Ejemplo n.º 1
CScriptArray* ContainerToScriptArray(const char* odecl, C& container)
    ScriptEngine* engine = ScriptEngine::GetPtr();
    size_t size = 0; //size of container.
    size_t i = 0; //for index.
    void* ptr = nullptr; //holds the individual element.
    asIObjectType* objtype = nullptr; //holds declaration.
    CScriptArray* ret  = nullptr;

    size = container.size();
    objtype = engine->GetBaseEngine()->GetObjectTypeByDecl(odecl);
    ret = CScriptArray::Create(objtype, size);

//we do the actual copy.
    for (auto it: container)
            ptr = ⁢
            ret->SetValue(i, ptr);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		CScriptArray *MainScreenHelper::GetServerList(std::string sortKey, bool descending) {
			if (result == NULL) {
				return NULL;

			using Item = const Handle<MainScreenServerItem> &;
			std::vector<Handle<MainScreenServerItem>> &lst = result->list;
			if (lst.empty())
				return NULL;

			auto compareFavorite = [&](Item x, Item y) -> stmp::optional<bool> {
				if (x->IsFavorite() && !y->IsFavorite()) {
					return true;
				} else if (!x->IsFavorite() && y->IsFavorite()) {
					return false;
				} else {
					return {};

			auto compareInts = [&](int x, int y) -> bool {
				if (descending) {
					return y < x;
				} else {
					return x < y;

			auto compareStrings = [&](const std::string &x0, const std::string &y0) -> bool {
				const auto &x = descending ? y0 : x0;
				const auto &y = descending ? x0 : y0;
				std::string::size_type t = 0;
				for (t = 0; t < x.length() && t < y.length(); ++t) {
					int xx = std::tolower(x[t]);
					int yy = std::tolower(y[t]);
					if (xx != yy) {
						return xx < yy;
				if (x.length() == y.length()) {
					return false;
				return x.length() < y.length();

			if (!sortKey.empty()) {
				if (sortKey == "Ping") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareInts(x->GetPing(), y->GetPing()));
				} else if (sortKey == "NumPlayers") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareInts(x->GetNumPlayers(), y->GetNumPlayers()));
				} else if (sortKey == "Name") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareStrings(x->GetName(), y->GetName()));
				} else if (sortKey == "MapName") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareStrings(x->GetMapName(), y->GetMapName()));
				} else if (sortKey == "GameMode") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareStrings(x->GetGameMode(), y->GetGameMode()));
				} else if (sortKey == "Protocol") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareStrings(x->GetProtocol(), y->GetProtocol()));
				} else if (sortKey == "Country") {
					std::stable_sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), [&](Item x, Item y) {
						return compareFavorite(x, y).value_or(
						  compareStrings(x->GetCountry(), y->GetCountry()));
				} else {
					SPRaise("Invalid sort key: %s", sortKey.c_str());

			asIScriptEngine *eng = ScriptManager::GetInstance()->GetEngine();
			asITypeInfo *t = eng->GetTypeInfoByDecl("array<spades::MainScreenServerItem@>");
			SPAssert(t != NULL);
			CScriptArray *arr = CScriptArray::Create(t, static_cast<asUINT>(lst.size()));
			for (size_t i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
				arr->SetValue((asUINT)i, &(lst[i]));
			return arr;