Ejemplo n.º 1
/*Jack Sync page */
    VBox *vbox = manage(new VBox());
    m_notebook->append_page(*vbox, "_Jack Sync", true);

    /*Frame for transport options*/
    Frame* transportframe = manage(new Frame("Transport"));
    vbox->pack_start(*transportframe, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

    VBox *transportbox = manage(new VBox());

    CheckButton *check = manage(new CheckButton("Jack _Transport", true));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_transport);
    add_tooltip( check, "Enable sync with JACK Transport.");
                                         &options::transport_callback), e_jack_transport, check));

    transportbox->pack_start(*check, false, false);

    check = manage(new CheckButton("Trans_port Master", true));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_master);
    add_tooltip( check, "Seq24 will attempt to serve as JACK Master.");
                                         &options::transport_callback), e_jack_master, check));

    transportbox->pack_start(*check, false, false);

    check = manage (new CheckButton ("Master C_onditional", true));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_master_cond);
    add_tooltip( check,
                 "Seq24 will fail to be master if there is already a master set.");
                                         &options::transport_callback), e_jack_master_cond, check));

    transportbox->pack_start(*check, false, false);

Ejemplo n.º 2
/*MIDI Input page*/
    // Input Buses
    int buses = m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_num_in_buses ();

    VBox *vbox = manage(new VBox ());
    m_notebook->append_page(*vbox, "MIDI _Input", true);

    for (int i = 0; i < buses; i++)
        CheckButton *check = manage(new CheckButton(
                                        m_perf->get_master_midi_bus()->get_midi_in_bus_name(i), 0));
                                             &options::input_callback), i, check));

        vbox->pack_start(*check, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*Keybinding setup (editor for .seq24rc keybindings).*/
    VBox *mainbox = manage(new VBox());
    m_notebook->append_page(*mainbox, "_Keyboard", true);

    Label* label;
    KeyBindEntry* entry;

    HBox *hbox = manage (new HBox());
    CheckButton *check = manage(new CheckButton(
                                    "_Show key labels on sequences", true));
                                         &options::input_callback), (int)e_keylabelsonsequence,
    mainbox->pack_start(*check, false, false);

    /*Frame for sequence toggle keys*/
    Frame* controlframe = manage(new Frame("Control keys"));
    mainbox->pack_start(*controlframe, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

    Table* controltable = manage(new Table(4, 8, false));

    label = manage(new Label("Start", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 0, 1, 0, 1);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 1, 2, 0, 1);

    label = manage(new Label("Stop", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 0, 1, 1, 2);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 1, 2, 1, 2);

    label = manage(new Label("Song", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 0, 1, 2, 3);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 1, 2, 2, 3);
    label = manage(new Label("Jack", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 0, 1, 3, 4);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 1, 2, 3, 4);
#endif // JACK_SUPPORT

    label = manage(new Label("Snapshot 1", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 2, 3, 0, 1);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 3, 4, 0, 1);

    label = manage(new Label("Snapshot 2", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 2, 3, 1, 2);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 3, 4, 1, 2);

    label = manage(new Label("bpm down", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 2, 3, 3, 4);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 3, 4, 3, 4);

    label = manage(new Label("bpm up", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 2, 3, 2, 3);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 3, 4, 2, 3);

    label = manage(new Label("Replace", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 4, 5, 0, 1);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 5, 6, 0, 1);

    label = manage(new Label("Queue", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 4, 5, 1, 2);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 5, 6, 1, 2);

    label = manage(new Label("Keep queue", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 4, 5, 2, 3);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 5, 6, 2, 3);

    label = manage(new Label("Menu mode", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 4, 5, 3, 4);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 5, 6, 3, 4);

    label = manage(new Label("Screenset up", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 6, 7, 0, 1);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 7, 8, 0, 1);

    label = manage(new Label("Screenset down", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 6, 7, 1, 2);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 7, 8, 1, 2);

    label = manage(new Label("Set playing screenset", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 6, 7, 2, 3);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 7, 8, 2, 3);

    label = manage(new Label("Follow transport", Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location,
    controltable->attach(*label, 6, 7, 3, 4);
    controltable->attach(*entry, 7, 8, 3, 4);

    /*Frame for sequence toggle keys*/
    Frame* toggleframe = manage(new Frame("Sequence toggle keys"));
    mainbox->pack_start(*toggleframe, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

    Table* toggletable = manage(new Table(4, 16, false));

    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    Label* numlabel;

    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        x = i % 8 * 2;
        y = i / 8;
        int slot = x * 2 + y; // count this way: 0, 4, 8, 16...
        char buf[16];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", slot);
        numlabel = manage(new Label(buf, Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
        entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::events, NULL,
                                        m_perf, slot));
        toggletable->attach(*numlabel, x, x + 1, y, y + 1);
        toggletable->attach(*entry, x + 1, x + 2, y, y + 1);

    /*Frame for mute group slots*/
    Frame* mutegroupframe = manage(new Frame("Mute-group slots"));
    mainbox->pack_start(*mutegroupframe, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

    Table* mutegrouptable = manage(new Table(4, 16, false));

    for (int i = 0; i <32; i++)
        x = i%8*2;
        y = i/8;
        char buf[16];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i);
        numlabel = manage(new Label(buf, Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT));
        entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::groups, NULL,
                                        m_perf, i));
        mutegrouptable->attach(*numlabel, x, x + 1, y, y + 1);
        mutegrouptable->attach(*entry, x + 1, x + 2, y, y + 1);

#define AddKey(text, integer) \
    label = manage(new Label(text)); \
    hbox->pack_start(*label, false, false, 4); \
    entry = manage(new KeyBindEntry(KeyBindEntry::location, &integer)); \
    hbox->pack_start(*entry, false, false, 4);

    hbox = manage(new HBox());
    AddKey("Learn (while pressing a mute-group key):",
    AddKey("Disable:", m_perf->m_key_group_off);
    AddKey("Enable:", m_perf->m_key_group_on);
    mainbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);

#undef AddKey
Ejemplo n.º 4
options::options (Gtk::Window & parent, perform * a_p):
    Gtk::Dialog ("Options", parent, true, true)
    m_perf = a_p;
    VBox *vbox = NULL;
    HBox *hbox = manage (new HBox ());
    get_vbox ()->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);

    get_action_area ()->set_border_width (2);
    hbox->set_border_width (6);

    m_button_ok = manage (new Button ("Ok"));
    get_action_area ()->pack_end (*m_button_ok, false, false);
    m_button_ok->signal_clicked ().connect (mem_fun (*this, &options::hide));

    m_notebook = manage (new Notebook ());
    hbox->pack_start (*m_notebook);

    // Clock  Buses
    int buses = m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_num_out_buses ();
    //Notebook *clock_notebook = manage( new Notebook());

    vbox = manage(new VBox());
                "MIDI Clock"));

    CheckButton *check;
    Label *label;
    Gtk::Tooltips * tooltips = manage (new Tooltips ());

    for (int i = 0; i < buses; i++)
        HBox *hbox2 = manage (new HBox ());
        label = manage( new Label(m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->
                                            get_midi_out_bus_name (i), 0));

        hbox2->pack_start (*label, false, false);
        Gtk::RadioButton * rb_off = manage (new RadioButton ("Off"));
        add_tooltip( rb_off, "Midi Clock will be disabled.");
        Gtk::RadioButton * rb_on = manage (new RadioButton ("On (Pos)"));
        add_tooltip( rb_on,
                "Midi Clock will be sent. Midi Song Position and Midi Continue will be sent if starting greater than tick 0 in song mode, otherwise Midi Start is sent.");

        Gtk::RadioButton * rb_mod = manage (new RadioButton ("On (Mod)"));
        add_tooltip( rb_mod, "Midi Clock will be sent.  Midi Start will be sent and clocking will begin once the song position has reached the modulo of the specified Size. (Used for gear that doesn't respond to Song Position)");

        Gtk::RadioButton::Group group = rb_off->get_group ();
        rb_on->set_group (group);
        rb_mod->set_group (group);

        rb_off->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind(mem_fun (*this, &options::clock_callback_off), i, rb_off ));
        rb_on->signal_toggled ().connect (sigc::bind(mem_fun (*this, &options::clock_callback_on),  i, rb_on  ));
        rb_mod->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind(mem_fun (*this, &options::clock_callback_mod), i, rb_mod ));
        hbox2->pack_end (*rb_mod, false, false ); 
        hbox2->pack_end (*rb_on, false, false);
        hbox2->pack_end (*rb_off, false, false);

        vbox->pack_start( *hbox2, false, false );
        switch ( m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_clock (i))
            case e_clock_off: rb_off->set_active(1); break;
            case e_clock_pos: rb_on->set_active(1); break;
            case e_clock_mod: rb_mod->set_active(1); break;
        // SET DEFAULT STATES check->set_active (m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_clock (i));

    Adjustment *clock_mod_adj = new Adjustment( midibus::get_clock_mod(), 1, 16 << 10, 1 );
    SpinButton *clock_mod_spin = new SpinButton( *clock_mod_adj );

    HBox *hbox2 = manage (new HBox ());
    //m_spinbutton_bpm->set_editable( false );
    hbox2->pack_start(*(manage( new Label( "Clock Start Modulo (1/16 Notes)"))), false, false, 4);
    hbox2->pack_start(*clock_mod_spin, false, false );

    vbox->pack_start( *hbox2, false, false );
    clock_mod_adj->signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::bind(mem_fun(*this,&options::clock_mod_callback),clock_mod_adj));

    // add controls for input method
        Adjustment *adj = new Adjustment( global_interactionmethod, 0, e_number_of_interactions-1, 1 );
        SpinButton *spin = new SpinButton( *adj );

        HBox *hbox2 = manage (new HBox ());
        HBox *hbox3 = manage (new HBox ());

        //m_spinbutton_bpm->set_editable( false );
        interaction_method_label = new Label("Input Method");
        hbox2->pack_start(*(manage( interaction_method_label )), false, false, 4);
        hbox2->pack_start(*spin, false, false );

        vbox->pack_start( *hbox2, false, false );

        interaction_method_desc_label = new Label(" ----- ");
        hbox3->pack_start(*(manage( interaction_method_desc_label )), false, false, 4);
        vbox->pack_start(*hbox3, false, false );

        adj->signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::bind(mem_fun(*this,&options::interaction_method_callback),adj));

        // force it to refresh.
        interaction_method_callback( adj );

    // Input Buses
    buses = m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_num_in_buses ();

    vbox = manage (new VBox ());
    m_notebook->pages ().
        push_back (Notebook_Helpers::TabElem (*vbox, "MIDI Input"));

    for (int i = 0; i < buses; i++)

        check =
            manage (new
                    CheckButton (m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->
                        get_midi_in_bus_name (i), 0));
        check->signal_toggled ().
            connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &options::input_callback), i, check));
        check->set_active (m_perf->get_master_midi_bus ()->get_input (i));

        vbox->pack_start (*check, false, false);

    // KeyBoard keybinding setup (editor for .seq42rc keybindings.
    vbox = manage (new VBox ());
    m_notebook->pages ().push_back (Notebook_Helpers::TabElem (*vbox, "Keyboard"));
        Label* label;
        KeyBindEntry* entry;
        HBox *hbox;

        #define AddKey(text, integer) \
            label = manage (new Label( text )); \
            hbox->pack_start (*label, false, false, 4); \
            entry = manage (new KeyBindEntry( &integer )); \
            hbox->pack_start (*entry, false, false, 4);

        hbox = manage (new HBox ());
        AddKey( "start:", m_perf->m_key_start );
        AddKey( "stop:", m_perf->m_key_stop );
        AddKey( "toggle looping:", m_perf->m_key_loop );
        vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);

        hbox = manage (new HBox ());
        AddKey( "bpm dn:", m_perf->m_key_bpm_dn );
        AddKey( "bpm up:", m_perf->m_key_bpm_up );
        vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false);

        #undef AddKey

    // Jack
    VBox *vbox2 = manage (new VBox ());
    vbox2->set_border_width (4);
                "Jack Sync"));

    check = manage (new CheckButton ("Jack Transport"));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_transport);
    add_tooltip( check, "Enable sync with JACK Transport.");
    check->signal_toggled ().
        connect (bind
                (mem_fun (*this, &options::transport_callback), e_jack_transport,
    vbox2->pack_start (*check, false, false);

    check = manage (new CheckButton ("Transport Master"));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_master);
    add_tooltip( check, "Seq42 will attempt to serve as JACK Master.");
    check->signal_toggled ().
        connect (bind
                (mem_fun (*this, &options::transport_callback), e_jack_master,

    vbox2->pack_start (*check, false, false);

    check = manage (new CheckButton ("Master Conditional"));
    check->set_active (global_with_jack_master_cond);
    add_tooltip( check,
            "Seq42 will fail to be master if there is already a master set.");
    check->signal_toggled ().
        connect (bind
                (mem_fun (*this, &options::transport_callback), e_jack_master_cond,

    vbox2->pack_start (*check, false, false);

    Gtk::Button * button = manage (new Button ("Connect"));
    add_tooltip( button, "Connect to Jack.");
                    &options::transport_callback), e_jack_connect, button));
    vbox2->pack_start (*button, false, false);

    button = manage (new Button ("Disconnect"));
    add_tooltip( button, "Disconnect Jack.");
                    &options::transport_callback), e_jack_disconnect, button));
    vbox2->pack_start (*button, false, false);

    /* show everything */
    show_all_children ();