Ejemplo n.º 1
/////////spawn object representing destroyed item//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CPHDestroyable::GenSpawnReplace(u16 ref_id,LPCSTR section,shared_str visual_name)

	CSE_Abstract				*D	= F_entity_Create(section);//*cNameSect()
	VERIFY						(D);
	CSE_Visual					*V  =smart_cast<CSE_Visual*>(D);
	V->set_visual				(*visual_name);
	CSE_PHSkeleton				*l_tpPHSkeleton = smart_cast<CSE_PHSkeleton*>(D);
	VERIFY						(l_tpPHSkeleton);
	l_tpPHSkeleton->source_id	= ref_id;

	// Send
	D->s_name			= section;//*cNameSect()
	D->ID_Parent		= u16(-1);
	InitServerObject	(D);
	if (OnServer())
		NET_Packet			P;
		D->Spawn_Write		(P,TRUE);
		Level().Send		(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		// Destroy
		F_entity_Destroy	(D);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CLevel::g_cl_Spawn		(LPCSTR name, u8 rp, u16 flags, Fvector pos)
	// Create
	CSE_Abstract*		E	= F_entity_Create(name);
	VERIFY				(E);

	// Fill
	E->s_name			= name;
	E->set_name_replace	("");
//.	E->s_gameid			=	u8(GameID());
	E->s_RP				=	rp;
	E->ID				=	0xffff;
	E->ID_Parent		=	0xffff;
	E->ID_Phantom		=	0xffff;
	E->s_flags.assign	(flags);
	E->RespawnTime		=	0;
	E->o_Position		= pos;

	// Send
	NET_Packet			P;
	E->Spawn_Write		(P,TRUE);
	Send				(P,net_flags(TRUE));

	// Destroy
	F_entity_Destroy	(E);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CWeapon::SpawnAmmo(u32 boxCurr, LPCSTR ammoSect, u32 ParentID) 
	if(!m_ammoTypes.size())			return;
	if (OnClient())					return;
	m_bAmmoWasSpawned				= true;
	int l_type						= 0;
	l_type							%= m_ammoTypes.size();

	if(!ammoSect) ammoSect			= m_ammoTypes[l_type].c_str(); 
	l_type							%= m_ammoTypes.size();

	CSE_Abstract *D					= F_entity_Create(ammoSect);

		CSE_ALifeItemAmmo *l_pA		= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeItemAmmo*>(D);
		R_ASSERT					(l_pA);
		l_pA->m_boxSize				= (u16)pSettings->r_s32(ammoSect, "box_size");
		D->s_name					= ammoSect;
		D->set_name_replace			("");
//.		D->s_gameid					= u8(GameID());
		D->s_RP						= 0xff;
		D->ID						= 0xffff;
		if (ParentID == 0xffffffff)	
			D->ID_Parent			= (u16)H_Parent()->ID();
			D->ID_Parent			= (u16)ParentID;

		D->ID_Phantom				= 0xffff;
		D->s_flags.assign			(M_SPAWN_OBJECT_LOCAL);
		D->RespawnTime				= 0;
		l_pA->m_tNodeID				= g_dedicated_server ? u32(-1) : ai_location().level_vertex_id();

		if(boxCurr == 0xffffffff) 	
			boxCurr					= l_pA->m_boxSize;

			l_pA->a_elapsed			= (u16)(boxCurr > l_pA->m_boxSize ? l_pA->m_boxSize : boxCurr);
			NET_Packet				P;
			D->Spawn_Write			(P, TRUE);
			Level().Send			(P,net_flags(TRUE));

			if(boxCurr > l_pA->m_boxSize) 
				boxCurr				-= l_pA->m_boxSize;
				boxCurr				= 0;
	F_entity_Destroy				(D);
Ejemplo n.º 4
//процесс отсоединения вещи заключается в спауне новой вещи 
//в инвентаре и установке соответствующих флагов в родительском
//объекте, поэтому функция должна быть переопределена
bool CInventoryItem::Detach(const char* item_section_name, bool b_spawn_item) 
	if (OnClient()) return true;
		CSE_Abstract*		D	= F_entity_Create(item_section_name);
		R_ASSERT		   (D);
		CSE_ALifeDynamicObject	*l_tpALifeDynamicObject = 
		R_ASSERT			(l_tpALifeDynamicObject);
		l_tpALifeDynamicObject->m_tNodeID = object().ai_location().level_vertex_id();
		// Fill
		D->s_name			=	item_section_name;
		D->set_name_replace	("");
		D->s_gameid			=	u8(GameID());
		D->s_RP				=	0xff;
		D->ID				=	0xffff;
		if (GameID() == GAME_SINGLE)
			D->ID_Parent		=	u16(object().H_Parent()->ID());
		else	// i'm not sure this is right
		{		// but it is simpliest way to avoid exception in MP BuyWnd... [Satan]
			if (object().H_Parent())
				D->ID_Parent	=	u16(object().H_Parent()->ID());
				D->ID_Parent	= NULL;
		D->ID_Phantom		=	0xffff;
		D->o_Position		=	object().Position();
		D->s_flags.assign	(M_SPAWN_OBJECT_LOCAL);
		D->RespawnTime		=	0;
		// Send
		NET_Packet			P;
		D->Spawn_Write		(P,TRUE);
		Level().Send		(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		// Destroy
		F_entity_Destroy	(D);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CPHSkeleton::SpawnCopy()
	if(PPhysicsShellHolder()->Local()) {
		CSE_Abstract*				D	= F_entity_Create("ph_skeleton_object");//*cNameSect()
		R_ASSERT					(D);
		CSE_ALifePHSkeletonObject	*l_tpALifePhysicObject = smart_cast<CSE_ALifePHSkeletonObject*>(D);
		R_ASSERT					(l_tpALifePhysicObject);
		l_tpALifePhysicObject->_flags.set	(CSE_PHSkeleton::flSpawnCopy,1);
		InitServerObject			(D);
		// Send
		NET_Packet			P;
		D->Spawn_Write		(P,TRUE);
		Level().Send		(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		// Destroy
		F_entity_Destroy	(D);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CInventoryOwner::spawn_supplies		()
	CGameObject								*game_object = smart_cast<CGameObject*>(this);
	VERIFY									(game_object);
	if (smart_cast<CBaseMonster*>(this))	return;

	if (use_bolts())
		Level().spawn_item					("bolt",game_object->Position(),game_object->ai_location().level_vertex_id(),game_object->ID());

	if (!ai().get_alife() && GameID()==GAME_SINGLE) {
		CSE_Abstract						*abstract = Level().spawn_item("device_pda",game_object->Position(),game_object->ai_location().level_vertex_id(),game_object->ID(),true);
		CSE_ALifeItemPDA					*pda = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeItemPDA*>(abstract);
		R_ASSERT							(pda);
		pda->m_original_owner				= (u16)game_object->ID();
		NET_Packet							P;
		abstract->Spawn_Write				(P,TRUE);
		Level().Send						(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		F_entity_Destroy					(abstract);
Ejemplo n.º 7
CSE_Abstract *CLevel::spawn_item		(LPCSTR section, const Fvector &position, u32 level_vertex_id, u16 parent_id, bool return_item)
	CSE_Abstract			*abstract = F_entity_Create(section);
	R_ASSERT3				(abstract,"Cannot find item with section",section);
	CSE_ALifeDynamicObject	*dynamic_object = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeDynamicObject*>(abstract);
	if (dynamic_object && ai().get_level_graph()) {
		dynamic_object->m_tNodeID	= level_vertex_id;
		if (ai().level_graph().valid_vertex_id(level_vertex_id) && ai().get_game_graph() && ai().get_cross_table())
			dynamic_object->m_tGraphID	= ai().cross_table().vertex(level_vertex_id).game_vertex_id();

	//оружие спавним с полным магазинои
	CSE_ALifeItemWeapon* weapon = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeItemWeapon*>(abstract);
		weapon->a_elapsed	= weapon->get_ammo_magsize();
	// Fill
	abstract->s_name		= section;
	abstract->set_name_replace	(section);
//.	abstract->s_gameid		= u8(GameID());
	abstract->o_Position	= position;
	abstract->s_RP			= 0xff;
	abstract->ID			= 0xffff;
	abstract->ID_Parent		= parent_id;
	abstract->ID_Phantom	= 0xffff;
	abstract->RespawnTime	= 0;

	if (!return_item) {
		NET_Packet				P;
		abstract->Spawn_Write	(P,TRUE);
		Send					(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		F_entity_Destroy		(abstract);
		return					(0);
		return				(abstract);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void SArtefactActivation::SpawnAnomaly()
	string128 tmp;
	LPCSTR str			= pSettings->r_string("artefact_spawn_zones",*m_af->cNameSect());
	VERIFY3(3==_GetItemCount(str),"Bad record format in artefact_spawn_zones",str);
	float zone_radius	= (float)atof(_GetItem(str,1,tmp));
	float zone_power	= (float)atof(_GetItem(str,2,tmp));
	LPCSTR zone_sect	= _GetItem(str,0,tmp); //must be last call of _GetItem... (LPCSTR !!!)

		Fvector pos;
		CSE_Abstract		*object = Level().spawn_item(	zone_sect,
		CSE_ALifeAnomalousZone*		AlifeZone = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeAnomalousZone*>(object);
		CShapeData::shape_def		_shape;
		_shape.data.sphere.P.set	(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
		_shape.data.sphere.R		= zone_radius;
		_shape.type					= CShapeData::cfSphere;
		AlifeZone->assign_shapes	(&_shape,1);
		AlifeZone->m_maxPower		= zone_power;
		AlifeZone->m_owner_id		= m_owner_id;
		AlifeZone->m_space_restrictor_type	= RestrictionSpace::eRestrictorTypeNone;

		NET_Packet					P;
		object->Spawn_Write			(P,TRUE);
		Level().Send				(P,net_flags(TRUE));
		F_entity_Destroy			(object);
#ifdef DEBUG
		Msg("artefact [%s] spawned a zone [%s] at [%f]", *m_af->cName(), zone_sect, Device.fTimeGlobal);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void xrServer::Update	()
	NET_Packet		Packet;
	u32				position;

	csPlayers.Enter	();

	VERIFY						(verify_entities());

	// game update
	game->Update	();

	// spawn queue
	u32 svT				= Device.TimerAsync();
	while (!(q_respawn.empty() || (svT<q_respawn.begin()->timestamp)))
		// get
		svs_respawn	R		= *q_respawn.begin();
		q_respawn.erase		(q_respawn.begin());

		CSE_Abstract* E	= ID_to_entity(R.phantom);
		E->Spawn_Write		(Packet,FALSE);
		u16					ID;
		Packet.r_begin		(ID);	R_ASSERT(M_SPAWN==ID);
		ClientID clientID; clientID.set(0xffff);
		Process_spawn		(Packet,clientID);

	for (u32 client=0; client<net_Players.size(); ++client)
		// Initialize process and check for available bandwidth
		xrClientData*	Client		= (xrClientData*) net_Players	[client];
		if (!Client->net_Ready)		continue;		
		if (!HasBandwidth(Client) 
#ifdef DEBUG
			&& !g_sv_SendUpdate
			)	continue;		

		// Send relevant entities to client
		// CSE_Abstract*	Base	= Client->owner;
		u16 PacketType = M_UPDATE;
		Packet.w_begin	(PacketType);

		// GameUpdate
		u32		g_it				= (Client->game_replicate_id % client_Count());
//		u32		g_id				= net_Players[g_it]->ID;
		ClientID g_id 				= net_Players[g_it]->ID;
		game->net_Export_Update		(Packet,Client->ID,g_id);

//		if (!Client->flags.bLocal)	

		if (!Client->flags.bLocal || client_Count() == 1)
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("---- UPDATE_Write to %s --- ", *(Client->Name));
#endif					// Entities
			NET_Packet tmpPacket;
			xrS_entities::iterator	I=entities.begin(),E=entities.end();
			for (; I!=E; ++I)
				CSE_Abstract&	Test = *(I->second);

				if (0==Test.owner)							continue;	// Phantom(?)
				if (!Test.net_Ready)						continue;
				if (Test.owner == Client && Client->flags.bLocal)					continue;	// Can't be relevant

				if (Test.s_flags.is(M_SPAWN_OBJECT_PHANTOM))	continue;	// Surely: phantom
				tmpPacket.B.count = 0;
				// write specific data
					tmpPacket.w_u16			(Test.ID		);
					tmpPacket.w_chunk_open8	(position		);
					Test.UPDATE_Write		(tmpPacket			);
#ifdef DEBUG
					if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("* %s : %d", Test.name(), u32(tmpPacket.w_tell()-position)-sizeof(u8));
					tmpPacket.w_chunk_close8	(position		);
					if (Packet.B.count + tmpPacket.B.count < NET_PacketSizeLimit)
						Packet.w(tmpPacket.B.data, tmpPacket.B.count);
						if (Packet.B.count > 2)	
//							if (!Client->flags.bLocal)
//								Msg ("- Server Update[%d] to Client  : %d", PacketType, Packet.B.count);
							SendTo			(Client->ID,Packet,net_flags(FALSE,TRUE));
						PacketType = M_UPDATE_OBJECTS;
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("----------------------- ");

		if (Packet.B.count > 2)	
//			if (!Client->flags.bLocal)
//				Msg ("- Server Update[%d] to Client  : %d", PacketType, Packet.B.count);
			SendTo			(Client->ID,Packet,net_flags(FALSE,TRUE));
#ifdef DEBUG
	g_sv_SendUpdate = 0;

	if (game->sv_force_sync)	Perform_game_export();

	VERIFY						(verify_entities());
	//Remove any of long time disconnected players
	for (u32 DI = 0; DI<net_Players_disconnected.size(); DI++)
		IClient* CL = net_Players_disconnected[DI];
		if (CL->dwTime_LastUpdate+g_sv_Client_Reconnect_Time*60000<Device.dwTimeGlobal)
	csPlayers.Leave	();