Ejemplo n.º 1
void CMainFrame::OnChangeLook ()
	BOOL bIsLook2003 = CMFCVisualManager::GetInstance ()->IsKindOf (
		RUNTIME_CLASS (CMFCVisualManagerOffice2003));

	m_wndRulerBar.CreateGDIObjects ();
	m_wndRulerBar.RedrawWindow ();

	CWindowDC dc (NULL);
	int nBitsPerPixel = dc.GetDeviceCaps (BITSPIXEL);

	m_wndTaskPane.UpdateIcons ();
	m_wndTaskPane.EnableNavigationToolbar (bIsLook2003,
		theApp.m_bHiColorIcons && nBitsPerPixel > 16 ? IDB_TASKSPANE_TOOLBAR : 0, CSize (16, 16));
	m_wndTaskPane.RecalcLayout (FALSE);

	// Reload toolbar images:
	CMFCToolBar::ResetAllImages ();

	m_wndToolBar.LoadBitmap (
		theApp.m_bHiColorIcons && nBitsPerPixel > 16 ? IDB_MAINFRAME_HC : IDR_MAINFRAME);

	m_wndFormatBar.LoadBitmap (IDR_FORMATBAR);

	CMFCToolBar::AddToolBarForImageCollection (IDR_TOOLBAR_IMAGES, 
		theApp.m_bHiColorIcons && nBitsPerPixel > 16 ? IDR_TOOLBAR_IMAGES_HC : 0);

	CMFCToolBar::AddToolBarForImageCollection (IDR_BORDER_TYPE, IDR_BORDER_TYPE);

	RecalcLayout ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void _GLOBAL_DATA::OnSysColorChange()
	m_crBtnFace = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
	m_crBtnShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
	m_crBtnDkShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW);
	m_crBtnLight = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT);
	m_crBtnHilite = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
	m_crBtnText = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
	m_crTextGrayed = GetSysColor (COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
	m_crWindowFrame = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME);
	m_crHilite = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
	m_crTextHilite = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
	m_crWindowText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
	m_crBtn3dShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
	m_crBtn3dHiLight = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT);
	m_crAcCaption = GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION);
	m_crInAcCaption = GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION);
	m_crInAcCaptionText = GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT);
	m_crDesktop = GetSysColor(COLOR_DESKTOP);
	//m_cr3dFace = gfxData.m_cr3dFace;
    osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
	::GetVersionEx (&osvi);
	if (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5)
		m_crTextHot = GetSysColor (COLOR_HOTLIGHT);
		m_crTextHot = RGB (0, 0, 255);	// Light blue
	CWindowDC dc (NULL);
	m_nBitsPerPixel = dc.GetDeviceCaps (BITSPIXEL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
CString CFontItem::FormatProperty ()
	CBCGPGridCtrl* pGridCtrl = GetOwnerList ();
	ASSERT_VALID (pGridCtrl);

	CWindowDC dc (pGridCtrl);

	int nLogY = dc.GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY);

	CString str;

	if (nLogY != 0)
		str.Format( _T("%s(%i)"), m_lf.lfFaceName, 
			MulDiv (72, -m_lf.lfHeight, nLogY));
		str = m_lf.lfFaceName;

	return str;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CSTEditorApp::SetSettingDefaults(SECEditSettings& rtSettings)
    CString sExtension = rtSettings.GetFileMappingKey();

    if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("ST")) == 0)
        // sizeof (LOGFONT) gives you the maximum size of a LOGFONT structure.
        // CGdiObject::GetObject possibly returns less because the font name
        // at the end of the LOGFONT structure may not take the whole space
        // reserved for it.
        HFONT       hFont;
        LOGFONT     logFont;
        CGdiObject* pGdiObject;

        hFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject (ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
        pGdiObject = CGdiObject::FromHandle (hFont);
        if (pGdiObject != NULL && pGdiObject->GetObject (sizeof (LOGFONT), &logFont) != 0)
            int iFontSize;
            CWindowDC dc (m_pMainWnd);

            iFontSize = MulDiv (logFont.lfHeight, 72, dc.GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY));

        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("IL")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(8);                           // tab is as wide as 8 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("ilkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("4CH")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("4chkeywords.ini"));   // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("CON")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("CST")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("GVL")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("SDT")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("RES")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else if(sExtension.CompareNoCase(_T("HDR")) == 0)
        rtSettings.SetCase(FALSE);                          // keywords are case insensitive
        rtSettings.SetChroma(TRUE);                         // coloring enabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetTextColKeyword(RGB(0,0,192));         // keyword color middle blue
        rtSettings.SetTextColQuote(RGB(128,128,128));       // string color grey
        rtSettings.SetTextColComment(RGB(0,128,0));         // comment color dark green
        rtSettings.SetCommentStart1(_T("(*"));              // comments start with (*
        rtSettings.SetCommentEnd1(_T("*)"));                // comments end with *)
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
        rtSettings.SetKeywordFile(_T("stkeywords.ini"));    // set keyword ini file
    else    // any other extension
        rtSettings.SetChroma(FALSE);                        // coloring disabled
        rtSettings.SetBackgroundCol(RGB(255,255,255));      // background color white
        rtSettings.SetTextColDefault(RGB(0,0,0));           // text color black
        rtSettings.SetKeepTabs(TRUE);                       // tabs are not converted to spaces
        rtSettings.SetShowTabs(FALSE);                      // tabs are not visualized
        rtSettings.SetTabSize(4);                           // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
Ejemplo n.º 5
  in :
BOOL CGrEditorApp::InitInstance()
	HFONT hFont;
	LOGFONT logFont;
	CGdiObject *pGdiObject;

   // Initialize OLE libraries
	if (!AfxOleInit())
		return FALSE;
	hr = ::CoInitializeSecurity (NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
	                             NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL);
	assert (SUCCEEDED (hr));    

   // prevent the Server-Busy dialog
   COleMessageFilter *pFilter = AfxOleGetMessageFilter();
   assert (pFilter);
   if (pFilter != NULL)


	// Standard initialization
	// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
	//  of your final executable, you should remove from the following
	//  the specific initialization routines you do not need.

#ifdef _AFXDLL
	Enable3dControls();			// Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
	Enable3dControlsStatic();	// Call this when linking to MFC statically

	_Module.Init (ObjectMap, m_hInstance);

	// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored.
	// TODO: You should modify this string to be something appropriate
	// such as the name of your company or organization.

	SetRegistryKey (_T ("Softing\\4CONTROLV2\\4CONTROL Engineering"));

   int     iValue;
   CString strKey, strSec;

	iValue = GetProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, 0);
          WriteProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, iValue );   // set Line draw mode to rubberlines

	iValue = GetProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, 1);
          WriteProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, iValue );   // set Line draw mode to rubberlines

	iValue = GetProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, 100);
          WriteProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, iValue );   // set zoom factor for 4gr

   // default sizes for element insertion
	iValue = GetProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, (4<<16)+4); // <0: AutoSize:on; HiWord:X; LoWord:Y
          WriteProfileInt ((LPCTSTR)strSec, (LPCTSTR)strKey, iValue );

    // ST actions we yes the STEditor settings ..
	WriteProfileInt    (_T ("ST"), _T ("Case"           ), 0                    );   // keywords are case insensitive
	WriteProfileInt    (_T ("ST"), _T ("Chroma"         ), 1                    );   // coloring enabled
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Background"     ), _T ("255,255,255"   ));   // background color white
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Default Text"   ), _T ("0,0,0"         ));   // text color black
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Quote"          ), _T ("128,128,128"   ));   // string color grey
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Comment"        ), _T ("0,128,0"       ));   // comment color red
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Comment Start 1"), _T ("(*"            ));   // comments start with (*
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Comment End 1"  ), _T ("*)"            ));   // comments end with *)
	WriteProfileInt    (_T ("ST"), _T ("Keep Tabs"      ), 0                    );   // tabs are not converted to spaces
	WriteProfileInt    (_T ("ST"), _T ("Show Tabs"      ), 0                    );   // tabs are not visualized
	WriteProfileInt    (_T ("ST"), _T ("Tab Size"       ), 4                    );   // tab is as wide as 4 spaces
	WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Keywords"       ), _T ("stkeywords.ini"));   //

	// sizeof (LOGFONT) gives you the maximum size of a LOGFONT structure.
	// CGdiObject::GetObject possibly returns less because the font name
	// at the end of the LOGFONT structure may not take the whole space
	// reserved for it.
	hFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject (ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
	pGdiObject = CGdiObject::FromHandle (hFont);
	if (pGdiObject != NULL && pGdiObject->GetObject (sizeof (LOGFONT), &logFont) != 0)
		int iFontSize;
		CWindowDC dc (m_pMainWnd);

		WriteProfileString (_T ("ST"), _T ("Font Name"), A2T (logFont.lfFaceName));
		iFontSize = MulDiv (logFont.lfHeight, 72, dc.GetDeviceCaps (LOGPIXELSY));
		WriteProfileInt (_T ("ST"), _T ("Font Size"), iFontSize);
		WriteProfileInt (_T ("ST"), _T ("Font Weight"), logFont.lfWeight);
		WriteProfileInt (_T ("ST"), _T ("Font Italic"), logFont.lfItalic);
		WriteProfileInt (_T ("ST"), _T ("CharSet"), logFont.lfCharSet);

	LoadStdProfileSettings();  // Load standard INI file options (including MRU)

	// Register the application's document templates.  Document templates
	//  serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views.

	m_pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
		RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame

	// Connect the COleTemplateServer to the document template.
	//  The COleTemplateServer creates new documents on behalf
	//  of requesting OLE containers by using information
	//  specified in the document template.
	m_server.ConnectTemplate(clsid, m_pDocTemplate, FALSE);

	// Register all OLE server factories as running.  This enables the
	//  OLE libraries to create objects from other applications.
		// Note: MDI applications register all server objects without regard
		//  to the /Embedding or /Automation on the command line.

	// create main MDI Frame window
	CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;
	if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_GR_MAINFRAME))
		return FALSE;
	m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;

   // create a dummy image .. to solve the problem with DeleteTempMap in OnIdle
   m_pDummyImage = new CImageList();
   VERIFY (m_pDummyImage->Create (16, 15, TRUE, 0, 1));      
   CBitmap bm;
   bm.LoadBitmap (IDR_GR_MAINFRAME);
   m_pDummyImage->Add (&bm, RGB (192, 192, 192));

	// Enable drag/drop open

	// Enable DDE Execute open

	// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
	CSTCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;

	// Check to see if launched as OLE server
	if (cmdInfo.m_bRunEmbedded || cmdInfo.m_bRunAutomated)
		// Application was run with /Embedding or /Automation.  Don't show the
		//  main window in this case.
		return TRUE;

	// When a server application is launched stand-alone, it is a good idea
	//  to update the system registry in case it has been damaged.

	if (cmdInfo.m_bRegServer)
		TCHAR szModule[_MAX_PATH+10];
		LPOLESTR pszModule;

		::GetModuleFileName (m_hInstance, szModule, _MAX_PATH);
		pszModule = T2OLE (szModule);
		hr = LoadTypeLib (pszModule, &pTypeLib);
		if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
			hr = RegisterTypeLib (pTypeLib, pszModule, NULL);
			pTypeLib->Release ();

		return (FALSE);

   // Prevents ProcessShellCommand from displaying
   // a message box when unregistering.
   if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::AppUnregister)
      cmdInfo.m_bRunEmbedded = true;
   // Dispatch commands specified on the command line
	if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
		return FALSE;

	// The main window has been initialized, so show and update it.

	return TRUE;