Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CUIComboBox::SetCurSel(int iIndex)
   if( iIndex == m_iCurSel ) return true;
   if( m_iCurSel >= 0 ) {
      CUIControl* pControl = static_cast<CUIControl*>(m_items[m_iCurSel]);
      IListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(_T("ListItem")));
      if( pListItem != NULL ) pListItem->Select(false);
      m_iCurSel = -1;
   if( m_items.GetSize() == 0 ) return false;
   if( iIndex < 0 ) iIndex = 0;
   if( iIndex >= m_items.GetSize() ) iIndex = m_items.GetSize() - 1;
   CUIControl* pControl = static_cast<CUIControl*>(m_items[iIndex]);
   if( !pControl->IsVisible() ) return false;
   if( !pControl->IsEnabled() ) return false;
   IListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(_T("ListItem")));
   if( pListItem == NULL ) return false;
   m_iCurSel = iIndex;

   CUIContainer* pContainer = dynamic_cast<CUIContainer*>(pListItem->GetOwner());
   if (pContainer)
	   RECT rcItem = pControl->GetPos();
	   RECT rcList = pContainer->GetPos();
	   int iPos = pContainer->GetScrollPos();
	   if( rcItem.top < rcList.top || rcItem.bottom > rcList.bottom )
		   int dx = 0;
		   if( rcItem.top < rcList.top ) dx = rcItem.top - rcList.top;
		   if( rcItem.bottom > rcList.bottom ) dx = rcItem.bottom - rcList.bottom;
			pContainer->SetScrollPos(pContainer->GetScrollPos() + dx);


   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CUIComboBox::DoPaint(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint)
   // Paint the nice frame
   int cy = m_rcItem.bottom - m_rcItem.top;
   ::SetRect(&m_rcButton, m_rcItem.right - cy, m_rcItem.top, m_rcItem.right, m_rcItem.bottom);
   RECT rcText = { m_rcItem.left + 5, m_rcItem.top, m_rcButton.left + 1, m_rcItem.bottom };

   UINT uState = m_uButtonState;
   if( IsFocused() ) uState |= UISTATE_FOCUSED;
   if( !IsEnabled() ) uState |= UISTATE_DISABLED;

	RECT rcPadding = { 0 };

   // Paint dropdown button
   if (m_pImageOwner != NULL)
	   RECT rcImage = {0};
	   int nWidth = m_pImageOwner->GetWidth() / 4;
	   int nHeight = m_pImageOwner->GetHeight();

	   // Draw frame and body
	   if( (uState & UISTATE_DISABLED) != 0 ) {
		   RECT rcTemp = {nWidth *3, 0, nWidth * 4, nHeight};
		   rcImage = rcTemp;
	   else if( (uState & UISTATE_PUSHED) != 0 ) {
		   RECT rcTemp ={nWidth *2, 0, nWidth * 3, nHeight};
		   rcImage = rcTemp;
	   else if( (uState & UISTATE_HOT) != 0 ) {
		   RECT rcTemp ={nWidth *1, 0, nWidth * 2, nHeight};
		   rcImage = rcTemp;
	   else {
		   RECT rcTemp ={nWidth *0, 0, nWidth * 1, nHeight};
		   rcImage = rcTemp;

	   CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoFillRect(hDC, m_pManager, m_rcItem, rcImage, m_pImageOwner);

	   CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintButton(hDC, m_pManager, m_rcItem, uState, NULL, 0);

   if (m_sText.GetLength() > 0)
	   UITYPE_COLOR clrText;
	   if( (m_uButtonState & UISTATE_DISABLED) != 0 ) {
	   else if( (m_uButtonState & UISTATE_PUSHED) != 0 ) {
	   else {

	   RECT rcText = m_rcItem;
	   ::InflateRect(&rcText, -1, -1);
	   rcText.left += rcPadding.left;
	   rcText.top += rcPadding.top;
	   rcText.right -= rcPadding.right;
	   rcText.bottom -= rcPadding.bottom;

	   int nLinks = 0;

	   CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintPrettyText(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, m_sText, clrText, UICOLOR__INVALID, NULL, nLinks, 0);

   // Paint dropdown edit box
   ::InflateRect(&rcText, -1, -1);
   if( m_iCurSel >= 0 ) {
      CUIControl* pControl = static_cast<CUIControl*>(m_items[m_iCurSel]);
      IListItemUI* pElement = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(_T("ListItem")));
      if( pElement != NULL ) {
         // Render item with specific draw-style
		  int nLinks = 0;
		  CUIBlueRenderEngine::DoPaintPrettyText(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, pControl->GetText(), UICOLOR_CONTROL_TEXT_NORMAL, UICOLOR__INVALID, NULL, nLinks, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER);
      else {
         //// Allow non-listitems to render as well.
         RECT rcOldPos = pControl->GetPos();
         pControl->DoPaint(hDC, rcText);