Ejemplo n.º 1
void Vizzer::renderCamera(ApplicationData &app, const Cameraf &c, const vec3f &color)
    const float axisLength = 0.15f;
    const float radius = 0.003f;

    const vec3f eye = c.getEye();
    const vec3f look = c.getLook() * axisLength;
    const vec3f right = c.getRight() * axisLength;
    const vec3f up = c.getUp() * axisLength;
    assets.renderSphere(camera.getCameraPerspective(), eye, radius * 1.5f, math::lerp(color, vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0.25f));
    assets.renderCylinder(camera.getCameraPerspective(), eye, eye + look, radius, math::lerp(color, vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.25f));
    assets.renderCylinder(camera.getCameraPerspective(), eye, eye + right, radius, math::lerp(color, vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.25f));
    assets.renderCylinder(camera.getCameraPerspective(), eye, eye + up, radius, math::lerp(color, vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.25f));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void PBRTPreamble(const Cameraf &camera, UINT resolution, bool externalCamera, const string &externalLookAt)
        ofstream file(PBRTFilename());


        file << "Film \"image\"" << endl;
        file << "  \"integer xresolution\" [" << resolution << "] \"integer yresolution\" [" << resolution << "]" << endl;
        file << "  \"string filename\" [\"./scene.exr\"]" << endl;

        file << "Scale -1 1 1" << endl;

        if (externalCamera)
          file << "Include \"./camera.pbrt\"" << endl;
        else if (externalLookAt.size() > 0)
            file << externalLookAt << endl;
          file << "LookAt " << camera.getEye() << ' ' << (camera.getEye() + camera.getLook()) << ' ' << camera.getUp() << endl;

        file << "Camera \"perspective\" \"float fov\" [60]" << endl;

        file << "SurfaceIntegrator \"whitted\"" << endl;

        file << " Sampler \"lowdiscrepancy\" \"integer pixelsamples\" [" << synthParams().PBRTSamples << "]" << endl;

        file << "WorldBegin" << endl;

        // nsamples for an infinite light source does nothing. Light sampling is deterministic given the u-v sample values provided by the Sampler.

        //file << "LightSource \"infinite\" \"string mapname\" [\"lightMaps/pisa_latlong.exr\"]" << endl;
        //file << "  \"integer nsamples\" [1]" << endl;

        file << "AttributeBegin" << endl;
        file << "Rotate 110 0 0 1" << endl;
        file << "LightSource \"infinite\" \"string mapname\" [\"lightMaps/skylight-surreal.exr\"]" << endl;
        file << "  \"integer nsamples\" [1]" << endl;
        file << "AttributeEnd" << endl;

        file << "AttributeBegin" << endl;
        file << "Rotate 110 0 0 1" << endl;
        file << "LightSource \"infinite\" \"string mapname\" [\"lightMaps/skylight-surreal.exr\"]" << endl;
        file << "  \"integer nsamples\" [1]" << endl;
        file << "AttributeEnd" << endl;

        file << "AttributeBegin" << endl;
        file << "Rotate 180 1 0 0" << endl;
        file << "LightSource \"infinite\" \"string mapname\" [\"lightMaps/skylight-blue.exr\"]" << endl;
        file << "  \"integer nsamples\" [1]" << endl;
        file << "AttributeEnd" << endl;

        file << "AttributeBegin" << endl;
        file << "Rotate 190 0 0 1" << endl;
        file << "LightSource \"infinite\" \"string mapname\" [\"lightMaps/skylight-pollution.exr\"]" << endl;
        file << "  \"integer nsamples\" [1]" << endl;
        file << "AttributeEnd" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
SynthRenderResult SynthRenderer::render(AppState &state, const Scene &s, const Cameraf &c, bool qualityEstimateOnly)
    D3D11RenderTarget &renderTarget = qualityEstimateOnly ? renderTargetSmall : renderTargetBig;

    Bitmap occludedObjectColor, unoccludedObjectColor;
    // unoccluded rendering
    renderTarget.clear(vec4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    s.objects[s.mainObjectIndex].render(state, c);

    // occluded rendering
    renderTarget.clear(vec4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

    for (UINT objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < s.objects.size(); objectIndex++)
        if (objectIndex != s.mainObjectIndex)
            s.objects[objectIndex].render(state, c);

    renderTarget.clearColor(vec4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

    s.objects[s.mainObjectIndex].render(state, c);


    SynthRenderResult result;

    if (!qualityEstimateOnly)
        result.occludedObjectColor = occludedObjectColor;

    ml::vec4uc magenta(255, 0, 255, 255);

    auto countPixels = [&](const Bitmap &image)
        size_t count = 0;
        for (const auto &p : image)
            if (p.value != magenta)
        return count;

    auto borderClear = [&](const Bitmap &image)
        for (int y = 0; y < (int)image.getHeight(); y++)
            if (image(y, 0) != magenta || image(y, (int)image.getWidth() - 1) != magenta)
                return false;
        for (int x = 0; x < (int)image.getWidth(); x++)
            if (image(0, x) != magenta || image((int)image.getHeight() - 1, x) != magenta)
                return false;
        return true;
    double occlusionPercentage = 0.0;
    double totalScreenCoverage = 0.0;
    const size_t occludedObjectPixels = countPixels(occludedObjectColor);
    const size_t totalObjectPixels = countPixels(unoccludedObjectColor);
    double borderQuality = 0.0;

    if (borderClear(unoccludedObjectColor))
        borderQuality = 1.0;

    result.quality = 0.0;

    if (totalObjectPixels > 0)
        occlusionPercentage = 1.0 - (double)occludedObjectPixels / (double)totalObjectPixels;
        totalScreenCoverage = (double)occludedObjectPixels / double(occludedObjectColor.getNumPixels());

        const int minTotalPixelCount = 1000;
        const float maxOcclusionPercentage = 0.4;
        const float minScreenCoverage = 0.15;
        const float maxScreenCoverage = 0.7;

        if (occludedObjectPixels >= minTotalPixelCount &&
            occlusionPercentage <= maxOcclusionPercentage &&
            totalScreenCoverage >= minScreenCoverage &&
            totalScreenCoverage <= maxScreenCoverage &&
            borderQuality > 0.0)
            // TODO: this is not a good metric because it favors unoccluded too much...
            //result.quality = ml::math::max(totalScreenCoverage, 0.1);
            result.quality = 1.0;

    const ModelInstance &object = s.objects[s.mainObjectIndex];
    //const vec3f objectCenter = object.modelToWorld * object.object.model->bbox.getCenter();
    //const vec3f objectFrameX = (object.modelToWorld * (object.object.model->bbox.getCenter() + vec3f::eX) - objectCenter).getNormalized();
    //const vec3f objectFrameY = (object.modelToWorld * (object.object.model->bbox.getCenter() + vec3f::eY) - objectCenter).getNormalized();
    //const vec3f objectFrameZ = (object.modelToWorld * (object.object.model->bbox.getCenter() + vec3f::eZ) - objectCenter).getNormalized();

    result.camera = c;
    result.annotations.push_back("modelName=" + object.model->modelName);
    result.annotations.push_back("modelCategory=" + object.model->categoryName);
    result.annotations.push_back("cameraEye=" + c.getEye().toString());
    result.annotations.push_back("cameraRight=" + c.getRight().toString());
    result.annotations.push_back("cameraLook=" + c.getLook().toString());
    result.annotations.push_back("occludedObjectPixels=" + std::to_string(occludedObjectPixels));
    result.annotations.push_back("totalObjectPixels=" + std::to_string(totalObjectPixels));
    result.annotations.push_back("occlusionPercentage=" + std::to_string(occlusionPercentage));
    result.annotations.push_back("totalScreenCoverage=" + std::to_string(totalScreenCoverage));
    result.annotations.push_back("borderQuality=" + std::to_string(borderQuality));
    result.annotations.push_back("quality=" + std::to_string(result.quality));
    return result;