Ejemplo n.º 1
R_xlen_t get_first_reencode_pos(const CharacterVector& xc) {
  R_xlen_t len = xc.length();
  for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    SEXP xci = xc[i];
    if (xci != NA_STRING && !IS_ASCII(xci) && !IS_UTF8(xci)) {
      return i;

  return len;
Ejemplo n.º 2
DataFrame filter_grouped_single_env( const Data& gdf, const LazyDots& dots){
    typedef GroupedCallProxy<Data, Subsets> Proxy ;
    Environment env = dots[0].env() ;

    const DataFrame& data = gdf.data() ;
    CharacterVector names = data.names() ;
    SymbolSet set ;
    for( int i=0; i<names.size(); i++){
        set.insert( Rf_installChar( names[i] ) ) ;

    // a, b, c ->  a & b & c
    Call call( and_calls( dots, set, env ) ) ;

    int nrows = data.nrows() ;
    LogicalVector test(nrows, TRUE);

    LogicalVector g_test ;
    Proxy call_proxy( call, gdf, env ) ;

    int ngroups = gdf.ngroups() ;
    typename Data::group_iterator git = gdf.group_begin() ;
    for( int i=0; i<ngroups; i++, ++git){
        SlicingIndex indices = *git ;
        int chunk_size = indices.size() ;

        g_test = check_filter_logical_result( call_proxy.get( indices ) ) ;
        if( g_test.size() == 1 ){
            int val = g_test[0] == TRUE ;
            for( int j=0; j<chunk_size; j++){
                test[ indices[j] ] = val ;
        } else {
            check_filter_result(g_test, chunk_size ) ;
            for( int j=0; j<chunk_size; j++){
                if( g_test[j] != TRUE ) test[ indices[j] ] = FALSE ;
    return grouped_subset<Data>( gdf, test, names, classes_grouped<Data>() ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  List distance(CharacterVector& lhs, CharacterVector& rhs, int topn)
    uint64_t lhsres;
    uint64_t rhsres;
    vector<pair<string, double> > lhsword;
    vector<pair<string, double> > rhsword;
    const char *const lhs_path = lhs[0];
    const char *const rhs_path = rhs[0];
    hash.make(lhs_path, topn, lhsres, lhsword);
    hash.make(rhs_path, topn, rhsres, rhsword);
    CharacterVector lhsm(lhsword.size());
    CharacterVector lhsatb(lhsword.size());
    //unsigned int it;
    CharacterVector::iterator lhsm_it = lhsm.begin();
    CharacterVector::iterator lhsatb_it = lhsatb.begin();
    for (vector<pair<string, double> >::iterator it = lhsword.begin(); it != lhsword.end(); it++)
      *lhsm_it = (*it).first; lhsm_it++;
      *lhsatb_it = itos((*it).second); lhsatb_it++;
    lhsm.attr("names") = lhsatb;
    CharacterVector rhsm(rhsword.size());
    CharacterVector rhsatb(rhsword.size());
    CharacterVector::iterator rhsm_it = rhsm.begin();
    CharacterVector::iterator rhsatb_it = rhsatb.begin();
    for (vector<pair<string, double> >::iterator it = rhsword.begin(); it != rhsword.end(); it++)
      *rhsm_it = (*it).first; rhsm_it++;
      *rhsatb_it = itos((*it).second); rhsatb_it++;
    rhsm.attr("names") = rhsatb;

    CharacterVector hashvec;
    hashvec.push_back(int64tos(hash.distances(lhsres, rhsres)));
    return List::create( Named("distance") = hashvec,
                              Named("lhs") = lhsm,
                              Named("rhs") = rhsm
Ejemplo n.º 4
 List simhash_fromvec(vector<string>& code, int topn)
   vector<pair<string, double> > lhsword;
   uint64_t hashres;
   hash.make_fromvec(code, topn, hashres, lhsword);
   CharacterVector lhsm(lhsword.size());
   CharacterVector lhsatb(lhsword.size());
   //unsigned int it;
   CharacterVector::iterator lhsm_it = lhsm.begin();
   CharacterVector::iterator lhsatb_it = lhsatb.begin();
   for (vector<pair<string, double> >::iterator it = lhsword.begin(); it != lhsword.end(); it++)
     *lhsm_it = (*it).first; lhsm_it++;
     *lhsatb_it = itos((*it).second); lhsatb_it++;
   lhsm.attr("names") = lhsatb;
   CharacterVector hashvec;
   return List::create( Named("simhash") = hashvec,
                        Named("keyword") = lhsm);
Ejemplo n.º 5
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector connection_escape_identifier(XPtr<PqConnectionPtr> con,
                                             CharacterVector xs) {
  int n = xs.size();
  CharacterVector escaped(n);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    std::string x(xs[i]);
    escaped[i] = (*con)->escapeIdentifier(x);

  return escaped;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  bool character_vector_equal(const CharacterVector& x, const CharacterVector& y) {
    if ((SEXP)x == (SEXP)y) return true;

    if (x.length() != y.length())
      return false;

    for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < x.length(); ++i) {
      SEXP xi = x[i];
      SEXP yi = y[i];

      // Ideally we'd use Rf_Seql(), but this is not exported.
      if (Rf_NonNullStringMatch(xi, yi)) continue;
      if (xi == NA_STRING && yi == NA_STRING) continue;
      if (xi == NA_STRING || yi == NA_STRING)
        return false;
      if (CHAR(xi)[0] == 0 && CHAR(yi)[0] == 0) continue;
      return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
std::string nodeName(T* node, CharacterVector nsMap) {
  std::string name = Xml2String(node->name).asStdString();
  if (nsMap.size() == 0)
    return name;

  xmlNs* ns = node->ns;
  if (ns == NULL)
    return name;

  std::string prefix = NsMap(nsMap).findPrefix(Xml2String(ns->href).asStdString());
  return prefix + ":" + name;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  void defineVariable(CharacterVector x, std::string name) {
    readstat_label_set_t* labelSet = NULL;
    if (rClass(x) == "labelled") {
      labelSet = readstat_add_label_set(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_STRING, name.c_str());

      CharacterVector values = as<CharacterVector>(x.attr("labels"));
      CharacterVector labels = as<CharacterVector>(values.attr("names"));

      for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
        readstat_label_string_value(labelSet, values[i], std::string(labels[i]).c_str());

    int max_length = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
      int length = std::string(x[i]).size();
      if (length > max_length)
        max_length = length;

    readstat_add_variable(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_STRING, max_length,
      name.c_str(), var_label(x), NULL, labelSet);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  void defineVariable(IntegerVector x, std::string name) {
    readstat_label_set_t* labelSet = NULL;
    if (rClass(x) == "factor") {
      labelSet = readstat_add_label_set(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_INT32, name.c_str());

      CharacterVector levels = as<CharacterVector>(x.attr("levels"));
      for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); ++i)
        readstat_label_int32_value(labelSet, i + 1, std::string(levels[i]).c_str());
    } else if (rClass(x) == "labelled") {
      labelSet = readstat_add_label_set(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_INT32, name.c_str());

      IntegerVector values = as<IntegerVector>(x.attr("labels"));
      CharacterVector labels = as<CharacterVector>(values.attr("names"));

      for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
        readstat_label_int32_value(labelSet, values[i], std::string(labels[i]).c_str());


    readstat_add_variable(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_INT32, 0, name.c_str(),
      var_label(x), NULL, labelSet);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void Player::enterGame()
    map<string, string>::reverse_iterator it;

    // Greet them.
    this->sendMsg(Formatter::bold() + "Welcome, " + name + "!\n" + Formatter::reset());

    // Load the news.
    this->sendMsg("#---------------- Global News ----------------#\n");
    for (it = Mud::instance().mudNews.rbegin(); it != Mud::instance().mudNews.rend(); ++it)
        this->sendMsg("Date :" + it->first + "\n");
        this->sendMsg(it->second + "\n");
    this->sendMsg("You walked through the mist and came into the world...\n\n");

    // Notice all the players in the same room.
    if (room != nullptr)
        // Set the list of exceptions.
        CharacterVector exceptions;
        // Send the message inside the room.
        room->sendToAll("%s appears.\n", exceptions, name);

    // Set the player as logged in.
    logged_in = true;

    // New player looks around.
Ejemplo n.º 11
CharacterVector compose::compose_multiple(DataFrame parsed_urls){
  CharacterVector schemes = parsed_urls["scheme"];
  CharacterVector domains = parsed_urls["domain"];
  CharacterVector ports = parsed_urls["port"];
  CharacterVector paths = parsed_urls["path"];
  CharacterVector parameters = parsed_urls["parameter"];
  CharacterVector fragments = parsed_urls["fragment"];
  unsigned int input_size = schemes.size();
  CharacterVector output(input_size);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){
    if((i % 10000) == 0){
    output[i] = compose_single(schemes[i], domains[i], ports[i], paths[i], parameters[i],
  return output;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame full_join_impl(DataFrame x, DataFrame y,
                         CharacterVector by_x, CharacterVector by_y,
                         std::string& suffix_x, std::string& suffix_y,
                         bool na_match) {
  if (by_x.size() == 0) stop("no variable to join by");
  typedef VisitorSetIndexMap<DataFrameJoinVisitors, std::vector<int> > Map;
  DataFrameJoinVisitors visitors(y, x, SymbolVector(by_y), SymbolVector(by_x), true, na_match);
  Map map(visitors);

  // train the map in terms of y
  train_push_back(map, y.nrows());

  std::vector<int> indices_x;
  std::vector<int> indices_y;

  int n_x = x.nrows(), n_y = y.nrows();

  // get both the matches and the rows from left but not right
  for (int i = 0; i < n_x; i++) {
    // find a row in y that matches row i in x
    Map::iterator it = map.find(-i - 1);
    if (it != map.end()) {
      push_back(indices_y,  it->second);
      push_back(indices_x, i, it->second.size());
    } else {
      indices_y.push_back(-1); // mark NA

  // train a new map in terms of x this time
  DataFrameJoinVisitors visitors2(x, y, SymbolVector(by_x), SymbolVector(by_y), false, na_match);
  Map map2(visitors2);
  train_push_back(map2, x.nrows());

  for (int i = 0; i < n_y; i++) {
    // try to find row in x that matches this row of y
    Map::iterator it = map2.find(-i - 1);
    if (it == map2.end()) {
      indices_x.push_back(-i - 1);

  return subset_join(x, y,
                     indices_x, indices_y,
                     by_x, by_y,
                     suffix_x, suffix_y,
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool canParse(CharacterVector x, const canParseFun& canParse,
              LocaleInfo* pLocale) {
  for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
    if (x[i] == NA_STRING)

    if (x[i].size() == 0)

    if (!canParse(std::string(x[i]), pLocale))
      return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
//' Finds the integer that represents the nucleotide
//' Returns an integer for {G,A,T,G} and NA for 'N'
//' @param letter A single nucleotide, as a character.
//' @param alph_vect The alphabet we are using. A dataframe created using 
//' build_alphabet()
//' @return An integer, or NA if the input is 'N'
//' @author Tom Mayo \email{t.mayo@@ed.ac.uk}
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int let2base_c(String letter, CharacterVector alph_vect){
    CharacterVector temp = alph_vect;
    int len = temp.size();
    int i = 0;
    bool test = true;
    while (test){
        if (temp[i] == letter){
            test = false;
        if(i == len){
            stop("Invalid letter, must be ACGTM or N");
    if(i == len - 1){
        double ret = NA_REAL;
        return ret;
    return i;
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Create shingled n-grams
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector shingle_ngrams(CharacterVector words, int n) {
  int out_length = words.size() - n + 1;
  CharacterVector ngrams(out_length);
  for(int i = 0; i < out_length; i++) {
    CharacterVector subset = words[i - 1 + seq_len(n)];
    std::string ngram;
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      ngram += subset[j];
      if(j != n - 1) ngram += " ";
    ngrams[i] = ngram;
  return ngrams;
Ejemplo n.º 16
// [[Rcpp::export]]
RObject type_convert_col(CharacterVector x, List spec, int col,
                         const std::vector<std::string>& na, bool trim_ws) {
  CollectorPtr collector = Collector::create(spec);

  for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
    SEXP string = x[i];
    Token t;

    if (string == NA_STRING) {
      t = Token(TOKEN_MISSING, i - 1, col - 1);
    } else {
      const char* begin = CHAR(string);
      t = Token(begin, begin + Rf_length(string), i - 1, col - 1);
      if (trim_ws)

    collector->setValue(i, t);

  return collector->vector();
Ejemplo n.º 17
vector<mihandle_t> open_minc2_volumes(CharacterVector filenames){
  vector<mihandle_t> volumes;
  mihandle_t current_handle;
  CharacterVector::iterator file_iterator;
  vector<mihandle_t>::iterator volume_iterator;
  for(file_iterator = filenames.begin();
      file_iterator != filenames.end();
    try {
      current_handle = open_minc2_volume(wrap(*file_iterator));
    } catch(...){
      for(volume_iterator = volumes.begin(); volume_iterator != volumes.end(); ++volume_iterator){
Ejemplo n.º 18
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List compute_chaos(List input, CharacterVector dec_val, CharacterVector unique_dec_val) {

  std::map<String, int> indexes;
  for (int i=0; i<unique_dec_val.size(); ++i) {
    indexes[unique_dec_val[i]] = i;
  int input_size = input.size();
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > result(input_size);
  int unique_dec_val_size = unique_dec_val.size();
  std::vector<int> classCounts(unique_dec_val_size);

  for (int i=0; i<input_size; ++i) {
    for (int j=0; j<unique_dec_val_size; ++j) {
      classCounts[j] = 0;
    IntegerVector ind_class = input[i];
    int ind_class_size = ind_class.size();
    for (int j=0; j<ind_class_size; ++j) {
    result[i] = classCounts;
  return wrap(result);
Ejemplo n.º 19
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector connection_quote_string(XPtr<MyConnectionPtr> con,
                                         CharacterVector input) {
  int n = input.size();
  CharacterVector output(n);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (input[i] == NA_STRING) {
      output[i] = NA_STRING;
    } else {
      String x = input[i];
      output[i] = "'" + (*con)->quoteString(x) + "'";

  return output;
Ejemplo n.º 20
//' Hash a string to an integer
//' @param x A character vector to be hashed.
//' @return A vector of integer hashes.
//' @examples
//' s <- c("How", "many", "roads", "must", "a", "man", "walk", "down")
//' hash_string(s)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector hash_string(CharacterVector x) {

  boost::hash<std::string> hash_fn;
  int length = x.size();

  IntegerVector hash_vec(length);

  std::string str;

  for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    str = Rcpp::as<std::string>(x[i]);
    hash_vec[i] = hash_fn(str);

  return hash_vec;

Ejemplo n.º 21
CharacterVector get_uniques(const CharacterVector& left, const CharacterVector& right) {
  int nleft = left.size(), nright = right.size();
  int n = nleft + nright;

  CharacterVector big(no_init(n));
  CharacterVector::iterator it = big.begin();
  std::copy(left.begin(), left.end(), it);
  std::copy(right.begin(), right.end(), it + nleft);

  static Function unique("unique", R_BaseEnv);
  return Language(unique, big).fast_eval();
Ejemplo n.º 22
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List compute_indiscernibility(List input, CharacterVector attr_val, CharacterVector unique_attr_val) {
  std::map<String, int> numbers;
  for (int i=0; i<unique_attr_val.size(); ++i) {
    numbers[unique_attr_val[i]] = i;
  int numbers_size = numbers.size();
  int input_size = input.size();
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > result(input_size*numbers_size);
  for (int i=0; i<input_size; ++i) {
    IntegerVector ind_class = input[i];
    int ind_class_size = ind_class.size();
    for (int j=0; j<ind_class_size; ++j) {
  result.erase(std::remove_if(result.begin(), result.end(), filter<std::vector<int> >), result.end());
  return wrap(result);
Ejemplo n.º 23
DataFrame human_parse::parse_vector(CharacterVector names){
  // Measure and construct output
  unsigned int input_size = names.size();
  CharacterVector salutation(input_size);
  CharacterVector first_name(input_size);
  CharacterVector middle_name(input_size);
  CharacterVector last_name(input_size);
  CharacterVector suffix(input_size);
  CharacterVector holding(5);
  // For each element, go nuts
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){
    if((i % 10000) == 0){
    if(names[i] == NA_STRING){
      salutation[i] = NA_STRING;
      first_name[i] = NA_STRING;
      middle_name[i] = NA_STRING;
      last_name[i] = NA_STRING;
      suffix[i] = NA_STRING;
    } else {
      holding = parse_single(Rcpp::as<std::string>(names[i]));
      salutation[i] = holding[0];
      first_name[i] = holding[1];
      middle_name[i] = holding[2];
      last_name[i] = holding[3];
      suffix[i] = holding[4];

  return DataFrame::create(_["salutation"] = salutation,
                           _["first_name"] = first_name,
                           _["middle_name"] = middle_name,
                           _["last_name"] = last_name,
                           _["suffix"] = suffix,
                           _["full_name"] = names,
                           _["stringsAsFactors"] = false);
Ejemplo n.º 24
//'@title Get or remove user authentication credentials
//'@description authentication credentials appear before the domain
//'name and look like \emph{user:password}. Sometimes you want the removed,
//'or retrieved; \code{strip_credentials} and \code{get_credentials} do
//'precisely that
//'@aliases creds
//'@rdname creds
//'@param urls a URL, or vector of URLs
//'# Remove credentials
//'# Get credentials
CharacterVector strip_credentials(CharacterVector urls){
  std::string holding;
  unsigned int input_size = urls.size();
  CharacterVector output(input_size);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){
    if((i % 10000) == 0){
    if(urls[i] == NA_STRING){
      output[i] = NA_STRING;
    } else {
      output[i] = strip_single(Rcpp::as<std::string>(urls[i]));
  return output;
Ejemplo n.º 25
// [[Rcpp::export]]
CharacterVector gh_neighbour(CharacterVector hashes, IntegerVector direction){

  unsigned int input_size = hashes.size();
  int directions [2] = {direction[0], direction[1]};
  CharacterVector output(input_size);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){

    if((i % 10000) == 0){

      output[i] = NA_STRING;
    } else {
      output[i] = cgeohash::neighbor(Rcpp::as<std::string>(hashes[i]), directions);

  return output;
Ejemplo n.º 26
//'@rdname creds
DataFrame get_credentials(CharacterVector urls){
  unsigned int input_size = urls.size();
  CharacterVector user(input_size);
  CharacterVector data(input_size);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){
    if((i % 10000) == 0){
    if(urls[i] == NA_STRING){
      user[i] = NA_STRING;
      data[i] = NA_STRING;
    } else {
      get_single(Rcpp::as<std::string>(urls[i]), user, data, i);
  return DataFrame::create(_["username"] = user,
                           _["authentication"] = data,
                           _["stringsAsFactors"] = false);
Ejemplo n.º 27
//' Compute string extents.
//' Determines the width and height of a bounding box that's big enough
//' to (just) enclose the provided text.
//' @param x Character vector of of strings to measure
//' @param bold,italic Is text bold/italic?
//' @param fontname Font name
//' @param fontsize Font size
//' @examples
//' str_extents(letters)
//' str_extents("Hello World!", bold = TRUE, italic = FALSE,
//'   fontname = "sans", fontsize = 12)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix str_extents(CharacterVector x, std::string fontname = "sans",
                          double fontsize = 12, int bold = false,
                          int italic = false) {
  int n = x.size();
  CairoContext cc;
  cc.setFont(fontname, fontsize, bold, italic);
  NumericMatrix out(n, 2);

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (x[i] == NA_STRING) {
      out(i, 0) = NA_REAL;
      out(i, 1) = NA_REAL;
    } else {
      std::string str(Rf_translateCharUTF8(x[i]));
      FontMetric fm = cc.getExtents(str);

      out(i, 0) = fm.width;
      out(i, 1) = fm.height;

  return out;
Ejemplo n.º 28
// [[Rcpp::export]]
std::string collectorGuess(CharacterVector input, List locale_) {
  LocaleInfo locale(locale_);

  if (input.size() == 0 || allMissing(input))
    return "character";

  // Work from strictest to most flexible
  if (canParse(input, isLogical, &locale))
    return "logical";
  if (canParse(input, isInteger, &locale))
    return "integer";
  if (canParse(input, isDouble, &locale))
    return "double";
  if (canParseNumber(input, &locale))
    return "number";
  if (canParse(input, isDate, &locale))
    return "date";
  if (canParse(input, isDateTime, &locale))
    return "datetime";

  // Otherwise can always parse as a character
  return "character";
Ejemplo n.º 29
//'@title Decode Geohashes
//'@description \code{gh_decode} takes geohashes and turns them back into
//'latitude/longitude pairs, with an associated margin of error for each value.
//'@param hashes a character vector of geohashes.
//'@return a data.frame of four columns; "lat", "lng", "lat_error" and "lng_error"
//'@seealso \code{\link{gh_encode}} for generating geohashes, and
//'\code{\link{gh_neighbours}} for identifying the neighbouring hash boxes
//'to a geohash.
//'# A simple example:
//'gh_encode(lat = 42.60498046875, lng = -5.60302734375, precision = 5)
//'#[1] "ezs42"
//'# lat      lng      lat_error  lng_error
//'# 42.60498 -5.603027 0.02197266 0.02197266
DataFrame gh_decode(CharacterVector hashes){

  unsigned int input_size = hashes.size();
  NumericVector lats(input_size);
  NumericVector lngs(input_size);
  NumericVector lat_error(input_size);
  NumericVector lng_error(input_size);
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < input_size; i++){

    if((i % 10000) == 0){

      lats[i] = NA_REAL;
      lngs[i] = NA_REAL;
      lat_error[i] = NA_REAL;
      lng_error[i] = NA_REAL;
    } else {
      cgeohash::DecodedHash holding = cgeohash::decode(Rcpp::as<std::string>(hashes[i]));

      lats[i] = holding.latitude;
      lngs[i] = holding.longitude;
      lat_error[i] = holding.latitude_err;
      lng_error[i] = holding.longitude_err;


  return DataFrame::create(_["gh"] = hashes,
                           _["lat"] = lats,
                           _["lng"] = lngs,
                           _["lat_error"] = lat_error,
                           _["lng_error"] = lng_error,
                           _["stringsAsFactors"] = false);
Ejemplo n.º 30
DataFrame constant_element_interpolator(CharacterVector data, CharacterVector group, IntegerVector frame, CharacterVector ease) {
    std::deque<std::string> tweendata;
    std::deque<std::string> tweengroup;
    std::deque<int> tweenframe;
    int i, j, nframes;
    std::string groupString;
    std::string currentGroup = as<std::string>(group[0]);

    for (i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) {
        groupString = as<std::string>(group[i]);
        if (currentGroup == groupString) {
            nframes = frame[i] - frame[i-1];
            std::vector<double> ease_points = easeSeq(as<std::string>(ease[i-1]), nframes);
            for (j = 0; j < ease_points.size(); ++j) {
                if (ease_points[j] < 0.5) {
                    tweendata.push_back(as<std::string>(data[i - 1]));
                } else {
                tweenframe.push_back(j + frame[i-1]);
        } else {
            tweendata.push_back(as<std::string>(data[i - 1]));
            currentGroup = groupString;

    return DataFrame::create(
        Named("data") = wrap(tweendata),
        Named("group") = wrap(tweengroup),
        Named("frame") = wrap(tweenframe)