Ejemplo n.º 1
void RageTexture::GetFrameDimensionsFromFileName( CString sPath, int* piFramesWide, int* piFramesHigh )
	*piFramesWide = *piFramesHigh = 1;	// set default values in case we don't find the dimension in the file name


	const CString sFName = SetExtension( sPath, "" );

	CStringArray arrayBits;
	split( sFName, " ", arrayBits, false );

	/* XXX: allow dims to be in parens */
	for( unsigned i=0; i<arrayBits.size(); i++ )
		CString &sBit = arrayBits[ i ];	
		// Test to see if it looks like "%ux%u" (e.g. 16x8)

		CStringArray arrayDimensionsBits;
		split( sBit, "x", arrayDimensionsBits, false );

		if( arrayDimensionsBits.size() != 2 )
		else if( !IsAnInt(arrayDimensionsBits[0]) || !IsAnInt(arrayDimensionsBits[1]) )

		*piFramesWide = atoi(arrayDimensionsBits[0]);
		*piFramesHigh = atoi(arrayDimensionsBits[1]);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void Dialog::Init()
	if( g_pImpl != NULL )

	CString drivers = "win32,cocoa,null";
	CStringArray DriversToTry;
	split(drivers, ",", DriversToTry, true);

	ASSERT( DriversToTry.size() != 0 );

	CString Driver;
	for( unsigned i = 0; g_pImpl == NULL && i < DriversToTry.size(); ++i )
		try {
			Driver = DriversToTry[i];

#if defined(HAVE_DIALOG_WIN32)
			if( !DriversToTry[i].CompareNoCase("Win32") ) g_pImpl = new DialogDriver_Win32;
			if( !DriversToTry[i].CompareNoCase("Null") ) g_pImpl = new DialogDriver_Null;
		catch( const RageException &e )
			if( LOG )
				LOG->Info("Couldn't load driver %s: %s", DriversToTry[i].c_str(), e.what());

	/* DialogDriver_Null should have worked, at least. */
	ASSERT( g_pImpl != NULL );
void RageFileManager::GetDirListing( CString sPath, CStringArray &AddTo, bool bOnlyDirs, bool bReturnPathToo )
	LockMut( *g_Mutex );

	NormalizePath( sPath );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < g_Drivers.size(); ++i )
		LoadedDriver &ld = g_Drivers[i];
		const CString p = ld.GetPath( sPath );
		if( p.size() == 0 )

		const unsigned OldStart = AddTo.size();
		g_Drivers[i].driver->GetDirListing( p, AddTo, bOnlyDirs, bReturnPathToo );

		/* If returning the path, prepend the mountpoint name to the files this driver returned. */
		if( bReturnPathToo )
			for( unsigned j = OldStart; j < AddTo.size(); ++j )
				AddTo[j] = ld.MountPoint + AddTo[j];

	/* More than one driver might return the same file.  Remove duplicates (case-
	 * insensitively). */
	sort( AddTo.begin(), AddTo.end(), ilt );
	CStringArray::iterator it = unique( AddTo.begin(), AddTo.end(), ieq );
	AddTo.erase(it, AddTo.end());
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool RandomSample::LoadSoundDir( CString sDir, int iMaxToLoad )
	if( sDir == "" )
		return true;

#if 0
	/* (don't want to do this just yet) */
	/* If this is actually a directory, add a backslash to the filename,
	 * so we'll look for eg. themes\Default\sounds\sDir\*.mp3.  Otherwise,
	 * don't, so we'll look for all of the files starting with sDir,
	 * eg. themes\Default\sounds\sDir*.mp3. */
	if(IsADirectory(sDir) && sDir[sDir.GetLength()-1] != "/" )
		sDir += "/";
	// make sure there's a slash at the end of this path
	if( sDir.Right(1) != "/" )
		sDir += "/";

	CStringArray arraySoundFiles;
	GetDirListing( sDir + "*.mp3", arraySoundFiles );
	GetDirListing( sDir + "*.ogg", arraySoundFiles );
	GetDirListing( sDir + "*.wav", arraySoundFiles );

	random_shuffle( arraySoundFiles.begin(), arraySoundFiles.end() );
	arraySoundFiles.resize( min( arraySoundFiles.size(), (unsigned)iMaxToLoad ) );

	for( unsigned i=0; i<arraySoundFiles.size(); i++ )
		LoadSound( sDir + arraySoundFiles[i] );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void EditMetricsDlg::RefreshTree()

	iniBase.SetPath( "Themes\\default\\metrics.ini" );

	iniTheme.SetPath( "Themes\\"+m_sTheme+"\\metrics.ini" );

	IniFile iniCombined;
	iniCombined.SetPath( "Themes\\default\\metrics.ini" );
	iniCombined.SetPath( "Themes\\"+m_sTheme+"\\metrics.ini" );

	CStringArray asKeys;
	IniFile::const_iterator it;
	for( it = iniCombined.begin(); it != iniCombined.end(); ++it )
		asKeys.push_back( it->first );
	SortCStringArray( asKeys );

	for( unsigned i=0; i<asKeys.size(); i++ )
		CString sKey = asKeys[i];
		bool bInBase = iniBase.GetKey(sKey) != NULL;
		bool bInTheme = iniTheme.GetKey(sKey) != NULL;

		HTREEITEM item1 = m_tree.InsertItem( sKey );
		SET_ITEM_STYLE( item1, bInBase, bInTheme );

		const IniFile::key* pKey = iniCombined.GetKey( sKey );
		CStringArray asNames;
		for( IniFile::key::const_iterator val = pKey->begin(); val != pKey->end(); ++val )
			CString sName = val->first, sValue = val->second;
			asNames.push_back( sName );
		SortCStringArray( asNames );

		for( unsigned j=0; j<asNames.size(); j++ )
			CString sName = asNames[j];
			CString sValue;
			iniCombined.GetValue( sKey, sName, sValue );

			CString sThrowAway;
			bool bInBase = !!iniBase.GetValue( sKey, sName, sThrowAway );
			bool bInTheme = !!iniTheme.GetValue( sKey, sName, sThrowAway );

			HTREEITEM item2 = m_tree.InsertItem( sName, item1 );
			SET_ITEM_STYLE( item2, bInBase, bInTheme );
void RageFileManager::MountInitialFilesystems()
	/* Add file search paths, higher priority first. */
#if defined(XBOX)
	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", "D:\\", "" );
#elif defined(LINUX)
	/* Absolute paths.  This is rarely used, eg. by Alsa9Buf::GetSoundCardDebugInfo(). 
	 * All paths that start with a slash (eg. "/proc") should use this, so put it
	 * first. */
	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", "/", "/" );
	/* We can almost do this, to have machine profiles be system-global to eg. share
	 * scores.  It would need to handle permissions properly. */
/*	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", "/var/lib/games/stepmania", "Data/Profiles" ); */
	// CString Home = getenv( "HOME" ) + "/" + PRODUCT_NAME;

	 * Next: path to write general mutable user data.  If the above path fails (eg.
	 * wrong permissions, doesn't exist), machine memcard data will also go in here. 
	 * XXX: It seems silly to have two ~ directories.  If we're going to create a
	 * directory on our own, it seems like it should be a dot directory, but it
	 * seems wrong to put lots of data (eg. music) in one.  Hmm. 
	/* XXX: create */
/*	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", Home + "." PRODUCT_NAME, "Data" ); */

	/* Next, search ~/StepMania.  This is where users can put music, themes, etc. */
	/* RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", Home + PRODUCT_NAME, "" ); */

	/* Search for a directory with "Songs" in it.  Be careful: the CWD is likely to
	 * be ~, and it's possible that some users will have a ~/Songs/ directory that
	 * has nothing to do with us, so check the initial directory last. */
	CString Root = "";
	struct stat st;
	if( Root == "" && !stat( DirOfExecutable + "/Songs", &st ) && st.st_mode&S_IFDIR )
		Root = DirOfExecutable;
	if( Root == "" && !stat( InitialWorkingDirectory + "/Songs", &st ) && st.st_mode&S_IFDIR )
		Root = InitialWorkingDirectory;
	if( Root == "" )
		RageException::Throw( "Couldn't find \"Songs\"" );
	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", Root, "" );
#elif defined(_WINDOWS)
	/* All Windows data goes in the directory one level above the executable. */
	CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf( "DOE \"%s\"", DirOfExecutable.c_str()) );
	CStringArray parts;
	split( DirOfExecutable, "/", parts );
	CHECKPOINT_M( ssprintf( "... %i parts", parts.size()) );
	ASSERT_M( parts.size() > 1, ssprintf("Strange DirOfExecutable: %s", DirOfExecutable.c_str()) );
	CString Dir = join( "/", parts.begin(), parts.end()-1 );
	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", Dir, "" );
	/* Paths relative to the CWD: */
	RageFileManager::Mount( "dir", ".", "" );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool CUnit::HasDateRef(CDate* dateRef /*= NULL*/, CStringArray* array /*= NULL*/) const
  if (!IsDate())
    return false;

  CStringArray ar;

  ar.ExtractStrings(GetText().c_str(), ' ');

  size_t len = ar.size();

  if (len <= 2)
    return false;

  int32_t index = ar.FindIndex("since");

  if (index < 0)
    return false;

  CDate dateTmp;

  int32_t result = BRATHL_ERROR;
  std::string strDate;

  for (uint32_t i = index + 1 ; i < ar.size() ; i++)
    strDate.append(" ");


  strDate = CTools::StringTrim(strDate);
  result = dateTmp.SetDate(strDate.c_str());

  if (result == BRATHL_SUCCESS)
    if (dateRef != NULL)
      *dateRef = dateTmp;
  if (array != NULL)

  return (result == BRATHL_SUCCESS);
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Add the list named "ListName" to the given row/handler. */
void ScreenOptionsMaster::SetList( OptionRowData &row, OptionRowHandler &hand, const CString &ListName, CString &TitleOut )
	hand.type = ROW_LIST;

	TitleOut = ListName;
	if( !ListName.CompareNoCase("noteskins") )
		hand.Default.Init(); /* none */
		row.bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = false;

		CStringArray arraySkinNames;
		NOTESKIN->GetNoteSkinNames( arraySkinNames );
		ModeChoice mc;
		for( unsigned skin=0; skin<arraySkinNames.size(); skin++ )
			mc.m_sModifiers = arraySkinNames[skin];
			hand.ListEntries.push_back( mc );
			row.choices.push_back( arraySkinNames[skin] );

	hand.Default.Load( -1, ENTRY_DEFAULT(ListName) );

	/* Parse the basic configuration metric. */
	CStringArray asParts;
	split( ENTRY(ListName), ",", asParts );
	if( asParts.size() < 1 )
		RageException::Throw( "Parse error in ScreenOptionsMasterEntries::ListName%s", ListName.c_str() );

	row.bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = false;
	const int NumCols = atoi( asParts[0] );
	for( unsigned i=0; i<asParts.size(); i++ )
		if( asParts[i].CompareNoCase("together") == 0 )
			row.bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = true;
		else if( asParts[i].CompareNoCase("multiselect") == 0 )
			row.bMultiSelect = true;

	for( int col = 0; col < NumCols; ++col )
		ModeChoice mc;
		mc.Load( 0, ENTRY_MODE(ListName, col) );
		if( mc.m_sName == "" )
			RageException::Throw( "List \"%s\", col %i has no name", ListName.c_str(), col );

		if( !mc.IsPlayable() )

		hand.ListEntries.push_back( mc );

		CString sChoice = ENTRY_NAME(mc.m_sName);
		row.choices.push_back( sChoice );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ParsedCommand::Set( const CString &sCommand )
	CStringArray vsTokens;
	split( sCommand, ",", vsTokens, false );	// don't ignore empty

	vTokens.resize( vsTokens.size() );

	for( unsigned j=0; j<vsTokens.size(); j++ )
		vTokens[j].Set( vsTokens[j] );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void ParseCommands( const CString &sCommands, vector<ParsedCommand> &vCommandsOut )
	CStringArray vsCommands;
	split( sCommands, ";", vsCommands, true );	// do ignore empty
	vCommandsOut.resize( vsCommands.size() );
	for( unsigned i=0; i<vsCommands.size(); i++ )
		vCommandsOut[i].Set( vsCommands[i] );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void RageMatrixCommand( CString sCommandString, RageMatrix &mat )
	CStringArray asCommands;
	split( sCommandString, ";", asCommands, true );
	for( unsigned c=0; c<asCommands.size(); c++ )
		CStringArray asTokens;
		split( asCommands[c], ",", asTokens, true );

		int iMaxIndexAccessed = 0;

#define sParam(i) (GetParam(asTokens,i,iMaxIndexAccessed))
#define fParam(i) (strtof(sParam(i),NULL))
#define iParam(i) (atoi(sParam(i)))
#define bParam(i) (iParam(i)!=0)

		CString& sName = asTokens[0];

		RageMatrix b;
		// Act on command
		if( sName=="x" )					RageMatrixTranslation( &b, fParam(1),0,0 );
		else if( sName=="y" )				RageMatrixTranslation( &b, 0,fParam(1),0 );
		else if( sName=="z" )				RageMatrixTranslation( &b, 0,0,fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="zoomx" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, fParam(1),1,1 );
		else if( sName=="zoomy" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, 1,fParam(1),1 );
		else if( sName=="zoomz" )			RageMatrixScaling(&b, 1,1,fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationx" )		RageMatrixRotationX( &b, fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationy" )		RageMatrixRotationY( &b, fParam(1) );
		else if( sName=="rotationz" )		RageMatrixRotationZ( &b, fParam(1) );
			CString sError = ssprintf( "MatrixCommand:  Unrecognized matrix command name '%s' in command string '%s'.", sName.c_str(), sCommandString.c_str() );
			LOG->Warn( sError );
			Dialog::OK( sError );

		if( iMaxIndexAccessed != (int)asTokens.size()-1 )
			CString sError = ssprintf( "MatrixCommand:  Wrong number of parameters in command '%s'.  Expected %d but there are %d.", join(",",asTokens).c_str(), iMaxIndexAccessed+1, (int)asTokens.size() );
			LOG->Warn( sError );
			Dialog::OK( sError );

		RageMatrix a(mat);
		RageMatrixMultiply(&mat, &a, &b);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ParseCommands( const CString &sCommands, Commands &vCommandsOut )
	CStringArray vsCommands;
	split( sCommands, ";", vsCommands, true );	// do ignore empty
	vCommandsOut.v.resize( vsCommands.size() );

	for( unsigned i=0; i<vsCommands.size(); i++ )
		Command &cmd = vCommandsOut.v[i];
		cmd.Load( vsCommands[i] );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void AnnouncerManager::GetAnnouncerNames( CStringArray& AddTo )
	GetDirListing( ANNOUNCERS_DIR+"*", AddTo, true );
	// strip out the folder called "CVS" and EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME
	for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- )
		if( !stricmp( AddTo[i], "cvs" ) )
			AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 );

	for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- )
		if( !stricmp( AddTo[i], EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME ) )
			AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 );
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool SMLoader::LoadFromDir( CString sPath, Song &out )
	CStringArray aFileNames;
	GetApplicableFiles( sPath, aFileNames );

	if( aFileNames.size() > 1 )
		RageException::Throw( "There is more than one SM file in '%s'.  There should be only one!", sPath.c_str() );

	/* We should have exactly one; if we had none, we shouldn't have been
	 * called to begin with. */
	ASSERT( aFileNames.size() == 1 );

	return LoadFromSMFile( sPath + aFileNames[0], out );
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool UserPackManager::IsPackMountable( const CString &sPack, CString &sError )
	RageFileDriverZip *pZip = new RageFileDriverZip;

	if ( !pZip->Load(sPack) )
		sError = "not a valid zip file";
		SAFE_DELETE( pZip );
		return false;

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_BLACKLISTED_FOLDERS && BLACKLISTED_FOLDERS[i] != NULL; i++ )
		CString sDir = CString("/") + BLACKLISTED_FOLDERS[i];
		CStringArray sDirListing;

		pZip->GetDirListing( sDir, sDirListing, false, true );

		int iListSize = sDirListing.size();

		// if any blacklisted folders exist, reject the pack
		if ( iListSize > 0 )
			sError = ssprintf( "blacklisted folder: %s", BLACKLISTED_FOLDERS[i] );
			SAFE_DELETE( pZip );
			return false;

	// do not add if it's just folders of individual songs without a group folder
	CStringArray asRootFolders;
	pZip->GetDirListing( "/*", asRootFolders, true, false );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asRootFolders.size(); i++ )
		CStringArray asFiles;
		pZip->GetDirListing( "/" + asRootFolders[i] + "/*.sm", asFiles, false, false );
		pZip->GetDirListing( "/" + asRootFolders[i] + "/*.dwi", asFiles, false, false );
		if ( asFiles.size() > 0 )
			sError = "Package is not a group folder package.\nPlease add songs to a single group folder.\n(i.e. {Group Name}/{Song Folder}/Song.sm)";
			SAFE_DELETE( pZip );
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool KSFLoader::LoadFromDir( CString sDir, Song &out )
    LOG->Trace( "Song::LoadFromKSFDir(%s)", sDir.c_str() );

    CStringArray arrayKSFFileNames;
    GetDirListing( sDir + CString("*.ksf"), arrayKSFFileNames );

    /* We shouldn't have been called to begin with if there were no KSFs. */
    if( arrayKSFFileNames.empty() )
        RageException::Throw( "Couldn't find any KSF files in '%s'", sDir.c_str() );

    if(!LoadGlobalData(out.GetSongDir() + arrayKSFFileNames[0], out))
        return false;

    // load the Steps from the rest of the KSF files
    for( unsigned i=0; i<arrayKSFFileNames.size(); i++ )
        Steps* pNewNotes = new Steps;
        if(!LoadFromKSFFile( out.GetSongDir() + arrayKSFFileNames[i], *pNewNotes, out ))
            delete pNewNotes;

        out.AddSteps( pNewNotes );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int DiagnosticsUtil::GetNumMachineEdits()
	CStringArray aEdits;
	GetDirListing( sDir , aEdits );
	return aEdits.size();
Ejemplo n.º 18
void ActiveAttackList::Refresh()
	CString s;

	const AttackArray& attacks = GAMESTATE->m_ActiveAttacks[m_PlayerNumber];	// NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS
	// clear all lines, then add all active attacks
	for( unsigned i=0; i<attacks.size(); i++ )
		if( !attacks[i].bOn )
			continue; /* hasn't started yet */

		CStringArray asMods;
		split( attacks[i].sModifier, ",", asMods );
		for( unsigned j=0; j<asMods.size(); j++ )
			CString& sMod = asMods[j];
			TrimLeft( sMod );
			TrimRight( sMod );

			sMod = PlayerOptions::ThemeMod( sMod );

			if( s.empty() )
				s = sMod;
				s = sMod + "\n" + s;

	this->SetText( s );	// BitmapText will not rebuild vertices if these strings are the same.
Ejemplo n.º 19
/* seemingly good start of an automagical way to mount a user pack based on the folder structure */
CString UserPackManager::GetPackMountPoint( const CString &sPack )

	RageFileDriverZip *pZip = new RageFileDriverZip;
	// it should already be a valid zip by now...
	ASSERT( pZip->Load( sPack ) );
	UserPackMountType upmt = UPACK_MOUNT_SONGS;

	CStringArray asRootEntries;
	pZip->GetDirListing( "/", asRootEntries, true, false );

	// if we find a StepMania root folder, mount it as one
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asRootEntries.size(); ++i )
		for( unsigned j = 0; j < ARRAYLEN(asRootDirs); j++ )
			if ( asRootEntries[i].CompareNoCase( asRootDirs[j] ) == 0 )
				return "/";

	/* for now, assume a Songs-only pack if the root dirs aren't there */
	return "/Songs";
Ejemplo n.º 20
std::string CUnit::GetDateUnitWithoutDateOrigin() const
  std::string str = GetText();

  if (!IsDate())
    return str;

  if (!HasDateRef())
    return str;

  CStringArray ar;

  ar.ExtractStrings(GetText().c_str(), " since ");

  size_t len = ar.size();

  if (len <= 1)
    return str;

  str = ar[0];

  return str;

Ejemplo n.º 21
bool UserPackManager::IsPackTransferable( const CString &sPack, const CString &sPath, CString &sError )
	/* Check for duplicate names. */
		CStringArray asSavedPacks;
		GetUserPacks( asSavedPacks );

		for( unsigned i = 0; i < asSavedPacks.size(); ++i )
			if ( asSavedPacks[i].CompareNoCase(sPack) == 0 )
				sError = ssprintf("%s is already on the machine", asSavedPacks[i].c_str());
				return false;

	/* Do we have enough disk space? */
		uint64_t iFree = HOOKS->GetDiskSpaceFree( USER_PACK_TRANSFER_PATH );
		uint64_t iFileSize = (uint64_t) FILEMAN->GetFileSizeInBytes( sPath );
		if( iFree < iFileSize )
			sError = "Insufficient disk space";
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* This is similar in style to Actor::Command.  However, Actors don't store
 * matrix stacks; they only store offsets and scales, and compound them into
 * a single transformations at once.  This makes some things easy, but it's not
 * convenient for generic 3d transforms.  For that, we have this, which has the
 * small subset of the actor commands that applies to raw matrices, and we apply
 * commands in the order given.  "scale,2;x,1;" is very different from
 * "x,1;scale,2;". */
static CString GetParam( const CStringArray& sParams, int iIndex, int& iMaxIndexAccessed )
	iMaxIndexAccessed = max( iIndex, iMaxIndexAccessed );
	if( iIndex < int(sParams.size()) )
		return sParams[iIndex];
		return "";
Ejemplo n.º 23
ScreenSelect::ScreenSelect( CString sClassName ) : ScreenWithMenuElements(sClassName)
	LOG->Trace( "ScreenSelect::ScreenSelect()" );

	m_sName = sClassName;

	// Load choices
		// Instead of using NUM_CHOICES, use a comma-separated list of choices.  Each
		// element in the list is a choice name.  This level of indirection 
		// makes it easier to add or remove items without having to change a bunch
		// of indices.
		CStringArray asChoiceNames;
		split( CHOICE_NAMES, ",", asChoiceNames, true );

		for( unsigned c=0; c<asChoiceNames.size(); c++ )
			CString sChoiceName = asChoiceNames[c];
			CString sChoice = CHOICE(sChoiceName);

			ModeChoice mc;
			mc.m_sName = sChoiceName;
			mc.Load( c, sChoice );
			m_aModeChoices.push_back( mc );
			CString sBGAnimationDir = THEME->GetPath(BGAnimations, m_sName, mc.m_sName, true);	// true="optional"
			if( sBGAnimationDir == "" )
				sBGAnimationDir = THEME->GetPathToB(m_sName+" background");
			BGAnimation *pBGA = new BGAnimation;
			m_vpBGAnimations.push_back( pBGA );

	// Load codes
	for( int c=0; c<NUM_CODES; c++ )
		CodeItem code;
		if( !code.Load( CODE(c) ) )

		m_aCodes.push_back( code );
		m_aCodeActions.push_back( CODE_ACTION(c) );
		ModeChoice mc;
		mc.Load( c, CODE_ACTION(c) );
		m_aCodeChoices.push_back( mc );

	if( !m_aModeChoices.size() )
		RageException::Throw( "Screen \"%s\" does not set any choices", m_sName.c_str() );

	// derived classes can override if they want
Ejemplo n.º 24
CString GetRandomFileInDir( CString sDir )
	CStringArray asFiles;
	GetDirListing( sDir, asFiles, false, true );
	if( asFiles.empty() )
		return "";
		return asFiles[rand()%asFiles.size()];
Ejemplo n.º 25
void LinkedOptionsMenu::SetChoices( const CStringArray &asChoices )

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asChoices.size(); i++ )
		CString ch = asChoices[i];
		BitmapText *bt = new BitmapText;
		m_Rows.push_back( bt );
		bt->LoadFromFont( THEME->GetPathF( m_sName, "menutext" ) );
		bt->SetName( "Row" );
		bt->SetText( ch );
		m_Frame.AddChild( bt );
		ON_COMMAND( *bt );

	// show first page of choices
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asChoices.size() && i < (unsigned)ROWS_PER_PAGE; i++ )
	m_iCurPage = 0;
	if ( asChoices.size() > (unsigned)ROWS_PER_PAGE )
		m_bIndTweenedOn[1] = true;

	if ( m_Rows.size() > 0 )
		if ( m_bFocus ) m_Cursor.PlayCommand( "TweenOn" );
		m_Cursor.SetXY( CURSOR_OFFSET_X + m_Rows[0]->GetX(), m_Rows[0]->GetY() );
		m_Cursor.SetBarWidth( floor(m_Rows[0]->GetZoomedWidth()) );
		m_iCurrentSelection = 0;
		m_iCurrentSelection = -1;
		m_Cursor.PlayCommand( "TweenOff" );
		if ( m_bFocus )
			SCREENMAN->PostMessageToTopScreen( m_smChangeMenu, 0.0f );
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool AnnouncerManager::DoesAnnouncerExist( CString sAnnouncerName )
	if( sAnnouncerName == "" )
		return true;

	CStringArray asAnnouncerNames;
	GetAnnouncerNames( asAnnouncerNames );
	for( unsigned i=0; i<asAnnouncerNames.size(); i++ )
		if( 0==stricmp(sAnnouncerName, asAnnouncerNames[i]) )
			return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static void EmptyDir( CString dir )
    ASSERT(dir[dir.size()-1] == '/');

    CStringArray asCacheFileNames;
    GetDirListing( dir, asCacheFileNames );
    for( unsigned i=0; i<asCacheFileNames.size(); i++ )
        if( !IsADirectory(dir + asCacheFileNames[i]) )
            FILEMAN->Remove( dir + asCacheFileNames[i] );
Ejemplo n.º 28
void KSFLoader::LoadTags( const CString &str, Song &out )
    /* str is either a #TITLE or a directory component.  Fill in missing information.
     * str is either "title", "artist - title", or "artist - title - difficulty". */
    CStringArray asBits;
    split( str, " - ", asBits, false );
    /* Ignore the difficulty, since we get that elsewhere. */
    if( asBits.size() == 3 &&
            (!stricmp(asBits[2], "double") ||
             !stricmp(asBits[2], "easy") ||
             !stricmp(asBits[2], "normal") ||
             !stricmp(asBits[2], "hard") ||
             !stricmp(asBits[2], "crazy")) )
        asBits.erase(asBits.begin()+2, asBits.begin()+3);

    CString title, artist;
    if( asBits.size() == 2 )
        artist = asBits[0];
        title = asBits[1];
        title = asBits[0];

    /* Convert, if possible.  Most KSFs are in Korean encodings (CP942/EUC-KR). */
    if( !ConvertString( title, "korean" ) )
        title = "";
    if( !ConvertString( artist, "korean" ) )
        artist = "";

    if( out.m_sMainTitle == "" )
        out.m_sMainTitle = title;
    if( out.m_sArtist == "" )
        out.m_sArtist = artist;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void SMLoader::LoadFromSMTokens( 
	CString sStepsType, 
	CString sDescription,
	CString sDifficulty,
	CString sMeter,
	CString sRadarValues,
	CString sNoteData,
	CString sAttackData,
	Steps &out

//	LOG->Trace( "Steps::LoadFromSMTokens()" );

	out.m_StepsType = GameManager::StringToStepsType(sStepsType);
	out.SetDifficulty(StringToDifficulty( sDifficulty ));

	// HACK:  We used to store SMANIAC as DIFFICULTY_HARD with special description.
	// Now, it has its own DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGE
	if( sDescription.CompareNoCase("smaniac") == 0 ) 
		out.SetDifficulty( DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGE );
	// HACK:  We used to store CHALLENGE as DIFFICULTY_HARD with special description.
	// Now, it has its own DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGE
	if( sDescription.CompareNoCase("challenge") == 0 ) 
		out.SetDifficulty( DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGE );

	CStringArray saValues;
	split( sRadarValues, ",", saValues, true );
	if( saValues.size() == NUM_RADAR_CATEGORIES )
		RadarValues v;
			v[rc] = strtof( saValues[rc], NULL );
		out.SetRadarValues( v ); 
	out.SetSMNoteData(sNoteData, sAttackData);

Ejemplo n.º 30
void RadarValues::FromString( CString sRadarValues )
	CStringArray saValues;
	split( sRadarValues, ",", saValues, true );

	if( saValues.size() != NUM_RADAR_CATEGORIES )

		m_Values.f[rc] = strtof( saValues[rc], NULL );