CSG_Grid * CLandsat_Import::Get_Band(const CSG_String &File)
	CSG_Data_Manager	tmpMgr;

	if( !tmpMgr.Add(File) || !tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0) || !tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0) )
		Error_Set(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("could not load file"), File.c_str()));

		return( NULL );

	tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0)->Set_NoData_Value(0);	// landsat 8 pretends to use a value of 65535 (2^16 - 1)

	CSG_Grid	*pBand	= NULL;

	if( !tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0)->Get_Projection().is_Okay() )
		// undefined coordinate system, nothing to do be done further...

	else if( Parameters("PROJECTION")->asInt() == 2 )	// Geographic Coordinates
		pBand	= Get_Projection((CSG_Grid *)tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0), "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84");

	else												// UTM
		CSG_Grid	*pTmp	= (CSG_Grid *)tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0);

		CSG_String	Projection	= pTmp->Get_Projection().Get_Proj4();

		if( Projection.Find("+proj=utm") >= 0
		&&  (  (Projection.Find("+south") >= 0 && Parameters("PROJECTION")->asInt() == 0)
		    || (Projection.Find("+south") <  0 && Parameters("PROJECTION")->asInt() == 1))
		&&  (pBand = SG_Create_Grid(pTmp->Get_Type(), pTmp->Get_NX(), pTmp->Get_NY(), pTmp->Get_Cellsize(),
				pTmp->Get_XMin(), pTmp->Get_YMin() + (Parameters("PROJECTION")->asInt() == 1 ? 10000000 : -10000000)
			)) != NULL )
			if( Parameters("PROJECTION")->asInt() == 1 )
				Projection.Append (" +south");
				Projection.Replace(" +south", "");

			pBand->Get_Projection().Create(Projection, SG_PROJ_FMT_Proj4);

			pBand->Set_Name              (pTmp->Get_Name());
			pBand->Set_Description       (pTmp->Get_Description());
			pBand->Set_NoData_Value_Range(pTmp->Get_NoData_Value(), pTmp->Get_NoData_hiValue());
			pBand->Set_Scaling           (pTmp->Get_Scaling(), pTmp->Get_Offset());

			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int y=0; y<pBand->Get_NY(); y++)
				for(int x=0; x<pBand->Get_NX(); x++)
					pBand->Set_Value(x, y, pTmp->asDouble(x, y));

	if( !pBand )
		pBand	= (CSG_Grid *)tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0);

		tmpMgr.Delete(tmpMgr.Get_Grid_System(0)->Get(0), true);	// make permanent, detach from temporary data manager

	return( pBand );
bool CSet_Grid_Georeference::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		return( false );

	double	xMin, yMin, size;

	switch( Parameters("DEFINITION")->asInt() )
	case 0:	// cellsize and lower left center coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble();

	case 1:	// cellsize and lower left corner coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;

	case 2:	// cellsize and upper left center coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMAX")->asDouble() - size * Get_NY();

	case 3:	// cellsize and upper left corner coordinates
		size	= Parameters("SIZE")->asDouble();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMAX")->asDouble() - size * (0.5 + Get_NY());

	case 4:	// lower left and upper right center coordinates
		size	= (Parameters("XMAX")->asDouble() - Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble()) / Get_NX();
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble();
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble();

	case 5:	// lower left and upper right corner coordinates
		size	= (Parameters("XMAX")->asDouble() - Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble()) / (Get_NX() + 1);
		xMin	= Parameters("XMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;
		yMin	= Parameters("YMIN")->asDouble() + size * 0.5;

	CSG_Grid_System	System;

	if( !System.Assign(size, xMin, yMin, Get_NX(), Get_NY()) )
		return( false );


	for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Grid	*pReferenced	= SG_Create_Grid(System, pGrid->Get_Type());

		pReferenced->Set_Scaling(pGrid->Get_Scaling(), pGrid->Get_Offset());
		pReferenced->Set_NoData_Value_Range(pGrid->Get_NoData_Value(), pGrid->Get_NoData_hiValue());
		pReferenced->Get_MetaData  ()	= pGrid->Get_MetaData  ();
		pReferenced->Get_Projection()	= pGrid->Get_Projection();

		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				pReferenced->Set_Value(x, y, pGrid->asDouble(x, y));


	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool CCRS_Transform_Grid::Transform(CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *pSources, CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *pTargets, const CSG_Grid_System &Target_System)
	if( !m_Projector.Set_Inverse(true) || !pTargets || !pSources || pSources->Get_Count() < 1 )
		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pX, *pY;

	if( (pX = m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("OUT_X")) != NULL )
		pX->Set_Name(_TL("X Coordinates"));

	if( (pY = m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("OUT_Y")) != NULL )
		pY->Set_Name(_TL("Y Coordinates"));

	bool	bGeogCS_Adjust	= m_Projector.Get_Source().Get_Type() == SG_PROJ_TYPE_CS_Geographic && pSources->asGrid(0)->Get_System().Get_XMax() > 180.0;

	Set_Target_Area(pSources->asGrid(0)->Get_System(), Target_System);

	bool	bKeepType	= m_Resampling == GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour || Parameters("KEEP_TYPE")->asBool();

	int	i, n	= pTargets->Get_Count();

	for(i=0; i<pSources->Get_Count(); i++)
		CSG_Grid	*pSource	= pSources->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Grid	*pTarget	= SG_Create_Grid(Target_System, bKeepType ? pSource->Get_Type() : SG_DATATYPE_Float);

		if( pTarget )

			pTarget->Set_NoData_Value_Range (pSource->Get_NoData_Value(), pSource->Get_NoData_hiValue());
			pTarget->Set_Scaling            (pSource->Get_Scaling(), pSource->Get_Offset());
			pTarget->Set_Name               (pSource->Get_Name());
			pTarget->Set_Unit               (pSource->Get_Unit());

			CSG_Parameters Parms; if( DataObject_Get_Parameters(pSource, Parms) ) { DataObject_Add(pTarget); DataObject_Set_Parameters(pTarget, Parms); }

	for(int y=0; y<Target_System.Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Target_System.Get_NY()); y++)
		double	yTarget	= Target_System.Get_YMin() + y * Target_System.Get_Cellsize();

	//	#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
		for(int x=0; x<Target_System.Get_NX(); x++)
			double	z, ySource, xSource	= Target_System.Get_XMin() + x * Target_System.Get_Cellsize();

			if( is_In_Target_Area(x, y) && m_Projector.Get_Projection(xSource, ySource = yTarget) )
				if( bGeogCS_Adjust )
					if( xSource < 0.0 )
						xSource	+= 360.0;
					else if( xSource >= 360.0 )
						xSource	-= 360.0;

				if( pX ) pX->Set_Value(x, y, xSource);
				if( pY ) pY->Set_Value(x, y, ySource);

				for(i=0; i<pSources->Get_Count(); i++)
					if( pSources->asGrid(i)->Get_Value(xSource, ySource, z, m_Resampling, false, true) )
						pTargets->asGrid(n + i)->Set_Value(x, y, z);


	return( true );