Ejemplo n.º 1
// Return file contents as an array of lines. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// lines = readFileLines(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
CScriptVal JSI_VFS::ReadFileLines(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, std::wstring filename)
	// read file
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// split into array of strings (one per line)

	std::stringstream ss(contents);

	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSObject* line_array = JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL);

	std::string line;
	int cur_line = 0;
	while (std::getline(ss, line))
		// Decode each line as UTF-8
		JS::RootedValue val(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, val.get(), CStr(line).FromUTF8());
		JS_SetElement(cx, line_array, cur_line++, val.address());

	return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( line_array );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Return file contents as an array of lines. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// lines = readFileLines(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
JS::Value JSI_VFS::ReadFileLines(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& filename)
	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
	// read file
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// split into array of strings (one per line)

	std::stringstream ss(contents);
	JS::RootedObject line_array(cx, JS_NewArrayObject(cx, JS::HandleValueArray::empty()));
	std::string line;
	int cur_line = 0;

	while (std::getline(ss, line))
		// Decode each line as UTF-8
		JS::RootedValue val(cx);
		ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &val, CStr(line).FromUTF8());
		JS_SetElement(cx, line_array, cur_line++, val);

	return JS::ObjectValue(*line_array);
Ejemplo n.º 3
	virtual void Reload()

		CVFSFile vertexFile;
		if (vertexFile.Load(g_VFS, m_VertexFile) != PSRETURN_OK)

		CVFSFile fragmentFile;
		if (fragmentFile.Load(g_VFS, m_FragmentFile) != PSRETURN_OK)

		CPreprocessorWrapper preprocessor;

		// GLES defines the macro "GL_ES" in its GLSL preprocessor,
		// but since we run our own preprocessor first, we need to explicitly
		// define it here
		preprocessor.AddDefine("GL_ES", "1");

		CStr vertexCode = preprocessor.Preprocess(vertexFile.GetAsString());
		CStr fragmentCode = preprocessor.Preprocess(fragmentFile.GetAsString());

		// Ugly hack to replace desktop GLSL 1.10/1.20 with GLSL ES 1.00,
		// and also to set default float precision for fragment shaders
		vertexCode.Replace("#version 110\n", "#version 100\n");
		vertexCode.Replace("#version 110\r\n", "#version 100\n");
		vertexCode.Replace("#version 120\n", "#version 100\n");
		vertexCode.Replace("#version 120\r\n", "#version 100\n");
		fragmentCode.Replace("#version 110\n", "#version 100\nprecision mediump float;\n");
		fragmentCode.Replace("#version 110\r\n", "#version 100\nprecision mediump float;\n");
		fragmentCode.Replace("#version 120\n", "#version 100\nprecision mediump float;\n");
		fragmentCode.Replace("#version 120\r\n", "#version 100\nprecision mediump float;\n");

		if (!Compile(m_VertexShader, m_VertexFile, vertexCode))

		if (!Compile(m_FragmentShader, m_FragmentFile, fragmentCode))

		if (!Link())

		m_IsValid = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Return file contents in a string. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// contents = readFile(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
CScriptVal JSI_VFS::ReadFile(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, std::wstring filename)
	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JSVAL_NULL;

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// Decode as UTF-8
	return ScriptInterface::ToJSVal( pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext(), contents.FromUTF8() );
Ejemplo n.º 5
/// \brief Reads Line 2a.   WELLID,NNODES
void ProcessorMNW2::impl::ReadLn2a (std::fstream& a_is,
                                    std::fstream& a_os)
  std::string line;
  std::getline(a_is, line);
  a_os << line << "\n";

  CStr str = line.c_str();
  str.Replace('\'', '\"');
  EReadAsciiFile e;
  Mnw2Well w;
} // ProcessorMNW2::impl::ReadLn2a
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Return file contents in a string. Assume file is UTF-8 encoded text.
// contents = readFile(filename);
//   filename: VFS filename (may include path)
JS::Value JSI_VFS::ReadFile(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& filename)
	JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);

	CVFSFile file;
	if (file.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
		return JS::NullValue();

	CStr contents = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

	// Fix CRLF line endings. (This function will only ever be used on text files.)
	contents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

	// Decode as UTF-8
	JS::RootedValue ret(cx);
	ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &ret, contents.FromUTF8());
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
BOOL CMortScriptApp::InitInstance()
    SetRegistryKey( L"Mort" );

	CParseCmdLine myCmdLine;
	myCmdLine.ParseCmdLine( m_lpCmdLine );


	ExecuteFileName = exe;

    CStr file = myCmdLine.Filename; // m_lpCmdLine;
    // file.TrimLeft( '\"' ); file.TrimRight( '\"' );

    if ( myCmdLine.RegOnly || file.IsEmpty() )
        RegisterFileType( L".jscr", L"JScripts" );
        RegisterFileType( L".mscr", L"JScripts" );
		if ( !myCmdLine.RegOnly )
			MessageBox( NULL
					  , L".jscr and .mscr extensions registered.\nPlease run any .jscr/.mscr file or read the manual.\n\n"
						L"(c) Mirko Schenk 2005-2007"
					  , L"JScripts V" + CStr( VERSION_INFO )
		if (   file.GetLength() >= 4
			/* file.GetLength() >= 8 && file.Right(8).CompareNoCase( L".mortrun" ) == 0
			|| file.GetLength() >= 5 && file.Right(5).CompareNoCase( L".mscr" ) == 0 */
            CStr mutexName = file;
#ifdef DESKTOP
			// Windows XP doesn't like some path characters in the mutex' name
			mutexName.Replace( ':', '_' );
			mutexName.Replace( '\\', '/' );
          MutexName = (LPCTSTR)mutexName;

	        HANDLE mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, MutexName);

            if ( mutex!=NULL )
				int exists = ::GetLastError();
		        if ( exists == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
					DWORD procId = GetRunningScriptProcId( file );

					if ( procId != NULL )
						 CString msg;
						 msg.Format( L"Process ID: %08x", procId );
						 MessageBox( NULL, msg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );

						FindAppT findApp;
						findApp.procId = procId;
						findApp.hWnd   = NULL;
						::EnumWindows( FindApplicationWindowProc, (LPARAM)&findApp );
						if ( findApp.hWnd != NULL )
							// msg.Format( L"Set foreground window: %08x", findApp.hWnd );
							// MessageBox( NULL, msg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
							::SetForegroundWindow( findApp.hWnd );
						exists = 0;

					//MessageBox( NULL, L"Process opened", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
						TCHAR procName[256];
						//MessageBox( NULL, procName, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
						if ( CString(procName).Right(14).CompareNoCase( L"MortScript.exe" ) == 0 )
							int aw = MessageBox( NULL
											   , L"Script seems to be running. Cancel old script?"
											   , L"Script already running"
							if ( aw == IDYES )
								RegWriteDW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Abort", MutexName, 1 );
								DWORD exitCode = 0;
								for ( int i=0; i<=10; i++ )
									if ( GetExitCodeProcess( hProc, &exitCode ) == FALSE )
										//MessageBox( NULL, L"GetExitCode failed", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
										exitCode = 0;
										if ( exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE )
											//MessageBox( NULL, L"No longer active", L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );
								if ( exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE )
									int aw = MessageBox( NULL
													   , L"Script seems to be hanging or busy. Terminate old script?"
													   , L"Script still running"
									if ( aw == IDYES )
										TerminateProcess( hProc, 0 );
							exists = 0;

						CloseHandle( hProc );
						exists = 0;

                if ( exists != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
	                HKEY    key;
	                if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, 0, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
                        RegDeleteValue( key, MutexName );
		                RegCloseKey( key );

					DWORD currProcId = GetCurrentProcessId();
					//CString dbg;
					//dbg.Format(L"ProcId: %d", GetCurrentProcessId());
					//MessageBox( NULL, dbg, L"Debug", MB_SETFOREGROUND );

					// Remove old script entries with same process id
	                if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, 0, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
						int   idx;
						TCHAR valName[MAX_PATH];
						DWORD valSize = MAX_PATH, type;
						DWORD value, valueSize = sizeof(DWORD);

						CStrArray oldProcesses;
						for ( idx = 0; RegEnumValue( key, idx, valName, &valSize, NULL, &type, (BYTE*)&value, &valueSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS; idx++ )
							if ( type == REG_DWORD && value == currProcId )
								oldProcesses.Add( valName );
							valSize = MAX_PATH;
							valueSize = sizeof(DWORD);

						for ( idx = 0; idx < oldProcesses.GetSize(); idx++ )
							RegDeleteValue( key, oldProcesses.GetAt(idx) );

		                RegCloseKey( key );

					RegWriteDW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", MutexName, currProcId );

					if ( myCmdLine.WaitForFile > 0 && (long)FileOrDirExists( file, 0 ) == 0 )
						CDlgWait wait(NULL);
						wait.AllowOK = TRUE;
						wait.Countdown = myCmdLine.WaitForFile;
						wait.Expression = L"FileExists(\"" + file + L"\")";
						wait.Title = L"JScripts";
						wait.m_Label = L"Script " + file + " not found, waiting for existance (storage card not initialized?)";

					if ( myCmdLine.WaitForFile <= 0 || (long)FileOrDirExists( file, 0 ) == 1 )
						g_hInst = theApp.m_hInstance;

						SYSTEMTIME now;
						GetLocalTime( &now );
						long seed = SystemTimeToUnixTime( now );
						srand( seed );

						AppPath = m_pszHelpFilePath;
						AppPath = AppPath.Left( AppPath.ReverseFind('\\') );

						ScriptAborted = CreateEvent( 0, TRUE, FALSE, CStr(MutexName)+L"ScriptAborted" );
					    StatusDialog = new CDlgStatus( file );

						CInterpreter interpreter;

						interpreter.RunFile( file );
						//jwz:modi end

						if ( StatusWindow != NULL )
							StatusDialog->ScriptFinished = TRUE;
							SendMessage( StatusWindow, WM_EXIT_STATUS, 0, 0 );
							WaitForSingleObject( StatusDialogFinished, INFINITE );
							CloseHandle( StatusDialogFinished );

						delete StatusDialog;


						CloseHandle( ScriptAborted );
						ReleaseMutex( mutex );

						for ( int i = 0; i<LocalVariablesStack.GetSize(); i++ )
							delete (CMapStrToValue*)LocalVariablesStack.GetAt(i);

						POSITION pos = FileHandles.GetStartPosition();
						CStr key; void *value;
						while ( pos != 0 )
							FileHandles.GetNextAssoc( pos, key, value );
							if ( value != NULL )
								delete (CFileInfo*)value;

						if ( ChoiceFont != NULL ) DeleteObject( ChoiceFont );
						if ( StatusListFont != NULL ) DeleteObject( StatusListFont );

					if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\JScripts\\Processes", 0, KEY_WRITE, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
                        RegDeleteValue( key, MutexName );
		                RegCloseKey( key );
                CloseHandle( mutex );
				int error = ::GetLastError();
				MessageBox( NULL
						  , L"Error creating mutex"
						  , L"JScripts"
			MessageBox( NULL
					  , L"Invalid file type for MortScript"
					  , L"JScripts"

	// Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the
	//  application, rather than start the application's message pump.
	return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void CGUI::Xeromyces_ReadObject(XMBElement Element, CXeromyces* pFile, IGUIObject *pParent, const std::vector<std::pair<CStr, CStr> >& NameSubst, boost::unordered_set<VfsPath>& Paths)
	int i;

	// Our object we are going to create
	IGUIObject *object = NULL;

	XMBAttributeList attributes = Element.GetAttributes();

	// Well first of all we need to determine the type
	CStr type (attributes.GetNamedItem(pFile->GetAttributeID("type")));
	if (type.empty())
		type = "empty";

	// Construct object from specified type
	//  henceforth, we need to do a rollback before aborting.
	//  i.e. releasing this object
	object = ConstructObject(type);

	if (!object)
		// Report error that object was unsuccessfully loaded
		LOGERROR(L"GUI: Unrecognized object type \"%hs\"", type.c_str());

	// Cache some IDs for element attribute names, to avoid string comparisons
	#define ELMT(x) int elmt_##x = pFile->GetElementID(#x)
	#define ATTR(x) int attr_##x = pFile->GetAttributeID(#x)

	//	Read Style and set defaults
	//	If the setting "style" is set, try loading that setting.
	//	Always load default (if it's available) first!
	CStr argStyle (attributes.GetNamedItem(attr_style));

	if (m_Styles.count("default") == 1)
		object->LoadStyle(*this, "default");

	if (! argStyle.empty())
		// additional check
		if (m_Styles.count(argStyle) == 0)
			LOGERROR(L"GUI: Trying to use style '%hs' that doesn't exist.", argStyle.c_str());
		else object->LoadStyle(*this, argStyle);

	//	Read Attributes

	bool NameSet = false;
	bool ManuallySetZ = false; // if z has been manually set, this turn true

	CStr hotkeyTag;

	// Now we can iterate all attributes and store
	for (i=0; i<attributes.Count; ++i)
		XMBAttribute attr = attributes.Item(i);

		// If value is "null", then it is equivalent as never being entered
		if (CStr(attr.Value) == "null")

		// Ignore "type" and "style", we've already checked it
		if (attr.Name == attr_type || attr.Name == attr_style)

		// Also the name needs some special attention
		if (attr.Name == attr_name)
			CStr name (attr.Value);

			// Apply the requested substitutions
			for (size_t j = 0; j < NameSubst.size(); ++j)
				name.Replace(NameSubst[j].first, NameSubst[j].second);

			NameSet = true;

		// Wire up the hotkey tag, if it has one
		if (attr.Name == attr_hotkey)
			hotkeyTag = attr.Value;

		if (attr.Name == attr_z)
			ManuallySetZ = true;

		// Try setting the value
		if (object->SetSetting(pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name), attr.Value.FromUTF8(), true) != PSRETURN_OK)
			LOGERROR(L"GUI: (object: %hs) Can't set \"%hs\" to \"%ls\"", object->GetPresentableName().c_str(), pFile->GetAttributeString(attr.Name).c_str(), attr.Value.FromUTF8().c_str());

			// This is not a fatal error

	// Check if name isn't set, generate an internal name in that case.
	if (!NameSet)
		object->SetName("__internal(" + CStr::FromInt(m_InternalNameNumber) + ")");

	// Attempt to register the hotkey tag, if one was provided
	if (! hotkeyTag.empty())

	CStrW caption (Element.GetText().FromUTF8());
	if (! caption.empty())
		// Set the setting caption to this
		object->SetSetting("caption", caption, true);

		// There is no harm if the object didn't have a "caption"

	//	Read Children

	// Iterate children
	XMBElementList children = Element.GetChildNodes();

	for (i=0; i<children.Count; ++i)
		// Get node
		XMBElement child = children.Item(i);

		// Check what name the elements got
		int element_name = child.GetNodeName();

		if (element_name == elmt_object)
			// Call this function on the child
			Xeromyces_ReadObject(child, pFile, object, NameSubst, Paths);
		else if (element_name == elmt_action)
			// Scripted <action> element

			// Check for a 'file' parameter
			CStrW filename (child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_file).FromUTF8());

			CStr code;

			// If there is a file, open it and use it as the code
			if (! filename.empty())
				CVFSFile scriptfile;
				if (scriptfile.Load(g_VFS, filename) != PSRETURN_OK)
					LOGERROR(L"Error opening GUI script action file '%ls'", filename.c_str());
					throw PSERROR_GUI_JSOpenFailed();

				code = scriptfile.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8

			// Read the inline code (concatenating to the file code, if both are specified)
			code += CStr(child.GetText());

			CStr action = CStr(child.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(attr_on));
			// We need to set the GUI this object belongs to because RegisterScriptHandler requires an associated GUI.
			object->RegisterScriptHandler(action.LowerCase(), code, this);
		else if (element_name == elmt_repeat)
			Xeromyces_ReadRepeat(child, pFile, object, Paths);
			// Try making the object read the tag.
			if (!object->HandleAdditionalChildren(child, pFile))
				LOGERROR(L"GUI: (object: %hs) Reading unknown children for its type", object->GetPresentableName().c_str());

	//	Check if Z wasn't manually set
	if (!ManuallySetZ)
		// Set it automatically to 10 plus its parents
		bool absolute;
		GUI<bool>::GetSetting(object, "absolute", absolute);

		// If the object is absolute, we'll have to get the parent's Z buffered,
		//  and add to that!
		if (absolute)
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", pParent->GetBufferedZ() + 10.f, true);
		// If the object is relative, then we'll just store Z as "10"
			GUI<float>::SetSetting(object, "z", 10.f, true);

	//	Input Child

		if (pParent == m_BaseObject)
	catch (PSERROR_GUI& e)
		LOGERROR(L"GUI error: %hs", e.what());