Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Attempt to place an atom.
   bool Generator::attemptPlaceAtom(Atom& atom,
                             const DArray<double>& diameters, 
                             CellList& cellList)
      // Shift atom position to primary image within boundary
      Vector& pos = atom.position();

      // Loop over neighbors, check distance to each.
      // Return false immediately if any neighbor is too close.
      CellList::NeighborArray neighbors;
      cellList.getNeighbors(pos, neighbors);
      double di = diameters[atom.typeId()];
      double rSq, dj, dSq;
      Atom* neighborPtr;
      int n = neighbors.size();
      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
         neighborPtr = neighbors[j];
         rSq = boundary().distanceSq(neighborPtr->position(), pos);
         dj = diameters[neighborPtr->typeId()];
         dSq = 0.5*(di + dj);
         dSq *= dSq;
         if (rSq < dSq) {
            return false;

      // If all neighbors are allowed, add atom to cellList
      return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MainWindow::addRandomDir(CellList& list)
  Cell* cell = list.first();
  Cell* ucell = uCell(cell);
  Cell* rcell = rCell(cell);
  Cell* dcell = dCell(cell);
  Cell* lcell = lCell(cell);

  typedef QMap<Cell::Dirs, Cell*> CellMap;
  CellMap freecells;

  if(ucell && ucell->dirs() == Cell::Free)
    freecells[Cell::U] = ucell;
  if(rcell && rcell->dirs() == Cell::Free)
    freecells[Cell::R] = rcell;
  if(dcell && dcell->dirs() == Cell::Free)
    freecells[Cell::D] = dcell;
  if(lcell && lcell->dirs() == Cell::Free)
    freecells[Cell::L] = lcell;

  CellMap::ConstIterator it = freecells.constBegin();
  for(int i = rand() % freecells.count(); i > 0; --i)

  cell->setDirs(Cell::Dirs(cell->dirs() | it.key()));
    void visitModules() {
	// Loop on all modules left to process
	// Hitting a cell adds to the appropriate level of this level-sorted list,
	// so since cells originally exist top->bottom we process in top->bottom order too.
	while (!m_todoModps.empty()) {
	    LevelModMap::iterator it = m_todoModps.begin();
	    AstNodeModule* nodep = it->second;
	    if (!nodep->user5SetOnce()) {  // Process once; note clone() must clear so we do it again
		UINFO(4," MOD   "<<nodep<<endl);
		// Note above iterate may add to m_todoModps
		// Process interface cells, then non-interface which may ref an interface cell
		for (int nonIf=0; nonIf<2; ++nonIf) {
		    for (CellList::iterator it=m_cellps.begin(); it!=m_cellps.end(); ++it) {
			AstCell* nodep = *it;
			if ((nonIf==0 && nodep->modp()->castIface())
			    || (nonIf==1 && !nodep->modp()->castIface())) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Return the list of cells crossed when moving from the start point
    // to the end point.
    CellList emit()
        CellList cells;

        int gridX = xcell(m_xstart);
        int gridY = ycell(m_ystart);

        int xlast = xcell(m_xend);
        int ylast = ycell(m_yend);

        cells.push_back( {gridX, gridY} );
        while (gridX != xlast || gridY != ylast)
            if (m_tMaxX < m_tMaxY)
                m_tMaxX += m_tDeltaX;
                gridX += m_stepX;
                m_tMaxY += m_tDeltaY;
                gridY += m_stepY;
            cells.push_back( { gridX, gridY } );
        return cells;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/*! \brief populate the Cell-list with particles non symmetric case
 * \tparam dim dimensionality of the space
 * \tparam T type of the space
 * \tparam CellList type of cell-list
 * \param pos vector of positions
 * \param cli Cell-list
 * \param g_m marker (particle below this marker must be inside the domain, particles outside this marker must be outside the domain)
template<unsigned int dim, typename T, typename CellList> void populate_cell_list_no_sym(openfpm::vector<Point<dim,T>> & pos, CellList & cli, size_t g_m)

	for (size_t i = 0; i < pos.size() ; i++)
		cli.add(pos.get(i), i);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool MainWindow::updateConnections()
	bool newconnection[MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize];
	for(int i = 0; i < MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize; i++)
		newconnection[i] = false;

	CellList list;
		newconnection[root->index()] = true;
		Cell* cell = list.first();
		Cell* ucell = uCell(cell);
		Cell* rcell = rCell(cell);
		Cell* dcell = dCell(cell);
		Cell* lcell = lCell(cell);

		if((cell->dirs() & Cell::U) && ucell && (ucell->dirs() & Cell::D) &&
				!newconnection[ucell->index()] && !ucell->isRotated())
			newconnection[ucell->index()] = true;
		if((cell->dirs() & Cell::R) && rcell && (rcell->dirs() & Cell::L) &&
				!newconnection[rcell->index()] && !rcell->isRotated())
			newconnection[rcell->index()] = true;
		if((cell->dirs() & Cell::D) && dcell && (dcell->dirs() & Cell::U) &&
				!newconnection[dcell->index()] && !dcell->isRotated())
			newconnection[dcell->index()] = true;
		if((cell->dirs() & Cell::L) && lcell && (lcell->dirs() & Cell::R) &&
				!newconnection[lcell->index()] && !lcell->isRotated())
			newconnection[lcell->index()] = true;

	bool isnewconnection = false;
	for(int i = 0; i < MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize; i++)
		if(!board[i]->isConnected() && newconnection[i])
			isnewconnection = true;
	return isnewconnection;
Ejemplo n.º 7
SqlitePage::CellList SqlitePage::cellList() {
    CellList cellList;
    CellPointers cellPtrs = cellPointers();
    for (CellPointers::iterator pos = cellPtrs.begin();
         pos != cellPtrs.end(); ++pos) {
        CellInfo cellInfo;
        cellInfo.offset = *pos;
        base::varint_t vint_playload = parseVarint(page_.begin() + *pos, page_.end());
        base::varint_t vint_rowid = parseVarint(page_.begin() + *pos + vint_playload.length, page_.end());
        cellInfo.length = vint_playload.value + vint_playload.length + vint_rowid.length;
    return cellList;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 SplitState filterGraph(PartitionStack* ps, const GraphType& points,
                        const CellList& cells, int path_length)
     // Would not normally go this low level, but it is important this is fast
     memset(&(mset.front()), 0, mset.size() * sizeof(mset[0]));
     edgesconsidered = 0;
     MonoSet monoset(ps->cellCount());
     debug_out(3, "EdgeGraph", "filtering: " << cells.size() << " cells out of " << ps->cellCount());
     if(path_length == 1) {
         for(int c : cells)
             hashCellSimple(ps, points, monoset, c);
         MonoSet hitvertices(ps->domainSize());
         for(int c : cells)
             hashRangeDeep(ps, points, monoset, hitvertices, ps->cellRange(c));
         memset(&(msetspare.front()), 0, msetspare.size() * sizeof(msetspare[0]));
         hashRangeDeep2(ps, points, monoset, hitvertices.getMembers());
         for(int i : range1(mset.size())) {
             mset[i] += msetspare[i] * 71;
     debug_out(3, "EdgeGraph", "filtering " << mset << " : " << monoset);
     return filterPartitionStackByFunctionWithCells(ps, SquareBrackToFunction(&mset), monoset);
  void VerletListTriple::rebuild(){
    cutVerlet = cut + getSystem() -> getSkin();
    cutsq = cutVerlet * cutVerlet;

    // add particles to adress zone
    CellList cl = getSystem()->storage->getRealCells();
    LOG4ESPP_DEBUG(theLogger, "local cell list size = " << cl.size());
    for (CellListAllTriplesIterator it(cl); it.isValid(); ++it) {
      checkTriple(*it->first, *it->second, *it->third);

    LOG4ESPP_DEBUG(theLogger, "rebuilt VerletList (count=" << builds << "), cutsq = " << cutsq
                 << " local size = " << vlTriples.size());
Ejemplo n.º 10
CellList* makeCellList(SsProject* proj)
	// セルデータの出力と、全てセルデータを集約したリストを作る
	CellList* cellList = new std::map<const SsCell*, int>();
	int cellListIndex = 0;

	for (size_t mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < proj->cellmapList.size(); mapIndex++)
		const SsCellMap* cellMap = proj->cellmapList[mapIndex];

		for (size_t cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cellMap->cells.size(); cellIndex++)
			const SsCell* cell = cellMap->cells[cellIndex];
			cellList->insert(CellList::value_type(cell, cellListIndex++));
	return cellList;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ForestTechniqueManager::Cell::bin()
    // put trees in appropriate cells.
    TreeList treesNotAssigned;
    for(TreeList::iterator titr=_trees.begin();
        Tree* tree = titr->get();
        bool assigned = false;
        for(CellList::iterator citr=_cells.begin();
            citr!=_cells.end() && !assigned;
            if ((*citr)->contains(tree->_position))
                assigned = true;
        if (!assigned) treesNotAssigned.push_back(tree);

    // put the unassigned trees back into the original local tree list.

    // prune empty cells.
    CellList cellsNotEmpty;
    for(CellList::iterator citr=_cells.begin();
        if (!((*citr)->_trees.empty()))

Ejemplo n.º 12
   * Setup cell list for use.
   Generator::setupCellList(int atomCapacity, 
                            Boundary& boundary,
                            const DArray<double>& diameters,
                            CellList& cellList)
      // Set maximum atom id = atomCapacity - 1, and allocate
      // arrays in cellList that are indexed by atom id

      // Compute maximum exclusion diameter
      double maxDiameter = 0.0;
      for (int iType = 0; iType < diameters.capacity(); iType++) {
         if (diameters[iType] > maxDiameter) {
            maxDiameter = diameters[iType];

      // Setup grid of empty cells
      cellList.setup(boundary, maxDiameter);
Ejemplo n.º 13
SqlitePage::BlockAreas SqlitePage::freeBlocks()
    BlockAreas freeBlockAreaList;
    CellList cellList = this->cellList(); // FIXIT
    if (cellList.empty()) {
        return freeBlockAreaList;
    BlockArea firstBlock;
    PageHeader header = pageHeader();
    // FIXIT: 8 is not good
    firstBlock.begin = header.numOfCells * 2 + 8;
    firstBlock.end = cellList[cellList.size() - 1].offset - 1;
    if (cellList.size() > 1) {
        // Cell List 是自底向上增长的,所以这里使用反向迭代器遍历
        CellList::reverse_iterator rpos;
        for (rpos =  cellList.rbegin();
             rpos != cellList.rend(); ++rpos) {
            BlockArea block;
            block.begin = rpos->offset;
            block.end = rpos->offset + rpos->length;
            CellList::reverse_iterator tmp_rpos = rpos + 1;
            if (block.end < tmp_rpos->offset - kMinFreeBlockSize &&
                block.end < page_.size() - kMinFreeBlockSize) {
    return freeBlockAreaList;
Ejemplo n.º 14
CellList DistanceToAtom::buildCellList(const QVector<QVector3D> &points, float size, float cutoff, float &cellSize)
    CellList cellList;
    cellSize = cutoff;
    int numCells = size / cutoff;
    cellSize = size / numCells;
    cellList.resize(numCells, vector<vector<vector<QVector3D> > >(numCells, vector<vector<QVector3D> >(numCells)));
    for(int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
        const QVector3D &p = points[i];
        int ci = p[0] / cellSize;
        int cj = p[1] / cellSize;
        int ck = p[2] / cellSize;
        if(ci==numCells) ci = numCells-1;
        if(cj==numCells) cj = numCells-1;
        if(ck==numCells) ck = numCells-1;

        if(!checkRange<int>(ci, 0, numCells-1) || !checkRange<int>(cj, 0, numCells-1) || !checkRange<int>(ck, 0, numCells-1)) {
            qFatal("DistanceToAtom::buildCellList() error: particle %d is out of cell list bounds.", i);
    return cellList;
Ejemplo n.º 15
System get_system()
    CellList list (1, RVec {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, RVec {2.0, 2.0, 2.0});

    list.add_atom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    list.add_atom(0.9, 1.0, 1.1);
    list.add_atom(1.9, 1.9, 1.9);

    // mean_vx: 3.0, mean_vy: 4.0, mean_vz: 5.0
    const vector<double> velocities = {
        0.0, 1.0, 2.0,
        3.0, 4.0, 5.0,
        6.0, 7.0, 8.0
    list.vs = velocities;

    const std::string title {"title of system"};
    const RVec box_size {2.0, 2.0, 2.0};

    System system {title, box_size};

    return system;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	void add2cluster_recursive(int i, int n, std::vector<int>& cluster,
		std::vector<bool>& counted, CellList& cell_list,
		clstrrule_t cluster_function, arg_t args)
		counted[i] = true;
		std::vector<int> nbr;
		cell_list.getNeighborsOf(i, nbr);

		for (unsigned int j=0; j<nbr.size(); j++) {
			if(!(counted[nbr[j]])) {
				if (cluster_function(i, nbr[j], args)) {
						nbr[j], n, cluster, counted, cell_list, cluster_function, args);
Ejemplo n.º 17
   * Generate random molecules
   bool Generator::generate(int nMolecule, 
                            const DArray<double>& diameters, 
                            CellList& cellList)
      // Preconditions
      UTIL_CHECK(nMolecule <= species().capacity());
      UTIL_CHECK(cellList.atomCapacity() == simulation().atomCapacity());

      // Attempt to place all molecules in Species
      int speciesId = species().id();
      int maxAttempt = 200;
      int iAttempt;
      bool success;
      bool isMutable;
      Species* speciesPtr;
      for (int iMol = 0; iMol < nMolecule; ++iMol) {
         Molecule &newMolecule= simulation().getMolecule(speciesId);
         speciesPtr = &system().simulation().species(speciesId);
         isMutable = speciesPtr->isMutable();
         if (isMutable) {
           speciesPtr->mutator().setMoleculeState(newMolecule, 0);
         success = false;
         iAttempt = 0;
         while (!success && iAttempt < maxAttempt) {
            success = attemptPlaceMolecule(newMolecule,
                                           diameters, cellList);
         if (!success) {
            Log::file() << "Failed to insert Linear molecule " 
                        << iMol << "\n";
            return false;
      return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Must do ifaces first, so push to list and do in proper order
Ejemplo n.º 19
   * Build the PairList, i.e., populate it with atom pairs.
   void PairList::build(CellList& cellList, bool reverseUpdateFlag)
      // Precondition
      Cell::NeighborArray neighbors;
      double cutoffSq;
      const Cell* cellPtr;
      CellAtom* atom1Ptr;
      CellAtom* atom2Ptr;
      Mask* maskPtr;
      Vector dr;
      int na;                 // number of atoms in this cell
      int nn;                 // number of neighbors for a cell
      int i, j;
      bool hasNeighbor;
      // Set maximum squared-separation for pairs in Pairlist
      cutoffSq = cutoff_*cutoff_;
      // Initialize counters for primary atoms and neighbors

      // Copy positions and ids into cell list
      // Find all neighbors (cell list)
      cellPtr = cellList.begin();
      while (cellPtr) {
         na = cellPtr->nAtom(); // # of atoms in cell

         if (na) {
            cellPtr->getNeighbors(neighbors, reverseUpdateFlag);
            nn = neighbors.size();
            // Loop over primary atoms (atom1) in primary cell
            for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) {
               atom1Ptr = neighbors[i];
               maskPtr  = atom1Ptr->maskPtr();
               // Loop over secondary atoms
               hasNeighbor = false;
               for (j = i + 1; j < nn; ++j) {
                  atom2Ptr = neighbors[j];
                  dr.subtract(atom2Ptr->position(), atom1Ptr->position()); 
                  if (dr.square() < cutoffSq && !maskPtr->isMasked(atom2Ptr->id())) {
                     hasNeighbor = true;

               // Complete processing of atom1.
               if (hasNeighbor) {

            } // for ia 
         } // if (na)

         // Advance to next cell in a linked list
         cellPtr = cellPtr->nextCellPtr();

      // Postconditions
      if (atom1Ptrs_.size()) {
         if (first_.size() != atom1Ptrs_.size() + 1) {
            UTIL_THROW("Array size problem");
         if (first_[0] != 0) {
            UTIL_THROW("Incorrect first element of first_");
         if (first_[atom1Ptrs_.size()] != atom2Ptrs_.size()) {
            UTIL_THROW("Incorrect last element of first_");

      // Increment buildCounter_= number of times the list has been built.
      // Increment maxima
      if (atom1Ptrs_.size() > maxNAtomLocal_) {
         maxNAtomLocal_ = atom1Ptrs_.size();
      if (atom2Ptrs_.size() > maxNPairLocal_) {
         maxNPairLocal_ = atom2Ptrs_.size();
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Build the PairList, i.e., populate it with atom pairs.
   void PairList::build(CellList& cellList, bool reverseUpdateFlag)
      // Precondition
      Cell::NeighborArray neighbors;
      double dRSq, cutoffSq;
      const Cell*  cellPtr;
      Atom*  atom1Ptr;
      Atom*  atom2Ptr;
      Mask*  maskPtr;
      Vector dr;
      int    na;      // number of atoms in this cell
      int    nn;      // number of neighbors for a cell
      int    atom2Id; // atom Id for second atom
      int    i, j;
      bool   foundNeighbor;
      // Set maximum squared-separation for pairs in Pairlist
      cutoffSq = cutoff_*cutoff_;
      // Initialize counters for primary atoms and neighbors
      // Find all neighbors (cell list)
      cellPtr = cellList.begin();
      while (cellPtr) {
         cellPtr->getNeighbors(neighbors, reverseUpdateFlag);
         na = cellPtr->nAtom();
         nn = neighbors.size();

         // Loop over primary atoms (atom1) in primary cell
         for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) {
            atom1Ptr = neighbors[i];
            maskPtr  = &(atom1Ptr->mask());
            foundNeighbor = false;

            // Loop over secondary atoms (atom2) in primary cell
            for (j = 0; j < na; ++j) {
               atom2Ptr = neighbors[j];
               if (atom2Ptr > atom1Ptr) {
                  atom2Id  = atom2Ptr->id();
                  if (!maskPtr->isMasked(atom2Id)) {
                     dr.subtract(atom2Ptr->position(), atom1Ptr->position()); 
                     dRSq = dr.square();
                     if (dRSq < cutoffSq) {
                        // If first neighbor of atom1, add atom1 to atom1Ptrs_
                        if (!foundNeighbor) {
                           foundNeighbor = true;
                        // Append 2nd atom to atom2Ptrs_[]

            // Atoms in neighboring cells
            for (j = na; j < nn; ++j) {
               atom2Ptr = neighbors[j];
               atom2Id  = atom2Ptr->id();
               if (!maskPtr->isMasked(atom2Id)) {
                  dr.subtract(atom2Ptr->position(), atom1Ptr->position()); 
                  dRSq = dr.square();
                  if (dRSq < cutoffSq) {
                     // If first_ neighbor, record iAtomId in atom1Ptrs_
                     if (!foundNeighbor) {
                        foundNeighbor = true;
                     // Append Id of 2nd atom in pair to atom2Ptrs_[]
            // When finished with atom1, set next element of first_ array.
            if (foundNeighbor) {

         // Advance to next cell in a linked list
         cellPtr = cellPtr->nextCellPtr();

      // Postconditions
      if (atom1Ptrs_.size()) {
         if (first_.size() != atom1Ptrs_.size() + 1) {
            UTIL_THROW("Array size problem");
         if (first_[0] != 0) {
            UTIL_THROW("Incorrect first element of first_");
         if (first_[atom1Ptrs_.size()] != atom2Ptrs_.size()) {
            UTIL_THROW("Incorrect last element of first_");

      // Increment buildCounter_= number of times the list has been built.
      // Increment maxima
      if (atom1Ptrs_.size() > maxNAtomLocal_) {
         maxNAtomLocal_ = atom1Ptrs_.size();
      if (atom2Ptrs_.size() > maxNPairLocal_) {
         maxNPairLocal_ = atom2Ptrs_.size();
Ejemplo n.º 21
void MainWindow::newGame(int sk)
	if (sk==Settings::EnumSkill::Novice || sk==Settings::EnumSkill::Normal 
			|| sk==Settings::EnumSkill::Expert || sk==Settings::EnumSkill::Master)

	if(Settings::skill() == Settings::EnumSkill::Master) wrapped = true;
	else wrapped = false;
	m_clickcount = 0;
	QString clicks = i18n("Click: %1");
	KNotifyClient::event(winId(), "startsound", i18n("New Game"));
	for(int i = 0; i < MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize; i++)

	const int size = (Settings::skill() == Settings::EnumSkill::Novice) ? NoviceBoardSize :
		(Settings::skill() == Settings::EnumSkill::Normal) ? NormalBoardSize :
		(Settings::skill() == Settings::EnumSkill::Expert) ? ExpertBoardSize : MasterBoardSize;

	const int start = (MasterBoardSize - size) / 2;
	const int rootrow = rand() % size;
	const int rootcol = rand() % size;

	root = board[(start + rootrow) * MasterBoardSize + start + rootcol];

		for(int row = start; row < start + size; row++)
			for(int col = start; col < start + size; col++)
				board[row * MasterBoardSize + col]->setDirs(Cell::Free);

		CellList list;
		if(rand() % 2) addRandomDir(list);

			if(rand() % 2)
				if(rand() % 2) addRandomDir(list);

		int cells = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize; i++)
			Cell::Dirs d = board[i]->dirs();
			if((d != Cell::Free) && (d != Cell::None)) cells++;
		if(cells >= MinimumNumCells) break;

	for(int i = 0; i < MasterBoardSize * MasterBoardSize; i++)
		board[i]->rotate((rand() % 4) * 90);
Ejemplo n.º 22
   * Generate random molecules
   void Linear::generateMolecules(int nMolecule, 
      DArray<double> exclusionRadius, System& system,
      BondPotential *bondPotentialPtr, const Boundary &boundary)
      int iMol;

      // Set up a cell list with twice the maxium exclusion radius as the
      // cell size
      double maxExclusionRadius = 0.0;
      for (int iType = 0; iType < system.simulation().nAtomType(); iType++) {
         if (exclusionRadius[iType] > maxExclusionRadius)
            maxExclusionRadius = exclusionRadius[iType];

      // the minimum cell size is twice the maxExclusionRadius,
      // but to save memory, we take 2 times that value 
      CellList cellList;
         boundary, 2.0*2.0*maxExclusionRadius);

      if (nMolecule > capacity())
         UTIL_THROW("nMolecule > Species.capacity()!"); 

      Simulation& sim = system.simulation();
      for (iMol = 0; iMol < nMolecule; ++iMol) {
         // Add a new molecule to the system
         Molecule &newMolecule= sim.getMolecule(id());

         // Try placing atoms
         bool moleculeHasBeenPlaced = false;
         for (int iAttempt = 0; iAttempt< maxPlacementAttempts_; iAttempt++) {
            // Place first atom
            Vector pos;
            Atom &thisAtom = newMolecule.atom(0);
            // check if the first atom can be placed at the new position
            CellList::NeighborArray neighbors;
            cellList.getNeighbors(pos, neighbors);
            int nNeighbor = neighbors.size();
            bool canBePlaced = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < nNeighbor; ++j) {
               Atom *jAtomPtr = neighbors[j];
               double r = sqrt(system.boundary().distanceSq(
                                        jAtomPtr->position(), pos));
               if (r < (exclusionRadius[thisAtom.typeId()] +
                  exclusionRadius[jAtomPtr->typeId()])) {
                  canBePlaced = false;
            if (canBePlaced)  {
               thisAtom.position() = pos;

               // Try to recursively place other atoms
               if (tryPlaceAtom(newMolecule, 0, exclusionRadius, system,
                  cellList, bondPotentialPtr, system.boundary())) {
                  moleculeHasBeenPlaced = true;
              } else {
         if (! moleculeHasBeenPlaced) {
           std::ostringstream oss;
           oss <<  "Failed to place molecule " << newMolecule.id();


      #if 0
      // Check
      for (int iMol =0; iMol < nMolecule; ++iMol) {
         Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter;
         for (; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
            for (int jMol =0; jMol < nMolecule; ++jMol) {
               Molecule::AtomIterator atomIter2;
               for (; atomIter2.notEnd(); ++atomIter2 ) {
                  if (atomIter2->id() != atomIter->id()) {
                     double r = sqrt(boundary.distanceSq(
                     if (r < (exclusionRadius[atomIter->typeId()]+
                        exclusionRadius[atomIter2->typeId()])) {
                        std::cout << r << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 23
   * Recursive function to try to place an atom.
   bool Linear::tryPlaceAtom(Molecule& molecule, int atomId,
      DArray<double> exclusionRadius, System& system, CellList &cellList,
      BondPotential *bondPotentialPtr, const Boundary &boundary)
      Atom& lastAtom = molecule.atom(atomId);
      Atom& thisAtom = molecule.atom(++atomId);
      Random& random = system.simulation().random();

      bool hasBeenPlaced = false;

      for (int iAttempt = 0; iAttempt < maxPlacementAttempts_; iAttempt++)
         // draw a random bond vector
         int beta = 1;
         Vector v;
         v *= bondPotentialPtr->randomBondLength(&random, beta,

         Vector newPos;
         newPos = lastAtom.position();
         newPos += v;
         // shift into simulation cell

         // check if the atom can be placed at the new position
         CellList::NeighborArray neighbors;
         cellList.getNeighbors(newPos, neighbors);
         int nNeighbor = neighbors.size();
         bool canBePlaced = true;
         for (int j = 0; j < nNeighbor; ++j) {
            Atom *jAtomPtr = neighbors[j];
            double r = sqrt(boundary.distanceSq(
               jAtomPtr->position(), newPos));
            if (r < (exclusionRadius[thisAtom.typeId()] +
               exclusionRadius[jAtomPtr->typeId()])) {
               canBePlaced = false;
         if (canBePlaced) {
            // place the particle
            thisAtom.position() = newPos;

            // add to cell list

            // are we add the end of the chain?
            if (atomId == molecule.nAtom()-1) 
              return true;
            // recursion step
            if (! tryPlaceAtom(molecule, atomId, exclusionRadius, system,
               cellList, bondPotentialPtr, boundary) ) {
               // If the next monomer cannot be inserted, delete this monomer
               // again
            } else {
               hasBeenPlaced = true;

      return hasBeenPlaced;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  ValueType begin, end, rup, refh, cellSize;
  std::string ifile, ofile, method;
  ValueType x0, x1;
  po::options_description desc ("Allow options");
    ("help,h", "print this message")
    ("begin,b", po::value<ValueType > (&begin)->default_value(0.f), "start time")
    ("end,e",   po::value<ValueType > (&end  )->default_value(0.f), "end   time")
    ("x0", po::value<ValueType > (&x0)->default_value(0.f), "lower bound of the interval")
    ("x1", po::value<ValueType > (&x1)->default_value(1.f), "upper bound of the interval, if x1 == 0, use the whole box")
    ("rup,u",   po::value<ValueType > (&rup)->default_value(3.f), "max r to make rdf")
    ("refh",  po::value<ValueType > (&refh)->default_value(0.01f), "bin size")
    ("cell-size,c", po::value<ValueType > (&cellSize)->default_value(1.f), "cell list radius")
    ("method,m",  po::value<std::string > (&method)->default_value ("adress"), "type of simulation to analyze")
    ("input,f",   po::value<std::string > (&ifile)->default_value ("traj.xtc"), "the input .xtc file")
    ("output,o",  po::value<std::string > (&ofile)->default_value ("rdf.out"), "the output file");
  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
  po::notify (vm);
  if (vm.count("help")){
    std::cout << desc<< "\n";
    return 0;

  if (x0 > x1) {
    ValueType tmpx = x0;
    x0 = x1;
    x1 = tmpx;
  std::cout << "###################################################" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# begin->end: " << begin << " " << end << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# [x0,  x1 ]: " << x0 << " " << x1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# rup: " << rup << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# refh: " << refh << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# method: " << method << std::endl;
  std::cout << "# input: " << ifile << std::endl;
  std::cout << "###################################################" << std::endl;  
  XDRFILE *fp;
  int natoms, step;
  float time;
  matrix box;
  rvec * xx;
  float prec = 1000;
  float time_prec = .01;

  char tmpfname[1024];
  strncpy (tmpfname, ifile.c_str(), 1023);
  int c;
  if ((c = read_xtc_natoms (tmpfname, &natoms)) == 0) {
    // printf ("%d %d\n", c, natoms);
    xx = (rvec *) malloc (sizeof(rvec) * natoms);
  else {
    // printf ("%d %d\n", c, natoms);
    fprintf (stderr, "error read_xtc_natoms");
    exit (1);

  fp = xdrfile_open (ifile.c_str(), "r");
  if (fp == NULL){
    std::cerr << "cannot open file " << ifile << std::endl;
    exit (1);
  if (read_xtc (fp, natoms, &step, &time, box, xx, &prec) != 0) {
    std::cerr << "error reading file " << ifile << std::endl;
    return 1;
  int nmolecules = 0;
  if (method == std::string("adress")){
    nmolecules = natoms / 4;
  else if (method == std::string("atom")){
    nmolecules = natoms / 3;
  else if (method == std::string("cg")){
    nmolecules = natoms;
  else {
    std::cerr << "wrong method" << std::endl;
    return 1;

  VectorType vbox;
  vbox.x = box[0][0];
  vbox.y = box[1][1];
  vbox.z = box[2][2];
  if (cellSize >= .5 * vbox.x){
    std::cerr << "the cell size should be less than half of the box size" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > coms;
  coms.reserve (nmolecules);

  CellList clist (nmolecules, vbox, cellSize);

  Rdf myrdf;
  myrdf.reinit (rup, refh, x0, x1);

  int countread = 0;
  while (read_xtc (fp, natoms, &step, &time, box, xx, &prec) == 0){
    if (end != 0.f) {
      if (time < begin - time_prec){
      else if (time > end + time_prec) {
    else {
      if (time < begin - time_prec) continue;
    if (countread++ % 1 == 0){
      printf ("# load frame at time: %.1f ps\r", time);
      fflush (stdout);
    coms.clear ();
    if (method == std::string ("adress")){
      int nmol = natoms / 4;
      for (int i = 0; i < nmol; ++i){
	if      (xx[i*4+3][0] <  0        ) xx[i*4+3][0] += box[0][0];
	else if (xx[i*4+3][0] >= box[0][0]) xx[i*4+3][0] -= box[0][0];
	if      (xx[i*4+3][1] <  0        ) xx[i*4+3][1] += box[1][1];
	else if (xx[i*4+3][1] >= box[1][1]) xx[i*4+3][1] -= box[1][1];
	if      (xx[i*4+3][2] <  0        ) xx[i*4+3][2] += box[2][2];
	else if (xx[i*4+3][2] >= box[2][2]) xx[i*4+3][2] -= box[2][2];
	std::vector<ValueType > tmp(3);
	tmp[0] = xx[i*4+3][0];
	tmp[1] = xx[i*4+3][1];
	tmp[2] = xx[i*4+3][2];
    else if (method == std::string ("atom")){
      int nmol = natoms / 3;
      for (int i = 0; i < nmol; ++i){
	std::vector<ValueType > com(3, 0.);
	for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	  ValueType dx1, dx2;
	  dx1 = xx[i*3+1][dd] - xx[i*3+0][dd];
	  dx2 = xx[i*3+2][dd] - xx[i*3+0][dd];
	  if (dx1 > 0.5 * box[dd][dd]) {dx1 -= box[dd][dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	  if (dx1 <-0.5 * box[dd][dd]) {dx1 += box[dd][dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	  if (dx2 > 0.5 * box[dd][dd]) {dx2 -= box[dd][dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	  if (dx2 <-0.5 * box[dd][dd]) {dx2 += box[dd][dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	  com[dd] = 16. * xx[i*3+0][dd] +
	    1. * (xx[i*3+0][dd] + dx1) +
	    1. * (xx[i*3+0][dd] + dx2);
	  com[dd] /= 18.;
	  if      (com[dd] <  0          ) com[dd] += box[dd][dd];
	  else if (com[dd] >= box[dd][dd]) com[dd] -= box[dd][dd];
	coms.push_back (com);
    else if (method == std::string ("cg")){
      int nmol = natoms;
      for (int i = 0; i < nmol; ++i){
	if      (xx[i][0] <  0        ) xx[i][0] += box[0][0];
	else if (xx[i][0] >= box[0][0]) xx[i][0] -= box[0][0];
	if      (xx[i][1] <  0        ) xx[i][1] += box[1][1];
	else if (xx[i][1] >= box[1][1]) xx[i][1] -= box[1][1];
	if      (xx[i][2] <  0        ) xx[i][2] += box[2][2];
	else if (xx[i][2] >= box[2][2]) xx[i][2] -= box[2][2];
	std::vector<ValueType > tmp(3);
	tmp[0] = xx[i][0];
	tmp[1] = xx[i][1];
	tmp[2] = xx[i][2];

    clist.rebuild (coms);
    myrdf.deposit (coms, vbox, clist);
  printf ("\n");
  xdrfile_close (fp);
  free (xx);

  FILE *fout = fopen (ofile.c_str(), "w");
  if (fout == NULL){
    std::cerr << "cannot open file " << ofile << std::endl;
    exit (1);

  fprintf (fout, "%f %f\n", 0., myrdf.getValue(0));
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < myrdf.getN(); ++i){
    fprintf (fout, "%f %f\n", (i) * refh, myrdf.getValue(i));

  fclose (fout);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  double begin, end, cellSize;
  string ifile, ofile, odir;
  int func_numb_threads;
  int numb_mol_atom;
  int max_ring;
  double rcut, acut;
  bool p_def_ring (false), p_mol_dist(false);
  po::options_description desc ("Allow options");
      ("help,h", "print this message")
      ("begin,b", po::value<double > (&begin)->default_value(0.f), "start time")
      ("end,e",   po::value<double > (&end  )->default_value(0.f), "end   time")
      ("r-cut,r",   po::value<double > (&rcut)->default_value(0.35), "the cut-off of O-O dist")
      ("angle-cut,a",   po::value<double > (&acut)->default_value(30), "the cut-off of O-H .. O angle")
      ("max-ring,m",   po::value<int > (&max_ring)->default_value(10), "the maximum size of rings")      
      ("def-ring,D", "print the non 6-ring at each step")
      ("mol-dist,M", "print the molecular ring distribution")
      ("numb-mol-atom", po::value<int > (&numb_mol_atom)->default_value(4), "number of sites in the water molecule")
      ("numb-threads,t", po::value<int > (&func_numb_threads)->default_value(1), "number of threads")
      ("input,f",   po::value<string > (&ifile)->default_value ("traj.xtc"), "the input .xtc file")
      ("output,o",  po::value<string > (&ofile)->default_value ("hbring.out"), "the output file")
      ("output-dir",  po::value<string > (&odir)->default_value ("hbring"), "the output directory of H-bond detailed information");
  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
  po::notify (vm);
  if (vm.count("help")){
    cout << desc<< "\n";
    return 0;
  if (vm.count("def-ring")){
    p_def_ring = true;
  if (vm.count("mol-dist")){
    p_mol_dist = true;

  cellSize = rcut + 1e-6;
  cout << "###################################################" << endl;
  cout << "# computes the H-bond" << endl;
  cout << "# begin->end: " << begin << " " << end << endl;
  cout << "# numb sites in water: " << numb_mol_atom << endl;
  cout << "# input: " << ifile << endl;
  cout << "# output: " << ofile << endl;
  if (p_def_ring){
    cout << "# output dir: " << odir << endl;
  cout << "# rcut: " << rcut << endl;
  cout << "# acut: " << acut << endl;
  cout << "###################################################" << endl;  
  XDRFILE *fp;
  int natoms, step;
  float time;
  matrix box;
  rvec * xx;
  float prec = 1000;
  float time_prec = .01;

  char tmpfname[1024];
  strncpy (tmpfname, ifile.c_str(), 1023);
    int c;
    if ((c = read_xtc_natoms (tmpfname, &natoms)) == 0) {
      xx = (rvec *) malloc (sizeof(rvec) * natoms);
    else {
      fprintf (stderr, "error read_xtc_natoms\n");
      exit (1);

  fp = xdrfile_open (ifile.c_str(), "r");
  if (fp == NULL){
    cerr << "cannot open file " << ifile << endl;
    exit (1);
  if (read_xtc (fp, natoms, &step, &time, box, xx, &prec) != 0) {
    cerr << "error reading file " << ifile << endl;
    return 1;
  xdrfile_close (fp);
  int nmolecules = 0;
  nmolecules = natoms / numb_mol_atom;

  VectorType vbox;
  vbox.x = box[0][0];
  vbox.y = box[1][1];
  vbox.z = box[2][2];
  if (cellSize >= .5 * vbox.x){
    cerr << "the cell size should be less than half of the box size" << endl;
    return 1;
  vector<vector<double > > coms;
  coms.reserve (nmolecules);
  vector<vector<vector<double > > > waters;
  waters.reserve (nmolecules * 3);

  CellList clist (nmolecules, vbox, cellSize);
  HydrogenBond_Geo_1::Parameters param (rcut, acut);
  HydrogenBondAnalysis<HydrogenBond_Geo_1> hba (param, nmolecules, func_numb_threads);
  RingStats rs (nmolecules, max_ring);

  int countread = 0;
  ofstream fout (ofile.c_str());
  rs.print_head (fout);
  if (p_def_ring || p_mol_dist){
    if (access (odir.c_str(), 0) == -1) {
      cout << "# dir " << odir << " does not exist, create." << endl;
      if (mkdir (odir.c_str(), 0755)){
	cerr << "# dir " << odir << " creation failed." << endl;
	return 1;
  fp = xdrfile_open (ifile.c_str(), "r");
  if (fp == NULL){
    cerr << "cannot open file " << ifile << endl;
    exit (1);
  if (p_mol_dist) {
    // open_mol_defect (odir, nmolecules);
  while (read_xtc (fp, natoms, &step, &time, box, xx, &prec) == 0){
    if (end != 0.f) {
      if (time < begin - time_prec){
      else if (time > end + time_prec) {
    else {
      if (time < begin - time_prec) continue;
    if (((countread++)) % 1 == 0){
      printf ("# load frame at time: %.1f ps\r", time);
      fflush (stdout);
    coms.clear ();
    waters.clear ();
    int nmol = natoms / numb_mol_atom;    
    vector<double > read_com(3, 0.);
    vector<vector<double > > read_water(3);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii) read_water[ii].resize(3, 0.);

    for (int ii = 0; ii < nmol; ++ii){
      for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	read_com[dd] = xx[ii*numb_mol_atom][dd];
	if      (read_com[dd] <  0          ) read_com[dd] += box[dd][dd];
	else if (read_com[dd] >= box[dd][dd]) read_com[dd] -= box[dd][dd];
      for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj){
	for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	  read_water[jj][dd] = xx[ii*numb_mol_atom + jj][dd];
      for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	if      (read_water[0][dd] <  0          ) read_water[0][dd] += box[dd][dd];
	else if (read_water[0][dd] >= box[dd][dd]) read_water[0][dd] -= box[dd][dd];
      align_water (box, read_water);
      coms.push_back (read_com);
      waters.push_back (read_water);

    vbox.x = box[0][0];
    vbox.y = box[1][1];
    vbox.z = box[2][2];
    clist.reinit (nmolecules, vbox, cellSize);
    clist.rebuild (coms);
    vector<double > vect_box(3);
    for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) vect_box[dd] = box[dd][dd];

    vector<vector<int > > h_list;
    hba.computeBondList (h_list, clist, vect_box, waters);
    // for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < h_list.size(); ++ii){
    //   cout << ii << " \t " << h_list[ii].size() << " \t ";
    //   for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < h_list[ii].size(); ++jj){
    // 	cout << h_list[ii][jj] << " " ;
    //   }
    //   cout << endl;
    // }
    RingAnalysis ra;
    vector<vector<vector<int > > > r_list;
    ra.compute (r_list, h_list, max_ring, func_numb_threads);
    vector<vector<int > > ur_list;
    ra.unique_list (ur_list, r_list);

    rs.mol_deposite (r_list);
    rs.sys_deposite (ur_list);
    rs.print_frame (fout, time);

    // for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < r_list[0].size(); ++jj){
    //   cout << "ring " << jj << "  " ;
    //   for (unsigned kk = 0; kk < r_list[0][jj].size(); ++kk){
    // 	cout << r_list[0][jj][kk] << " ";
    //   }
    //   cout << endl;
    // }

    // for (unsigned tt = 0; tt < r_list.size(); ++tt){
    //   cout << " atom " << tt << endl;
    //   for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < r_list[tt].size(); ++jj){
    // 	cout << "ring " << jj << "  " ;
    // 	for (unsigned kk = 0; kk < r_list[tt][jj].size(); ++kk){
    // 	  cout << r_list[tt][jj][kk] << " ";
    // 	}
    // 	cout << endl;
    //   }
    //   // break;
    // }

    // for (unsigned tt = 0; tt < ur_list.size(); ++tt){
    //   cout << tt << " \t " ;
    //   for (unsigned kk = 0; kk < ur_list[tt].size(); ++kk){
    // 	cout << ur_list[tt][kk] << " ";
    //   }
    //   cout << endl;
    // }
    if (p_def_ring){
      print_step (odir, step, time, ur_list);
    if (p_mol_dist){
      print_mol_dist (odir, step, time, rs.get_frame_mol_dist());
  printf ("\n");
  free (xx);  
  xdrfile_close (fp);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void Corr3::
deposit (const std::vector<std::vector<ValueType> > & coord,
	 const VectorType & box,
	 const CellList & clist)
  int xiter = rup / clist.getCellSize().x;
  if (xiter * clist.getCellSize().x < rup) xiter ++;
  int yiter = rup / clist.getCellSize().y;
  if (yiter * clist.getCellSize().y < rup) yiter ++;
  int ziter = rup / clist.getCellSize().z;
  if (ziter * clist.getCellSize().z < rup) ziter ++;

  IntVectorType nCell = clist.getNumCell();
  ValueType myNatom = 0.;

  printf ("\n");
  for (unsigned iCellIndex = 0; iCellIndex < unsigned(nCell.x * nCell.y * nCell.z); ++iCellIndex){
    // myNatom += clist.getList()[iCellIndex].size();
    printf ("## calculating cell %d in %d       \r",
	    iCellIndex, unsigned(nCell.x * nCell.y * nCell.z));
    fflush (stdout);
    std::vector<unsigned > neighborCellIndex =
	clist.neighboringCellIndex (iCellIndex, IntVectorType (xiter, yiter, ziter));
    for (unsigned iNeighborCellIndex = 0; iNeighborCellIndex < neighborCellIndex.size(); ++iNeighborCellIndex){
      unsigned jCellIndex = neighborCellIndex[iNeighborCellIndex];
      for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < clist.getList()[iCellIndex].size(); ++ii){
	VectorType icoord;
	icoord.x = coord[clist.getList()[iCellIndex][ii]][0];
	if (x1 != 0. && (!(icoord.x >= x0 && icoord.x < x1))) continue;
	if (iNeighborCellIndex == 0) myNatom += 1.;
	icoord.y = coord[clist.getList()[iCellIndex][ii]][1];
	icoord.z = coord[clist.getList()[iCellIndex][ii]][2];
	bool sameCell (iCellIndex == jCellIndex);
	for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < clist.getList()[jCellIndex].size(); ++jj){
	  if (sameCell && ii == jj) continue;	    
	  VectorType jcoord;
	  jcoord.x = coord[clist.getList()[jCellIndex][jj]][0];
	  jcoord.y = coord[clist.getList()[jCellIndex][jj]][1];
	  jcoord.z = coord[clist.getList()[jCellIndex][jj]][2];
	  VectorType diff;
	  diff.x = - icoord.x + jcoord.x;
	  diff.y = - icoord.y + jcoord.y;
	  diff.z = - icoord.z + jcoord.z;
	  if      (diff.x < -.5 * box.x) diff.x += box.x;
	  else if (diff.x >= .5 * box.x) diff.x -= box.x;
	  if      (diff.y < -.5 * box.y) diff.y += box.y;
	  else if (diff.y >= .5 * box.y) diff.y -= box.y;
	  if      (diff.z < -.5 * box.z) diff.z += box.z;
	  else if (diff.z >= .5 * box.z) diff.z -= box.z;
	  ValueType dr = diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z;
	  dr = sqrt (dr);
	  unsigned index = (dr + offset) / binSize;
	  if (dr < rup){
	    if (index >= unsigned(nbins)){
	      // printf ("# dr: %f, index: %d, rup: %f, nbins: %d\n",
	      // 	      dr, index, rup, nbins);
	      index = nbins - 1;
	    hist[index] += 1.;
	    double tmpx = h1extend + rup;
	    // if (tmpx < rup) tmpx = rup;
	    double body3range = sqrt(tmpx * tmpx + h2extend * h2extend);
	    int body3xiter = body3range / clist.getCellSize().x;
	    if (body3xiter * clist.getCellSize().x < body3range) body3xiter ++;
	    int body3yiter = body3range / clist.getCellSize().y;
	    if (body3yiter * clist.getCellSize().y < body3range) body3yiter ++;
	    int body3ziter = body3range / clist.getCellSize().z;
	    if (body3ziter * clist.getCellSize().z < body3range) body3ziter ++;
	    std::vector<unsigned > body3NeighborCellIndex =
		clist.neighboringCellIndex (iCellIndex, IntVectorType (body3xiter, body3yiter, body3ziter));
	    for (unsigned ibody3Cell = 0; ibody3Cell < body3NeighborCellIndex.size(); ++ibody3Cell){
	      unsigned kCellIndex = body3NeighborCellIndex[ibody3Cell];
	      for (unsigned kk = 0; kk < clist.getList()[kCellIndex].size(); ++kk){
		if (clist.getList()[iCellIndex][ii] == clist.getList()[kCellIndex][kk] ||
		    clist.getList()[jCellIndex][jj] == clist.getList()[kCellIndex][kk] ) continue;
		VectorType kcoord;
		kcoord.x = coord[clist.getList()[kCellIndex][kk]][0];
		kcoord.y = coord[clist.getList()[kCellIndex][kk]][1];
		kcoord.z = coord[clist.getList()[kCellIndex][kk]][2];
		VectorType diff2;
		diff2.x = - icoord.x + kcoord.x;
		diff2.y = - icoord.y + kcoord.y;
		diff2.z = - icoord.z + kcoord.z;
		if      (diff2.x < -.5 * box.x) diff2.x += box.x;
		else if (diff2.x >= .5 * box.x) diff2.x -= box.x;
		if      (diff2.y < -.5 * box.y) diff2.y += box.y;
		else if (diff2.y >= .5 * box.y) diff2.y -= box.y;
		if      (diff2.z < -.5 * box.z) diff2.z += box.z;
		else if (diff2.z >= .5 * box.z) diff2.z -= box.z;
		double h1 = (diff.x * diff2.x +
			     diff.y * diff2.y + 
			     diff.z * diff2.z ) / dr;
		if (h1 <= h1low || h1 >= h1up) continue;
		double dr22 = (diff2.x * diff2.x + diff2.y * diff2.y + diff2.z * diff2.z);
		double h2 = sqrt(dr22 - h1 * h1);
		if (h2 >= h2extend) continue;
		dists[index].deposit (h1, h2);

  printf ("\n");
  nframe ++;
  if (x1 == x0){
    rho += myNatom / (box.x * box.y * box.z);
  else {
    rho += myNatom / ((x1 - x0) * box.y * box.z);
  natom += myNatom;
Ejemplo n.º 27
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  std::string ifile, ofile;
  double qh, qo;
  double mh, mo;
  float begin, end;
  float time_prec = .01;
  unsigned every, nDataBlock;
  double rup, refh, cellSize;
  po::options_description desc ("Program of calculating the dielectric constant.\nAllow options");
      ("help,h", "print this message")
      ("change-h,q",  po::value<double > (&qh)->default_value (0.417), "the charge of hydrogen atom")
      ("mass-h",  po::value<double > (&mh)->default_value (1.008000), "the mass of hydrogen atom")
      ("mass-o",  po::value<double > (&mo)->default_value (15.999400), "the mass of hydrogen atom")
      ("begin,b", po::value<float > (&begin)->default_value(0.f), "start time")
      ("end,e",   po::value<float > (&end  )->default_value(0.f), "end   time")
      ("every",   po::value<unsigned > (&every)->default_value(1), "every frame")
      ("num-data-block",   po::value<unsigned > (&nDataBlock)->default_value(1), "number of data in each block")
      ("rup,u",   po::value<double > (&rup)->default_value(3.f), "max r to make rdf")
      ("refh",  po::value<double > (&refh)->default_value(0.01f), "bin size")
      ("cell-size,c", po::value<double > (&cellSize)->default_value(1.f), "cell list radius")
      ("input,f",   po::value<std::string > (&ifile)->default_value ("traj.xtc"), "the input .xtc file")
      ("output,o",  po::value<std::string > (&ofile)->default_value ("gkr.out"), "the output file");

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
  po::notify (vm);
  if (vm.count("help")){
    std::cout << desc<< "\n";
    return 0;

  qo = - 2. * qh;
  int countread = 0;
  int realcountread = 0;

  XtcLoader tjl (ifile.c_str());
  if (rup * 2. > tjl.getBox()[0]) {
    cerr << "to large rup, set to half box size" << endl;
    rup = 0.5 * tjl.getBox()[0];
  int nmols = tjl.getNAtoms()/3;

  VectorType vbox;
  vbox.x = tjl.getBox()[0];
  vbox.y = tjl.getBox()[1];
  vbox.z = tjl.getBox()[2];

  CellList clist (nmols, vbox, cellSize);

  KirkwoodFactor gkr;
  gkr.reinit (rup, refh, nDataBlock);
  std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > coms;
  coms.resize (nmols);

  std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > dipoles;
  dipoles.resize (nmols);

  while (true == tjl.load()){
    countread ++;
    if ((countread-1) % every != 0) continue;
    float time = tjl.getTime();
    if (end != 0.f) {
      if (time < begin - time_prec){
      else if (time > end + time_prec) {
    else {
      if (time < begin - time_prec) continue;
    if ((realcountread++) % 1 == 0){
      printf ("# load frame at time: %.1f ps\r", time);
      fflush (stdout);

    vector<vector<double > > frame;
    tjl.getFrame (frame);
    // we assume here the tip3p water 
    for (int ii = 0; ii < nmols; ++ii){
      vector<double > moment (3, 0.);
      vector<double > com (3, 0.);
      double totmi = 1./(mh * 2. + mo);
      for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	moment[dd] += frame[ii*3+0][dd] * qo;
	moment[dd] += frame[ii*3+1][dd] * qh;
	moment[dd] += frame[ii*3+2][dd] * qh;	
	// com[dd] += frame[ii*3+0][dd] * mo * totmi;
	// com[dd] += frame[ii*3+1][dd] * mh * totmi;
	// com[dd] += frame[ii*3+2][dd] * mh * totmi;
      for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd){
	// ValueType dx1, dx2;
	// dx1 = frame[ii*3+1][dd] - frame[ii*3+0][dd];
	// dx2 = frame[ii*3+2][dd] - frame[ii*3+0][dd];
	// if (dx1 > 0.5 * tjl.getBox()[dd]) {dx1 -= tjl.getBox()[dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	// if (dx1 <-0.5 * tjl.getBox()[dd]) {dx1 += tjl.getBox()[dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	// if (dx2 > 0.5 * tjl.getBox()[dd]) {dx2 -= tjl.getBox()[dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	// if (dx2 <-0.5 * tjl.getBox()[dd]) {dx2 += tjl.getBox()[dd]; printf ("hit\n");}
	// com[dd] = mo * totmi * frame[ii*3+0][dd] + mh * totmi * (frame[ii*3+0][dd] + dx1) + mh * totmi * (frame[ii*3+0][dd] + dx2);
	com[dd] = frame[ii*3+0][dd];
	if      (com[dd] <  0               ) com[dd] += tjl.getBox()[dd];
	else if (com[dd] >= tjl.getBox()[dd]) com[dd] -= tjl.getBox()[dd];
      coms[ii] = com;
      dipoles[ii] = moment;

    clist.rebuild (coms);
    gkr.deposit (coms, clist, dipoles, vbox);
  printf ("\n");

  gkr.calculate ();

  FILE *fout = fopen (ofile.c_str(), "w");
  if (fout == NULL){
    std::cerr << "cannot open file " << ofile << std::endl;
    exit (1);

  for (unsigned i = 1; i < gkr.getN(); ++i){
    fprintf (fout, "%f %f %e\n", (i) * refh, gkr.getAvg(i), gkr.getAvgError(i));

  fclose (fout);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void DistanceToAtom::compute(const QVector<QVector3D> &pointsOriginal, float cutoff)
    if(pointsOriginal.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << "DistanceToAtom::compute WARNING: input vector is empty.";

    QElapsedTimer timer;

    float min = 1e90;
    float max = -1e90;
    for(const QVector3D &point : pointsOriginal) {
        min = std::min(min, point[0]);
        min = std::min(min, point[1]);
        min = std::min(min, point[2]);

        max = std::max(max, point[0]);
        max = std::max(max, point[1]);
        max = std::max(max, point[2]);
    max += 1e-5;
    const float systemSize = max - min;

    // Now translate all points
    QVector<QVector3D> points = pointsOriginal;
    for(QVector3D &point : points) {
        point[0] -= min;
        point[1] -= min;
        point[2] -= min;
    float cellSize;
    CellList cellList = buildCellList(points, systemSize, cutoff, cellSize);
    const int numCells = cellList.size(); // Each index should be identical


    for(int i=0; i<3*m_numberOfRandomVectors; i++) {
        m_randomNumbers[i] = floatRandom(0, systemSize);

    const float oneOverCellSize = 1.0/cellSize;

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(8)
    for(int i=0; i<m_numberOfRandomVectors; i++) {
        const float x = m_randomNumbers[3*i+0];
        const float y = m_randomNumbers[3*i+1];
        const float z = m_randomNumbers[3*i+2];

        const int cx = x * oneOverCellSize;
        const int cy = y * oneOverCellSize;
        const int cz = z * oneOverCellSize;
        float minimumDistanceSquared = 1e10;
        const float minimumDistanceSquared0 = minimumDistanceSquared;

        // Loop through all 27 cells with size=cutoff
        for(int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) {
            for(int dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) {
                for(int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz++) {
                    const vector<QVector3D> &pointsInCell = cellList[periodic(cx+dx, numCells)][periodic(cy+dy, numCells)][periodic(cz+dz, numCells)];
                    const int numberOfPointsInCell = pointsInCell.size();

                    for(int j=0; j<numberOfPointsInCell; j++) {
                        // const QVector3D &point = points[pointIndex];
                        const QVector3D &point = pointsInCell[j];

                        float dx = x - point[0];
                        float dy = y - point[1];
                        float dz = z - point[2];
                        if(dx < -0.5*systemSize) dx += systemSize;
                        else if(dx > 0.5*systemSize) dx -= systemSize;

                        if(dy < -0.5*systemSize) dy += systemSize;
                        else if(dy > 0.5*systemSize) dy -= systemSize;

                        if(dz < -0.5*systemSize) dz += systemSize;
                        else if(dz > 0.5*systemSize) dz -= systemSize;
                        const float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
                        if(distanceSquared < minimumDistanceSquared) minimumDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;

        if(minimumDistanceSquared == minimumDistanceSquared0) {
            minimumDistanceSquared = -1;

        m_values[i] = float(minimumDistanceSquared);


    // qDebug() << "DTO finished after " << timer.elapsed() << " ms.";
    m_isValid = true;

    //    if(pointsOriginal.size() == 0) {
    //        qDebug() << "DistanceToAtom::compute WARNING: input vector is empty.";
    //        return;
    //    }

    //    float min = 1e90;
    //    float max = -1e90;
    //    for(const QVector3D &point : pointsOriginal) {
    //        min = std::min(min, point[0]);
    //        min = std::min(min, point[1]);
    //        min = std::min(min, point[2]);

    //        max = std::max(max, point[0]);
    //        max = std::max(max, point[1]);
    //        max = std::max(max, point[2]);
    //    }
    //    max += 1e-5;
    //    const float systemSize = max - min;

    //    // Now translate all points
    //    QVector<QVector3D> points = pointsOriginal;
    //    for(QVector3D &point : points) {
    //        point[0] -= min;
    //        point[1] -= min;
    //        point[2] -= min;
    //    }

    //    float cellSize;
    //    CellList cellList = buildCellList(points, systemSize, cutoff, cellSize);
    //    const int numCells = cellList.size(); // Each index should be identical

    //    const float voxelSize = systemSize / m_size;
    //    for(int i=0; i<m_size; i++) {
    //        for(int j=0; j<m_size; j++) {
    //            for(int k=0; k<m_size; k++) {
    //                const QVector3D voxelCenter((i+0.5)*voxelSize, (j+0.5)*voxelSize, (k+0.5)*voxelSize);
    //                float minimumDistanceSquared0 = 1e10;
    //                float minimumDistanceSquared = 1e10;
    //                // Find the cell list where this position belongs and loop through all cells around
    //                const int cx = voxelCenter[0] / cellSize;
    //                const int cy = voxelCenter[1] / cellSize;
    //                const int cz = voxelCenter[2] / cellSize;

    //                // Loop through all 27 cells with size=cutoff
    //                for(int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) {
    //                    for(int dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) {
    //                        for(int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz++) {
    //                            const vector<int> &pointsInCell = cellList[periodic(cx+dx, numCells)][periodic(cy+dy, numCells)][periodic(cz+dz, numCells)];
    //                            for(const int &pointIndex : pointsInCell) {
    //                                const QVector3D &point = points[pointIndex];

    //                                const float distanceSquared = periodicDistanceSquared(point, voxelCenter, systemSize);
    //                                minimumDistanceSquared = std::min(minimumDistanceSquared, distanceSquared);
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //                if(minimumDistanceSquared == minimumDistanceSquared0) {
    //                    minimumDistanceSquared = -1;
    //                }
    //                setValue(i,j,k,float(minimumDistanceSquared));
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }

    //    m_isValid = true;