void Browse::OnImportBorder() { // Select a file CFileDialog sFile (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING, "Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL); if (sFile.DoModal()==IDOK) { // Get the border of the bank std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> array(128*128); // The bitmap NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; // Read the bitmap bool error=false; CString pathName=sFile.GetPathName(); try { CIFile file; if (file.open ((const char*)pathName)) { // Export bitmap.load (file); } else error=true; } catch (Exception& e) { const char *toto=e.what (); error=true; } // Error during import ? if (error) { // Error message char tmp[512]; sprintf (tmp, "Can't read bitmap %s", (const char*)pathName); MessageBox (tmp, "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } // Get pixel CRGBA *pPixel=(CRGBA*)&bitmap.getPixels()[0]; // Good size if ((bitmap.getWidth()==128)&&(bitmap.getHeight()==128)) { // Make a copy for (int i=0; i<128*128; i++) { // Copy the pixel array[i].R=pPixel->R; array[i].G=pPixel->G; array[i].B=pPixel->B; array[i].A=pPixel->A; pPixel++; } } else { // Error message char tmp[512]; sprintf (tmp, "The bitmap must have a size of 128x128 (%s)", (const char*)pathName); MessageBox (tmp, "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } // 256 or 128 ? CTileBorder border; border.set (128, 128, array); tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->setBorder (m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive, border); // Message MessageBox ("The border has been changed.", "Import border", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); } }
//TODO titegus: What's the point in Importing a new border if there is no Pixel Compatibility check ? void CTile_browser_dlg::on_importBorderPushButton_clicked() { QFileDialog::Options options; QString selectedFilter; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Choose Bitmap"), QString(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath().c_str()) , "Targa Bitmap(*.tga);;All Files (*.*);;", &selectedFilter, options); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { fileName = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName); // Get the border of the bank std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> array(128*128); // The bitmap NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; // Read the bitmap bool error=false; try { CIFile file; if (file.open (fileName.toStdString().c_str())) { // Export bitmap.load (file); } else error=true; } catch (Exception& e) { const char *toto=e.what (); error=true; } // Error during import ? if (error) { // Error message QString s = tr("Can't read bitmap %1").arg(fileName); QMessageBox::information (this, tr("Import border"), s); } // Get pixel CRGBA *pPixel=(CRGBA*)&bitmap.getPixels()[0]; // Good size if ((bitmap.getWidth()==128)&&(bitmap.getHeight()==128)) { // Make a copy for (int i=0; i<128*128; i++) { // Copy the pixel array[i].R=pPixel->R; array[i].G=pPixel->G; array[i].B=pPixel->B; array[i].A=pPixel->A; pPixel++; } } else { // Error message QString s = tr("The bitmap must have a size of 128x128 (%1)").arg(fileName); QMessageBox::information (this, tr("Import border"), s); } // 256 or 128 ? CTileBorder border; border.set (128, 128, array); tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (tileSetIndex)->setBorder ((CTile::TBitmap) tileTextureButtonGroup->checkedId(), border); // Message QMessageBox::information (this, tr("Import border"), tr("The border has been changed.")); } }