Ejemplo n.º 1
      /// \brief Parse command-line options for this test
      /// \param argc [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param argv [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param allowedToPrint [in] Whether this (MPI) process is allowed
      ///   to print to stdout/stderr.  Different per (MPI) process.
      /// \param printedHelp [out] Whether this (MPI) process printed the
      ///   "help" display (summary of command-line options)
      /// \return Encapsulation of command-line options 
      static CombineTestParameters
      parseOptions (int argc, 
		    char* argv[], 
		    const bool allowedToPrint, 
		    bool& printedHelp)
	using std::cerr;
	using std::endl;

	printedHelp = false;

	// Command-line parameters, set to their default values.
	CombineTestParameters params;
	try {
	  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

	  CommandLineProcessor cmdLineProc (/* throwExceptions=*/ true, 
					    /* recognizeAllOptions=*/ true);
	  cmdLineProc.setDocString (docString);
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("verify",
				 "Test accuracy");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("benchmark",
				 "Test performance");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("debug", 
				 "Print debugging information");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("nrows", 
				 "Number of rows in the test matrix");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("ncols", 
				 "Number of columns in the test matrix");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("ntrials", 
				 "Number of trials (only used when \"--benchmark\"");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("complex", 
				 "Test complex arithmetic, as well as real");
	  cmdLineProc.parse (argc, argv);
	catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::UnrecognizedOption& e) { 
	  if (allowedToPrint)
	    cerr << "Unrecognized command-line option: " << e.what() << endl;
	  throw e;
	catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::HelpPrinted& e) { 
	  printedHelp = true; 
	  return params; // Don't verify parameters in this case

	// Validate.  TODO (mfh 08 Jul 2010) Figure out how to do this with
	// ParameterList validators.
	if (params.numRows <= 0)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be positive");
	else if (params.numCols <= 0)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of columns must be positive");
	else if (params.numRows < params.numCols)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be >= number of columns");
	else if (params.benchmark && params.numTrials < 1)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Benchmark requires numTrials >= 1");

	return params;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);

  int status = 0;

  // Parse the command line
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  CommandLineProcessor  clp;
  bool verbose = false;
  clp.setOption( "v", "disable-verbosity", &verbose, "Enable verbosity" );

    parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv,&std::cerr);

  if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
    return parse_return;

  if (verbose)
    std::cout << "Verbosity Activated" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Verbosity Disabled" << std::endl;

  // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  // Check we have only one processor since this problem doesn't work
  // for more than one proc
  if (Comm.NumProc() > 1) {
    std::cerr << "Error!  Problem can only be run with at most 1 processor!"
          << std::endl;
    return -1;

  // Create the model evaluator object
  double d = 10.0;
  double p0 = 2.0;
  double p1 = 0.0;
  double x00 = 0.0;
  double x01 = 1.0;
  Teuchos::RCP<ModelEvaluator2DSim<double> > thyraModel =
    Teuchos::rcp(new ModelEvaluator2DSim<double>(Teuchos::rcp(&Comm,false),

  // Create the linear solver type with Stratimikos
  //Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> >
  //lowsFactory = rcp(new Thyra::AmesosLinearOpWithSolveFactory());

  ::Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder builder;

  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> p =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  p->set("Linear Solver Type", "AztecOO");
  p->set("Preconditioner Type", "Ifpack");
  //p->set("Enable Delayed Solver Construction", true);

  Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> >
    lowsFactory = builder.createLinearSolveStrategy("");


  // Create the initial guess
  Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::VectorBase<double> >
    initial_guess = thyraModel->getNominalValues().get_x()->clone_v();

  // Create the NOX::Thyra::Group
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Thyra::Group> nox_group =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Thyra::Group(*initial_guess, thyraModel));

//   nox_group->computeF();
//   std::cout << "ComputedF!" << std::endl;
//   const NOX::Thyra::Vector& t_vec =
//     dynamic_cast<const NOX::Thyra::Vector&>(nox_group->getF());

//   t_vec.print(std::cout);
//   exit(0);

  // Create the NOX status tests and the solver
  // Create the convergence tests
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> absresid =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-8));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormWRMS> wrms =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormWRMS(1.0e-2, 1.0e-8));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> converged =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::AND));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> maxiters =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(20));
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue> fv =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue);
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR));

  // Create nox parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> nl_params =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  nl_params->set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");

  // Create the solver
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Solver::Generic> solver =
    NOX::Solver::buildSolver(nox_group, combo, nl_params);
  NOX::StatusTest::StatusType solvStatus = solver->solve();

  if (solvStatus == NOX::StatusTest::Converged)
    std::cout << "Test passed!" << std::endl;

  // Final return value (0 = successfull, non-zero = failure)
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;

  bool result, success = true;
  bool verbose = true;

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read options from command-line
    std::string    matrixDir              = ".";
    bool           testTranspose          = true;
    int            numRandomVectors       = 1;
    bool           showAllTests           = false;
    bool           showAllTestsDetails    = false;
    bool           dumpAll                = false;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "matrix-dir", &matrixDir, "Base directory for the test matrices" );
    clp.setOption( "test-transpose", "no-test-transpose", &testTranspose, "Test the transpose solve or not." );
    clp.setOption( "num-random-vectors", &numRandomVectors, "Number of times a test is performed with different random vectors." );
    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Set if output is printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests", "no-show-all-tests", &showAllTests, "Set if all the tests are shown or not." );
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests-details", "no-show-all-tests-details", &showAllTestsDetails, "Set if all the details of the tests are shown or not." );
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump-all", &dumpAll, "Determines if vectors are printed or not." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( matrixDir == "" );

    // Define the test matrices

    const int numTestMatrices = 9;

    typedef MatrixTestPacket MTP;

    // Set up the matices and the tolerances.
    // Note, we may need to adjust these for bad platforms ...
    const MTP testMatrices[numTestMatrices] =
    // Loop through all of the test matrices
    for( int matrix_i = 0; matrix_i < numTestMatrices; ++matrix_i ) {
      const MatrixTestPacket
        mtp = testMatrices[matrix_i];
      // Loop through all of the solvers
      for( int solver_i = 0; solver_i < Thyra::Amesos::numSolverTypes; ++solver_i ) {
        const Thyra::Amesos::ESolverType
          solverType = Thyra::Amesos::solverTypeValues[solver_i];

        //  bug 1902 - Amesos_Superlu fails on bcsstk01.mtx
        //  bug 1903 - Amesos_Superlu fails on four matrices,
        //             when called from the thyra test
        bool BadMatrixForSuperlu = 
          mtp.matrixFile == "bcsstk01.mtx" // bug 1902 
          || mtp.matrixFile == "bcsstk04.mtx" // bug 1903 
          || mtp.matrixFile == "KheadK.mtx" // bug 1903 
          || mtp.matrixFile == "KheadSorted.mtx" // bug 1903 
          || mtp.matrixFile == "nos1.mtx" ; // bug 1903 
        // Toggle the refactorization options
        for( int factorizationPolicy_i = 0; factorizationPolicy_i < Thyra::Amesos::numRefactorizationPolices;  ++factorizationPolicy_i ) {
          const Thyra::Amesos::ERefactorizationPolicy
            refactorizationPolicy = Thyra::Amesos::refactorizationPolicyValues[factorizationPolicy_i];
              << std::endl<<matrix_i<<"."<<solver_i<<"."<<factorizationPolicy_i<<": "
              << "Testing, matrixFile=\'"<<mtp.matrixFile<<"\', solverType=\'"<<toString(solverType)<<"\', refactorizationPolicy=\'"<<toString(refactorizationPolicy)<<"\' ..."; 
          if( mtp.unsymmetric && !Thyra::Amesos::supportsUnsymmetric[solver_i] ) {
            *out << " : Skipping since unsymmetric and not supported!\n";
          else {
            //  bug 1902 and bug 1903  
            string StrSolverType = toString(solverType) ; 
            string StrSuperlu = "Superlu";
            if ( StrSolverType==StrSuperlu && BadMatrixForSuperlu ) {
              *out << " : Skipping since Superlu fails on this matrix!\n";
            else {
              std::ostringstream ossStore;
                oss = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::FancyOStream(Teuchos::rcp(&ossStore,false)));
              Teuchos::ParameterList amesosLOWSFPL;
              amesosLOWSFPL.set("Solver Type",toString(solverType));
              amesosLOWSFPL.set("Refactorization Policy",toString(refactorizationPolicy));
              result =
              if(!result) success = false;
              if(verbose) {
                if(result) {
                    *out << std::endl << ossStore.str();
                    *out << " : passed!\n";
                else {
                    *out << std::endl << ossStore.str();
                    *out << " : failed!\n";
  catch( const std::exception &excpt ) {
    std::cerr << "*** Caught standard exception : " << excpt.what() << std::endl;
    success = false;
  catch( ... ) {
    std::cerr << "*** Caught an unknown exception\n";
    success = false;
  if (verbose) {
    if(success)  *out << "\nCongratulations! All of the tests checked out!\n";
    else         *out << "\nOh no! At least one of the tests failed!\n";

  return ( success ? 0 : 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
      /// \brief Parse command-line options for this test
      /// \param argc [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param argv [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param allowedToPrint [in] Whether this (MPI) process is allowed
      ///   to print to stdout/stderr.  Different per (MPI) process.
      /// \param printedHelp [out] Whether this (MPI) process printed the
      ///   "help" display (summary of command-line options)
      /// \return Encapsulation of command-line options
      static LapackTestParameters
        parseOptions (int argc,
            char* argv[],
            const bool allowedToPrint,
            bool& printedHelp)
          using std::cerr;
          using std::endl;

          printedHelp = false;

          // Command-line parameters, set to their default values.
          LapackTestParameters params;

          try {
            using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

            CommandLineProcessor cmdLineProc (/* throwExceptions=*/ true,
                /* recognizeAllOptions=*/ true);
            cmdLineProc.setDocString (docString);
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("verify",
                "Test accuracy");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("benchmark",
                "Test performance");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("nrows",
                "Number of rows in the test matrix");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("ncols",
                "Number of columns in the test matrix");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("ntrials",
                "Number of trials (only used when \"--benchmark\"");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("complex",
                "Test complex arithmetic, as well as real");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("field-names",
                "Any additional field name(s) (comma-delimited "
                "string) to add to the benchmark output.  Empty "
                "by default.  Good for things known when invoking "
                "the benchmark executable, but not (easily) known "
                "inside the benchmark -- e.g., environment "
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("output-data",
                "Any additional data to add to the output, "
                "corresponding to the above field name(s). "
                "Empty by default.");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("print-field-names",
                "Print field names for benchmark output (including "
                "any arguments to --field-names).");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("print-trilinos-test-stuff",
                "Print output that makes the Trilinos test "
                "framework happy (but makes benchmark results "
                "parsing scripts unhappy)");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("human-readable",
                "If set, make output easy to read by humans "
                "(but hard to parse)");
            cmdLineProc.setOption ("debug",
                "Print debugging information");
            cmdLineProc.parse (argc, argv);
          catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::UnrecognizedOption& e) {
            if (allowedToPrint)
              cerr << "Unrecognized command-line option: " << e.what() << endl;
            throw e;
          catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::HelpPrinted& e) {
            printedHelp = true;
            return params; // Don't verify parameters in this case

          // Validate command-line options.  We provide default values
          // for unset options, so we don't have to validate those.
          if (params.numRows <= 0)
            throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be positive");
          else if (params.numCols <= 0)
            throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of columns must be positive");
          else if (params.numRows < params.numCols)
            throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be >= number of columns");
          else if (params.benchmark && params.numTrials < 1)
            throw std::invalid_argument ("\"--benchmark\" option requires numTrials >= 1");
          return params;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  using std::endl;
  typedef double Scalar;
  // typedef double ScalarMag; // unused
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  using Teuchos::describe;
  using Teuchos::Array;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::outArg;
  using Teuchos::rcp_implicit_cast;
  using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
  using Teuchos::as;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  typedef Teuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptions PLPrintOptions;
  typedef Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase MEB;

  bool result, success = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

  RCP<Epetra_Comm> epetra_comm;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD) );
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_SerialComm );
#endif // HAVE_MPI

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read commandline options

    CommandLineProcessor clp;

    std::string paramsFileName = "";
    clp.setOption( "params-file", &paramsFileName,
      "File name for XML parameters" );

    double t_final = 1e-3;
    clp.setOption( "final-time", &t_final,
      "Final integration time (initial time is 0.0)" );

    int numTimeSteps = 10;
    clp.setOption( "num-time-steps", &numTimeSteps,
      "Number of (fixed) time steps.  If <= 0.0, then variable time steps are taken" );

    double maxStateError = 1e-14;
    clp.setOption( "max-state-error", &maxStateError,
      "Maximum relative error in the integrated state allowed" );

    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT;
    setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel,
      "Top-level verbosity level.  By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.",
      &clp );

    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel solnVerbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT;
    setVerbosityLevelOption( "soln-verb-level", &solnVerbLevel,
      "Solution verbosity level",
      &clp );

    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    *out << "\nA) Get the base parameter list ...\n";

      paramList = Teuchos::parameterList();
    if (paramsFileName.length())
      updateParametersFromXmlFile( paramsFileName, paramList.ptr() );


    const Scalar t_init = 0.0;

    const Rythmos::TimeRange<Scalar> fwdTimeRange(t_init, t_final);
    const Scalar delta_t = t_final / numTimeSteps;
    *out << "\ndelta_t = " << delta_t;

    *out << "\nB) Create the Stratimikos linear solver factory ...\n";
    // This is the linear solve strategy that will be used to solve for the
    // linear system with the W.

    Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder linearSolverBuilder;
    RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
      W_factory = createLinearSolveStrategy(linearSolverBuilder);

    *out << "\nC) Create and initalize the forward model ...\n";

    // C.1) Create the underlying EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator

    RCP<EpetraExt::DiagonalTransientModel> epetraStateModel =

    *out <<"\nepetraStateModel valid options:\n";
      *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true)

    // C.2) Create the Thyra-wrapped ModelEvaluator

    RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> > fwdStateModel =
      epetraModelEvaluator(epetraStateModel, W_factory);

    const RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> >
      x_space = fwdStateModel->get_x_space();

    const RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
      gamma = Thyra::create_Vector(epetraStateModel->get_gamma(), x_space);
    *out << "\ngamma = " << describe(*gamma, solnVerbLevel);

    *out << "\nD) Create the stepper and integrator for the forward problem ...\n";

    RCP<Rythmos::TimeStepNonlinearSolver<double> > fwdTimeStepSolver =
    RCP<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> > fwdStateStepper =
      Rythmos::backwardEulerStepper<double>(fwdStateModel, fwdTimeStepSolver);
    fwdStateStepper->setParameterList(sublist(paramList, RythmosStepper_name));
    RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> > fwdStateIntegrator;
        integrationControlPL = sublist(paramList, RythmosIntegrationControl_name);
      integrationControlPL->set( "Take Variable Steps", false );
      integrationControlPL->set( "Fixed dt", as<double>(delta_t) );
      RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> >
        defaultIntegrator = Rythmos::controlledDefaultIntegrator<Scalar>(
      fwdStateIntegrator = defaultIntegrator;
    fwdStateIntegrator->setParameterList(sublist(paramList, RythmosIntegrator_name));

    *out << "\nE) Solve the forward problem ...\n";

    const MEB::InArgs<Scalar>
      state_ic = fwdStateModel->getNominalValues();
    *out << "\nstate_ic:\n" << describe(state_ic,solnVerbLevel);

    fwdStateIntegrator->setStepper(fwdStateStepper, t_final);

    Array<RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > > x_final_array;
      Teuchos::tuple<Scalar>(t_final), &x_final_array, NULL, NULL
    const RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_final = x_final_array[0];

    *out << "\nx_final:\n" << describe(*x_final, solnVerbLevel);

    *out << "\nF) Check the solution to the forward problem ...\n";

    const RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
      x_beta = createMember(x_space),
      x_final_be_exact = createMember(x_space);

      Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_gamma(*gamma);
      Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_ic(*state_ic.get_x());
      Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_beta(*x_beta);
      Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_final_be_exact(*x_final_be_exact);
      const int n = d_gamma.subDim();
      for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
        d_x_beta(i) = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - delta_t * d_gamma(i) );
        d_x_final_be_exact(i) = integralPow(d_x_beta(i), numTimeSteps) * d_x_ic(i);

    *out << "\nx_final_be_exact:\n" << describe(*x_final_be_exact, solnVerbLevel);

    result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr<Scalar>(
      "x_final", *x_final,
      "x_final_be_exact", *x_final_be_exact,
      "maxStateError", maxStateError,
      "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
      &*out, solnVerbLevel
    if (!result) success = false;

    *out << "\nG) Create the Adjoint ME wrapper object ...\n";

    RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> > adjModel =
        fwdStateModel, fwdTimeRange

    *out << "\nH) Create a stepper and integrator for the adjoint ...\n";

    RCP<Thyra::LinearNonlinearSolver<double> > adjTimeStepSolver =
    RCP<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> > adjStepper =
      Rythmos::backwardEulerStepper<double>(adjModel, adjTimeStepSolver);
    adjStepper->setParameterList(sublist(paramList, RythmosStepper_name));
    RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> > adjIntegrator =

    *out << "\nI) Set up the initial condition for the adjoint at the final time ...\n";

    const RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> >
      f_space = fwdStateModel->get_f_space();

    // lambda(t_final) = x_final
    const RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > lambda_ic = createMember(f_space);
    V_V( outArg(*lambda_ic), *x_final_be_exact );

    // lambda_dot(t_final,i) = - gamma(i) * lambda(t_final,i)
    const RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > lambda_dot_ic = createMember(f_space);
    Thyra::V_S<Scalar>( outArg(*lambda_dot_ic), ST::zero() );
    Thyra::ele_wise_prod<Scalar>( -ST::one(), *gamma, *lambda_ic,
      outArg(*lambda_dot_ic) );

    MEB::InArgs<Scalar> adj_ic = adjModel->getNominalValues();
    *out << "\nadj_ic:\n" << describe(adj_ic,solnVerbLevel);

    *out << "\nJ) Integrate the adjoint backwards in time (using backward time) ...\n";

    adjIntegrator->setStepper(adjStepper, fwdTimeRange.length());

    Array<RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > > lambda_final_array;
      Teuchos::tuple<Scalar>(fwdTimeRange.length()), &lambda_final_array, NULL, NULL
    const RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > lambda_final = lambda_final_array[0];

    *out << "\nlambda_final:\n" << describe(*lambda_final, solnVerbLevel);

    *out << "\nK) Test the final adjoint againt exact discrete solution ...\n";


      const RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
        lambda_final_be_exact = createMember(x_space);

        Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_gamma(*gamma);
        Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_final(*x_final);
        Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_beta(*x_beta);
        Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_lambda_final_be_exact(*lambda_final_be_exact);
        const int n = d_gamma.subDim();
        for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
          d_lambda_final_be_exact(i) = integralPow(d_x_beta(i), numTimeSteps) * d_x_final(i);

      *out << "\nlambda_final_be_exact:\n" << describe(*lambda_final_be_exact, solnVerbLevel);

      result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr<Scalar>(
        "lambda_final", *lambda_final,
        "lambda_final_be_exact", *lambda_final_be_exact,
        "maxStateError", maxStateError,
        "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
        &*out, solnVerbLevel
      if (!result) success = false;


    *out << "\nL) Test the reduced gradient from the adjoint against the discrete forward reduced gradient ...\n";


      const RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
        d_d_hat_d_p_from_lambda = lambda_final; // See above

      const RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
        d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact = createMember(x_space);

        Thyra::ConstDetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_ic(*state_ic.get_x());
        Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_x_beta(*x_beta);
        Thyra::DetachedVectorView<Scalar> d_d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact(*d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact);
        const int n = d_x_ic.subDim();
        for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
          d_d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact(i) = integralPow(d_x_beta(i), 2*numTimeSteps) * d_x_ic(i);

      *out << "\nd_d_hat_d_p_be_exact:\n" << describe(*d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact, solnVerbLevel);

      result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr<Scalar>(
        "d_d_hat_d_p_from_lambda", *d_d_hat_d_p_from_lambda,
        "d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact", *d_d_hat_d_p_be_exact,
        "maxStateError", maxStateError,
        "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
        &*out, solnVerbLevel
      if (!result) success = false;



    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;

  return ( success ? 0 : 1 );

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
/// \fn main
/// \brief Benchmark driver for (Mat)OrthoManager subclasses
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using Belos::OrthoManager;
  using Belos::OrthoManagerFactory;
  using Belos::OutputManager;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::parameterList;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;

  Tpetra::ScopeGuard tpetraScope (&argc, &argv);

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = false; // Verbosity of output
  try {
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > pComm = Tpetra::getDefaultComm();
    // This factory object knows how to make a (Mat)OrthoManager
    // subclass, given a name for the subclass.  The name is not the
    // same as the class' syntactic name: e.g., "TSQR" is the name of
    // TsqrOrthoManager.
    OrthoManagerFactory<scalar_type, MV, OP> factory;

    // The name of the (Mat)OrthoManager subclass to instantiate.
    std::string orthoManName (factory.defaultName());

    // For SimpleOrthoManager: the normalization method to use.  Valid
    // values: "MGS", "CGS".
    std::string normalization ("CGS");

    // Name of the Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix file from which to read
    // the inner product operator matrix.  If name is "" or not provided
    // at the command line, use the standard Euclidean inner product.
    std::string filename;

    bool debug = false;   // Whether to print debugging-level output
    // Whether or not to run the benchmark.  If false, we let this
    // "test" pass trivially.
    bool benchmark = false;

    // Whether to display benchmark results compactly (in a CSV format),
    // or in a human-readable table.
    bool displayResultsCompactly = false;

    // Default _local_ (per MPI process) number of rows.  This will
    // change if a sparse matrix is loaded in as an inner product
    // operator.  Regardless, the number of rows per MPI process must be
    // no less than numCols*numBlocks in order for TSQR to work.  To
    // ensure that the test always passes with default parameters, we
    // scale by the number of processes.  The default value below may be
    // changed by a command-line parameter with a corresponding name.
    int numRowsPerProcess = 100;

    // The OrthoManager is benchmarked with numBlocks multivectors of
    // width numCols each, for numTrials trials.  The values below are
    // defaults and may be changed by the corresponding command-line
    // arguments.
    int numCols = 10;
    int numBlocks = 5;
    int numTrials = 3;

    CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false, true);
    cmdp.setOption ("benchmark", "nobenchmark", &benchmark,
        "Whether to run the benchmark.  If not, this \"test\" "
        "passes trivially.");
    cmdp.setOption ("verbose", "quiet", &verbose,
        "Print messages and results.");
    cmdp.setOption ("debug", "nodebug", &debug,
        "Print debugging information.");
    cmdp.setOption ("compact", "human", &displayResultsCompactly,
        "Whether to display benchmark results compactly (in a "
        "CSV format), or in a human-readable table.");
    cmdp.setOption ("filename", &filename,
        "Filename of a Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix, used as the "
        "inner product operator by the orthogonalization manager."
        "  If not provided, no matrix is read and the Euclidean "
        "inner product is used.");
      std::ostringstream os;
      const int numValid = factory.numOrthoManagers();
      const bool plural = numValid > 1 || numValid == 0;

      os << "OrthoManager subclass to benchmark.  There ";
      os << (plural ? "are " : "is ") << numValid << (plural ? "s: " : ": ");
      factory.printValidNames (os);
      os << ".  If none is provided, the test trivially passes.";
      cmdp.setOption ("ortho", &orthoManName, os.str().c_str());
    cmdp.setOption ("normalization", &normalization,
        "For SimpleOrthoManager (--ortho=Simple): the normalization "
        "method to use.  Valid values: \"MGS\", \"CGS\".");
    cmdp.setOption ("numRowsPerProcess", &numRowsPerProcess,
        "Number of rows per MPI process in the test multivectors.  "
        "If an input matrix is given, this value is ignored, since "
        "the vectors must be commensurate with the dimensions of "
        "the matrix.");
    cmdp.setOption ("numCols", &numCols,
        "Number of columns in the input multivector (>= 1).");
    cmdp.setOption ("numBlocks", &numBlocks,
        "Number of block(s) to benchmark (>= 1).");
    cmdp.setOption ("numTrials", &numTrials,
        "Number of trial(s) per timing run (>= 1).");

    // Parse the command-line arguments.
      const CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parseResult = cmdp.parse (argc,argv);
      // If the caller asks us to print the documentation, or does not
      // explicitly say to run the benchmark, we let this "test" pass
      // trivially.
      if (! benchmark || parseResult == CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED)
        if (Teuchos::rank(*pComm) == 0)
          std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(parseResult != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL,
          "Failed to parse command-line arguments");

    // Total number of rows in the test vector(s).
    // This may be changed if we load in a sparse matrix.
    int numRows = numRowsPerProcess * pComm->getSize();
    // Validate command-line arguments
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numRowsPerProcess <= 0, std::invalid_argument,
        "numRowsPerProcess <= 0 is not allowed");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numCols <= 0, std::invalid_argument,
        "numCols <= 0 is not allowed");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numBlocks <= 0, std::invalid_argument,
        "numBlocks <= 0 is not allowed");

    // Declare an output manager for handling local output.  Initialize,
    // using the caller's desired verbosity level.
    RCP<OutputManager<scalar_type> > outMan =
      Belos::Test::makeOutputManager<scalar_type> (verbose, debug);

    // Stream for debug output.  If debug output is not enabled, then
    // this stream doesn't print anything sent to it (it's a "black
    // hole" stream).
    std::ostream& debugOut = outMan->stream(Belos::Debug);
    Belos::Test::printVersionInfo (debugOut);

    // Load the inner product operator matrix from the given filename.
    // If filename == "", use the identity matrix as the inner product
    // operator (the Euclidean inner product), and leave M as
    // Teuchos::null.  Also return an appropriate Map (which will
    // always be initialized; it should never be Teuchos::null).
    RCP<map_type> map;
    RCP<sparse_matrix_type> M;
      using Belos::Test::loadSparseMatrix;
      // If the sparse matrix is loaded successfully, this call will
      // modify numRows to be the total number of rows in the sparse
      // matrix.  Otherwise, it will leave numRows alone.
      std::pair<RCP<map_type>, RCP<sparse_matrix_type> > results =
        loadSparseMatrix<local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type> (pComm, filename, numRows, debugOut);
      map = results.first;
      M = results.second;
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(map.is_null(), std::logic_error,
        "Error: (Mat)OrthoManager test code failed to "
        "initialize the Map");
    if (M.is_null())
      // Number of rows per process has to be >= number of rows.
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numRowsPerProcess <= numCols,
          "numRowsPerProcess <= numCols is not allowed");
    // Loading the sparse matrix may have changed numRows, so check
    // again that the number of rows per process is >= numCols.
    // getNodeNumElements() returns a size_t, which is unsigned, and you
    // shouldn't compare signed and unsigned values.
    if (map->getNodeNumElements() < static_cast<size_t>(numCols))
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "The number of elements on this process " << pComm->getRank()
        << " is too small for the number of columns that you want to test."
        << "  There are " << map->getNodeNumElements() << " elements on "
        "this process, but the normalize() method of the MatOrthoManager "
        "subclass will need to process a multivector with " << numCols
        << " columns.  Not all MatOrthoManager subclasses can handle a "
        "local row block with fewer rows than columns.";
      // QUESTION (mfh 26 Jan 2011) Should this be a logic error
      // instead?  It's really TSQR's fault that it can't handle a
      // local number of elements less than the number of columns.
      throw std::invalid_argument(os.str());

    // Using the factory object, instantiate the specified OrthoManager
    // subclass to be tested.  Specify "fast" parameters for a fair
    // benchmark comparison, but override the fast parameters to get the
    // desired normalization method for SimpleOrthoManaager.
    RCP<OrthoManager<scalar_type, MV> > orthoMan;
      std::string label (orthoManName);
      RCP<ParameterList> params =
        parameterList (*(factory.getFastParameters (orthoManName)));
      if (orthoManName == "Simple") {
        params->set ("Normalization", normalization);
        label = label + " (" + normalization + " normalization)";
      orthoMan = factory.makeOrthoManager (orthoManName, M, outMan, label, params);

    // "Prototype" multivector.  The test code will use this (via
    // Belos::MultiVecTraits) to clone other multivectors as necessary.
    // (This means the test code doesn't need the Map, and it also makes
    // the test code independent of the idea of a Map.)  We only have to
    // allocate one column, because the entries are S are not even read.
    // (We could allocate zero columns, if the MV object allows it.  We
    // play it safe and allocate 1 column instead.)
    RCP<MV> X = rcp (new MV (map, 1));

    // "Compact" mode means that we have to override
    // TimeMonitor::summarize(), which both handles multiple MPI
    // processes correctly (only Rank 0 prints to std::cout), and prints
    // verbosely in a table form.  We deal with the former by making an
    // ostream which is std::cout on Rank 0, and prints nothing (is a
    // "bit bucket") elsewhere.  We deal with the latter inside the
    // benchmark itself.
    Teuchos::oblackholestream bitBucket;
    std::ostream& resultStream =
      (displayResultsCompactly && Teuchos::rank(*pComm) != 0) ? bitBucket : std::cout;

    // Benchmark the OrthoManager subclass.
    typedef Belos::Test::OrthoManagerBenchmarker<scalar_type, MV> benchmarker_type;
    benchmarker_type::benchmark (orthoMan, orthoManName, normalization, X,
        numCols, numBlocks, numTrials,
        outMan, resultStream, displayResultsCompactly);

    success = true;

    // Only Rank 0 gets to write to cout.
    if (Teuchos::rank(*pComm) == 0)
      std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  using MoochoPack::MoochoSolver;
  using MoochoPack::MoochoThyraSolver;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

  const int numProcs = mpiSession.getNProc();

  Teuchos::Time timer("");
  bool dummySuccess = true;

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {
    // Create the solver object
    GLpApp::AdvDiffReactOptModelCreator     advDiffReacModelCreator;
    Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder   lowsfCreator;
    MoochoThyraSolver                       solver;

    // Get options from the command line

    std::string         matchingVecFile     = "";

    bool                showMoochoThyraParams = false;
    bool                showMoochoThyraParamsWithDoc = true;
    bool                showMoochoThyraParamsXML = false;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;


      "q-vec-file", &matchingVecFile
      ,"Base file name to read the objective state matching "
      "vector q (i.e. ||x-q||_M in the objective)."
      "only-print-moocho-thyra-solver-params", "no-print-moocho-thyra-solver-params"
      ,"Only print the parameters accepted by MoochoPack::MoochoThyraSolver and stop."
      "show-doc", "hide-doc", &showMoochoThyraParamsWithDoc
      ,"Show MoochoPack::MocohoThyraSolver parameters with documentation or not."
      "xml-format", "readable-format", &showMoochoThyraParamsXML
      ,"Show MoochoPack::MoochoThyraSolver parameters in XML or human-readable format."

      parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv,&std::cerr);

    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
      return parse_return;

    lowsfCreator.readParameters( !showMoochoThyraParams ? out.get() : NULL );
    solver.readParameters( !showMoochoThyraParams ? out.get() : NULL );

    if(showMoochoThyraParams) {
      typedef Teuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptions PLPrintOptions;
      return 0;

    // Setup the output streams
      journalOut = Teuchos::rcp(
        new Teuchos::FancyOStream(
          ,"  "

      << "\n***"
      << "\n*** NLPThyraEpetraAdvDiffReactOptMain, Global numProcs = "<<numProcs
      << "\n***\n";

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    MPI_Comm mpiComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Comm> comm = Teuchos::null;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    comm = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MpiComm(mpiComm));
    comm = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_SerialComm());
    // Create the Thyra::ModelEvaluator object
    *out << "\nCreate the GLpApp::AdvDiffReactOptModel wrapper object ...\n";
      epetraModel = advDiffReacModelCreator.createModel(comm);

    *out << "\nCreate the Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactory object ...\n";

    Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
      lowsFactory = lowsfCreator.createLinearSolveStrategy("");
    // ToDo: Set the output stream before calling above!
    ///lowsFactory = lowsfCreator.createLOWSF(OSTab(journalOut).get());
    *out << "\nCreate the Thyra::EpetraModelEvaluator wrapper object ...\n";
      epetraThyraModel = rcp(new Thyra::EpetraModelEvaluator()); // Sets default options!

      << "\nnx = " << epetraThyraModel->get_x_space()->dim()
      << "\nnp = " << epetraThyraModel->get_p_space(0)->dim() << "\n";

    if(matchingVecFile != "") {
      *out << "\nReading the matching vector \'q\' from the file(s) with base name \""<<matchingVecFile<<"\" ...\n";
      Thyra::DefaultSpmdMultiVectorFileIO<Scalar> fileIO;

    // Solve the NLP

    // Set the journal file
    // Set the model

    // Read the initial guess if one exists

    // Solve the NLP
    const MoochoSolver::ESolutionStatus	solution_status = solver.solve();

    // Write the solution to file
    // Write the final parameters to file
    // Return the solution status (0 if successful)

    if(solution_status == MoochoSolver::SOLVE_RETURN_SOLVED)
      *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED\n";
      *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED\n";
    return solution_status;


  return MoochoSolver::SOLVE_RETURN_EXCEPTION;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  using MoochoPack::MoochoSolver;
  using MoochoPack::MoochoThyraSolver;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);

  Teuchos::Time timer("");
  bool dummySuccess = true;

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {
    // A) Create the solver objects that will insert their command-line
    // options

    MoochoThyraSolver solver;

    // B) Get options from the command line

    int localDim = 4;
    double pt = 0.0;
    double p0 = 0.1;
    double scale = 0.1;

    CommandLineProcessor clp;

    clp.setOption("local-dim", &localDim);
    clp.setOption("pt", &pt);
    clp.setOption("p0", &p0);
    clp.setOption("scale", &scale);


      parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv,&std::cerr);

    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
      return parse_return;

    solver.readParameters( out.get() );

    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Comm> comm = Teuchos::null;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    MPI_Comm mpiComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    comm = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MpiComm(mpiComm));
    comm = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_SerialComm());
    // C) Create the Thyra::ModelEvaluator object
    *out << "\nCreate EpetraExt::DiagonalQuadraticResponseOnlyModelEvaluator object ...\n";
      epetraModel = EpetraExt::diagonalQuadraticResponseOnlyModelEvaluator(
        comm, localDim, pt, p0, scale);
    *out << "\nCreate the Thyra::EpetraModelEvaluator wrapper object ...\n";
      epetraThyraModel(new Thyra::EpetraModelEvaluator()); // Sets default options!
    epetraThyraModel->initialize(epetraModel, Teuchos::null);
    // D) Solve the NLP
    // Set the model
    // Read the initial guess if one exists
    // Solve the NLP
    const MoochoSolver::ESolutionStatus	solution_status = solver.solve();
    // Write the solution to file
    // Write the final parameters to file
    // E) Return the solution status (0 if successful)
    if(solution_status == MoochoSolver::SOLVE_RETURN_SOLVED)
      *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED\n";
      *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED\n";
    return solution_status;
  return MoochoSolver::SOLVE_RETURN_EXCEPTION;

// Main driver program for epetra implementation of the power method.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  using Teuchos::outArg;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  bool success = true;
  bool result;
  // (A) Setup and get basic MPI info
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Comm mpiComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  // (B) Setup the output stream (do output only on root process!)

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();
  try {

    // (C) Read in commandline options

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;

    int globalDim = 500;
    clp.setOption( "global-dim", &globalDim, "Global dimension of the linear system." );

    bool dumpAll = false;
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump", &dumpAll, "Determines if quantities are dumped or not." );

      parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if (parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL)
      return parse_return;

    TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( globalDim < 2, std::logic_error, "Error, globalDim=" << globalDim << " < 2 is not allowed!" );

    *out << "\n***\n*** Running power method example using Epetra implementation\n***\n" << std::scientific;

    // (D) Setup the operator and run the power method!

    // (1) Setup the initial tridiagonal operator
    //       [  2  -1             ]
    //       [ -1   2  -1         ]
    //  A =  [      .   .   .     ]
    //       [          -1  2  -1 ]
    //       [             -1   2 ]
    *out << "\n(1) Constructing tridagonal Epetra matrix A of global dimension = " << globalDim << " ...\n";
      A_epetra = createTridiagEpetraLinearOp(
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
        1.0, true, *out
    // Wrap in an Thyra::EpetraLinearOp object
    RCP<Thyra::LinearOpBase<double> >
      A = Thyra::nonconstEpetraLinearOp(A_epetra);
    if (dumpAll) *out << "\nA =\n" << *A; // This works even in parallel!
    // (2) Run the power method ANA
    *out << "\n(2) Running the power method on matrix A ...\n";
    double  lambda      = 0.0;
    double  tolerance   = 1e-3;
    int     maxNumIters = 10*globalDim;
    result = sillyPowerMethod<double>(*A, maxNumIters, tolerance, outArg(lambda), *out);
    if(!result) success = false;
    *out << "\n  Estimate of dominate eigenvalue lambda = " << lambda << std::endl;
    // (3) Increase dominance of first eigenvalue
    *out << "\n(3) Scale the diagonal of A by a factor of 10 ...\n";
    scaleFirstDiagElement( 10.0, &*A );
    // (4) Run the power method ANA again
    *out << "\n(4) Running the power method again on matrix A ...\n";
    result = sillyPowerMethod<double>(*A, maxNumIters, tolerance, outArg(lambda), *out);
    if(!result) success = false;
    *out << "\n  Estimate of dominate eigenvalue lambda = " << lambda << std::endl;
  if (success)
    *out << "\nCongratulations! All of the tests checked out!\n";
    *out << "\nOh no! At least one of the tests failed!\n";

  return success ? 0 : 1;

} // end main()
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Initialize Tpetra (MPI and Kokkos nodes)
    Tpetra::initialize(&argc, &argv);

    // Get global communicator
    COMM_ptr_t      comm = Tpetra::getDefaultComm();

    // obtain the rank of current process and the size of communicator
    int             myRank = comm->getRank();
    int             procNum = comm->getSize();

    // set up fancy output, which can be used by Trilinos objects
    Teuchos::oblackholestream         blackHole;
    std::ostream    &out = (myRank == 0) ? std::cout : blackHole;

    // setup the domain and descritization information
    int         Nx = 100;

    CommandLineProcessor         CLP;
    CLP.setDocString("Trilinos MVM test.");
    CLP.setOption("Nx", &Nx, "Number of grid points on x direction. (Ny = Nx)");
    CLP.parse(argc, argv);

    out << "Final value of Nx: " << Nx << std::endl;

    int         N = Nx * Nx;

    // create a Map and obtain the number of nodes contained in current process
    MAP_ptr_t   map = rcp(new MAP_t(N, 0, comm, Tpetra::GloballyDistributed));

    // number of local entries
    LO_t        localN = map->getNodeNumElements();

    // definition of all variables
    RCP<MV_t>           x, y;
    RCP<SPM_t>          A;

    // set x and y coordinates
    x = rcp(new MV_t(map, 1));
    y = rcp(new MV_t(map, 1));

    // set sparse matrix A, a fully Neumann BC Poisson problem
    A = rcp(new SPM_t(map, 5, Tpetra::StaticProfile));
    A->setObjectLabel("coefficient matrix");
    generateA(map, A, Nx);

    // initialize a timer
    RCP<Time>     MVMTime = TimeMonitor::getNewCounter("Wall-time of MVM");

    for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)

        TimeMonitor     localTimer(*MVMTime);
        // Matrix-Vector Multiplication
        A->apply(*x, *y);

    TimeMonitor::summarize(comm.ptr(), out, true, true, true, 
            Teuchos::Intersection, "", false);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::RCP;

  bool success = true;
  bool verbose = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read options from command-line

    int n              = 4;
    int numBlocks      = 4;
    bool showAllTests  = true;
    bool dumpAll       = false;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Set if output is printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "n", &n, "Number of elements in each constituent vector." );
    clp.setOption( "num-blocks", &numBlocks, "blocks to create." );
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump-all", &dumpAll, "Determines if vectors are printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests", "no-show-all-tests", &showAllTests, "Determines if all tests are printed or not." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    // Run the tests

    if( !run_product_space_tests<float>(n,numBlocks,float(1e-5),showAllTests,dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_product_space_tests<double>(n,numBlocks,double(1e-13),showAllTests,dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_product_space_tests<std::complex<float> >(n,numBlocks,float(1e-5),showAllTests,dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_product_space_tests<std::complex<double> >(n,numBlocks,double(1e-12),showAllTests,dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
#endif // defined(HAVE_THYRA_COMPLEX)
    //if( !run_product_space_tests<mpf_class>(n,numBlocks,mpf_class(1e-13),showAllTests,dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    // Above commented out code will not compile because its ScalarTraits specialization does not support eps()

  } // end try

  if(verbose) {
      *out << "\nAll of the tests seem to have run successfully!\n";
      *out << "\nOh no! at least one of the test failed!\n";	
  return success ? 0 : 1;

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
Ejemplo n.º 12
main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
  using Teuchos::Array;
  using Teuchos::as;
  using Teuchos::Comm;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::ptr;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::REDUCE_MAX;
  using Teuchos::REDUCE_MIN;
  using Teuchos::reduceAll;
  using std::cerr;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;

  typedef double scalar_type;
  typedef int local_ordinal_type;
  typedef int global_ordinal_type;
  typedef Kokkos::SerialNode node_type;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession (&argc, &argv, &cout);
  RCP<const Comm<int> > comm = 
  const int myRank = comm->getRank();
  const int numProcs = comm->getSize();

  std::string inputFilename;  // Matrix Market file to read
  std::string temporaryFilename; // Matrix Market file to write (if applicable)
  std::string outputFilename; // Matrix Market file to write (if applicable)

  // Number of a specific test to run.  If nonzero, only run that
  // test.  We always run Test #1 since its result is needed for
  // subsequent tests.
  int testToRun = 0;

  // FIXME (mfh 07 Feb 2012) Currently, all tests with a different
  // index base FAIL.  Reading in the multivector appears to be
  // correct, but writing it results in a multivector of all zeros (on
  // _all_ processes).
  bool testDifferentIndexBase = false;
  bool testContiguousInputMap = true;
  bool testNoncontiguousInputMap = false; 

  bool testWrite = true; // Test Matrix Market output?
  bool tolerant = false; // Parse the file tolerantly?
  bool echo = false;     // Echo the read-in matrix back?
  bool verbose = false;  // Verbosity of output
  bool debug = false;    // Print debugging info?
  // If true, stop after a single test failure.  Intended for
  // interactive use, so that you can examine a test's output file.
  // Not intended for batch or ctest use.
  bool stopAfterFailure = false; 

  CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false, true);
  cmdp.setOption ("inputFilename", &inputFilename,
		  "Name of the Matrix Market dense matrix file to read.");
  cmdp.setOption ("temporaryFilename", &temporaryFilename,
		  "If --testWrite is true, then use this file as temporary "
		  "storage on (MPI) Proc 0.  Otherwise, this argument is "
  cmdp.setOption ("outputFilename", &outputFilename,
		  "If --testWrite is true, then write the read-in matrix to "
		  "this file in Matrix Market format on (MPI) Proc 0.  "
		  "Otherwise, this argument is ignored.  Note that the output "
		  "file may not be identical to the input file.");
  cmdp.setOption ("testToRun", &testToRun, "Number of a specific test to run.  "
		  "If nonzero, only run that test.  We always run Test #1 since"
		  " its result is needed for subsequent tests.");
  cmdp.setOption ("testDifferentIndexBase", "dontTestDifferentIndexBase",
		  &testDifferentIndexBase, "Whether to test input and output "
		  "for Maps with different index bases.");
  cmdp.setOption ("testContiguousInputMap", "dontTestContiguousInputMap",
		  "Whether to test input and output for nonnull contiguous "
		  "input Maps.");
  cmdp.setOption ("testNoncontiguousInputMap", "dontTestNoncontiguousInputMap",
		  "Whether to test input and output for nonnull noncontiguous "
		  "input Maps.");
  cmdp.setOption ("testWrite", "noTestWrite", &testWrite,
		  "Whether to test Matrix Market file output.  Ignored if no "
		  "--outputFilename value is given.");
  cmdp.setOption ("tolerant", "strict", &tolerant, 
		  "Whether to parse the input Matrix Market file tolerantly.");
  cmdp.setOption ("echo", "noecho", &echo,
		  "Whether to echo the read-in matrix back to stdout on Rank 0 "
		  "in Matrix Market format.  Note that the echoed matrix may "
		  "not be identical to the input file.");
  cmdp.setOption ("verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Print messages and results.");
  cmdp.setOption ("debug", "nodebug", &debug, "Print debugging information.");
  cmdp.setOption ("stopAfterFailure", "dontStopAfterFailure", &stopAfterFailure, 
		  "Whether to stop after a single test failure.");

  // Parse the command-line arguments.
    const CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parseResult = 
      cmdp.parse (argc,argv);
    // If the caller asks us to print the documentation, or does not
    // explicitly say to run the benchmark, we let this "test" pass
    // trivially.
    if (parseResult == CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED) {
      if (myRank == 0) {
	cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(parseResult != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL, 
      std::invalid_argument, "Failed to parse command-line arguments.");

  // Get a Kokkos Node instance for the particular Node type.
  RCP<node_type> node = getNode<node_type>();

  // List of numbers of failed tests.
  std::vector<int> failedTests;
  // Current test number.  Increment before starting each test.  If a
  // test is only run conditionally, increment before evaluating the
  // condition.  This ensures that each test has the same number each
  // time, whether or not a particular test is run.
  int testNum = 0;

  // Run all the tests.  If no input filename was specified, we don't
  // invoke the test and we report a "TEST PASSED" message.
  if (inputFilename != "") {
    // Convenient abbreviations
    typedef scalar_type ST;
    typedef local_ordinal_type LO;
    typedef global_ordinal_type GO;
    typedef node_type NT;
    typedef Tpetra::MultiVector<ST, LO, GO, NT> MV;
    typedef Tpetra::Map<LO, GO, NT> MT;

    // If not testing writes, don't do the sanity check that tests
    // input by comparing against output.
    std::string outFilename = testWrite ? outputFilename : "";
    std::string tmpFilename = testWrite ? temporaryFilename : "";

    // Test 1: null input Map.
    if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
      cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Null Map on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
    RCP<MV> X;
    try {
      X = testReadDenseFile<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename, comm,
				 node, tolerant, verbose, debug);
      if (outFilename != "") {
	testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X, echo, verbose, debug);
    } catch (std::exception& e) {
      failedTests.push_back (testNum);
      // If Test 1 fails, the other tests shouldn't even run, since
      // they depend on the result of Test 1 (the multivector X).
      throw e;

    // Test 2: nonnull contiguous input Map with the same index base
    // as X's Map.  This Map may or may not necessarily be the same as
    // (in the sense of isSameAs()) or even compatible with X's Map.
    if ((testToRun == 0 && testContiguousInputMap) || 
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull contiguous Map (same index "
	  "base) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();
      const GO indexBase = X->getMap()->getIndexBase();
      // Create the Map.
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	rcp (new Tpetra::Map<LO, GO, NT> (globalNumRows, indexBase, comm, 
					  Tpetra::GloballyDistributed, node));
      try {
	RCP<MV> X2 = 
	  testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
					     map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X2, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure

    // Test 3: nonnull contiguous input Map, with a different index
    // base than X's Map.  In this case, the index base is X's Map's
    // index base plus a small number (3).  For sufficiently long
    // vectors, this tests the case where the GID sets overlap.
    if ((testToRun == 0 && testContiguousInputMap && testDifferentIndexBase) || 
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull contiguous Map (different "
	  "index base) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();
      const GO indexBase = X->getMap()->getIndexBase() + as<GO> (3);

      // Make sure that the index base is the same on all processes.
      // It definitely should be, since the Map's getMaxAllGlobalIndex()
      // method should return the same value on all processes.
      GO minIndexBase = indexBase;
      reduceAll (*comm, REDUCE_MIN, indexBase, ptr (&minIndexBase));
      GO maxIndexBase = indexBase;
      reduceAll (*comm, REDUCE_MAX, indexBase, ptr (&maxIndexBase));
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(minIndexBase != maxIndexBase || minIndexBase != indexBase,
        std::logic_error, "Index base values do not match on all processes.  "
        "Min value is " << minIndexBase << " and max value is " << maxIndexBase 
        << ".");

      // Create the Map.
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	rcp (new Tpetra::Map<LO, GO, NT> (globalNumRows, indexBase, comm, 
					  Tpetra::GloballyDistributed, node));
      try {
	RCP<MV> X3 = 
	  testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
					     map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X3, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure

    // Test 4: nonnull contiguous input Map, with a different index
    // base than X's Map.  In this case, the new index base is chosen
    // so that the new GID set does not overlap with X's Map's GID
    // set.
    if ((testToRun == 0 && testContiguousInputMap && testDifferentIndexBase) || 
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull contiguous Map (different "
	  "index base) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();
      // Choose the Map's index base so that the global ordinal sets
      // of X->getMap() and map don't overlap.  This will ensure that
      // we test something nontrivial.
      const GO indexBase = X->getMap()->getMaxAllGlobalIndex() + 1;

      // Make sure that the index base is the same on all processes.
      // It definitely should be, since the Map's getMaxAllGlobalIndex()
      // method should return the same value on all processes.
      GO minIndexBase = indexBase;
      reduceAll (*comm, REDUCE_MIN, indexBase, ptr (&minIndexBase));
      GO maxIndexBase = indexBase;
      reduceAll (*comm, REDUCE_MAX, indexBase, ptr (&maxIndexBase));
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(minIndexBase != maxIndexBase || minIndexBase != indexBase,
        std::logic_error, "Index base values do not match on all processes.  "
        "Min value is " << minIndexBase << " and max value is " << maxIndexBase 
        << ".");

      // Create the Map.
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	rcp (new Tpetra::Map<LO, GO, NT> (globalNumRows, indexBase, comm, 
					  Tpetra::GloballyDistributed, node));
      try {
	RCP<MV> X3 = 
	  testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
					     map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X3, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure

    if ((testToRun == 0 && testNoncontiguousInputMap) || 
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      // Test 5: nonnull input Map with the same index base as X's
      // Map, and a "noncontiguous" distribution (in the sense that
      // the Map is constructed using the constructor that takes an
      // arbitrary list of GIDs; that doesn't necessarily mean that
      // the GIDs themselves are noncontiguous).
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull noncontiguous Map (same index "
	  "base) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      const GO indexBase = X->getMap()->getIndexBase();
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();

      // Compute number of GIDs owned by each process.  We're
      // replicating Tpetra functionality here because we want to
      // trick Tpetra into thinking we have a noncontiguous
      // distribution.  This is the most general case and the most
      // likely to uncover bugs.
      const size_t quotient = globalNumRows / numProcs;
      const size_t remainder = globalNumRows - quotient * numProcs;
      const size_t localNumRows = (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) ? 
	(quotient + 1) : quotient;

      // Build the list of GIDs owned by this process.
      Array<GO> elementList (localNumRows);
      GO myStartGID;
      if (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) {
	myStartGID = indexBase + as<GO> (myRank) * as<GO> (quotient + 1);
      else {
	// This branch does _not_ assume that GO is a signed type.
	myStartGID = indexBase + as<GO> (remainder) * as<GO> (quotient + 1) +
	  (as<GO> (myRank) - as<GO> (remainder)) * as<GO> (quotient);
      for (GO i = 0; i < as<GO> (localNumRows); ++i) {
	elementList[i] = myStartGID + i;

      if (debug) {
	for (int p = 0; p < numProcs; ++p) {
	  if (p == myRank) {
	    if (elementList.size() > 0) {
	      const GO minGID = *std::min_element (elementList.begin(), elementList.end());
	      const GO maxGID = *std::max_element (elementList.begin(), elementList.end());
	      cerr << "On Proc " << p << ": min,max GID = " << minGID << "," << maxGID << endl;
	    else {
	      cerr << "On Proc " << p << ": elementList is empty" << endl;
	    cerr << std::flush;
	  comm->barrier ();
	  comm->barrier ();
	  comm->barrier ();

      // Create the Map.
      using Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode;
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	createNonContigMapWithNode<LO, GO, NT> (elementList(), comm, node);
      try {
	RCP<MV> X4 = testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
							map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X4, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure
    } // if test noncontiguous input Map

    if ((testToRun == 0 && testNoncontiguousInputMap && testDifferentIndexBase) ||
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      // Test 6: nonnull input Map with a different index base than
      // X's Map, and a "noncontiguous" distribution (in the sense
      // that the Map is constructed using the constructor that takes
      // an arbitrary list of GIDs; that doesn't necessarily mean that
      // the GIDs themselves are noncontiguous).
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull noncontiguous Map (different "
	  "index base) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      // Make sure that the global ordinal sets of X->getMap() and
      // map don't overlap.
      GO indexBase = X->getMap()->getMaxAllGlobalIndex() + 1;
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();

      // Compute number of GIDs owned by each process.  We're
      // replicating Tpetra functionality here because we want to
      // trick Tpetra into thinking we have a noncontiguous
      // distribution.  This is the most general case and the most
      // likely to uncover bugs.
      const size_t quotient = globalNumRows / numProcs;
      const size_t remainder = globalNumRows - quotient * numProcs;
      const size_t localNumRows = (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) ? 
	(quotient + 1) : quotient;

      // Build the list of GIDs owned by this process.
      Array<GO> elementList (localNumRows);
      GO myStartGID;
      if (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) {
	myStartGID = indexBase + as<GO> (myRank) * as<GO> (quotient + 1);
      else {
	// This branch does _not_ assume that GO is a signed type.
	myStartGID = indexBase + as<GO> (remainder) * as<GO> (quotient + 1) +
	  (as<GO> (remainder) - as<GO> (myRank)) * as<GO> (quotient);
      for (GO i = 0; i < as<GO> (localNumRows); ++i) {
	elementList[i] = myStartGID + i;

      // Create the Map.
      using Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode;
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	createNonContigMapWithNode<LO, GO, NT> (elementList(), comm, node);
      try {
	RCP<MV> X5 = testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
							map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X5, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure
    } // if test noncontiguous input Map

    if ((testToRun == 0 && testNoncontiguousInputMap) || 
	(testToRun != 0 && testToRun == testNum)) {
      // Test 7: nonnull input Map with the same index base as X's
      // Map, and a "noncontiguous" distribution with GIDs that start
      // at 3.  This lets us easily observe any missing entries after
      // writing X and reading it back in again.
      if (verbose && myRank == 0) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": Nonnull noncontiguous Map (same index "
	  "base, GIDs not in 0 .. N-1) on input to readDenseFile()" << endl;
      const Tpetra::global_size_t globalNumRows = X->getMap()->getGlobalNumElements();
      const GO globalStartGID = as<GO> (3);

      // Compute number of GIDs owned by each process.  We're
      // replicating Tpetra functionality here because we want to
      // trick Tpetra into thinking we have a noncontiguous
      // distribution.  This is the most general case and the most
      // likely to uncover bugs.
      const size_t quotient = globalNumRows / numProcs;
      const size_t remainder = globalNumRows - quotient * numProcs;
      const size_t localNumRows = (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) ? 
	(quotient + 1) : quotient;

      // Build the list of GIDs owned by this process.
      Array<GO> elementList (localNumRows);
      GO myStartGID;
      if (as<size_t> (myRank) < remainder) {
	myStartGID = globalStartGID + as<GO> (myRank) * as<GO> (quotient + 1);
      else {
	// This branch does _not_ assume that GO is a signed type.
	myStartGID = globalStartGID + as<GO> (remainder) * as<GO> (quotient + 1) +
	  (as<GO> (myRank) - as<GO> (remainder)) * as<GO> (quotient);
      for (GO i = 0; i < as<GO> (localNumRows); ++i) {
	elementList[i] = myStartGID + i;

      if (debug) {
	for (int p = 0; p < numProcs; ++p) {
	  if (p == myRank) {
	    if (elementList.size() > 0) {
	      const GO minGID = *std::min_element (elementList.begin(), elementList.end());
	      const GO maxGID = *std::max_element (elementList.begin(), elementList.end());
	      cerr << "On Proc " << p << ": min,max GID = " << minGID << "," << maxGID << endl;
	    else {
	      cerr << "On Proc " << p << ": elementList is empty" << endl;
	    cerr << std::flush;
	  comm->barrier ();
	  comm->barrier ();
	  comm->barrier ();

      // Create the Map.
      using Tpetra::createNonContigMapWithNode;
      RCP<const MT> map = 
	createNonContigMapWithNode<LO, GO, NT> (elementList(), comm, node);
      try {
	RCP<MV> X7 = testReadDenseFileWithInputMap<MV> (inputFilename, tmpFilename,
							map, tolerant, verbose, debug);
	if (outFilename != "") {
	  testWriteDenseFile<MV> (outFilename, X7, echo, verbose, debug);
      } catch (std::exception& e) {
	failedTests.push_back (testNum);
	if (myRank == 0) {
	  cerr << "Test " << testNum << " failed: " << e.what() << endl;

	if (stopAfterFailure) {
	  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  else {
	    if (myRank == 0) {
	      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	} // if stop after failure
    } // if test noncontiguous input Map

  if (failedTests.size() > 0) {
    if (myRank == 0) {
      cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else {
    if (myRank == 0) {
      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool verbose = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read options from command-line
    std::string     matrixFile             = "";
    bool            testTranspose          = false;
    bool            usePreconditioner      = false;
    int             numRhs                 = 1;
    int             numRandomVectors       = 1;
    double          maxFwdError            = 1e-14;
    int             maxIterations          = 400;
    int             outputFrequency        = 10;
    bool            outputMaxResOnly       = true;
    double          maxResid               = 1e-6;
    double          maxSolutionError       = 1e-6;
    bool            showAllTests           = false;
    bool            dumpAll                = false;
    double          weightCutoff           = 1e-4;
    int             mcCheckFrequency       = 1024;
    int             mcBufferSize           = 1024;
    bool            reproducibleMC         = true;
    int             overlapSize            = 0;
    int             numSets                = 1;
    double          sampleRatio            = 10.0;
    std::string     mcType                 = "Adjoint";
    int             blockSize              = 1;
    std::string     solverType             = "MCSA";
    std::string     precType               = "Point Jacobi";
    double          dropTol                = 1.0e-2;
    double          fillLevel              = 1.5;
    double          richardsonRelax        = 1.0;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "matrix-file", &matrixFile, "Matrix input file [Required]." );
    clp.setOption( "test-transpose", "no-test-transpose", &testTranspose, "Test the transpose solve or not." );
    clp.setOption( "use-preconditioner", "no-use-preconditioner", &usePreconditioner, "Use the preconditioner or not." );
    clp.setOption( "num-rhs", &numRhs, "Number of RHS in linear solve." );
    clp.setOption( "num-random-vectors", &numRandomVectors, "Number of times a test is performed with different random vectors." );
    clp.setOption( "max-fwd-error", &maxFwdError, "The maximum relative error in the forward operator." );
    clp.setOption( "max-iters", &maxIterations, "The maximum number of linear solver iterations to take." );
    clp.setOption( "output-frequency", &outputFrequency, "Number of linear solver iterations between output" );
    clp.setOption( "output-max-res-only", "output-all-res", &outputMaxResOnly, 
		   "Determines if only the max residual is printed or if all residuals are printed per iteration." );
    clp.setOption( "max-resid", &maxResid, "The maximum relative error in the residual." );
    clp.setOption( "max-solution-error", &maxSolutionError, "The maximum relative error in the solution of the linear system." );
    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Set if output is printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests", "no-show-all-tests", &showAllTests, "Set if all the tests are shown or not." );
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump-all", &dumpAll, "Determines if vectors are printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-type", &mcType, "Determines underlying MC type in solver." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-cutoff", &weightCutoff, "Determines underlying MC history weight cutoff." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-frequency", &mcCheckFrequency, "Determines the frequency of MC communications." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-buffer-size", &mcBufferSize, "Determines the size of MC history buffers." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-reproduce", "reproducible", &reproducibleMC, 
		   "Determines whether or not to communicate RNG with MC histories." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-overlap", &overlapSize, "Determines the size of overlap in MC problem." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-sets", &numSets, "Determines the number of sets in the MC problem." );
    clp.setOption( "mc-sample-ratio", &sampleRatio, "Determines the number of histories in the MC problem." );
    clp.setOption( "block-size", &blockSize, "Block Jacobi preconditioning block size." );
    clp.setOption( "solver-type", &solverType, "Determines MCLS solver." );
    clp.setOption( "prec-type", &precType, "Determines MCLS preconditioner." );
    clp.setOption( "drop-tol", &dropTol, "ILUT drop tolerance." );
    clp.setOption( "fill-level", &fillLevel, "ILUT level-of-fill." );
    clp.setOption( "rich-relax", &richardsonRelax, "Richardson relaxation parameter." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( matrixFile == "" );

    Teuchos::ParameterList mclsLOWSFPL;

    mclsLOWSFPL.set("Solver Type", solverType);

    Teuchos::ParameterList& mclsLOWSFPL_solver =
      mclsLOWSFPL.sublist("Solver Types");

    Teuchos::ParameterList& mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa =
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Maximum Iterations",int(maxIterations));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Convergence Tolerance",double(maxResid));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("MC Type",std::string(mcType));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Iteration Print Frequency",int(outputFrequency));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Weight Cutoff",double(weightCutoff));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("MC Check Frequency",int(mcCheckFrequency));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("MC Buffer Size",int(mcBufferSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Reproducible MC Mode",bool(reproducibleMC));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Overlap Size",int(overlapSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Number of Sets",int(numSets));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Sample Ratio", double(sampleRatio));
    mclsLOWSFPL_mcsa.set("Transport Type","Global");

    Teuchos::ParameterList& mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc =
	mclsLOWSFPL_solver.sublist("Adjoint MC");
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Convergence Tolerance",double(maxResid));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Weight Cutoff",double(weightCutoff));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("MC Check Frequency",int(mcCheckFrequency));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("MC Buffer Size",int(mcBufferSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Reproducible MC Mode",bool(reproducibleMC));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Overlap Size",int(overlapSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Number of Sets",int(numSets));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Sample Ratio", double(sampleRatio));
    mclsLOWSFPL_adjmc.set("Transport Type","Global");

    Teuchos::ParameterList& mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc =
	mclsLOWSFPL_solver.sublist("Forward MC");
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Convergence Tolerance",double(maxResid));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Weight Cutoff",double(weightCutoff));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("MC Check Frequency",int(mcCheckFrequency));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("MC Buffer Size",int(mcBufferSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Reproducible MC Mode",bool(reproducibleMC));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Overlap Size",int(overlapSize));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Number of Sets",int(numSets));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Sample Ratio", double(sampleRatio));
    mclsLOWSFPL_fwdmc.set("Transport Type","Global");

    Teuchos::ParameterList& mclsLOWSFPL_richardson =
      mclsLOWSFPL_solver.sublist("Fixed Point");
    mclsLOWSFPL_richardson.set("Maximum Iterations",int(maxIterations));
    mclsLOWSFPL_richardson.set("Convergence Tolerance",double(maxResid));
    mclsLOWSFPL_richardson.set("Iteration Print Frequency",int(outputFrequency));
    mclsLOWSFPL_richardson.set("Richardson Relaxation",double(richardsonRelax));

    Teuchos::ParameterList precPL("MCLS");
	precPL.set("Preconditioner Type",precType);
	Teuchos::ParameterList& precPL_prec = precPL.sublist("Preconditioner Types");
	Teuchos::ParameterList& precPL_bj = precPL_prec.sublist("Block Jacobi");
	precPL_bj.set("Jacobi Block Size", blockSize);
	Teuchos::ParameterList& precPL_ilut = precPL_prec.sublist("ILUT");
	precPL_ilut.set("fact: drop tolerance", dropTol);
	precPL_ilut.set("fact: ilut level-of-fill", fillLevel);
      = Thyra::test_single_mcls_thyra_solver(

  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success)
  if (verbose) {
    if(success)  *out << "\nCongratulations! All of the tests checked out!\n";
    else         *out << "\nOh no! At least one of the tests failed!\n";

  return ( success ? 0 : 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  using std::endl;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  bool result, success = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

  RCP<Epetra_Comm> epetra_comm;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD) );
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_SerialComm );
#endif // HAVE_MPI

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read commandline options

    CommandLineProcessor clp;

    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT;
    setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel,
      "Top-level verbosity level.  By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.",
      &clp );

    bool dumpFinalSolutions = false;
      "dump-final-solutions", "no-dump-final-solutions", &dumpFinalSolutions,
      "Determine if the final solutions are dumpped or not." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;
    if ( Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT == verbLevel )
      verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_LOW;

    const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel
      solnVerbLevel = ( dumpFinalSolutions ? Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME : verbLevel );

    // Get the base parameter list that all other parameter lists will be read
    // from.
      paramList = Teuchos::parameterList();

    // Create the underlying EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator

      lorenzModel = rcp(new LorenzModel( epetra_comm, *paramList ));

    // Create the Thyra-wrapped ModelEvaluator
    RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> >
      thyraLorenzModel = Thyra::epetraModelEvaluator(lorenzModel,Teuchos::null);

    // Create the Rythmos GAASP ErrorEstimator

    RCP<Rythmos::GAASPErrorEstimator> gaaspEE = rcp(new Rythmos::GAASPErrorEstimator);
    //gaaspEE->setQuantityOfInterest( AVERAGE_ERROR_QTY );  // Not passed through yet.
    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> pl = Teuchos::parameterList();
    pl->sublist("GAASP Interface Parameters").set<double>("eTime",1.0);
    pl->sublist("GAASP Interface Parameters").set<double>("timeStep",0.1);
    //pl->sublist("GAASP Interface Parameters").set<double>("timeStep",0.5);

    //RCP<const Rythmos::ErrorEstimateBase<double> > error = gaaspEE->getErrorEstimate();

    //double uTOL = 1.0e-8;
    double uTOL = 1.0e-2;
    RCP<const Rythmos::ErrorEstimateBase<double> > error = gaaspEE->controlGlobalError(uTOL);

    double err = error->getTotalError();
    *out << "err = " << err << std::endl;


//  if(success)
//    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
//  else
//    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
  return ( success ? 0 : 1 );

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    using std::endl;
    typedef double Scalar;
    typedef double ScalarMag;
    using Teuchos::describe;
    using Teuchos::RCP;
    using Teuchos::rcp;
    using Teuchos::rcp_implicit_cast;
    using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
    using Teuchos::as;
    using Teuchos::ParameterList;
    using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
    typedef Teuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptions PLPrintOptions;
    typedef Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase MEB;
    using Thyra::createMember;
    using Thyra::createMembers;

    bool success = true;

    Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

    RCP<Epetra_Comm> epetra_comm;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD) );
    epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_SerialComm );
#endif // HAVE_MPI

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

    try {

        // A) Read commandline options

        CommandLineProcessor clp;

        std::string paramsFileName = "";
        clp.setOption( "params-file", &paramsFileName,
                       "File name for XML parameters" );

        std::string extraParamsString = "";
        clp.setOption( "extra-params", &extraParamsString,
                       "Extra XML parameter string" );

        Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT;
        setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel,
                                 "Top-level verbosity level.  By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.",
                                 &clp );

        double finalTime = 1.0;
        clp.setOption( "final-time", &finalTime, "Final time (the inital time)" );

        int numTimeSteps = 2;
        clp.setOption( "num-time-steps", &numTimeSteps, "Number of time steps" );

        bool dumpFinalSolutions = false;
            "dump-final-solutions", "no-dump-final-solutions", &dumpFinalSolutions,
            "Determine if the final solutions are dumpped or not." );

        double maxStateError = 1e-6;
        clp.setOption( "max-state-error", &maxStateError,
                       "The maximum allowed error in the integrated state in relation to the exact state solution" );

        // ToDo: Read in more parameters

        CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
        if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

        if ( Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT == verbLevel )
            verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_LOW;

        const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel
        solnVerbLevel = ( dumpFinalSolutions ? Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME : verbLevel );

        // B) Get the base parameter list that all other parameter lists will be
        // read from.

        RCP<ParameterList> paramList = Teuchos::parameterList();
        if (paramsFileName.length())
            updateParametersFromXmlFile( paramsFileName, &*paramList );
        if (extraParamsString.length())
            updateParametersFromXmlString( extraParamsString, &*paramList );


        // C) Create the Stratimikos linear solver factories.

        // Get the linear solve strategy that will be used to solve for the linear
        // system with the dae's W matrix.
        Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder daeLinearSolverBuilder;
        RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
        daeLOWSF = createLinearSolveStrategy(daeLinearSolverBuilder);

        // Get the linear solve strategy that can be used to override the overall
        // linear system solve
        Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder overallLinearSolverBuilder;
        RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
        overallLOWSF = createLinearSolveStrategy(overallLinearSolverBuilder);

        // D) Create the underlying EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator

        RCP<EpetraExt::DiagonalTransientModel> epetraDaeModel =

        *out <<"\nepetraDaeModel valid options:\n";
            *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true)

        // E) Create the Thyra-wrapped ModelEvaluator

        RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> > daeModel =

        // F) Create the TimeDiscretizedBackwardEulerModelEvaluator

        MEB::InArgs<Scalar> initCond = daeModel->createInArgs();

        RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<Scalar> >
        discretizedModel = Rythmos::timeDiscretizedBackwardEulerModelEvaluator<Scalar>(
                               daeModel, initCond, finalTime, numTimeSteps, overallLOWSF );

        *out << "\ndiscretizedModel = " << describe(*discretizedModel,verbLevel);

        // F) Setup a nonlinear solver and solve the system

        // F.1) Setup a nonlinear solver

        Thyra::DampenedNewtonNonlinearSolver<Scalar> nonlinearSolver;
        //2007/11/27: rabartl: ToDo: Implement parameter list handling for
        //DampenedNonlinearSolve so that I can uncomment the above line.

        // F.2) Solve the system

        RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
        x_bar = createMember(discretizedModel->get_x_space());
        V_S( x_bar.ptr(), 0.0 );

        Thyra::SolveStatus<Scalar> solveStatus =
            Thyra::solve( nonlinearSolver, &*x_bar );

        *out << "\nsolveStatus:\n" << solveStatus;

        *out << "\nx_bar = " << describe(*x_bar,solnVerbLevel);

        // G) Verify that the solution is correct???

        // Check against the end time exact solution.

        RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
        exact_x_final = Thyra::create_Vector(

        RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > solved_x_final
            = rcp_dynamic_cast<Thyra::ProductVectorBase<Scalar> >(x_bar,true)->getVectorBlock(numTimeSteps-1);

        const bool result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr(
                                "exact_x_final", *exact_x_final, "solved_x_final", *solved_x_final,
                                "maxStateError", maxStateError, "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
                                &*out, solnVerbLevel
        if (!result) success = false;


        *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
        *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;

    return ( success ? 0 : 1 );

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
Ejemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  CommandLineProcessor CLP;

  int n = 10;
  int m = (int)pow((double)Comm.NumProc(), 0.3334);
  double DampingFactor = 1.333;
  std::string AggregationScheme = "Uncoupled";
  int NPA = 16;
  int MaxLevels = 5;

  CLP.setOption("l", &MaxLevels, "number of levels");
  CLP.setOption("n", &n, "number of nodes along each axis");
  CLP.setOption("damp", &DampingFactor, "prolongator damping factor");
  CLP.setOption("aggr", &AggregationScheme, "aggregation scheme");
  CLP.setOption("npa", &NPA, "nodes per aggregate (if supported by the aggregation scheme)");


  if (m * m * m != Comm.NumProc()) {
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) 
      std::cout << "Number of processes must be a perfect cube." << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Please re-run with --help option for details." << std::endl;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  n *= m;

  Laplace3D A(Comm, n, n, n, m, m, m, true);
  Epetra_Vector LHS(A.OperatorDomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS(A.OperatorDomainMap());


  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&A, &LHS, &RHS);
  // Construct a solver object for this problem
  AztecOO solver(Problem);

  // create a parameter list for ML options
  ParameterList MLList;

  // set defaults for classic smoothed aggregation
  // overwrite some parameters. Please refer to the user's guide
  // for more information
  MLList.set("max levels",MaxLevels);
  MLList.set("increasing or decreasing","increasing");
  MLList.set("aggregation: type", AggregationScheme);
  MLList.set("aggregation: damping factor", DampingFactor);
  MLList.set("aggregation: nodes per aggregate", NPA);
  MLList.set("smoother: type","symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  MLList.set("smoother: pre or post", "both");
  MLList.set("coarse: max size", 512);
  MLList.set("coarse: type","Amesos-KLU");
  MLList.set("analyze memory", true);
  MLList.set("repartition: enable", true);
  MLList.set("repartition: max min ratio", 1.1);
  MLList.set("repartition: min per proc", 512);
  MLList.set("low memory usage", true);
  MLList.set("x-coordinates", (double*) A.XCoord());
  MLList.set("y-coordinates", (double*) A.YCoord());
  MLList.set("z-coordinates", (double*) A.ZCoord());
  // create the preconditioner object and compute hierarchy
  MultiLevelPreconditioner* MLPrec = new MultiLevelPreconditioner(A, MLList);

  // tell AztecOO to use this preconditioner, then solve
  solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_cg_condnum);
  solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1);
  solver.Iterate(500, 1e-10);

  delete MLPrec;
  double norm;

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) 
    std::cout << "Norm of the error = " << norm << std::endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ;

Ejemplo n.º 17
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using Teuchos::ArrayRCP;
  using Teuchos::ArrayView;
  using Teuchos::Comm;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::FancyOStream;
  using Teuchos::getFancyOStream;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  using Teuchos::ptr;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::rcpFromRef;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;

  bool success = true; // May be changed by tests

  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole;
  //Teuchos::GlobalMPISession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole);
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);

  // Construct communicators, and verify that we are on 4 processors.

  // Construct a Teuchos Comm object.
  RCP<const Comm<int> > teuchosComm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();
  const int numProcs = teuchosComm->getSize();
  const int pid = teuchosComm->getRank();
  RCP<FancyOStream> pOut = 
    getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef ((pid == 0) ? std::cout : blackHole));
  FancyOStream& out = *pOut;
  // Verify that we are on four processors (which manifests the bug).
  if (teuchosComm->getSize() != 4) {
    out << "This test must be run on four processors.  Exiting ..." << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // We also need an Epetra Comm, so that we can compare Tpetra and
  // Epetra results.
  Epetra_MpiComm epetraComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  // Default values of command-line options.
  bool verbose = false;
  bool printEpetra = false;
  bool printTpetra = false;
  CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false,true);
  // Set command-line options.
  cmdp.setOption ("verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Print verbose output.");
  // Epetra and Tpetra output will ask the Maps and Import objects to
  // print themselves in distributed, maximally verbose fashion.  It's
  // best to turn on either Epetra or Tpetra, but not both.  Then you
  // can compare their output side by side.
  cmdp.setOption ("printEpetra", "dontPrintEpetra", &printEpetra, 
		  "Print Epetra output (in verbose mode only).");
  cmdp.setOption ("printTpetra", "dontPrintTpetra", &printTpetra, 
		  "Print Tpetra output (in verbose mode only).");
  // Parse command-line options.
  if (cmdp.parse (argc,argv) != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL) {
    out << "End Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (verbose) {
    out << "Running test on " << numProcs << " process" 
	<< (numProcs != 1 ? "es" : "") << "." << endl;

  // The maps for this problem are derived from a 3D structured mesh.
  // In this example, the dimensions are 4x4x2 and there are 2
  // processors assigned to the first dimension and 2 processors
  // assigned to the second dimension, with no parallel decomposition
  // along the third dimension.  The "owned" arrays represent the
  // one-to-one map, with each array representing a 2x2x2 slice.  If
  // DIMENSIONS == 2, then only the first 4 values will be used,
  // representing a 2x2(x1) slice.
  int owned0[8] = { 0, 1, 4, 5,16,17,20,21};
  int owned1[8] = { 2, 3, 6, 7,18,19,22,23};
  int owned2[8] = { 8, 9,12,13,24,25,28,29};
  int owned3[8] = {10,11,14,15,26,27,30,31};

  // The "overlap" arrays represent the map with communication
  // elements, with each array representing a 3x3x2 slice.  If
  // DIMENSIONS == 2, then only the first 9 values will be used,
  // representing a 3x3(x1) slice.
  int overlap0[18] = {0,1,2,4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10,16,17,18,20,21,22,24,25,26};
  int overlap1[18] = {1,2,3,5, 6, 7, 9,10,11,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,26,27};
  int overlap2[18] = {4,5,6,8, 9,10,12,13,14,20,21,22,24,25,26,28,29,30};
  int overlap3[18] = {5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,21,22,23,25,26,27,29,30,31};

  // Construct the owned and overlap maps for both Epetra and Tpetra.
  int* owned;
  int* overlap;
  if (pid == 0) {
    owned   = owned0;
    overlap = overlap0;
  else if (pid == 1) {
    owned   = owned1;
    overlap = overlap1;
  else if (pid == 2) {
    owned   = owned2;
    overlap = overlap2;
  else {
    owned   = owned3;
    overlap = overlap3;

  int ownedSize   = 4;
  int overlapSize = 9;
#elif DIMENSIONS == 3
  int ownedSize   =  8;
  int overlapSize = 18;

  // Create the two Epetra Maps.  Source for the Import is the owned
  // map; target for the Import is the overlap map.
  Epetra_Map epetraOwnedMap (  -1, ownedSize,   owned,   0, epetraComm);
  Epetra_Map epetraOverlapMap (-1, overlapSize, overlap, 0, epetraComm);

  if (verbose && printEpetra) {
    // Have the Epetra_Map objects describe themselves.
    // Epetra_BlockMap::Print() takes an std::ostream&, and expects
    // all MPI processes to be able to write to it.  (The method
    // handles its own synchronization.)
    out << "Epetra owned map:" << endl;
    epetraOwnedMap.Print (std::cout);
    out << "Epetra overlap map:" << endl;
    epetraOverlapMap.Print (std::cout);

  // Create the two Tpetra Maps.  The "invalid" global element count
  // input tells Tpetra::Map to compute the global number of elements
  // itself.
  const int invalid = Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<int>::invalid();
  RCP<Tpetra::Map<int> > tpetraOwnedMap = 
    rcp (new Tpetra::Map<int> (invalid, ArrayView<int> (owned, ownedSize), 
			       0, teuchosComm));
  tpetraOwnedMap->setObjectLabel ("Owned Map");
  RCP<Tpetra::Map<int> > tpetraOverlapMap =
    rcp (new Tpetra::Map<int> (invalid, ArrayView<int> (overlap, overlapSize),
			       0, teuchosComm));
  tpetraOverlapMap->setObjectLabel ("Overlap Map");

  // In verbose mode, have the Tpetra::Map objects describe themselves.
  if (verbose && printTpetra) {
    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verb = Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME;

    // Tpetra::Map::describe() takes a FancyOStream, but expects all
    // MPI processes to be able to write to it.  (The method handles
    // its own synchronization.)
    RCP<FancyOStream> globalOut = getFancyOStream (rcpFromRef (std::cout));
    out << "Tpetra owned map:" << endl;
      OSTab tab (globalOut);
      tpetraOwnedMap->describe (*globalOut, verb);
    out << "Tpetra overlap map:" << endl;
      OSTab tab (globalOut);
      tpetraOverlapMap->describe (*globalOut, verb);

  // Use the owned and overlap maps to construct an importer for both
  // Epetra and Tpetra.
  Epetra_Import       epetraImporter (epetraOverlapMap, epetraOwnedMap  );
  Tpetra::Import<int> tpetraImporter (tpetraOwnedMap  , tpetraOverlapMap);

  // In verbose mode, have the Epetra_Import object describe itself.
  if (verbose && printEpetra) {
    out << "Epetra importer:" << endl;
    // The importer's Print() method takes an std::ostream& and plans
    // to write to it on all MPI processes (handling synchronization
    // itself).
    epetraImporter.Print (std::cout);
    out << endl;

  // In verbose mode, have the Tpetra::Import object describe itself.
  if (verbose && printTpetra) {
    out << "Tpetra importer:" << endl;
    // The importer doesn't implement Teuchos::Describable.  It wants
    // std::cout and plans to write to it on all MPI processes (with
    // its own synchronization).
    tpetraImporter.print (std::cout);
    out << endl;

  // Construct owned and overlap vectors for both Epetra and Tpetra.
  Epetra_Vector epetraOwnedVector   (epetraOwnedMap  );
  Epetra_Vector epetraOverlapVector (epetraOverlapMap);
  Tpetra::Vector<double,int> tpetraOwnedVector   (tpetraOwnedMap  );
  Tpetra::Vector<double,int> tpetraOverlapVector (tpetraOverlapMap);

  // The test is as follows: initialize the owned and overlap vectors
  // with global IDs in the owned regions.  Initialize the overlap
  // vectors to equal -1 in the overlap regions.  Then perform a
  // communication from the owned vectors to the overlap vectors.  The
  // resulting overlap vectors should have global IDs everywhere and
  // all of the -1 values should be overwritten.

  // Initialize.  We cannot assign directly to the Tpetra Vectors;
  // instead, we extract nonconst views and assign to those.  The
  // results aren't guaranteed to be committed to the vector unless
  // the views are released (by assigning Teuchos::null to them).
  ArrayRCP<double> tpetraOwnedArray   = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0);
  ArrayRCP<double> tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0);
  for (int owned_lid = 0; 
       owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); 
       ++owned_lid) {
    int gid         = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid);
    int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid);
    epetraOwnedVector[owned_lid]     = gid;
    epetraOverlapVector[overlap_lid] = gid;
    tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid]      = gid;
    tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid]  = gid;
  // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed,
  // by releasing the nonconst views.
  tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null;
  tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null;

  // Test the Epetra and Tpetra Import.
  if (verbose) {
    out << "Testing Import from owned Map to overlap Map:" << endl << endl;
  epetraOverlapVector.Import(  epetraOwnedVector, epetraImporter, Insert);
  tpetraOverlapVector.doImport(tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraImporter, 
  // Check the Import results.
  success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, 
			   epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, 
			   tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, 
			   tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose);

  const bool testOtherDirections = false;
  if (testOtherDirections) {
    // Reinitialize the Tpetra vectors and test whether Export works.
    tpetraOwnedArray   = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0);
    tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0);
    for (int owned_lid = 0; 
	 owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); 
	int gid         = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid);
	int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid);
	tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid]      = gid;
	tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid]  = gid;
    // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed,
    // by releasing the nonconst views.
    tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null;
    tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null;

    // Make a Tpetra Export object, and test the export.
    Tpetra::Export<int> tpetraExporter1 (tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOverlapMap);
    if (verbose) {
      out << "Testing Export from owned Map to overlap Map:" << endl << endl;
    tpetraOverlapVector.doExport (tpetraOwnedVector, tpetraExporter1, 

    // Check the Export results.
    success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, 
			     epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, 
			     tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, 
			     tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose);
    // Reinitialize the Tpetra vectors and see what Import in the
    // other direction does.
    tpetraOwnedArray   = tpetraOwnedVector.getDataNonConst(0);
    tpetraOverlapArray = tpetraOverlapVector.getDataNonConst(0);
    for (int owned_lid = 0; 
	 owned_lid < tpetraOwnedMap->getNodeElementList().size(); 
	int gid         = tpetraOwnedMap->getGlobalElement(owned_lid);
	int overlap_lid = tpetraOverlapMap->getLocalElement(gid);
	tpetraOwnedArray[owned_lid]      = gid;
	tpetraOverlapArray[overlap_lid]  = gid;
    // Make sure that the changes to the Tpetra Vector were committed,
    // by releasing the nonconst views.
    tpetraOwnedArray = Teuchos::null;
    tpetraOverlapArray = Teuchos::null;

    if (verbose) {
      out << "Testing Import from overlap Map to owned Map:" << endl << endl;
    Tpetra::Import<int> tpetraImporter2 (tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOwnedMap);
    tpetraOwnedVector.doImport (tpetraOverlapVector, tpetraImporter2, 
    // Check the Import results.
    success = countFailures (teuchosComm, epetraOwnedMap, epetraOwnedVector, 
			     epetraOverlapMap, epetraOverlapVector, 
			     tpetraOwnedMap, tpetraOwnedVector, 
			     tpetraOverlapMap, tpetraOverlapVector, verbose);
  } // if testOtherDirections

  out << "End Result: TEST " << (success ? "PASSED" : "FAILED") << endl;
  MPI_Finalize ();
  return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool verbose = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);
    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {
    const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<Thyra::Ordinal> >
      comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<Thyra::Ordinal>::getComm();

    // Read options from command-line

    int n         = 4;
    bool useSpmd   = true;
    bool dumpAll  = false;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Set if output is printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "local-dim", &n, "Local number of elements in each constituent vector." );
    clp.setOption( "use-spmd", "use-serial", &useSpmd, "Determines if MPI or serial vector space is used." );
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump-all", &dumpAll, "Determines if vectors are printed or not." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    // Run the tests

    if( !run_composite_linear_ops_tests<float>(comm,n,useSpmd,float(1e-4),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_composite_linear_ops_tests<double>(comm,n,useSpmd,double(1e-12),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_composite_linear_ops_tests<std::complex<float> >(comm,n,useSpmd,float(1e-4),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !run_composite_linear_ops_tests<std::complex<double> >(comm,n,useSpmd,double(1e-12),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
#if defined(HAVE_TEUCHOS_GNU_MP) && !defined(USE_MPI) // mpf_class can not be used with MPI yet!
    if( !run_composite_linear_ops_tests<mpf_class>(comm,n,useSpmd,mpf_class(1e-12),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;

    if( verbose ) {
      if(success) *out << "\nAll of the tests seem to have run successfully!\n";
      else        *out << "\nOh no! at least one of the tests failed!\n";

  } // end try

  return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool verbose = true;

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read options from command-line
    std::string                             matrixFile             = "";
    Thyra::Amesos::ESolverType              solverType
                                                                   = Thyra::Amesos::KLU;
                                                                   = Thyra::Amesos::LAPACK;
    Thyra::Amesos::ERefactorizationPolicy   refactorizationPolicy  = Thyra::Amesos::REPIVOT_ON_REFACTORIZATION;
    bool                                    testTranspose          = true;
    int                                     numRandomVectors       = 1;
    double                                  maxFwdError            = 1e-14;
    double                                  maxError               = 1e-10;
    double                                  maxResid               = 1e-10;
    bool                                    showAllTests           = false;
    bool                                    dumpAll                = false;

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "matrix-file", &matrixFile, "Matrix iput file [Required]." );
      "solver-type", &solverType
      ,Thyra::Amesos::numSolverTypes, Thyra::Amesos::solverTypeValues, Thyra::Amesos::solverTypeNames
      ,"Type of direct solver."
      "refactorization-policy", &refactorizationPolicy
      ,Thyra::Amesos::numRefactorizationPolices, Thyra::Amesos::refactorizationPolicyValues, Thyra::Amesos::refactorizationPolicyNames
      ,"Pivoting policy used on refactorizations."
    clp.setOption( "test-transpose", "no-test-transpose", &testTranspose, "Test the transpose solve or not." );
    clp.setOption( "num-random-vectors", &numRandomVectors, "Number of times a test is performed with different random vectors." );
    clp.setOption( "max-fwd-error", &maxFwdError, "The maximum relative error in the forward operator." );
    clp.setOption( "max-error", &maxError, "The maximum relative error in the solution." );
    clp.setOption( "max-resid", &maxResid, "The maximum relative error in the residual." );
    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Set if output is printed or not." );
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests", "no-show-all-tests", &showAllTests, "Set if all the tests are shown or not." );
    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump-all", &dumpAll, "Determines if vectors are printed or not." );
    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( matrixFile == "" );

    Teuchos::ParameterList amesosLOWSFPL;
    amesosLOWSFPL.set("Solver Type",toString(solverType));
    amesosLOWSFPL.set("Refactorization Policy",toString(refactorizationPolicy));

      = Thyra::test_single_amesos_thyra_solver(

Ejemplo n.º 20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);

  // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = false;
  try {
    // Parse the command line
    using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
    CommandLineProcessor  clp;
    clp.setOption( "v", "disable-verbosity", &verbose, "Enable verbosity" );

      parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv,&std::cerr);

    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
      return parse_return;

    if (verbose)
      std::cout << "Verbosity Activated" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Verbosity Disabled" << std::endl;

    int status = 0;

    const int num_elements = 400;

    // Check we have only one processor since this problem doesn't work
    // for more than one proc
    if (Comm.NumProc() > num_elements)
      throw "Error! Number of elements must be greate than number of processors!";

    // Create the model evaluator object
    double paramC = 0.99;
    Teuchos::RCP<ModelEvaluatorHeq<double> > model =

    ::Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder builder;

    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> p =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
    p->set("Linear Solver Type", "AztecOO");
    p->sublist("Linear Solver Types").sublist("AztecOO").sublist("Forward Solve").sublist("AztecOO Settings").set("Output Frequency",20);
    p->set("Preconditioner Type", "Ifpack");

    Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> >
      lowsFactory = builder.createLinearSolveStrategy("");


    // Create the initial guess
    Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::VectorBase<double> >
      initial_guess = model->getNominalValues().get_x()->clone_v();


    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Thyra::Group> nox_group =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Thyra::Group(*initial_guess, model));
    //Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Thyra::Group(*initial_guess, model, model->create_W_op(), lowsFactory, Teuchos::null, Teuchos::null));


    // Create the NOX status tests and the solver
    // Create the convergence tests
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> absresid =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-8));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormWRMS> wrms =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormWRMS(1.0e-2, 1.0e-8));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> converged =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::AND));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> maxiters =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(20));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue> fv =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue);
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR));

    // Create nox parameter list
    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> nl_params =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
    nl_params->set("Nonlinear Solver", "Anderson Accelerated Fixed-Point");
    nl_params->sublist("Anderson Parameters").set("Storage Depth", 5);
    nl_params->sublist("Anderson Parameters").set("Mixing Parameter", 1.0);
    nl_params->sublist("Anderson Parameters").set("Acceleration Start Iteration", 1);
    nl_params->sublist("Anderson Parameters").sublist("Preconditioning").set("Precondition", false);
    nl_params->sublist("Direction").sublist("Newton").sublist("Linear Solver").set("Tolerance", 1.0e-4);
    nl_params->sublist("Printing").sublist("Output Information").set("Details",true);
    nl_params->sublist("Printing").sublist("Output Information").set("Outer Iteration",true);
    //nl_params->sublist("Printing").sublist("Output Information").set("Outer Iteration StatusTest",true);

    // Create the solver
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Solver::Generic> solver =
      NOX::Solver::buildSolver(nox_group, combo, nl_params);
    NOX::StatusTest::StatusType solvStatus = solver->solve();

    // 1. Convergence
    if (solvStatus != NOX::StatusTest::Converged)
      status = 1;
    // 2. Number of iterations
    if (const_cast<Teuchos::ParameterList&>(solver->getList()).sublist("Output").get("Nonlinear Iterations", 0) != 11)
      status = 2;

    success = status==0;

    if (success)
      std::cout << "Test passed!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Test failed!" << std::endl;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );
Ejemplo n.º 21
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool verbose = true;
  bool dumpAll = false;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);
  // KL 27 Jul 2006 -- Commenting out unused variables 
  // const int procRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  // const int numProc = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read options from the command-line

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;

    int local_dim = 4;
    clp.setOption( "local-dim", &local_dim, "Number of vector elements per process." );

    double eps_scale = 200.0;
    clp.setOption( "eps-scale", &eps_scale, "Constant (greater than 1) to scale eps by in error tests." );

    clp.setOption( "verbose", "quiet", &verbose,
      "Determines if any output is printed or not." );

    clp.setOption( "dump-all", "no-dump", &dumpAll, "Determines if quantities are dumped or not." );

    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    // Run the tests

#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    if( !Thyra::run_std_ops_tests<float>(local_dim,float(eps_scale*Teuchos::ScalarTraits<float>::eps()),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !Thyra::run_std_ops_tests<double>(local_dim,double(eps_scale*Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double>::eps()),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_COMPLEX) && defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    if( !Thyra::run_std_ops_tests<std::complex<float> >(local_dim,float(eps_scale*Teuchos::ScalarTraits<float>::eps()),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    if( !Thyra::run_std_ops_tests<std::complex<double> >(local_dim,double(eps_scale*Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double>::eps()),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    //if( !Thyra::run_std_ops_tests<mpf_class>(local_dim,mpf_class(max_rel_err),dumpAll,verbose?&*out:NULL) ) success = false;
    // RAB: 4/16/2005: We can not instantiate the above since rmax() is not supported by this types ScalarTraits class
    // and it is needed by the class RTOpPack::ROpMaxIndexLessThanBound.  This can be fixed using a template
    // conditional but I have not done this yet.

  } // end try
  catch( const std::exception &excpt ) {
      std::cerr << "*** Caught a standard exception : " << excpt.what() << std::endl;
    success = false;
  catch( ... ) {
      std::cerr << "*** Caught an unknown exception!\n";
    success = false;

  if(verbose) {
      *out << "\nAll of the tests seem to have run successfully!\n";
      *out << "\nOh no! at least one of the test failed!\n";	
  return success ? 0 : 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);
  int status = 0;
  // Parse the command line
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  CommandLineProcessor  clp;
  bool verbose = false;
  clp.setOption( "v", "disable-verbosity", &verbose, "Enable verbosity" );
    parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv,&std::cerr);
  if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL )
    return parse_return;

  if (verbose) 
    std::cout << "Verbosity Activated" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Verbosity Disabled" << std::endl;

  // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  // Check we have only one processor since this problem doesn't work
  // for more than one proc
  if (Comm.NumProc() > 1) {
    std::cerr << "Error!  Problem can only be run with at most 1 processor!"
	      << std::endl;
    return -1;

  // Create the model evaluator object
  double d = 10.0;
  double p0 = 2.0;
  double p1 = 0.0;
  double x00 = 0.0;
  double x01 = 1.0;
  Teuchos::RCP<ModelEvaluator2DSim<double> > thyraModel = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new ModelEvaluator2DSim<double>(Teuchos::rcp(&Comm,false),

  ::Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder builder;
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> p = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  p->set("Linear Solver Type", "AztecOO");
  p->set("Preconditioner Type", "Ifpack");

  Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<double> > 
    lowsFactory = builder.createLinearSolveStrategy("");


  // Create nox parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> nl_params =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  nl_params->set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");

  // Create a Thyra nonlinear solver
  Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::NonlinearSolverBase<double> > solver = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new ::Thyra::NOXNonlinearSolver);

  Teuchos::RCP< ::Thyra::VectorBase<double> >
    initial_guess = thyraModel->getNominalValues().get_x()->clone_v();

  ::Thyra::SolveCriteria<double> solve_criteria;
  ::Thyra::SolveStatus<double> solve_status;

  solve_status = solver->solve(initial_guess.get(), &solve_criteria);

  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(solve_status.extraParameters->isType<int>("Number of Iterations"));

  TEUCHOS_ASSERT(solve_status.extraParameters->get<int>("Number of Iterations") == 7);

  if (solve_status.solveStatus == ::Thyra::SOLVE_STATUS_CONVERGED)
    std::cout << "Test passed!" << std::endl;


  // Final return value (0 = successfull, non-zero = failure)
  return status;
// Main driver program
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool result;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);
  // Above is needed to run in an MPI build with some MPI implementations

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read in command-line options

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;

    int n0 = 2;
    clp.setOption( "n0", &n0 );

    int n1 = 3;
    clp.setOption( "n1", &n1 );

    int n2 = 4;
    clp.setOption( "n2", &n2 );

    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM;
    setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel,
      "Top-level verbosity level.  By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.",
      &clp );

    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    // Run using float
    result = exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators<float>(
      n0, n1, n2, *out, verbLevel, 1e-5, true );
    if (!result) success = false;

    // Run using double
    result = exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators<double>(
      n0, n1, n2, *out, verbLevel, 1e-12, true );
    if (!result) success = false;


#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    // Run using std::complex<float>
    result = exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators<std::complex<float> >(
      n0, n1, n2, *out, verbLevel, 1e-5, false );
    if (!result) success = false;
    // 2007/11/02: rabartl: Above, I skip the test of the adjoint since it
    // fails but a lot.  On my machine, the relative error is:
    //    rel_err((-3.00939,-0.836347),(-0.275689,1.45244)) = 1.14148.
    // Since this works just fine for the next complex<double> case, I am
    // going to just skip this test.
#endif // defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)

    // Run using std::complex<double>
    result = exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators<std::complex<double> >(
      n0, n1, n2, *out, verbLevel, 1e-12, true );
    if (!result) success = false;



    // Run using mpf_class
    result = exampleImplicitlyComposedLinearOperators<mpf_class>(
      n0, n1, n2, *out, verbLevel, 1e-20, true );
    if (!result) success = false;


    *out << "\nCongratulations! All of the tests checked out!\n";
    *out << "\nOh no! At least one of the tests failed!\n";
  return success ? 0 : 1;

} // end main()
Ejemplo n.º 24
// Actual main driver program
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

  bool success = true;
  bool result;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);
  // Above is needed to run in an MPI build with some MPI implementations

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read in command-line options

    CommandLineProcessor  clp;

    int dim = 500;
    clp.setOption( "dim", &dim,
      "Dimension of the linear system." );

    double diagScale = 1.001;
    clp.setOption( "diag-scale", &diagScale,
      "Scaling of the diagonal to improve conditioning." );

    bool symOp = true;
    clp.setOption( "sym-op", "unsym-op", &symOp,
      "Determines if the operator is symmetric or not." );

    bool showAllTests = false;
    clp.setOption( "show-all-tests", "show-summary-only", &showAllTests,
      "Show all LinearOpTester tests or not" );

    double tolerance = 1e-4;
    clp.setOption( "tol", &tolerance,
      "Relative tolerance for linear system solve." );

    int maxNumIters = 300;
    clp.setOption( "max-num-iters", &maxNumIters,
      "Maximum of CG iterations." );

    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( dim < 2, std::logic_error, "Error, dim=" << dim << " < 2 is not allowed!" );

#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    result = runCgSolveExample<float>(dim, diagScale, symOp, showAllTests,
      tolerance, maxNumIters);
    if(!result) success = false;

    result = runCgSolveExample<double>(dim, diagScale, symOp, showAllTests,
      tolerance, maxNumIters);
    if(!result) success = false;


#if defined(HAVE_THYRA_FLOAT)
    result = runCgSolveExample<std::complex<float> >(dim, diagScale, symOp, showAllTests,
      tolerance, maxNumIters);
    if(!result) success = false;

    result = runCgSolveExample<std::complex<double> >(dim, diagScale, symOp, showAllTests,
      tolerance, maxNumIters);
    if(!result) success = false;



    result = runCgSolveExample<mpf_class>(dim, diagScale, symOp, showAllTests, 
      tolerance, maxNumIters);
    if(!result) success = false;


    //result = runCgSolveExample<std::complex<mpf_class> >(dim, mpf_class(diagScale), symOp,
    showAllTests, mpf_class(tolerance), maxNumIters);
    //if(!result) success = false;
    //The above commented-out code throws a floating-point exception?




      *out << "\nCongratulations! All of the tests checked out!\n";
      *out << "\nOh no! At least one of the tests failed!\n";
  return success ? 0 : 1;

} // end main()
Ejemplo n.º 25
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  using std::endl;
  typedef double Scalar;
  typedef double ScalarMag;
  using Teuchos::describe;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::rcp_implicit_cast;
  using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
  using Teuchos::as;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  typedef Teuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptions PLPrintOptions;
  typedef Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase MEB;
  typedef Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVectorSpace<Scalar> DMVPVS;
  using Thyra::productVectorBase;

  bool result, success = true;

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv);

  RCP<Epetra_Comm> epetra_comm;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD) );
  epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_SerialComm );
#endif // HAVE_MPI

    out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

  try {

    // Read commandline options

    CommandLineProcessor clp;

    std::string paramsFileName = "";
    clp.setOption( "params-file", &paramsFileName,
      "File name for XML parameters" );

    std::string extraParamsString = "";
    clp.setOption( "extra-params", &extraParamsString,
      "Extra XML parameters" );

    std::string extraParamsFile = "";
    clp.setOption( "extra-params-file", &extraParamsFile, "File containing extra parameters in XML format.");

    double maxStateError = 1e-6;
    clp.setOption( "max-state-error", &maxStateError,
      "The maximum allowed error in the integrated state in relation to the exact state solution" );

    double finalTime = 1e-3;
    clp.setOption( "final-time", &finalTime,
      "Final integration time (initial time is 0.0)" );

    int numTimeSteps = 10;
    clp.setOption( "num-time-steps", &numTimeSteps,
      "Number of (fixed) time steps.  If <= 0.0, then variable time steps are taken" );

    bool useBDF = false;
    clp.setOption( "use-BDF", "use-BE", &useBDF,
      "Use BDF or Backward Euler (BE)" );

    bool useIRK = false;
    clp.setOption( "use-IRK", "use-other", &useIRK,
      "Use IRK or something" );

    bool doFwdSensSolve = false;
    clp.setOption( "fwd-sens-solve", "state-solve", &doFwdSensSolve,
      "Do the forward sensitivity solve or just the state solve" );

    bool doFwdSensErrorControl = false;
    clp.setOption( "fwd-sens-err-cntrl", "no-fwd-sens-err-cntrl", &doFwdSensErrorControl,
      "Do error control on the forward sensitivity solve or not" );

    double maxRestateError = 0.0;
    clp.setOption( "max-restate-error", &maxRestateError,
      "The maximum allowed error between the state integrated by itself verses integrated along with DxDp" );

    double maxSensError = 1e-4;
    clp.setOption( "max-sens-error", &maxSensError,
      "The maximum allowed error in the integrated sensitivity in relation to"
      " the finite-difference sensitivity" );

    Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT;
    setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel,
      "Top-level verbosity level.  By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.",
      &clp );

    bool testExactSensitivity = false;
    clp.setOption( "test-exact-sens", "no-test-exact-sens", &testExactSensitivity,
      "Test the exact sensitivity with finite differences or not." );

    bool dumpFinalSolutions = false;
      "dump-final-solutions", "no-dump-final-solutions", &dumpFinalSolutions,
      "Determine if the final solutions are dumpped or not." );

    CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv);
    if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return;

    if ( Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT == verbLevel )
      verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_LOW;

    const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel
      solnVerbLevel = ( dumpFinalSolutions ? Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME : verbLevel );

    // Get the base parameter list that all other parameter lists will be read
    // from.

      paramList = Teuchos::parameterList();
    if (paramsFileName.length())
      updateParametersFromXmlFile( paramsFileName, paramList.ptr() );
      Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile( "./"+extraParamsFile, paramList.ptr() );
    if (extraParamsString.length())
      updateParametersFromXmlString( extraParamsString, paramList.ptr() );

    if (testExactSensitivity) {
      paramList->sublist(DiagonalTransientModel_name).set("Exact Solution as Response",true);

    paramList->validateParameters(*getValidParameters(),0); // Only validate top level lists!

    // Create the Stratimikos linear solver factory.
    // This is the linear solve strategy that will be used to solve for the
    // linear system with the W.

    Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder linearSolverBuilder;
    RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
      W_factory = createLinearSolveStrategy(linearSolverBuilder);

    // Create the underlying EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator

      epetraStateModel = EpetraExt::diagonalTransientModel(

    *out <<"\nepetraStateModel valid options:\n";
      *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true)

    // Create the Thyra-wrapped ModelEvaluator

    RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> >
      stateModel = epetraModelEvaluator(epetraStateModel,W_factory);

    *out << "\nParameter names = " << *stateModel->get_p_names(0) << "\n";

    // Create the Rythmos stateStepper

    RCP<Rythmos::TimeStepNonlinearSolver<double> >
      nonlinearSolver = Rythmos::timeStepNonlinearSolver<double>();
      nonlinearSolverPL = sublist(paramList,TimeStepNonlinearSolver_name);
    nonlinearSolverPL->get("Default Tol",1e-3*maxStateError); // Set default if not set

    RCP<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> > stateStepper;

    if (useBDF) {
      stateStepper = rcp(
        new Rythmos::ImplicitBDFStepper<double>(
          stateModel, nonlinearSolver
    else if (useIRK) {
      // We need a separate LOWSFB object for the IRK stepper
      RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> >
        irk_W_factory = createLinearSolveStrategy(linearSolverBuilder);
      RCP<Rythmos::RKButcherTableauBase<double> > irkbt = Rythmos::createRKBT<double>("Backward Euler");
      stateStepper = Rythmos::implicitRKStepper<double>(
        stateModel, nonlinearSolver, irk_W_factory, irkbt
    else {
      stateStepper = rcp(
        new Rythmos::BackwardEulerStepper<double>(
          stateModel, nonlinearSolver

    *out <<"\nstateStepper:\n" << describe(*stateStepper,verbLevel);
    *out <<"\nstateStepper valid options:\n";
      *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true)


    // Setup finite difference objects that will be used for tests

    Thyra::DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculator<Scalar> fdCalc;

    // Use a StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate the state

    const MEB::InArgs<Scalar>
      state_ic = stateModel->getNominalValues();
    *out << "\nstate_ic:\n" << describe(state_ic,verbLevel);

    RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> > integrator;
        integratorPL = sublist(paramList,RythmosIntegrator_name);
      integratorPL->set( "Take Variable Steps", as<bool>(numTimeSteps < 0) );
      integratorPL->set( "Fixed dt", as<double>((finalTime - state_ic.get_t())/numTimeSteps) );
      RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> >
        defaultIntegrator = Rythmos::controlledDefaultIntegrator<Scalar>(
      integrator = defaultIntegrator;

    RCP<Rythmos::StepperAsModelEvaluator<Scalar> >
      stateIntegratorAsModel = Rythmos::stepperAsModelEvaluator(
        stateStepper, integrator, state_ic

    *out << "\nUse the StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate state x(p,finalTime) ... \n";

    RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_final;


      Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);

      x_final = createMember(stateIntegratorAsModel->get_g_space(0));

        0, *state_ic.get_p(0),
        0, &*x_final

        << "\nx_final = x(p,finalTime) evaluated using stateIntegratorAsModel:\n"
        << describe(*x_final,solnVerbLevel);


    // Test the integrated state against the exact analytical state solution

    RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
      exact_x_final = create_Vector(

    result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr(
      "exact_x_final", *exact_x_final, "x_final", *x_final,
      "maxStateError", maxStateError, "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
      &*out, solnVerbLevel
    if (!result) success = false;

    // Solve and test the forward sensitivity computation

    if (doFwdSensSolve) {

      // Create the forward sensitivity stepper

      RCP<Rythmos::ForwardSensitivityStepper<Scalar> > stateAndSensStepper =
      if (doFwdSensErrorControl) {
          stateModel, 0, stateModel->getNominalValues(),
          stateStepper, nonlinearSolver,
          integrator->cloneIntegrator(), finalTime
      else {
          stateModel, 0, stateModel->getNominalValues(),
          stateStepper, nonlinearSolver
        // The above call will result in stateStepper and nonlinearSolver being
        // cloned.  This helps to ensure consistency between the state and
        // sensitivity computations!

      // Set the initial condition for the state and forward sensitivities

      RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > s_bar_init
        = createMember(stateAndSensStepper->getFwdSensModel()->get_x_space());
      assign( s_bar_init.ptr(), 0.0 );
      RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > s_bar_dot_init
        = createMember(stateAndSensStepper->getFwdSensModel()->get_x_space());
      assign( s_bar_dot_init.ptr(), 0.0 );
      // Above, I believe that these are the correct initial conditions for
      // s_bar and s_bar_dot given how the EpetraExt::DiagonalTransientModel
      // is currently implemented!

      RCP<const Rythmos::StateAndForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator<Scalar> >
        stateAndSensModel = stateAndSensStepper->getStateAndFwdSensModel();

        state_and_sens_ic = stateAndSensStepper->getModel()->createInArgs();

      // Copy time, parameters etc.
      // Set initial condition for x_bar = [ x; s_bar ]
      // Set initial condition for x_bar_dot = [ x_dot; s_bar_dot ]

      *out << "\nstate_and_sens_ic:\n" << describe(state_and_sens_ic,verbLevel);


      // Use a StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate the state+sens

      RCP<Rythmos::StepperAsModelEvaluator<Scalar> >
        stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel = Rythmos::stepperAsModelEvaluator(
          rcp_implicit_cast<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> >(stateAndSensStepper),
          integrator, state_and_sens_ic

      *out << "\nUse the StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate state + sens x_bar(p,finalTime) ... \n";

      RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_bar_final;


        Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);

        x_bar_final = createMember(stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel->get_g_space(0));

          0, *state_ic.get_p(0),
          0, &*x_bar_final

          << "\nx_bar_final = x_bar(p,finalTime) evaluated using stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel:\n"
          << describe(*x_bar_final,solnVerbLevel);


      // Test that the state computed above is same as computed initially!

      *out << "\nChecking that x(p,finalTime) computed as part of x_bar above is the same ...\n";


        Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);

        RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
          x_in_x_bar_final = productVectorBase<Scalar>(x_bar_final)->getVectorBlock(0);

        result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr<Scalar>(
          "x_final", *x_final,
          "x_in_x_bar_final", *x_in_x_bar_final,
          "maxRestateError", maxRestateError,
          "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
          &*out, solnVerbLevel
        if (!result) success = false;


      // Compute DxDp using finite differences

      *out << "\nApproximating DxDp(p,t) using directional finite differences of integrator for x(p,t) ...\n";

      RCP<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar> > DxDp_fd_final;


        Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);

          fdBasePoint = stateIntegratorAsModel->createInArgs();


        DxDp_fd_final = createMembers(

        typedef Thyra::DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculatorTypes::SelectedDerivatives

        MEB::OutArgs<Scalar> fdOutArgs =

        // Silence the model evaluators that are called.  The fdCal object
        // will show all of the inputs and outputs for each call.

          *stateIntegratorAsModel, fdBasePoint,
          stateIntegratorAsModel->createOutArgs(), // Don't bother with function value

          << "\nFinite difference DxDp_fd_final = DxDp(p,finalTime): "
          << describe(*DxDp_fd_final,solnVerbLevel);


      // Test that the integrated sens and the F.D. sens are similar

      *out << "\nChecking that integrated DxDp(p,finalTime) and finite-diff DxDp(p,finalTime) are similar ...\n";


        Teuchos::OSTab tab(out);

        RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
          DxDp_vec_final = Thyra::productVectorBase<Scalar>(x_bar_final)->getVectorBlock(1);

        RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
          DxDp_fd_vec_final = Thyra::multiVectorProductVector(
            rcp_dynamic_cast<const Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVectorSpace<Scalar> >(

        result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr(
          "DxDp_vec_final", *DxDp_vec_final,
          "DxDp_fd_vec_final", *DxDp_fd_vec_final,
          "maxSensError", maxSensError,
          "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn
          &*out, solnVerbLevel
        if (!result) success = false;




    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
    *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << endl;

  return ( success ? 0 : 1 );

} // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]
Ejemplo n.º 26
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using Belos::OutputManager;
  using Belos::SolverFactory;
  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;
  using Teuchos::null;
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::parameterList;
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  using Teuchos::rcp;
  using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
  using Teuchos::rcp_implicit_cast;
  using std::cerr;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  typedef double scalar_type;
  typedef Epetra_MultiVector MV;
  typedef Epetra_Operator OP;
  typedef Belos::SolverManager<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_base_type;
  typedef Belos::SolverFactory<scalar_type, MV, OP> factory_type;

  Teuchos::oblackholestream blackHole;
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession (&argc, &argv, &blackHole);

  RCP<Epetra_Comm> comm;
    RCP<Epetra_MpiComm> commSpecific (new Epetra_MpiComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD));
    RCP<Epetra_SerialComm> commSpecific (new Epetra_SerialComm);
#endif // EPETRA_MPI
    comm = rcp_implicit_cast<Epetra_Comm> (commSpecific);
  std::ostream& out = (comm->MyPID() == 0) ? std::cout : blackHole;

  bool success = false;
  bool verbose = false;
  try {
    int numRHS = 1;
    bool debug = false;

    // Define command-line arguments.
    CommandLineProcessor cmdp (false, true);
    cmdp.setOption ("numRHS", &numRHS, "Number of right-hand sides in the linear "
        "system to solve.");
    cmdp.setOption ("verbose", "quiet", &verbose, "Print messages and results.");
    cmdp.setOption ("debug", "nodebug", &debug, "Print debugging information.");

    // Parse the command-line arguments.
      const CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parseResult =
        cmdp.parse (argc,argv);
      if (parseResult == CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED) {
        if (comm->MyPID() == 0)
          std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(parseResult != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL,
          std::invalid_argument, "Failed to parse command-line arguments.");

    // Declare an output manager for handling local output.  Initialize,
    // using the caller's desired verbosity level.
    RCP<OutputManager<scalar_type> > outMan =
      rcp (new OutputManager<scalar_type> (selectVerbosity (verbose, debug)));

    // Stream for debug output.  If debug output is not enabled, then
    // this stream doesn't print anything sent to it (it's a "black
    // hole" stream).
    //std::ostream& debugOut = outMan->stream (Belos::Debug);

    // Create the operator to test, with domain and range maps.
    RCP<const Epetra_Map> domainMap, rangeMap;
    RCP<Epetra_Operator> A = makeMatrix (comm, domainMap, rangeMap);
    // "Solution" input/output multivector.
    RCP<MV> X_exact = rcp (new MV (*domainMap, numRHS));
    X_exact->Seed ();
    X_exact->Random ();
    RCP<MV> X = rcp (new MV (*domainMap, numRHS));
    X->PutScalar (0.0);
    // "Right-hand side" input multivector.
    RCP<MV> B = rcp (new MV (*rangeMap, numRHS));
    A->Apply (*X_exact, *B);

    // Test creating solver instances using the solver factory.
    factory_type factory;
    // Test the canonical solver names.
      typedef Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Block GMRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::PseudoBlockGmresSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Pseudoblock GMRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::BlockCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Block CG", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Pseudoblock CG", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::GCRODRSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "GCRODR", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::RCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "RCG", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::MinresSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "MINRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::LSQRSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "LSQR", out, verbose);
    // Test aliases.
      typedef Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Flexible GMRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "CG", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::RCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Recycling CG", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::GCRODRSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Recycling GMRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::PseudoBlockGmresSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Pseudo Block GMRES", out, verbose);
      typedef Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr<scalar_type, MV, OP> solver_impl_type;
      testCreatingSolver<factory_type, solver_base_type,
        solver_impl_type> (factory, "Pseudo Block CG", out, verbose);

    success = true;
    if (comm->MyPID() == 0) {
      cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
  TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(verbose, std::cerr, success);

  return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );
Ejemplo n.º 27
      /// \brief Parse command-line options for this test
      /// \param argc [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param argv [in] As usual in C(++)
      /// \param allowedToPrint [in] Whether this (MPI) process is allowed
      ///   to print to stdout/stderr.  Different per (MPI) process.
      /// \param printedHelp [out] Whether this (MPI) process printed the
      ///   "help" display (summary of command-line options)
      /// \return Encapsulation of command-line options 
      static SeqTestParameters
      parseOptions (int argc, 
		    char* argv[], 
		    const bool allowedToPrint, 
		    bool& printedHelp)
	using std::cerr;
	using std::endl;

	printedHelp = false;

	// Command-line parameters, set to their default values.
	SeqTestParameters params;
	/// We really want the cache block size as a size_t, but
	/// Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor doesn't offer that option.
	/// So we read it in as an int, which means negative inputs
	/// are possible.  We check for those below in the input
	/// validation phase.
	// Fetch default value of cacheSizeHint.
	int cacheSizeHintAsInt = static_cast<int> (params.cacheSizeHint);
	try {
	  using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor;

	  CommandLineProcessor cmdLineProc (/* throwExceptions=*/ true, 
					    /* recognizeAllOptions=*/ true);
	  cmdLineProc.setDocString (docString);
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("verify",
				 "Test accuracy");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("benchmark",
				 "Test performance");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("nrows", 
				 "Number of rows in the test matrix");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("ncols", 
				 "Number of columns in the test matrix");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("ntrials", 
				 "Number of trials (only used when \"--benchmark\"");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("complex", 
				 "Test complex arithmetic, as well as real");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("cache-block-size", 
				 "Cache size hint in bytes (0 means pick a reasonable default)");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("contiguous-cache-blocks",
				 "Whether cache blocks should be stored contiguously");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("field-names", 
				 "Any additional field name(s) (comma-delimited "
				 "string) to add to the benchmark output.  Empty "
				 "by default.  Good for things known when invoking "
				 "the benchmark executable, but not (easily) known "
				 "inside the benchmark -- e.g., environment "
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("output-data", 
				 "Any additional data to add to the output, "
				 "corresponding to the above field name(s). "
				 "Empty by default.");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("print-field-names",
				 "Print field names (for machine-readable output only)");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("print-trilinos-test-stuff", 
				 "Print output that makes the Trilinos test "
				 "framework happy (but makes benchmark results "
				 "parsing scripts unhappy)");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("human-readable",
				 "If set, make output easy to read by humans "
				 "(but hard to parse)");
	  cmdLineProc.setOption ("debug", 
				 "Print debugging information");
	  cmdLineProc.parse (argc, argv);
	catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::UnrecognizedOption& e) { 
	  if (allowedToPrint)
	    cerr << "Unrecognized command-line option: " << e.what() << endl;
	  throw e;
	catch (Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::HelpPrinted& e) { 
	  printedHelp = true; 
	  return params; // Don't verify parameters in this case

	// Validate command-line options.  We provide default values
	// for unset options, so we don't have to validate those.
	if (params.numRows <= 0)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be positive");
	else if (params.numCols <= 0)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of columns must be positive");
	else if (params.numRows < params.numCols)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("Number of rows must be >= number of columns");
	else if (params.benchmark && params.numTrials < 1)
	  throw std::invalid_argument ("\"--benchmark\" option requires numTrials >= 1");
	    if (cacheSizeHintAsInt < 0)
	      throw std::invalid_argument ("Cache size hint must be nonnegative");
	      params.cacheSizeHint = static_cast< size_t > (cacheSizeHintAsInt);
	return params;