ?
			if (RPO::isZone (*pNode, time))
			// Try to export a mesh
			else if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, time))
				// Build skined ?
				bool skined=false;
				// Skinning ?
				if (CExportNel::isSkin (*pNode))
					// Get root of the skeleton
					INode *skeletonRoot=CExportNel::getSkeletonRootBone (*pNode);

					// HULUD TEST
					// Root exist ?
					if (skeletonRoot)
						// Ok, look for the set in the map of desc
						mapRootMapBoneBindPos::iterator iteSkeleton=skeletonMap.find (skeletonRoot);

						// Not found ?
						if (iteSkeleton==skeletonMap.end())
							// Insert one
							skeletonMap.insert (mapRootMapBoneBindPos::value_type (skeletonRoot, CExportNel::mapBoneBindPos()));
							iteSkeleton=skeletonMap.find (skeletonRoot);
						// Add the bind pos for the skin
						CExportNel::addSkeletonBindPos (*pNode, iteSkeleton->second);

		// *******************
		// * Then, build skeleton shape
		// *******************

		for (nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
			// Get the node
			INode* pNode=_Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);

			// It is a zone ?
			if (RPO::isZone (*pNode, time))
			// Try to export a mesh
			else if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, time))
				// Build skined ?
				bool skined=false;
				// Skinning ?
				if (CExportNel::isSkin (*pNode))
					// Get root of the skeleton
					INode *skeletonRoot=CExportNel::getSkeletonRootBone (*pNode);
					// HULUD TEST
					// Root exist ?
					if (skeletonRoot)
						// Ok, look for the set in the map of desc
						mapRootMapBoneBindPos::iterator iteSkeleton = skeletonMap.find (skeletonRoot);
						std::map<INode*, CSkeletonDesc>::iterator skelBindPod = mapSkeletonShape.find (skeletonRoot);

						// Not found ?
						if (skelBindPod==mapSkeletonShape.end())
							// Insert it
							CSkeletonShape *skelShape=new CSkeletonShape();

							// A matrix id map
							TInodePtrInt mapId;

							// Build the skeleton based on the bind pos information
							_ExportNel->buildSkeletonShape (*skelShape, *skeletonRoot, &(iteSkeleton->second), mapId, time);

							// Add the shape in the view
							uint instance = view->addSkel (skelShape, skeletonRoot->GetName());

							// Add tracks
							CAnimation *anim=new CAnimation;
							_ExportNel->addAnimation (*anim, *skeletonRoot, "", true);

							// Set the single animation							
							view->setSingleAnimation (anim, "3dsmax current animation", instance);

							// Insert in the map
							mapSkeletonShape.insert (std::map<INode*, CSkeletonDesc>::value_type ( skeletonRoot, CSkeletonDesc (instance, mapId)));

		CAnimationSet *animationSet = new CAnimationSet;
		for (nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
			// Get the node
			INode* pNode=_Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);

			// Is it a automatic light ? if yes add tracks from nel_light (color controller)
			int bAnimated = CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_LM_ANIMATED, 0);
			if (bAnimated)
				_ExportNel->addAnimation( *autoAnim, *pNode, "", true);

		animationSet->addAnimation ("Automatic", autoAnim);
		view->setAutoAnimation (animationSet);

		// *******************
		// * Then, build Mesh shapes
		// *******************

		// Prepare ig export.
		std::vector<INode*>						igVectNode;
		std::map<std::string, NL3D::IShape *>	igShapeMap;
		// SunDirection.
		NLMISC::CVector							igSunDirection(0, 1, -1);
		// SunColor.
		NLMISC::CRGBA							igSunColor(255, 255, 255);
		SLightBuild								sgLightBuild;

		// Build Mesh Shapes.
		CProgressBar ProgBar;
		ProgBar.initProgressBar (nNbMesh, *_Ip);
		theExportSceneStruct.FeedBack = &ProgBar;
		nNbMesh = 0;

		// Map for IG animations
		typedef std::map<INode *, CAnimation *> TIGAnimation;
		TIGAnimation igAnim;

		// View all selected objects
		for (nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
			// Get the node
			INode* pNode=_Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);

			string sTmp = "Object Name: ";
			sTmp += pNode->GetName();
			ProgBar.setLine (0, sTmp);
			sTmp = "";
			for (uint32 i = 1; i < 10; ++i) 
				ProgBar.setLine (i, sTmp);
			sTmp = "Last Error";
			ProgBar.setLine (10, sTmp);
			// It is a zone ?
			if (RPO::isZone (*pNode, time))
			// Try to export a mesh
			else if (CExportNel::isMesh (*pNode, time))
				// Build skined ?
				bool skined=false;
				// Skinning ?
				if (CExportNel::isSkin (*pNode))
					// Create a skeleton
					INode *skeletonRoot=CExportNel::getSkeletonRootBone (*pNode);

					// HULUD TEST
					// Skeleton exist ?
					if (skeletonRoot)
						// Look for bind pos info for this skeleton
						mapRootMapBoneBindPos::iterator iteSkel=skeletonMap.find (skeletonRoot);
						std::map<INode*, CSkeletonDesc>::iterator iteSkelShape=mapSkeletonShape.find (skeletonRoot);
						nlassert (iteSkel!=skeletonMap.end());
						nlassert (iteSkelShape!=mapSkeletonShape.end());

						// Export the shape
						IShape *pShape;
						pShape=_ExportNel->buildShape (*pNode, time, &iteSkelShape->second.MapId, true);

						// Build succesful ?
						if (pShape)
							// Add the shape in the view
							uint instance = view->addMesh (pShape, pNode->GetName(), iteSkelShape->second.SkeletonInstance);

							// Add tracks
							CAnimation *anim=new CAnimation;
							_ExportNel->addAnimation (*anim, *pNode, "", true);

							// Set the single animation
							view->setSingleAnimation (anim, "3dsmax current animation", instance);

							// ok
				// Build skined ?
				if (!skined)
					// Export the shape
					IShape *pShape = NULL;
					pShape=_ExportNel->buildShape (*pNode, time, NULL, true);

					// Export successful ?
					if (pShape)
						// get the nelObjectName, as used in building of the instanceGroup.
						std::string	nelObjectName= CExportNel::getNelObjectName(*pNode);

						// ugly way to verify the shape is really added to the sahepBank: use a refPtr :)
						NLMISC::CRefPtr<IShape>		prefShape= pShape;

						std::string nelObjectNameNoExt;
						// Add to the view, but don't create the instance (created in ig).						
						if (!(nelObjectName.find(".shape") != std::string::npos || nelObjectName.find(".ps") != std::string::npos))
							nelObjectNameNoExt = nelObjectName;
							nelObjectName += ".shape";							
							std::string::size_type pos = nelObjectName.find(".");
							nlassert(pos != std::string::npos);
							nelObjectNameNoExt = std::string(nelObjectName, 0, pos);
						// Add to the view, but don't create the instance (created in ig).
						// Since IG use strlwr version of the name, must strlwr it here.
						std::string	nelObjectNameLwr= nelObjectName;
						view->addMesh (pShape, nelObjectNameLwr.c_str(), 0xffffffff, NULL, false);

						// If the shape is not destroyed in addMesh() (with smarPtr), then add it to the shape map.
							igShapeMap.insert( std::make_pair(nelObjectNameNoExt, pShape) );
						// Add to list of node for IgExport.

					// Add tracks
					igAnim.insert (TIGAnimation::value_type (pNode, new CAnimation));
					_ExportNel->addAnimation (*igAnim[pNode], *pNode, "", true);

			ProgBar.updateProgressBar (nNbMesh);
			if( ProgBar.isCanceledProgressBar() )

		// if ExportLighting, Export all lights in scene (not only selected ones).
			// List all nodes in scene.
			vector<INode*>	nodeList;
			_ExportNel->getObjectNodes(nodeList, time);
			// For all of them.
			for(uint i=0;i<nodeList.size();i++)
				INode	*pNode= nodeList[i];

				if( sgLightBuild.canConvertFromMaxLight(pNode, time) )
					// Convert it.
					sgLightBuild.convertFromMaxLight(pNode, time);

					// PointLight/SpotLight/AmbientLight ??
					if(sgLightBuild.Type != SLightBuild::LightDir)
						// Add to list of node for IgExport.
					// "SunLight" ??
					else if( sgLightBuild.Type == SLightBuild::LightDir )
						// if this light is checked to export as Sun Light
						int		nExportSun= CExportNel::getScriptAppData (pNode, NEL3D_APPDATA_EXPORT_AS_SUN_LIGHT, BST_UNCHECKED);
						if(nExportSun== BST_CHECKED)
							// Add to list of node for IgExport (enabling SunLight in the ig)

							// Replace sun Direciton.
							igSunDirection= sgLightBuild.Direction;
							// Replace sun Color.
							igSunColor= sgLightBuild.Diffuse;

		theExportSceneStruct.FeedBack = NULL;

		// *******************
		// * Export instance Group.
		// *******************

		// Info for lighting: retrieverBank and globalRetriever.
		CIgLighterLib::CSurfaceLightingInfo		slInfo;
		slInfo.RetrieverBank= NULL;
		slInfo.GlobalRetriever= NULL;

		// Result instance group
		vector<INode*> resultInstanceNode;

		// Build the ig (with pointLights)
		NL3D::CInstanceGroup	*ig= _ExportNel->buildInstanceGroup(igVectNode, resultInstanceNode, time);
			// If ExportLighting
			if( theExportSceneStruct.bExportLighting )
				// Light the ig.
				NL3D::CInstanceGroup	*igOut= new NL3D::CInstanceGroup;
				// Init the lighter.
				CMaxInstanceLighter		maxInstanceLighter;

				// Setup LightDesc Ig.
				CInstanceLighter::CLightDesc	lightDesc;
				// Copy map to get info on shapes.
				lightDesc.UserShapeMap= igShapeMap;
				// Setup Shadow and overSampling.
				lightDesc.Shadow= theExportSceneStruct.bShadow;
				lightDesc.OverSampling= NLMISC::raiseToNextPowerOf2(theExportSceneStruct.nOverSampling);
				clamp(lightDesc.OverSampling, 0U, 32U);
					lightDesc.OverSampling= 0;
				// Setup LightDirection.
				lightDesc.LightDirection= igSunDirection.normed();
				// For interiors ig, disable Sun contrib according to ig.
				lightDesc.DisableSunContribution= !ig->getRealTimeSunContribution();

				// If View SurfaceLighting enabled
					// Setup a CSurfaceLightingInfo
					slInfo.CellSurfaceLightSize= theExportSceneStruct.SurfaceLightingCellSize;
					NLMISC::clamp(slInfo.CellSurfaceLightSize, 0.001f, 1000000.f);
					slInfo.CellRaytraceDeltaZ= theExportSceneStruct.SurfaceLightingDeltaZ;
					// no more add any prefix to the colision identifier.
					slInfo.ColIdentifierPrefix= "";
					slInfo.ColIdentifierSuffix= "";
					// Build RetrieverBank and GlobalRetriever from collisions in scene
					_ExportNel->computeCollisionRetrieverFromScene(time, slInfo.RetrieverBank, slInfo.GlobalRetriever, 
						slInfo.ColIdentifierPrefix.c_str(), slInfo.ColIdentifierSuffix.c_str(), slInfo.IgFileName);

				// Light Ig.
				CIgLighterLib::lightIg(maxInstanceLighter, *ig, *igOut, lightDesc, slInfo, "");

				// Close the lighter.

				// Swap pointer and release unlighted one.
				swap(ig, igOut);
				delete igOut;

			// Setup the ig in Viewer.
			uint firstInstance = view->addInstanceGroup(ig);

			// Setup animations
			uint i;
			for (i=0; i<ig->getNumInstance(); i++)
				// Set the single animation
				view->setSingleAnimation (igAnim[resultInstanceNode[i]], "3dsmax current animation", firstInstance + i);

				// Remove the animation
				igAnim.erase (resultInstanceNode[i]);

		// Add cameras
		for (nNode=0; nNode<nNumSelNode; nNode++)
			// Get the node
			INode* pNode=_Ip->GetSelNode (nNode);

			// Is a camera ?
			if (CExportNel::isCamera (*pNode, time))
				// Export the shape
				CCameraInfo cameraInfo;
				_ExportNel->buildCamera (cameraInfo, *pNode, time);

				// Camera name
				std::string name = CExportNel::getNelObjectName(*pNode);
				strlwr (name);

				uint instance = view->addCamera (cameraInfo, name.c_str ());

				// Add tracks
				CAnimation *anim=new CAnimation;
				_ExportNel->addAnimation (*anim, *pNode, "", true);

				// Set the single animation
				view->setSingleAnimation (anim, "3dsmax current animation", instance);

		// Erase unused animations
		TIGAnimation::iterator ite = igAnim.begin();
		while (ite != igAnim.end())
			// Delete it
			delete ite->second;

			// Next

		// *******************
		// * Launch
		// *******************

		// Setup background color
		if (theExportSceneStruct.bExportBgColor)

		// ExportLighting?
		if ( theExportSceneStruct.bExportLighting )
			// Take the ambient of the scene as the ambient of the sun.
			CRGBA	sunAmb= _ExportNel->getAmbientColor (time);

			// Disable Global ambient light
			view->setAmbientColor (CRGBA::Black);

			// setup lighting and sun, if any light added. Else use std OpenGL front lighting
			view->setupSceneLightingSystem(true, igSunDirection, sunAmb, igSunColor, igSunColor);
			// If GlobalRetriever for DynamicObjectLightingTest is present, use it.
			if(slInfo.GlobalRetriever && ig)
				view->enableDynamicObjectLightingTest(slInfo.GlobalRetriever, ig);
			/*// Setup ambient light
			view->setAmbientColor (_ExportNel->getAmbientColor (time));

			// Build light vector
			std::vector<CLight> vectLight;
			_ExportNel->getLights (vectLight, time);

			// Light in the scene ?
			if (!vectLight.empty())
				// Use old Driver Light mgt.
				view->setupSceneLightingSystem(false, igSunDirection, CRGBA::Black, igSunColor, igSunColor);

				// Insert each lights
				for (uint light=0; light<vectLight.size(); light++)
					view->setLight (light, vectLight[light]);

		// Reset the camera
		view->resetCamera ();

		// Go
		view->go ();

		// Release object viewer
		view->releaseUI ();

		// Delete the pointer
		IObjectViewer::releaseInterface (view);

		// Collisions informations are no more used.
		delete slInfo.RetrieverBank;
		delete slInfo.GlobalRetriever;