// NOTE: This is an exact copy of code in BaseFileSystem.cpp which
// has to be here because they want to call
// the implementation of Open/Size/Read/Write in CBaseVMPIFileSystem
bool CBaseVMPIFileSystem::ReadFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes, int nStartingByte, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc )
	const char *pReadFlags = "rb";
	if ( buf.IsText() && !buf.ContainsCRLF() )
		pReadFlags = "rt";

	FileHandle_t fp = Open( pFileName, buf.IsText() ? "rt" : "rb", pPath );
	if ( !fp )
		return false;

	int nBytesToRead = Size( fp );
	if ( nMaxBytes > 0 )
		nBytesToRead = min( nMaxBytes, nBytesToRead );
	buf.EnsureCapacity( nBytesToRead + buf.TellPut() );

	if ( nStartingByte != 0 )
		Seek( fp, nStartingByte, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );

	int nBytesRead = Read( buf.PeekPut(), nBytesToRead, fp );
	buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nBytesRead );

	Close( fp );
	return (nBytesRead != 0);
bool CBaseVMPIFileSystem::WriteFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf )
	const char *pWriteFlags = "wb";
	if ( buf.IsText() && !buf.ContainsCRLF() )
		pWriteFlags = "wt";

	FileHandle_t fp = Open( pFileName, buf.IsText() ? "wt" : "wb", pPath );
	if ( !fp )
		return false;

	int nBytesWritten = Write( buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), fp );

	Close( fp );
	return (nBytesWritten != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Converts a buffer from a CRLF buffer to a CR buffer (and back)
// Returns false if no conversion was necessary (and outBuf is left untouched)
// If the conversion occurs, outBuf will be cleared.
bool CUtlBuffer::ConvertCRLF( CUtlBuffer &outBuf )
	if ( !IsText() || !outBuf.IsText() )
		return false;

	if ( ContainsCRLF() == outBuf.ContainsCRLF() )
		return false;

	int nInCount = TellMaxPut();

	outBuf.EnsureCapacity( nInCount );

	bool bFromCRLF = ContainsCRLF();

	// Start reading from the beginning
	int nGet = TellGet();
	int nPut = TellPut();
	int nGetDelta = 0;
	int nPutDelta = 0;

	const char *pBase = (const char*)Base();
	int nCurrGet = 0;
	while ( nCurrGet < nInCount )
		const char *pCurr = &pBase[nCurrGet];
		if ( bFromCRLF )
			const char *pNext = Q_strnistr( pCurr, "\r\n", nInCount - nCurrGet );
			if ( !pNext )
				outBuf.Put( pCurr, nInCount - nCurrGet );

			int nBytes = (size_t)pNext - (size_t)pCurr;
			outBuf.Put( pCurr, nBytes );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\n' );
			nCurrGet += nBytes + 2;
			if ( nGet >= nCurrGet - 1 )
			if ( nPut >= nCurrGet - 1 )
			const char *pNext = Q_strnchr( pCurr, '\n', nInCount - nCurrGet );
			if ( !pNext )
				outBuf.Put( pCurr, nInCount - nCurrGet );

			int nBytes = (size_t)pNext - (size_t)pCurr;
			outBuf.Put( pCurr, nBytes );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\r' );
			outBuf.PutChar( '\n' );
			nCurrGet += nBytes + 1;
			if ( nGet >= nCurrGet )
			if ( nPut >= nCurrGet )

	Assert(	nPut + nPutDelta <= outBuf.TellMaxPut() );

	outBuf.SeekGet( SEEK_HEAD, nGet + nGetDelta ); 
	outBuf.SeekPut( SEEK_HEAD, nPut + nPutDelta ); 

	return true;