Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CServerBrowser::SaveServerList ( CXMLNode* pNode, std::string strTagName, CServerList *pList )
    if ( !pNode )
        return false;

    // Start by clearing out all previous nodes
    pNode->DeleteAllSubNodes ();

    // Iterate through the list, adding any items to our node
    CServerListIterator i, i_b = pList->IteratorBegin (), i_e = pList->IteratorEnd ();
    int j = 0;
    int k = pList->GetServerCount ();
    if ( k > 0 )
        for ( CServerListIterator i = i_b; i != i_e; i++ )
            CServerListItem * pServer = *i;

            // Add the item to the node
            CXMLNode * pSubNode = pNode->CreateSubNode ( strTagName.c_str () );
            if ( pSubNode )
                CXMLAttribute* pHostAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "host" );
				pHostAttribute->SetValue ( pServer->strHost.c_str () );
                CXMLAttribute* pPortAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "port" );
				pPortAttribute->SetValue ( pServer->usGamePort );
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CServerBrowser::SetServerPassword ( std::string strHost, std::string strPassword )
    CXMLNode* pConfig = CCore::GetSingletonPtr ()->GetConfig ();
    CXMLNode* pServerPasswords = pConfig->FindSubNode ( CONFIG_NODE_SERVER_SAVED );
    if ( !pServerPasswords )
        pServerPasswords = pConfig ->CreateSubNode ( CONFIG_NODE_SERVER_SAVED );
    //Check if the server password already exists
    for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pServerPasswords->GetSubNodeCount() ; i++ )
        CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &(pServerPasswords->GetSubNode(i)->GetAttributes());
        if ( pAttributes->Find( "host" ) )
            if ( CXMLAttribute* pHost = pAttributes->Find ( "host" ) )
                std::string strXMLHost = pHost->GetValue();
                if ( strXMLHost == strHost )
                    CXMLAttribute* pPassword = pAttributes->Create( "password" );

    // Otherwise create the node from scratch
    CXMLNode* pNode = pServerPasswords->CreateSubNode( "server" );
    CXMLAttribute* pHostAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes().Create ( "host" );
    CXMLAttribute* pPasswordAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes().Create ( "password" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
CXMLNode * CCustomData::OutputToXML ( CXMLNode * pNode )
    std::map < std::string, SCustomData > :: const_iterator iter = m_Data.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Data.end (); iter++ )
        CLuaArgument* arg = (CLuaArgument *)&iter->second.Variable;
        switch ( arg->GetType() )
        case LUA_TSTRING:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( arg->GetString ().c_str () );
        case LUA_TNUMBER:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( (float)arg->GetNumber () );
        case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( arg->GetBoolean () );
    return pNode;   
void CAccessControlListGroup::WriteToXMLNode ( CXMLNode* pNode )
    assert ( pNode );

    // Create the subnode for this
    CXMLNode* pSubNode = pNode->CreateSubNode ( "group" );
    assert ( pSubNode );

    // Create attribute for the name and set it
    CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "name" );
    pAttribute->SetValue ( m_strGroupName );

    // Write the ACL's this group use
    ACLsList::iterator iterACL = m_ACLs.begin ();
    for ( ; iterACL != m_ACLs.end (); iterACL++ )
        CAccessControlList* pACL = *iterACL;

        // Create the subnode for this object and write the name attribute we generated
        CXMLNode* pObjectNode = pSubNode->CreateSubNode ( "acl" );
        pAttribute = pObjectNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "name" );
        pAttribute->SetValue ( pACL->GetName () );

    // Write every object
    ObjectList::iterator iter = m_Objects.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Objects.end (); iter++ )
        CAccessControlListGroupObject* pObject = *iter;

        // Find out the object type string
        char szObjectType [255];
        switch ( pObject->GetObjectType () )
            case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE:
                strcpy ( szObjectType, "resource" );

            case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER:
                strcpy ( szObjectType, "user" );

                strcpy ( szObjectType, "error" );

        // Append a dot append the name of the node
        strcat ( szObjectType, "." );
        strncat ( szObjectType, pObject->GetObjectName (), NUMELMS( szObjectType ) - 1 );

        // Create the subnode for this object and write the name attribute we generated
        CXMLNode* pObjectNode = pSubNode->CreateSubNode ( "object" );
        pAttribute = pObjectNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "name" );
        pAttribute->SetValue ( szObjectType );
Ejemplo n.º 5
CXMLAttribute* CXMLElement::AddAttribute(LPCTSTR pszName, LPCTSTR pszValue)
	ASSERT( pszName && *pszName );

	CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = GetAttribute( pszName );

	if ( ! pAttribute )
		pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( this, pszName );
		if ( ! pAttribute )
			return NULL;

		CString strNameLower( pszName );

		// Delete the old attribute if one exists
		CXMLAttribute* pExisting;
		if ( m_pAttributes.Lookup( strNameLower, pExisting ) )
			delete pExisting;

		m_pAttributes.SetAt( strNameLower, pAttribute );

		if ( ! m_pAttributesInsertion.Find( strNameLower ) )
			m_pAttributesInsertion.AddTail( strNameLower );		// Track output order workaround

	if ( pszValue )
		pAttribute->SetValue( pszValue );

	return pAttribute;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// CResourceChecker::CheckMetaSourceForIssues
void CResourceChecker::CheckMetaSourceForIssues ( CXMLNode* pRootNode, const string& strFileName, const string& strResourceName, ECheckerModeType checkerMode, bool* pbOutHasChanged )
    // Check min_mta_version is correct
    if ( m_strReqClientVersion > m_strMinClientReqFromMetaXml || m_strReqServerVersion > m_strMinServerReqFromMetaXml )
        // It's not right. What to do?
        if ( checkerMode == ECheckerMode::WARNINGS )
            SString strTemp = "<min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least ";
            if ( m_strReqClientVersion > m_strMinClientReqFromMetaXml )
                strTemp += SString ( "client %s because of '%s')", *m_strReqClientVersion, *m_strReqClientReason );
            if ( m_strReqServerVersion > m_strMinServerReqFromMetaXml )
                strTemp += SString ( "server %s because of '%s')", *m_strReqServerVersion, *m_strReqServerReason );

            CLogger::LogPrint ( SString ( "WARNING: %s %s\n", strResourceName.c_str (), *strTemp ) );
        if ( checkerMode == ECheckerMode::UPGRADE )
            // Create min_mta_version node if required
            CXMLNode* pNodeMinMtaVersion = pRootNode->FindSubNode("min_mta_version", 0);
            if ( !pNodeMinMtaVersion )
                pNodeMinMtaVersion = pRootNode->CreateSubNode ( "min_mta_version" );

            CXMLAttributes& attributes = pNodeMinMtaVersion->GetAttributes ();
            attributes.Delete ( "server" );
            attributes.Delete ( "client" );
            attributes.Delete ( "both" );

            if ( !m_strReqServerVersion.empty () )
                CXMLAttribute* pAttr = attributes.Create ( "server" );
                pAttr->SetValue ( m_strReqServerVersion );

            if ( !m_strReqClientVersion.empty () )
                CXMLAttribute* pAttr = attributes.Create ( "client" );
                pAttr->SetValue ( m_strReqClientVersion );

            if ( pbOutHasChanged )
                *pbOutHasChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlNodeSetAttribute ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // pNode, Attribute Name, Value
    int iType1 = lua_type ( luaVM, 1 );
    int iType2 = lua_type ( luaVM, 2 );
    int iType3 = lua_type ( luaVM, 3 );
    if ( ( iType1 == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA ) &&
         ( iType2 == LUA_TSTRING ) &&
         ( iType3 == LUA_TSTRING || iType3 == LUA_TNUMBER || iType3 == LUA_TNIL ) )
        // Grab the xml node
        CXMLNode* pNode = lua_toxmlnode ( luaVM, 1 );
        if ( pNode )
            // Grab the attribute name and value
            const char * szAttributeName = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

            // Are we going to set it to a value?
            if ( iType3 == LUA_TSTRING || iType3 == LUA_TNUMBER )
                const char * szAttributeValue = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 3 );

                // Write the node
                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( szAttributeName );
                if ( pAttribute )
                    pAttribute->SetValue ( szAttributeValue );

                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                    return 1;
                // Delete the attribute if it exists
                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( szAttributeName );
                if ( pAttribute )
                    delete pAttribute;

                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                    return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "xmlNodeSetAttribute" );

        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
        return 1;

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: XML.cpp Proyecto: GetEnvy/Envy
BOOL CXMLElement::Merge(const CXMLElement* pInput, BOOL bOverwrite)
	if ( ! this || ! pInput ) return FALSE;
	if ( this == pInput ) return TRUE;

	TRACE( "Merging   XML: %s\n", (LPCSTR)CT2A( ToString( FALSE, FALSE ) ) );
	TRACE( "      and XML: %s\n", (LPCSTR)CT2A( pInput->ToString( FALSE, FALSE ) ) );

	if ( m_sName.CompareNoCase( pInput->m_sName ) != 0 )
		TRACE( "Failed to merge XML due different schemes \"%s\" and \"%s\".\n", (LPCSTR)CT2A( m_sName ), (LPCSTR)CT2A( pInput->m_sName ) );
		return FALSE;

	BOOL bChanged = FALSE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		const CXMLElement* pElement = pInput->GetNextElement( pos );
		CXMLElement* pTarget = GetElementByName( pElement->m_sName );

		if ( pTarget == NULL )
			AddElement( pElement->Clone() );
			bChanged = TRUE;
		else if ( pTarget->Merge( pElement, bOverwrite ) )
			bChanged = TRUE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetAttributeIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pInput->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CXMLAttribute* pTarget = GetAttribute( pAttribute->m_sName );

		if ( pTarget == NULL )
			AddAttribute( pAttribute->Clone() );
			bChanged = TRUE;
		else if ( bOverwrite && ! pTarget->Equals( pAttribute ) )
			pTarget->SetValue( pAttribute->GetValue() );
			bChanged = TRUE;

	if ( bChanged )
		TRACE( "resulting XML: %s\n", (LPCSTR)CT2A( ToString( FALSE, FALSE ) ) );
		TRACE( "resulting XML unchanged.\n" );

	return bChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CBanManager::SafeSetValue ( CXMLNode* pNode, const char* szKey, unsigned int uiValue )
    if ( uiValue )
        CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( szKey );
        if ( pAttribute )
            pAttribute->SetValue ( uiValue );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CBanManager::SafeSetValue ( CXMLNode* pNode, const char* szKey, std::string strValue )
    if ( !strValue.empty() )
        CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( szKey );
        if ( pAttribute )
            pAttribute->SetValue ( strValue.c_str () );
Ejemplo n.º 11
BOOL CNetworkMonitorBox::ProcessXML(POSITION posNext)
	CXMLElement* pXML = Profiles.FindProcess( NULL, posNext );
	if ( pXML == NULL ) return FALSE;
	CSingleLock pLock( &Network.m_pSection, TRUE );
	CString strValue = pXML->GetAttributeValue( "Host" );
	if ( CChannel* pChannel = Network.FindChannel( strValue ) )
		if ( pChannel->m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET && pChannel->TimeOut( 60 * 1000 ) ) 
			CXMLAttribute* pAttri = pXML->GetAttribute( "Retry" );
			if ( ! pAttri ) pAttri = pXML->AddAttribute( "Retry" );
			if ( _ttoi( pAttri->GetValue() ) >= 2 )
				AlarmToShortMessage( (LPCTSTR)strValue );
				strValue = pXML->GetAttributeValue( _T("Path") );
				RestartMachine( (LPCTSTR)strValue );
				pXML->DeleteAttribute( "Retry" );
				strValue.Format( "%i", _ttoi( pAttri->GetValue() ) + 1 );
				pAttri->SetValue( (LPCTSTR)strValue );
				pChannel->m_tConnected	= GetTickCount();
		if ( pChannel->IsConnected() )
			pXML->DeleteAttribute( "Retry" );
		CChannel* pChannel = new CSentryChannel( pXML );
		Network.SetChannel( pChannel );
	if ( posNext ) return ProcessXML( posNext );
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CHisReport::Register(int nInk)
    DWORD nValue;
    CString strValue;
    CXMLAttribute* pAttri;

    CXMLElement* pXML = FindToday( TRUE );

    pAttri = pXML->GetAttribute( "Total" );
    if ( ! pAttri ) pAttri = pXML->AddAttribute( "Total" );

    strValue = pAttri->GetValue();
    nValue = _ttol( strValue );
    strValue.Format( _T("%lu"), nValue + nInk );
    pAttri->SetValue( strValue );

    pAttri = m_pXML->GetAttribute( "Total" );
    if ( ! pAttri ) pAttri = m_pXML->AddAttribute( "Total" );

    strValue = pAttri->GetValue();
    nValue = _ttol( strValue );
    strValue.Format( _T("%lu"), nValue + nInk );
    pAttri->SetValue( strValue );
int CLuaFunctionDefs::XMLNodeSetAttribute ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // pNode, Attribute Name, Value
    CXMLNode* pNode = NULL;
    SString strAttributeName = "";
    SString strAttributeValue = "";
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pNode );
    argStream.ReadString ( strAttributeName );
    argStream.ReadString ( strAttributeValue, "" );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
        if ( pNode )
            // Are we going to set it to a value?
            if ( argStream.NextCouldBeString( -1 ) )
                // Write the node
                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( strAttributeName );
                if ( pAttribute )
                    pAttribute->SetValue ( strAttributeValue );

                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                    return 1;
                // Delete the attribute if it exists
                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( strAttributeName );
                if ( pAttribute )
                    delete pAttribute;

                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                    return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void CAccessControlList::WriteToXMLNode ( CXMLNode* pNode )
    assert ( pNode );

    // Create the subnode for this
    CXMLNode* pSubNode = pNode->CreateSubNode ( "acl" );
    assert ( pSubNode );

    // Create attribute for the name and set it
    CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Create ( "name" );
    pAttribute->SetValue ( m_strACLName );

    // Loop through each right and write it to the ACL
    list < CAccessControlListRight* > ::iterator iter = m_Rights.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Rights.end (); iter++ )
        CAccessControlListRight* pRight = *iter;
        pRight->WriteToXMLNode ( pSubNode );
Ejemplo n.º 15
CXMLAttribute* CXMLAttributesImpl::Create(const CXMLAttribute& Copy)
    CXMLAttribute* pTemp = Create(Copy.GetName().c_str());
    return pTemp;
Ejemplo n.º 16
// CJoystickManager::SaveToXML
// Save axes mapping for the current joypad.
bool CJoystickManager::SaveToXML ( void )
    if ( !IsJoypadValid () )
        return false;


    CXMLNode* pMainNode = GetConfigNode ( true );

    // Add the current settings
    if ( pMainNode )
        // Clear our current bind nodes
        pMainNode->DeleteAllSubNodes ();

            // Create a new 'info' node
            CXMLNode* pNode = pMainNode->CreateSubNode ( "info" );

            // If it was created
            if ( pNode )
                CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &pNode->GetAttributes ();

                CXMLAttribute* pA = NULL;
                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "deadzone" );
                pA->SetValue ( m_DevInfo.iDeadZone );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "saturation" );
                pA->SetValue ( m_DevInfo.iSaturation );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "product_name" );
                pA->SetValue ( m_DevInfo.strProductName.c_str () );

        // Iterate the binds adding them to the XML tree
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS(m_currentMapping) ; i++ )
            const SMappingLine& line = m_currentMapping[i];

            // Create the new 'axis' node
            CXMLNode* pNode = pMainNode->CreateSubNode ( "axis" );

            // If it was created
            if ( pNode )
                CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &pNode->GetAttributes ();

                CXMLAttribute* pA = NULL;
                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "source_index" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.SourceAxisIndex );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "source_dir" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.SourceAxisDir );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "output_index" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.OutputAxisIndex );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "output_dir" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.OutputAxisDir );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "enabled" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.bEnabled );

                pA = pAttributes->Create ( "max_value" );
                pA->SetValue ( line.MaxValue );

        return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// CJoystickManager::GetConfigNode
// Get the main node for load/saving data for the current joypad.
CXMLNode* CJoystickManager::GetConfigNode ( bool bCreateIfRequired )
    // Get the root node
    CXMLNode *pRoot = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetConfig ();
    if ( !pRoot )
        return NULL;

    // Get the top joypad config node
    CXMLNode* pSectionNode = pRoot->FindSubNode ( CONFIG_NODE_JOYPAD );
    if ( !pSectionNode )
        if ( !bCreateIfRequired )
            return NULL;

        // Non-existant, create a new node
        pSectionNode = pRoot->CreateSubNode ( CONFIG_NODE_JOYPAD );

    // Get the node for this joystick's GUID

    CXMLNode* pItemNode = NULL;
    // Find existing node
    for( int i=0; true; i++ )
        CXMLNode* pNode = pSectionNode->FindSubNode ( "product", i );

        if ( !pNode )

        CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &pNode->GetAttributes ();

        if ( CXMLAttribute* pA = pAttributes->Find ( "guid" ) )
            string value = pA->GetValue ();
            if ( value == m_DevInfo.strGuid )
                pItemNode = pNode;

    if ( !pItemNode )
        if ( !bCreateIfRequired )
            return NULL;

        // Non-existant, create a new node
        pItemNode = pSectionNode->CreateSubNode ( "product" );

        if ( pItemNode )
            CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &pItemNode->GetAttributes ();

            CXMLAttribute* pA = NULL;
            pA = pAttributes->Create ( "guid" );
            pA->SetValue ( m_DevInfo.strGuid.c_str () );


    return pItemNode;
Ejemplo n.º 18
BOOL CShareMonkeyData::ImportData(CXMLElement* pRoot)
	if ( pRoot == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	if ( m_nRequestType == stProductMatch )
		if ( m_pSchema == NULL )	// Get the schema from the product Category
			CXMLElement* pCategory = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"CategoryID" );
			int nCategory = 0;
			CString strCategory = pCategory->GetValue();
			if ( pCategory && strCategory.GetLength() && _stscanf( strCategory, L"%i", &nCategory ) == 1 )
				switch ( nCategory )
				case 1:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriAudio );
				case 2:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriBook );		// For documents
				case 3:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriArchive );		// For games
				case 4:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriApplication );	// For software
				case 5:
					m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( CSchema::uriVideo );
				//	break;

		if ( m_pSchema == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		m_pRazaXML = m_pSchema->Instantiate( TRUE );

		CXMLElement* pXML = m_pRazaXML->AddElement( m_pSchema->m_sSingular );
		Setup( m_pSchema, TRUE );

		for ( POSITION pos = pRoot->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
			CXMLElement* pElement = pRoot->GetNextElement( pos );
			if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductName" ) )
				m_sProductName = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductID" ) )
				m_sProductID = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductDescription" ) )
				m_sDescription = pElement->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductURLs" ) )
				CXMLElement* pBuyURL = pElement->GetElementByName( L"ProductBuyURL" );
				if ( pBuyURL )
					m_sBuyURL = pBuyURL->GetValue();
			else if ( pElement->IsNamed( L"ProductImages" ) )
				CXMLElement* pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"LargeImage" );
				if ( pImage == NULL )
					pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"MediumImage" );
				if ( pImage == NULL )
					pImage = pElement->GetElementByName( L"SmallImage" );
				if ( pImage )
					if ( CXMLElement* pImageURL = pImage->GetElementByName( L"ImageURL" ) )
						m_sThumbnailURL = pImageURL->GetValue();

		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"title" );
		pAttribute->SetValue( m_sProductName );
		pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"description" );
		pAttribute->SetValue( m_sDescription );
		pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		//if ( ! m_sBuyURL.IsEmpty() )
		//	pAttribute = new CXMLAttribute( NULL, L"distributerLink" );
		//	pAttribute->SetValue( m_sBuyURL );
		//	pXML->AddAttribute( pAttribute );

		Combine( pXML );

		delete m_pRazaXML;
		m_pRazaXML = NULL;
	else if ( m_nRequestType == stStoreMatch )
		CXMLElement* pStore = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"StoreName" );
		if ( pStore == NULL )
			return FALSE;
		CString strName = pStore->GetValue();
		if ( strName.IsEmpty() )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pPrice = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"Price" );
		if ( pPrice == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pValue = pPrice->GetElementByName( L"PriceFormatted" );
		if ( pValue == NULL )
			return FALSE;

		CString strValue = pValue->GetValue();
		if ( strValue.IsEmpty() )
			return FALSE;

		CXMLElement* pLink = pRoot->GetElementByName( L"StoreURL" );
		if ( pLink )
			CString strLink;
			strLink.Format( L"%s|%s", (LPCTSTR)pLink->GetValue(), (LPCTSTR)strValue );

			while ( Find( strName ) )
				strName += '\x00A0';

			CMetaItem* pItem = Add( strName, strLink );
			pItem->m_bValueDefined = TRUE;

	return TRUE;