int ChatEventList::addEvent(const MUCCEVENT *muccevent) { int trimmed = 0; ChatEvent *event = new ChatEvent(muccevent); event->setPrev(eventListEnd); eventListEnd->setNext(event); eventListEnd=event; currentSize++; if (currentSize>hiMaxSize) { while (currentSize>loMaxSize && eventListRoot.getNext()!=NULL) { delete eventListRoot.getNext(); currentSize--; trimmed = 1; } } // Utils::log("#### eventList size = %d", currentSize); return trimmed; }
void SimpleChatWidget::processChatEvent(const ChatEvent& event) { WApplication *app = WApplication::instance(); /* * This is where the "server-push" happens. The chat server posts to this * event from other sessions, see SimpleChatServer::postChatEvent() */ /* * Format and append the line to the conversation. * * This is also the step where the automatic XSS filtering will kick in: * - if another user tried to pass on some JavaScript, it is filtered away. * - if another user did not provide valid XHTML, the text is automatically * interpreted as PlainText */ /* * If it is not a plain message, also update the user list. */ if (event.type() != ChatEvent::Message) { if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Rename && event.user() == user_) user_ =; updateUsers(); } /* * This is the server call: we (schedule to) propagate the updated UI to * the client. * * This schedules an update and returns immediately */ app->triggerUpdate(); newMessage(); /* * Anything else doesn't matter if we are not logged in. */ if (!loggedIn()) return; bool display = event.type() != ChatEvent::Message || !userList_ || (users_.find(event.user()) != users_.end() && users_[event.user()]); if (display) { WText *w = new WText(messages_); /* * If it fails, it is because the content wasn't valid XHTML */ if (!w->setText(event.formattedHTML(user_, XHTMLText))) { w->setText(event.formattedHTML(user_, PlainText)); w->setTextFormat(XHTMLText); } w->setInline(false); w->setStyleClass("chat-msg"); /* * Leave no more than 100 messages in the back-log */ if (messages_->count() > 100) delete messages_->children()[0]; /* * Little javascript trick to make sure we scroll along with new content */ app->doJavaScript(messages_->jsRef() + ".scrollTop += " + messages_->jsRef() + ".scrollHeight;"); /* If this message belongs to another user, play a received sound */ if (event.user() != user_ && messageReceived_) messageReceived_->play(); } }
void SimpleWebWidget::processChatEvent(const ChatEvent& event) { WApplication *app = WApplication::instance(); app->triggerUpdate(); if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Status) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { dialog->show(); } else { dialog->hide(); } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::LatLon) { double tempLat; double tempLon; tempLat = event.iflydoublevalue(); tempLon = event.iflydoublevalue2(); map->clearOverlays(); map->setCenter(Wt::WGoogleMap::Coordinate(tempLat, tempLon)); map->addMarker(Wt::WGoogleMap::Coordinate(tempLat, tempLon)); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::LastWPT) { txtLastName->setText(event.wttext()); txtLastAlt->setText(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(event.iflyvalue())); txtLastATA->setText(event.wttext2()); txtLastFuel->setText(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(event.iflyvalue3())); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::ActualWPT) { txtActName->setText(event.wttext()); txtActETA->setText(event.wttext2()); txtActFuel->setText(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(event.iflyvalue2())); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << event.iflydoublevalue(); txtActDTG->setText(ss.str()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::NextWPT) { txtNextName->setText(event.wttext()); txtNextETA->setText(event.wttext2()); txtNextFuel->setText(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(event.iflyvalue2())); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << event.iflydoublevalue(); txtNextDTG->setText(ss.str()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Destination) { txtDestinationETA->setText(event.wttext()); txtDestinationFuel->setText(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(event.iflyvalue())); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << event.iflydoublevalue(); txtDestinationDTG->setText(ss.str()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Alt) { int tempInt; tempInt = event.iflyvalue(); std::string tempString = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tempInt); txtAlt->setText(tempString); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Speed) { int tempInt; tempInt = event.iflyvalue(); std::string tempString = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tempInt); txtSpeed->setText(tempString); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Temperature) { int tempInt; tempInt = event.iflyvalue(); std::string tempString = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tempInt); txtTemperature->setText(tempString); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::OnGround) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 1) { txtOnGround->setText("Yes"); } else { txtOnGround->setText("No"); } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::GroundPower) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { btnGroundPower_->setStyleClass("btn-danger"); btnGroundPower_->setText("Ground Power NA\nSet Parking Brake"); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 1) { btnGroundPower_->setStyleClass("btn-success"); btnGroundPower_->setText("Ground Power\nAvailable"); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 2) { btnGroundPower_->setStyleClass("btn-primary"); btnGroundPower_->setText("Ground Power\nConnected"); } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::GroundAir) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { btnGroundAir_->setStyleClass("btn-danger"); btnGroundAir_->setText("Ground Air NA\nSet Parking Brake"); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 1) { btnGroundAir_->setStyleClass("btn-success"); btnGroundAir_->setText("Ground Air\nAvailable"); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 2) { btnGroundAir_->setStyleClass("btn-primary"); btnGroundAir_->setText("Ground Air\nConnected"); } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Oooi) { txtOut->setText(event.wttext()); txtOff->setText(event.wttext2()); txtOn->setText(event.wttext3()); txtIn->setText(event.wttext4()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::Door) { if (event.iflydata() == 1) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { btnDoor1_->setStyleClass("btn-success"); btnDoor1_->setText("Main door is CLOSED\nPress to open"); } else { btnDoor1_->setStyleClass("btn-danger"); btnDoor1_->setText("Main door is OPEN\nPress to close"); } } if (event.iflydata() == 2) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { btnDoor2_->setStyleClass("btn-success"); btnDoor2_->setText("Cargo door is CLOSED\nPress to open"); } else { btnDoor2_->setStyleClass("btn-danger"); btnDoor2_->setText("Cargo door is OPEN\nPress to close"); } } if (event.iflydata() == 3) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { btnDoor3_->setStyleClass("btn-success"); btnDoor3_->setText("Service door is CLOSED\nPress to open"); } else { btnDoor3_->setStyleClass("btn-danger"); btnDoor3_->setText("Service door is OPEN\nPress to close"); } } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::WxrMetarDep) { txtWxrDep->setText(event.wttext()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::WxrTafDep) { txtWxrTafDep->setText(event.wttext()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::WxrMetarArr) { txtWxrArr->setText(event.wttext()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::WxrTafArr) { txtWxrTafArr->setText(event.wttext()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::FlightInfo) { infoBox->setTitle(event.wttext()); } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::GsxMenuText) { if (event.iflyvalue() == 0) { Wt:WString _temptitle = "GSX Menu / "; _temptitle = _temptitle + event.wttext(); gsxBox->setTitle(_temptitle); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 1) { btnVirtualKey1_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey1_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 2) { btnVirtualKey2_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey2_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 3) { btnVirtualKey3_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey3_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 4) { btnVirtualKey4_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey4_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 5) { btnVirtualKey5_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey5_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 6) { btnVirtualKey6_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey6_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 7) { btnVirtualKey7_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey7_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 8) { btnVirtualKey8_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey8_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 9) { btnVirtualKey9_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey9_->show(); } if (event.iflyvalue() == 10) { btnVirtualKey0_->setText(event.wttext()); btnVirtualKey0_->show(); } } if (event.type() == ChatEvent::GsxTextText) { txtGSXText->setText(event.wttext()); } }