Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
    CmdLine cmd ;
	cmd.setBOption("write log",false);
    DiskXFile::setBigEndianMode() ;

    processCmdLine( &cmd , argc , argv ) ;

    LexiconInfo lex_info( am_models_fname , am_sil_phone , am_pause_phone , lex_dict_fname , 
                          lex_sent_start_word , lex_sent_end_word , lex_sil_word ) ;

    PhoneModels phone_models ( lex_info.phone_info , am_models_fname ,
                               true , am_phone_del_pen , 
                               am_apply_pause_del_pen , "" , "" , 
                               9 , "" , false , 
                               (real)0.005 , (real)0.005 ) ;

    LinearLexicon lexicon( &lex_info , &phone_models ) ;

	LanguageModel *lang_model ;
	if ( lm_ngram_order <= 0 )
		lang_model = NULL ;
		lang_model = new LanguageModel( 2 , lex_info.vocabulary , 
										lm_fname, lm_scaling_factor ) ;
	BeamSearchDecoder bs_decoder( &lexicon , lang_model , dec_word_entr_pen ,
								  dec_int_prune_window , dec_end_prune_window , 
								  dec_delayed_lm , dec_verbose ) ;

	MlDecoderPage batch_tester( input_fname , wrdtrns_fname , &bs_decoder , 
								   true , true , output_fname ) ;
	batch_tester.setOutputOptions( print_by_page, print_by_part, print_by_book ); 

	batch_tester.run() ;
	printf( SUCCESS );

    return(0) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int n_gaussians;
	int n_states;
	bool is_symbol;
	char* file_states;

	char* model_name1=NULL;
	char* model_name2=NULL;
	char* model_name3=NULL;
	char* spacing_model;
	char* lex_name1=NULL;
	char* lex_name2=NULL;
	char* lex_name3=NULL;
	char *sent_start_symbol=NULL;
	char *sent_end_symbol=NULL;
	char *spacing_symbol=NULL;
	char *model_file_in;
	char *model_file_out;
	char *dir_name;

	real accuracy;
	real threshold;
	int max_iter;
	real prior;

	int max_load;

	bool add_space_to_targets;
	bool viterbi;
	bool train_separate;
	bool disk;
	bool no_learn_means;
	bool learn_var;
	bool learn_weights;
	real map_factor;
	bool adapt_separate;
	bool adapt_separate_set_data;

	Allocator *allocator = new Allocator;

    FileListCmdOption input_file_list("file name", "the list of inputs files or one data file");
	FileListCmdOption target_file_list("file name", "the list of target files or one target file");

	//=================== The command-line ==========================

	// Construct the command line
	CmdLine cmd;
	cmd.setBOption("write log", false );

	// Put the help line at the beginning

	// Adapt mode
	cmd.addSCmdArg("model_name1", &model_name1, "the list of the model models file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("lex_name1", &lex_name1, "the model lexicon file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("model_name2", &model_name2, "the list of the data models file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("lex_name2", &lex_name2, "the data lexicon file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("model_name3", &model_name3, "the list of the output models file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("lex_name3", &lex_name3, "the output lexicon file");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("input model file", &model_file_in, "the input model file to be adapted");
	cmd.addSCmdArg("output model file", &model_file_out, "the adapted output model file");
    // Data Initialization
    cmd.addText("\nInitialization Options:") ;	
	cmd.addICmdOption("-n_gaussians", &n_gaussians, 10, "number of Gaussians");
	cmd.addICmdOption("-n_states", &n_states, 5, "number of states");
	cmd.addSCmdOption("-file_states", &file_states, "", "file containing n_states per model");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-train_separate", &train_separate, false, "first train separate models");

    // Data and Model Parameters
    cmd.addText("\nData and Model Options:") ;
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-symbol", &is_symbol, false, "targets are in symbol format");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-disk", &disk, false, "keep data on disk");
	cmd.addICmdOption("-load", &max_load, -1, "max number of examples to load for train");
	cmd.addSCmdOption("-spacing_model", &spacing_model,"", "name of silence phone");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-add_sil_to_targets", &add_space_to_targets, false, "add silence at begining of targets");	
    cmd.addSCmdOption("-sent_start_symbol" , &sent_start_symbol , SP_START , "symbol that will start every sentence" ) ;
    cmd.addSCmdOption("-sent_end_symbol" , &sent_end_symbol , SP_END , "symbol that will end every sentence" ) ;
    cmd.addSCmdOption("-spacing_symbol" , &spacing_symbol , SP_WORD ,"the silence dictionary symbol" ) ;

	// Learning Options
	cmd.addText("\nLearning Options:");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-viterbi", &viterbi, false, "viterbi training (instead of EM)");
	cmd.addRCmdOption("-threshold", &threshold, 0.001, "variance threshold");
	cmd.addRCmdOption("-prior", &prior, 0.001, "prior on the weights");
	cmd.addICmdOption("-iter", &max_iter, 25, "max number of iterations of HMM");
	cmd.addRCmdOption("-e", &accuracy, 0.00001, "end accuracy");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-adapt_separate", &adapt_separate, false, "adapt models separately");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-adapt_separate_set_data", &adapt_separate_set_data, true, "set data to non represented models when adapting  models separately");
	// MAP Options
	cmd.addText("\nMAP Options:");
	cmd.addRCmdOption("-map", &map_factor, 0.5, "adaptation factor [0-1]");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-no_means", &no_learn_means, false, "no enroll means");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-learn_var", &learn_var, false, "enroll var");
	cmd.addBCmdOption("-learn_weights", &learn_weights, false, "enroll weights");

	// Misc Options
	cmd.addText("\nMisc Options:");
	cmd.addSCmdOption("-dir", &dir_name, ".", "directory to save measures");

	// Read the command line
	cmd.read(argc, argv);


	//=================== Data preparation ===============================
    clock_t start_time , end_time ;
    real total_time = 0.0 ;
    start_time = clock() ;
	MlHMM hmm;
	//=================== Set Options ====================================
	// initialization
	hmm.setIOption("number of gaussians", n_gaussians );
	hmm.setIOption("number of states", n_states );
	hmm.setBOption("train separate", train_separate );
	// data
	hmm.setBOption("is symbol", is_symbol );
	hmm.setBOption("add spacing", add_space_to_targets );
	hmm.setIOption("max load", max_load );
	hmm.setBOption("disk", disk );

	// training
	hmm.setROption("accuracy", accuracy );
	hmm.setROption("threshold", threshold );
	hmm.setIOption("iterations", max_iter );
	hmm.setROption("prior", prior );
	hmm.setBOption("viterbi", viterbi );
	// map
	hmm.setROption("map factor", map_factor );
	hmm.setBOption("no means", no_learn_means );
	hmm.setBOption("learn var", learn_var );
	hmm.setBOption("learn weights", learn_weights );
	hmm.setBOption("adapt separate", adapt_separate );
	hmm.setBOption("adapt separate set data", adapt_separate_set_data );
	hmm.setLexicon( model_name1, spacing_model, lex_name1, add_space_to_targets ? sent_start_symbol : NULL );

	hmm.mapSetDataLexicon( model_name2, lex_name2, model_name3, lex_name3 );

	//=================== Create the DataSet ... =========================
	hmm.setData( input_file_list.file_names, input_file_list.n_files, target_file_list.file_names, target_file_list.n_files );
	hmm.mapInit( file_states );
	char* n_nll = strConcat(2,"hmm_train_val_",viterbi ? "viterbi" : "em");
	hmm.mapAdapt( model_file_in, model_file_out, cmd.getXFile(n_nll) );
	end_time = clock() ;
    total_time = (real)(end_time-start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
    printf("\nTotal time spent adapting = %.2f secs\n", total_time) ;

	delete allocator;
	printf( SUCCESS );