Ejemplo n.º 1
	Convert user (non-rectangular) mesh based data to internal structure.
	See also Qwt3D::TripleField and Qwt3D::CellField
bool Curve::loadFromData(TripleField const& data, CellField const& poly, QString titlestr)
	actualData_p = actualDataC_;

	actualDataC_->datatype = Qwt3D::POLYGON;
	actualDataC_->nodes = data;
	actualDataC_->cells = poly;
	actualDataC_->normals = TripleField(actualDataC_->nodes.size());

	if (!titlestr.isEmpty())	setTitle(titlestr);

	unsigned i;

//  normals for the moment
	Triple n, u, v;
	for (i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++i){
		if (poly[i].size() < 3)
			n = Triple(0, 0, 0);
		else {
			for (unsigned j = 0; j < poly[i].size(); ++j){
				unsigned jj = (j + 1) % poly[i].size();
				unsigned pjj = (j) ? j - 1 : poly[i].size() - 1;
				u = actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][jj]] - actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][j]];
				v = actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][pjj]] - actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][j]];
				n = normalizedcross(u,v);
				actualDataC_->normals[poly[i][j]] += n;
	for ( i = 0; i != actualDataC_->normals.size(); ++i) 
	ParallelEpiped hull(Triple(DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX),Triple(-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX));

	for (i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i){
		Triple t = data[i];
		if (t.x < hull.minVertex.x)
			hull.minVertex.x = t.x;
		if (t.y < hull.minVertex.y)
			hull.minVertex.y = t.y;
		if (t.z < hull.minVertex.z)
			hull.minVertex.z = t.z;

		if (t.x > hull.maxVertex.x)
			hull.maxVertex.x = t.x;
		if (t.y > hull.maxVertex.y)
			hull.maxVertex.y = t.y;
		if (t.z > hull.maxVertex.z)
			hull.maxVertex.z = t.z;

	emit readInFinished(title()->string());

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned Qwt3D::tesselationSize(CellField const& t)
	unsigned ret = 0;
	for (unsigned i=0; i!=t.size(); ++i)
		ret += t[i].size();
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool App::OnInit()

    sf::RenderWindow m_Window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Game of Life");

    // list of objects to render every frame
    std::vector<Drawable*> renderList;

    // initialise background
    float zoomLimitMax = 2.0f;
    float zoomLimitMin = 0.125f;
    float zoomSmoothnessFactor = 4.0f;
    Background background;
    renderList.push_back( &background );

    // initialise cell field
    bool mouseMoveKills = false;
    CellField cellField;
    renderList.push_back( &cellField );

    // set up zooming parameters
    float currentZoom = 1.0f, targetZoom = 1.0f;
    sf::Vector2f viewPosition(0.0f,0.0f);
    sf::Vector2i pinchScrollPosition;
    bool isScrolling = false;

    // mouse states
    sf::Vector2i mousePosition;
    bool mouseButton1 = false;

    // cell timer, keeps track of when to update to next frame
    int cellTimer = 0;

    // speed of simulation
    int simulationSpeed = 5;

    // set to true when the game is paused
    bool isPaused = true;

    // set up loop timer
    LoopTimer loopTimer;
    loopTimer.setFPS( 60 );

    // run the program as long as the window is open
    while( m_Window.isOpen() )

        // update game logic
        int maxUpdateLoops = 0;
        while( loopTimer.isTimeToUpdate() )

            // smooth zooming
            float deltaZoom = (currentZoom-targetZoom)/zoomSmoothnessFactor;
            currentZoom -= deltaZoom;

            // adjust view position so zoom occurs under mouse
            viewPosition.x += static_cast<float>(mousePosition.x)*deltaZoom/(currentZoom*currentZoom);
            viewPosition.y += static_cast<float>(mousePosition.y)*deltaZoom/(currentZoom*currentZoom);

            // calculate next frame if time has come
            if( !isPaused && cellTimer++ >= simulationSpeed )
                cellTimer = 0;

            // limit amount of update loops allowed
            if( ++maxUpdateLoops == 10 )

        // check all the window's events that were triggered since the last iteration of the loop
        sf::Event event;
        while( m_Window.pollEvent(event) )

            // "close requested" event: close the window
            if( event.type == sf::Event::Closed )

            // handle zooming
            if( event.type == sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved )
                targetZoom += event.mouseWheel.delta/20.0f;
                if( targetZoom >= zoomLimitMax ) targetZoom = zoomLimitMax;
                if( targetZoom <= zoomLimitMin ) targetZoom = zoomLimitMin;

            // mouse button pressed
            if( event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed )

                // press mouse
                if( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left )
                    mouseButton1 = true;

                // determine if further mouse movement should kill or revive cells
                int cellX = std::floor( (static_cast<float>(event.mouseButton.x)/currentZoom-viewPosition.x)/10.0f );
                int cellY = std::floor( (static_cast<float>(event.mouseButton.y)/currentZoom-viewPosition.y)/10.0f );
                if( cellField.isCellAlive(GOL::Vector2<int>(cellX,cellY)) )
                    mouseMoveKills = true;
                    if( mouseButton1 && isPaused )
                    mouseMoveKills = false;
                    if( mouseButton1 && isPaused )

                // begin scrolling
                if( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right )
                    isScrolling = true;
                    pinchScrollPosition.x = event.mouseButton.x;
                    pinchScrollPosition.y = event.mouseButton.y;

            // mouse button released
            if( event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased )

                // release mouse
                if( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left )
                    mouseButton1 = false;

                // end scrolling
                if( event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right )
                    isScrolling = false;

            // mouse movement
            if( event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved )

                // set mouse position
                mousePosition.x = event.mouseMove.x;
                mousePosition.y = event.mouseMove.y;

                // handle scrolling
                if( isScrolling )
                    viewPosition.x += static_cast<float>(event.mouseMove.x - pinchScrollPosition.x)/currentZoom;
                    viewPosition.y += static_cast<float>(event.mouseMove.y - pinchScrollPosition.y)/currentZoom;
                    pinchScrollPosition.x = event.mouseMove.x;
                    pinchScrollPosition.y = event.mouseMove.y;

                // handle killing/reviving cells in edit mode
                if( isPaused && mouseButton1 )
                    int cellX = std::floor( (static_cast<float>(event.mouseMove.x)/currentZoom-viewPosition.x)/10.0f );
                    int cellY = std::floor( (static_cast<float>(event.mouseMove.y)/currentZoom-viewPosition.y)/10.0f );
                    if( mouseMoveKills )


            // button presses
            if( event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed )

                // pause/resume with space
                if( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Space )
                    isPaused = !isPaused;

                // increase simulation speed
                if( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up )
                    if( simulationSpeed > 0 )

                // decrease simulation speed
                if( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down )
                    if( simulationSpeed < 60 )

                // reset field
                if( event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Delete )
                    if( isPaused )


        // clear

        // draw everything to render window
        for( std::vector<Drawable*>::iterator it = renderList.begin(); it != renderList.end(); ++it )
            (*it)->draw( &m_Window, sf::Vector2f(800,600), viewPosition, currentZoom );

        // end the current frame

	return true;
	Convert user (non-rectangular) mesh based data to internal structure.
	See also Qwt3D::TripleField and Qwt3D::CellField
bool SurfacePlot::loadFromData(TripleField const& data, CellField const& poly)
  actualData_p = actualDataC_;
	actualDataC_->nodes = data;
	actualDataC_->cells = poly;
	actualDataC_->normals = TripleField(actualDataC_->nodes.size());

	unsigned i;

//  normals for the moment
	Triple n, u, v;
	for ( i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++i) 
		if (poly[i].size() < 3)
			n = Triple(0,0,0);
			for (unsigned j = 0; j < poly[i].size(); ++j) 
				unsigned jj = (j+1) % poly[i].size(); 
				unsigned pjj = (j) ? j-1 : poly[i].size()-1;
				u = actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][jj]]-actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][j]];		
				v = actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][pjj]]-actualDataC_->nodes[poly[i][j]];
				n = normalizedcross(u,v);
				actualDataC_->normals[poly[i][j]] += n;
	for ( i = 0; i != actualDataC_->normals.size(); ++i) 
	ParallelEpiped hull(Triple(DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX),Triple(-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX,-DBL_MAX));

	for (i = 0; i!=data.size(); ++i)
		if (data[i].x < hull.minVertex.x)
			hull.minVertex.x = data[i].x;
		if (data[i].y < hull.minVertex.y)
			hull.minVertex.y = data[i].y;
		if (data[i].z < hull.minVertex.z)
			hull.minVertex.z = data[i].z;
		if (data[i].x > hull.maxVertex.x)
			hull.maxVertex.x = data[i].x;
		if (data[i].y > hull.maxVertex.y)
			hull.maxVertex.y = data[i].y;
		if (data[i].z > hull.maxVertex.z)
			hull.maxVertex.z = data[i].z;



	return true;