Ejemplo n.º 1
void AxonNeuron::update() {

	std::vector<Impulse> impulses = getImpulses();
	float time = app::getElapsedSeconds();

	mColors.assign(LINE_SEGMENTS, ColorAf(0, 0, 0, 0));

	for (int i = 0; i < impulses.size(); ++i) {
		Impulse impulse = impulses.at(i);
		if (abs(impulse.time + IMPULSE_TIME - time) < 0.167) {

		float percentComplete = (app::getElapsedSeconds() - impulse.time) / IMPULSE_TIME;
		int vertex = (int) glm::round(percentComplete * LINE_SEGMENTS);

		for (int i = -2; i < 3; ++i) {
			int colorVert = vertex + i;
			Colorf color = impulse.color;
			if(colorVert < LINE_SEGMENTS && colorVert >= 0) {
				color = color.lerp((float)abs(colorVert - vertex) / 3.0f, Colorf(0, 0, 0));
				mColors.at(colorVert) = ColorAf(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1);

	mAxonLine->bufferAttrib(geom::Attrib::COLOR, mColors);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Color::Color( const Colorf& source )
	setRed( convertColorFloatToByte(source.red()) );
	setGreen( convertColorFloatToByte(source.green()) );
	setBlue( convertColorFloatToByte(source.blue()) );
	setAlpha( convertColorFloatToByte(source.alpha()) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
MipMap::MipMap(const std::vector<uint8_t> &texels, int width, int height, int ncomp, WRAP_MODE wrap_mode)
	: wrap_mode(wrap_mode), width(width), height(height), ncomp(ncomp)
	if (weight_table[0] == -1){
	//We only support power of two textures at the moment
	//Determine if pow2 via http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#DetermineIfPowerOf2
	if (!(width && !(width & (width - 1))) || !(height && !(height & (height - 1)))){
		std::cout << "MipMap Error: Only powers of two are supported at the moment\n";
		assert("Non power of two texture");
	int n_levels = 1 + static_cast<int>(log_2(std::max(width, height)));
	pyramid.emplace_back(width, height, texels);
	for (int i = 1; i < n_levels; ++i){
		int w = std::max(1, pyramid[i - 1].width / 2);
		int h = std::max(1, pyramid[i - 1].height / 2);
		pyramid.emplace_back(w, h);
		std::vector<uint8_t> &img = pyramid.back().texels;
		img.resize(w * h * ncomp);
		for (int t = 0; t < h; ++t){
			for (int s = 0; s < w; ++s){
				Colorf cf = 0.25 * (texel(i - 1, 2 * s, 2 * t) + texel(i - 1, 2 * s + 1, 2 * t)
					+ texel(i - 1, 2 * s, 2 * t + 1) + texel(i - 1, 2 * s + 1, 2 * t + 1));
				Color24 c{cf};
				//Write the number of components that we have only
				for (int j = 0; j < ncomp; ++j){
					img[t * w * ncomp + s * ncomp + j] = c[j];
Ejemplo n.º 4
Colorf EmissionIntegrator::transmittance(const Scene &scene, const Renderer&, const RayDifferential &ray,
	Sampler &sampler, MemoryPool&) const
	const VolumeNode *vol = scene.get_volume_root();
	if (vol == nullptr){
		return Colorf{1};
	Colorf tau = -vol->optical_thickness(ray, step_size, sampler.random_float());
	return tau.exp();
Ejemplo n.º 5
BSDF* GlassMaterial::get_bsdf(const DifferentialGeometry &dg, MemoryPool &pool) const {
	BSDF *bsdf = pool.alloc<BSDF>(dg, refr_index);
	Colorf refl = reflect->sample(dg);
	if (!refl.is_black()){
			pool.alloc<FresnelDielectric>(1.f, refr_index)));
	Colorf trans = transmit->sample(dg);
	if (!trans.is_black()){
			pool.alloc<FresnelDielectric>(1.f, refr_index)));
	return bsdf;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	ColorHSLx<float, Colorf>::ColorHSLx(const Colorf &color)
		float red = color.get_red();
		float green = color.get_green();
		float blue = color.get_blue();

		const float min_value = min(red, min(blue, green));
		const float max_value = max(red, max(blue, green));
		a = color.get_alpha();
		l = (max_value + min_value) / 2.0f;

		if (min_value == max_value)
			h = 0.0f;
			s = 0.0f;

		if (l <= 0.5f)
			s = (max_value - min_value) / (min_value + max_value);
			s = (max_value - min_value) / (2.0f - (min_value + max_value));

		if (max_value == red)
			h = (60.0f * (green - blue)) / (max_value - min_value);
		else if (max_value == green)
			h = 120.0f + (60.0f * (blue - red)) / (max_value - min_value);
			h = 240.0f + (60.0f * (red - green)) / (max_value - min_value);
Ejemplo n.º 7
ColorHSVx<float, Colorf>::ColorHSVx(const Colorf &color)
	float red = color.get_red();
	float green = color.get_green();
	float blue = color.get_blue();

	const float min_value = min(red,min(blue, green));
	const float max_value = max(red,max(blue, green));
	a = color.get_alpha();

	if (min_value == max_value)
		h = 0.0f;
		s = 0.0f;
		v = min_value;

	s = max_value != 0.0f ? (max_value - min_value) / max_value : 0.0f;
	v = max_value;
	float r = float(max_value - red) / (max_value - min_value);
	float g = float(max_value - green) / (max_value - min_value);
	float b = float(max_value - blue) / (max_value - min_value);

	if (max_value == red)
		h = (60.0f * (b - g));
	else if (max_value == green)
		h = (60.0f * (2.0f + r - b));
		h = (60.0f * (4.0f + g - r));
Ejemplo n.º 8
void CollisionOutline::draw(
	float x,
	float y,
	const Colorf &color,
	Canvas &canvas)
	GraphicContext &gc = canvas.get_gc();

	// Draw collision outline (Contours are assumed as closed polygons, hence we use line-loop)
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < impl->contours.size(); i++)
		// Draw the contour
		unsigned int numpoints = impl->contours[i].get_points().size();
		for(unsigned int s = 0; s < numpoints; s++)
			const Pointf &p1 = impl->contours[i].get_points()[s];
			const Pointf &p2 = impl->contours[i].get_points()[(s+1) % numpoints];
			canvas.draw_line(x + p1.x + 0.5f, y + p1.y + 0.5f, x + p2.x + 0.5f, y + p2.y + 0.5f, color);


	Colorf colorinv(1.0f-color.get_red(),1.0f-color.get_green(),1.0f-color.get_blue());

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < impl->contours.size(); i++)
		unsigned int numpoints = impl->contours[i].get_points().size();

		// Add points (as opposite color)
		for(unsigned int s1 = 0; s1 < numpoints; s1++)
			const Pointf &p1 = impl->contours[i].get_points()[s1];
			canvas.draw_point(x + p1.x + 0.5f, y + p1.y + 0.5f, colorinv);
Ejemplo n.º 9
inline Color32 coloring10B1(const double iter,long i,const long max_iter,double* xList,double* yList,const Colorf& errorColorIn,Colorf& errorColorOut){
    Colorf color=errorColorIn;
    if (iter==max_iter){
        const double x=xList[max_iter];
        const double y=yList[max_iter];
        double z=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
        const double x=smoothXY10B(iter,i,xList);
        const double y=smoothXY10B(iter,i,yList);
        double z=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
    Color32 resultColor=color.toColor32();
    return resultColor;
Ejemplo n.º 10
inline Color32 coloring9_s(const double iter,long i,const long max_iter,double* xList,double* yList,const Colorf& errorColorIn,Colorf& errorColorOut){
    Colorf color=errorColorIn;
    if (iter==max_iter){
        const double x=xList[max_iter];
        const double y=yList[max_iter];
        double z=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
        double zd=z-sqrt(xList[max_iter-1]*xList[max_iter-1]+yList[max_iter-1]*yList[max_iter-1]);
        const double x=xList[i];
        const double y=yList[i];
        double z=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
    Color32 resultColor=color.toColor32();
    return resultColor;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Colorf EmissionIntegrator::radiance(const Scene &scene, const Renderer&, const RayDifferential &ray,
	Sampler &sampler, MemoryPool&, Colorf &transmit) const
	const VolumeNode *vol = scene.get_volume_root();
	std::array<float, 2> t_range;
	if (vol == nullptr || !vol->intersect(ray, t_range) || t_range[0] == t_range[1]){
		transmit = Colorf{1};
		return Colorf{0};
	Colorf rad;
	//We integrate through the volume via ray marching with steps of size step_size
	int n_samples = std::ceil((t_range[1] - t_range[0]) / step_size);
	float step = (t_range[1] - t_range[0]) / n_samples;
	transmit = Colorf{1};
	Point p = ray(t_range[0]), p_prev;
	Vector w_o = -ray.d;
	//Our first point inside the volume is offset by some random value
	float t = t_range[0] + sampler.random_float() * step;
	//Step through the volume
	for (int i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i, t += step, p_prev = p){
		p = ray(t);
		//Step forward and update the transmittance to include contrubition from this segment
		Ray step_ray{p_prev, p - p_prev, ray, 0, 1};
		Colorf step_tau = -vol->optical_thickness(step_ray, 0.5 * step_size, sampler.random_float());
		transmit *= step_tau.exp();

		//We consider terminating the ray if the transmittance is very low
		if (transmit.luminance() < 1e-3){
			const float continue_prob = 0.5;
			if (sampler.random_float() > continue_prob){
				transmit = 0;
			transmit /= continue_prob;
		//Add in emission contribution from emissive volumes
		rad += transmit * vol->emission(p, w_o);
	return rad * step;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void GameProjectile::setShaderParams( Primitive* /*prim*/, Shader* fx, Mesh* mesh, Camera* camera, Light* keylight )
	Vector3 cameraWPos = camera->worldTransform().translation();
	Matrix4x4 worldTm = mesh->cachedWorldTransform();
	Matrix4x4 worldTmInv = worldTm.inverse();

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < fx->parameters() ; ++i )
		Shader::ParameterDesc desc;
		fx->getParameterDesc( i, &desc );
		if ( desc.name == "GROUND_COLOR" )
			Vector4 groundColorMin4, groundColorMax4;
			fx->getVector4( "GROUND_COLOR_MIN", &groundColorMin4 );
			fx->getVector4( "GROUND_COLOR_MAX", &groundColorMax4 );
			Colorf groundColorMin( groundColorMin4.x, groundColorMin4.y, groundColorMin4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf groundColorMax( groundColorMax4.x, groundColorMax4.y, groundColorMax4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf c = ( (groundColorMax-groundColorMin) * m_groundLightmapColor + groundColorMin ).saturate();
			fx->setVector4( desc.name, Vector4(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue(),1.f) );
		else if ( desc.name == "SKY_COLOR" )
			Vector4 skyColorMin4, skyColorMax4;
			fx->getVector4( "SKY_COLOR_MIN", &skyColorMin4 );
			fx->getVector4( "SKY_COLOR_MAX", &skyColorMax4 );
			Colorf skyColorMin( skyColorMin4.x, skyColorMin4.y, skyColorMin4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf skyColorMax( skyColorMax4.x, skyColorMax4.y, skyColorMax4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf c = ( (skyColorMax-skyColorMin) * m_groundLightmapColor + skyColorMin ).saturate();
			fx->setVector4( desc.name, Vector4(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue(),1.f) );
		else if ( desc.name == "SPECULAR_COLOR" )
			Vector4 specularColorMin4, specularColorMax4;
			fx->getVector4( "SPECULAR_COLOR_MIN", &specularColorMin4 );
			fx->getVector4( "SPECULAR_COLOR_MAX", &specularColorMax4 );
			Colorf specularColorMin( specularColorMin4.x, specularColorMin4.y, specularColorMin4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf specularColorMax( specularColorMax4.x, specularColorMax4.y, specularColorMax4.z, 1.f );
			Colorf c = ( (specularColorMax-specularColorMin) * m_groundLightmapColor + specularColorMin ).saturate();
			fx->setVector4( desc.name, Vector4(c.red(),c.green(),c.blue(),1.f) );
		else if ( desc.dataType == Shader::PT_FLOAT && desc.dataClass == Shader::PC_VECTOR4 && 
			desc.name.length() > 0 && Character::isLowerCase(desc.name.charAt(0)) &&
			desc.name.indexOf("Camera") == -1 )
			bool paramResolved = false;
			bool objSpace = ( desc.name.length() > 2 && desc.name.charAt(1) == 'o' );
			int baseNameOffset = objSpace ? 2 : 1;

			Node* node = 0;
			String name = desc.name.substring( baseNameOffset );
			if ( keylight && name == "Light1" )
				node = keylight;

			if ( node )
				Char ch = desc.name.charAt(0);
				if ( ch == 'd' )
					Vector3 v = node->worldTransform().rotation().getColumn(2);
					if ( objSpace )
						v = worldTmInv.rotate(v);
					fx->setVector4( desc.name, Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, 0.f) );
					paramResolved = true;
				if ( ch == 'p' )
					Vector3 v = node->worldTransform().translation();
					if ( objSpace )
						v = worldTmInv.transform(v);
					fx->setVector4( desc.name, Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, 1.f) );
					paramResolved = true;

			if ( !paramResolved )
				Debug::printlnError( "Mesh {2} shader {0} parameter {1} could not be resolved", fx->name(), desc.name, mesh->name() );