Ejemplo n.º 1
static void s_ReadSocket(CSocket& sock, void* buffer,
        size_t buffer_size, size_t* bytes_read)
    EIO_Status status;

    while ((status = sock.Read(buffer,
            buffer_size, bytes_read)) == eIO_Interrupt)
        /* no-op */;

    if (status != eIO_Success) {
        // eIO_Timeout, eIO_Closed, eIO_InvalidArg,
        // eIO_NotSupported, eIO_Unknown
        NCBI_THROW_FMT(CNetStorageException, eIOError,
                "I/O error while reading from NetStorage server " <<
                        sock.GetPeerAddress() << ". "
                "Socket status: " << IO_StatusStr(status) << '.');
Ejemplo n.º 2
CString ExecuteHTTPGet (const CString &sInput)
	//	Parse the input

	char *pPos = sInput.GetParsePointer() + STR_HTTP_GET_PREFIX.GetLength();

	//	Parse the URL

	CString sHost;
	CString sPath;
	if (!urlParse(pPos, NULL, &sHost, &sPath))
		return CString("Invalid URL.");

	//	If no host, then local host

	if (sHost.IsEmpty())
		sHost = CString("localhost");

	//	Connect

	CSocket theSocket;
	if (!theSocket.Connect(sHost, 80))
		return strPattern("Unable to connect to: %s.", sHost);

	//	Compose a request

	CHTTPMessage Request;
	Request.InitRequest(CString("GET"), sPath);
	Request.AddHeader(HEADER_HOST, sHost);
	Request.AddHeader(HEADER_CONNECTION, CString("keep-alive"));
	Request.AddHeader(HEADER_USER_AGENT, CString("AI1/1.0 (This is a test of the header parsing system in Hexarc. There is probably a bug in which splitting the header across packets will cause failure of the HTTP parsing engine.)"));
	Request.AddHeader(HEADER_USER_AGENT, CString("AI1/1.0"));

	//	Send the request

	CBuffer Buffer(4096);

	int iTotalLen = Buffer.GetLength();
	int iSplit = 105;

	if (iSplit < iTotalLen)
		printf("Split at %d bytes\n", iSplit);
		CString sPart(Buffer.GetPointer(), iSplit);
		printf("%s\n", (LPSTR)sPart);

		theSocket.Write(Buffer.GetPointer(), iSplit);
		theSocket.Write(Buffer.GetPointer() + iSplit, iTotalLen - iSplit);
		theSocket.Write(Buffer.GetPointer(), Buffer.GetLength());
	theSocket.Write(Buffer.GetPointer(), Buffer.GetLength());

	//	Now read the response. We build up a buffer to hold it.

	CHTTPMessage Response;
	CBuffer ResponseBuff;

	//	Keep reading until we've got enough (or until the connection drops)

	while (!Response.IsMessageComplete())
		CBuffer TempBuffer(8192);

		//	Read

		int iBytesRead = theSocket.Read(TempBuffer.GetPointer(), 8192);

		//	If we're no making progress, then we're done

		if (iBytesRead == 0)
			return strPattern("Unable to read entire message.");

		//	Add to entire buffer

		ResponseBuff.Write(TempBuffer.GetPointer(), iBytesRead);

		//	Parse to see if we're done

		if (!Response.InitFromPartialBuffer(TempBuffer))
			return strPattern("Unable to parse HTTP message.");

	//	Done


	return CString(ResponseBuff.GetPointer(), ResponseBuff.GetLength());