Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** @test verify the allocation/de-allocation handling as
  *        embedded into the CommandRegistry operation.
  *        Simulates on low level what normally happens
  *        during command lifecycle.
 checkAllocation (CommandRegistry& registry)
     // simulate what normally happens within a CommandDef
     typedef void Sig_oper(int);
     typedef long Sig_capt(int);
     typedef void Sig_undo(int,long);
     function<Sig_oper> o_Fun (command1::operate);
     function<Sig_capt> c_Fun (command1::capture);
     function<Sig_undo> u_Fun (command1::undoIt);
     CHECK (o_Fun && c_Fun && u_Fun);
     CHECK (cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     // when the CommandDef is complete, it issues the
     // allocation call to the registry behind the scenes....
     typedef shared_ptr<CommandImpl> PImpl;
     PImpl pImpl = registry.newCommandImpl(o_Fun,c_Fun,u_Fun);
     CHECK (1+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     CHECK (pImpl);
     CHECK (pImpl->isValid());
     CHECK (!pImpl->canExec());
     CHECK (1 == pImpl.use_count());   // no magic involved, we hold the only instance
     PImpl clone = registry.createCloneImpl(*pImpl);
     CHECK (clone->isValid());
     CHECK (!clone->canExec());
     CHECK (1 == clone.use_count());
     CHECK (1 == pImpl.use_count());
     CHECK (2+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     CHECK (!isSameObject (*pImpl, *clone));
     CHECK (*pImpl == *clone);
     CHECK (!pImpl->canExec());
     typedef Types<int> ArgType;
     TypedArguments<Tuple<ArgType>> arg{Tuple<ArgType>(98765)};
     CHECK (pImpl->canExec());
     CHECK (!clone->canExec()); // this proves the clone has indeed a separate identity
     CHECK (*pImpl != *clone);
     // discard the first clone and overwrite with a new one
     clone = registry.createCloneImpl(*pImpl);
     CHECK (2+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     CHECK (*pImpl == *clone);
     CHECK (clone->canExec());
     // corresponding allocation slots cleared automatically
     CHECK (cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /** @test verify the index operation.
  *        Add, search, remove, store copy.
 checkRegistration (CommandRegistry& registry)
     CHECK (cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     Command cmd1 = registry.queryIndex (TEST_CMD);
     CHECK (cmd1);
     CHECK (TEST_CMD == registry.findDefinition(cmd1));
     Command nonexistant = registry.queryIndex("miraculous");
     CHECK (!nonexistant);
     // now create a clone, registered under a different ID
     Command cmd2 = cmd1.storeDef(TEST_CMD2);
     CHECK (cmd2 == cmd1);
     CHECK (cmd2 != cmd1);
     // this created exactly one additional instance allocation:
     CHECK (1+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     CHECK (1+cnt_defs == registry.index_size());
     // ...and another index entry
     Command cmdX = registry.queryIndex(TEST_CMD2);
     CHECK (cmdX == cmd2);
     CHECK (cmdX != cmd1);
     CHECK (registry.remove(TEST_CMD2));
     CHECK (!registry.queryIndex(TEST_CMD2));
     CHECK (cnt_defs == registry.index_size());        //  removed from index
     CHECK (1+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count()); //...but still alive
     // create a new registration..
     registry.track(TEST_CMD2, cmd2);
     CHECK (registry.queryIndex(TEST_CMD2));
     CHECK (1+cnt_defs == registry.index_size()); // again holding two distinct entries
     CHECK (cmdX == cmd2);
     CHECK (cmdX != cmd1);
     CHECK (TEST_CMD  == registry.findDefinition(cmd1));
     CHECK (TEST_CMD2 == registry.findDefinition(cmd2));
     CHECK (TEST_CMD2 == registry.findDefinition(cmdX));
     CHECK ( registry.remove(TEST_CMD2));
     CHECK (!registry.remove("miraculous"));
     CHECK (!registry.queryIndex(TEST_CMD2));
     CHECK ( registry.queryIndex(TEST_CMD));
     CHECK (cnt_defs == registry.index_size());       // the index entry is gone,
     CHECK (1+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count()); // but the allocation still lives
     CHECK (1+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count());
     CHECK (0+cnt_inst == registry.instance_count()); // ...as long as it's still referred