Ejemplo n.º 1
  void CompiledCode::Info::mark(Object* obj, memory::ObjectMark& mark) {
    auto_mark(obj, mark);

    mark_inliners(obj, mark);

    CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(obj);
    if(!code->machine_code()) return;

    MachineCode* mcode = code->machine_code();

    for(int i = 0; i < MachineCode::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      // TODO: JIT

    for(size_t i = 0; i < mcode->references_count(); i++) {
      if(size_t ip = mcode->references()[i]) {
        Object* ref = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(mcode->opcodes[ip]);
        if(Object* updated_ref = mark.call(ref)) {
          mcode->opcodes[ip] = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(updated_ref);
          mark.just_set(code, updated_ref);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void VM::update_profile(STATE) {
    timer::StopWatch<timer::nanoseconds> timer(metrics().machine.profile_ns);


    CompiledCode* code = state->vm()->call_frame()->compiled_code;

    Tuple* profile = profile_.get();

    if(profile->nil_p()) {
      profile = Tuple::create(state, max_profile_entries_);

    ::qsort(reinterpret_cast<void*>(profile->field), profile->num_fields(),
        sizeof(intptr_t), profile_compare);

    for(native_int i = 0; i < profile->num_fields(); i++) {
      if(code == profile->at(i)) return;

    CompiledCode* pcode = try_as<CompiledCode>(profile->at(0));
    if(!pcode || (pcode &&
          code->machine_code()->call_count > pcode->machine_code()->call_count))
      profile->put(state, 0, code);
      min_profile_call_count_ = code->machine_code()->call_count;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  Tuple* CompiledCode::constant_caches(STATE) {
    CompiledCode* self = this;
    OnStack<1> os(state, self);

    if(self->machine_code() == NULL) {
      if(!self->internalize(state)) return force_as<Tuple>(Primitives::failure());
    MachineCode* mcode = self->machine_code();
    return mcode->constant_caches(state);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  Object* CompiledCode::primitive_failed(STATE,
              Executable* exec, Module* mod, Arguments& args)
    CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(exec);

    Class* cls = args.recv()->direct_class(state);
    uint64_t class_data = cls->data_raw();

    MachineCode* v = code->machine_code();

    executor target = v->unspecialized;

    for(int i = 0; i < MachineCode::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      uint64_t c_id = v->specializations[i].class_data.raw;
      executor x = v->specializations[i].execute;

      if(c_id == class_data && x != 0) {
        target = x;

    if(target) {
      return target(state, exec, mod, args);
    } else {
      return MachineCode::execute(state, exec, mod, args);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  Object* CompiledCode::specialized_executor(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                          Executable* exec, Module* mod, Arguments& args)
    CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(exec);

    Class* cls = args.recv()->class_object(state);
    int id = cls->class_id();

    MachineCode* v = code->machine_code();

    executor target = v->unspecialized;

    for(int i = 0; i < MachineCode::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      int c_id = v->specializations[i].class_id;
      executor x = v->specializations[i].execute;

      if(c_id == id && x != 0) {
        target = x;

    // This is a bug. We should not have this setup if there are no
    // specializations. FIX THIS BUG!
    if(!target) target = v->fallback;

    return target(state, call_frame, exec, mod, args);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  void Compiler::compile_method(BackgroundCompileRequest* req) {
    CompiledCode* code = req->method();

    if(ctx_->llvm_state()->config().jit_inline_debug) {
      struct timeval tv;
      gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

      ctx_->llvm_state()->log() << "JIT: compiling "
        << ctx_->llvm_state()->enclosure_name(code)
        << "#"
        << ctx_->llvm_state()->symbol_debug_str(code->name())
        << " (" << tv.tv_sec << "." << tv.tv_usec << ")\n";

    JITMethodInfo info(ctx_, code, code->machine_code());
    info.is_block = false;

    if(Class* cls = req->receiver_class()) {


    jit::MethodBuilder work(ctx_, info);

    compile_builder(info, work);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  Object* CompiledCode::primitive_failed(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
              Executable* exec, Module* mod, Arguments& args)
    CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(exec);

    Class* cls = args.recv()->lookup_begin(state);
    uint32_t id = cls->class_id();

    MachineCode* v = code->machine_code();

    executor target = v->unspecialized;

    for(int i = 0; i < MachineCode::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
      uint32_t c_id = v->specializations[i].class_id;
      executor x = v->specializations[i].execute;

      if(c_id == id && x != 0) {
        target = x;

    if(target) {
      return target(state, call_frame, exec, mod, args);
    } else {
      return MachineCode::execute(state, call_frame, exec, mod, args);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  r_mint Env::method_id(rmethod meth) {
    CompiledCode* code = i(meth);

    if(MachineCode* mcode = code->machine_code()) {
      return (mcode->method_id() << 1) | 1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  r_mint Env::method_id(rcompiled_code code) {
    CompiledCode* ccode = i(code);

    if(MachineCode* mcode = ccode->machine_code()) {
      return (mcode->method_id() << 1) | 1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  CompiledCode* CompiledCode::dup(STATE) {
    CompiledCode* code =
      state->memory()->new_object<CompiledCode>(state, G(compiled_code));

    code->copy_object(state, this);

    return code;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  Object* CompiledCode::set_breakpoint(STATE, Fixnum* ip, Object* bp) {
    CompiledCode* self = this;
    OnStack<3> os(state, self, ip, bp);

    int i = ip->to_native();
    if(self->machine_code() == NULL) {
      if(!self->internalize(state)) return Primitives::failure();

    if(!self->machine_code()->validate_ip(state, i)) return Primitives::failure();

    if(self->breakpoints()->nil_p()) {
      self->breakpoints(state, LookupTable::create(state));

    self->breakpoints()->store(state, ip, bp);
    self->machine_code()->debugging = 1;
    self->machine_code()->run = MachineCode::debugger_interpreter;

    return ip;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  void CompiledCode::Info::show(STATE, Object* self, int level) {
    CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(self);

    class_header(state, self);
    indent_attribute(++level, "file"); code->file()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "iseq"); code->iseq()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "lines"); code->lines()->show_simple(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "literals"); code->literals()->show_simple(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "local_count"); code->local_count()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "local_names"); code->local_names()->show_simple(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "name"); code->name()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "required_args"); code->required_args()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "scope"); code->scope()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "splat"); code->splat()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "stack_size"); code->stack_size()->show(state, level);
    indent_attribute(level, "total_args"); code->total_args()->show(state, level);

    indent_attribute(level, "internalized");
    if(!code->machine_code_) {
      std::cout << "no\n";
    } else {
      std::cout << "yes\n";

      MachineCode* v = code->machine_code();

      for(int i = 0; i < MachineCode::cMaxSpecializations; i++) {
        if(!v->specializations[i].jit_data) continue;

        llvm::Function* func = v->specializations[i].jit_data->llvm_function();

        llvm::outs() << "<LLVM>\n"
                     << *func
                     << "</LLVM>\n<MachineCode>\n";

        llvm::outs() << "</MachineCode>\n";

Ejemplo n.º 13
  CallFrame* LLVMState::find_candidate(STATE, CompiledCode* start, CallFrame* call_frame) {
    if(!config_.jit_inline_generic) {
      return call_frame;

    int depth = config().jit_limit_search;

    if(!start) {
      throw CompileError("find_candidate: null start");

    if(!call_frame) {
      throw CompileError("find_candidate: null call frame");

    // if(!start) {
      // start = call_frame->compiled_code;
      // call_frame = call_frame->previous;
      // depth--;
    // }

    if(debug_search) {
      std::cout << "> call_count: " << call_frame->compiled_code->machine_code()->call_count
            << " size: " << call_frame->compiled_code->machine_code()->total
            << " sends: " << call_frame->compiled_code->machine_code()->call_site_count()
            << std::endl;

      call_frame->print_backtrace(state, 1);

    if(start->machine_code()->total > (size_t)config_.jit_limit_inline_method) {
      if(debug_search) {
        std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: trigger method isn't small: "
              << start->machine_code()->total << " > "
              << config_.jit_limit_inline_method
              << std::endl;

      return call_frame;

    MachineCode* mcode = start->machine_code();

    if(mcode->required_args != mcode->total_args) {
      if(debug_search) {
        std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: trigger method req_args != total_args" << std::endl;

      return call_frame;

    if(mcode->no_inline_p()) {
      if(debug_search) {
        std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: trigger method no_inline_p() = true" << std::endl;

      return call_frame;

    CallFrame* callee = call_frame;
    call_frame = call_frame->previous;

    if(!call_frame) return callee;

    // Now start looking at callers.

    while(depth-- > 0) {
      CompiledCode* cur = call_frame->compiled_code;

      if(!cur) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: synthetic CallFrame hit" << std::endl;
        return callee;

      MachineCode* mcode = cur->machine_code();

      if(debug_search) {
        std::cout << "> call_count: " << mcode->call_count
              << " size: " << mcode->total
              << " sends: " << mcode->call_site_count()
              << std::endl;

        call_frame->print_backtrace(state, 1);

          || mcode->required_args != mcode->total_args // has a splat
          || mcode->call_count < 200 // not called much
          || mcode->jitted() // already jitted
          || mcode->parent() // is a block
        ) return callee;

      if(mcode->required_args != mcode->total_args) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: req_args != total_args" << std::endl;
        return callee;

      if(mcode->call_count < config_.jit_threshold_inline) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: call_count too small: "
                << mcode->call_count << " < "
                << config_.jit_threshold_inline << std::endl;

        return callee;

      if(mcode->jitted_p()) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: already jitted" << std::endl;

        return callee;

      if(mcode->no_inline_p()) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: no_inline_p() = true" << std::endl;

        return callee;

      if(call_frame->jitted_p() || call_frame->inline_method_p()) {
        return callee;

      if(mcode->call_site_count() > eMaxInlineSendCount) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: high send count" << std::endl;

        return call_frame;

      // if(mcode->required_args != mcode->total_args // has a splat
          // || mcode->call_count < 200 // not called much
          // || mcode->jitted() // already jitted
          // || !mcode->no_inline_p() // method marked as not inlineable
        // ) return callee;

      CallFrame* prev = call_frame->previous;

      if(!prev) {
        if(debug_search) {
          std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: toplevel method" << std::endl;
        return call_frame;

      // if(cur->machine_code()->total > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) {
        // if(debug_search) {
          // std::cout << "JIT: STOP. reason: big method: "
                // << cur->machine_code()->total << " > "
                // << SMALL_METHOD_SIZE
                // << "\n";
        // }

        // return call_frame;
      // }

      // if(!next || cur->machine_code()->total > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) return call_frame;

      callee = call_frame;
      call_frame = prev;

    return callee;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 MachineCode* machine_code() {
     return method_->machine_code();
Ejemplo n.º 15
  void Compiler::compile_method(BackgroundCompileRequest* req) {
    CompiledCode* code = req->method();

    if(ctx_->llvm_state()->config().jit_inline_debug) {
      struct timeval tv;
      gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

      ctx_->llvm_state()->log() << "JIT: compiling "
        << ctx_->llvm_state()->enclosure_name(code)
        << "#"
        << ctx_->llvm_state()->symbol_debug_str(code->name())
        << " (" << tv.tv_sec << "." << tv.tv_usec << ")\n";

      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* class_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* method_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* file_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      int line = code->start_line();
      RUBINIUS_JIT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(class_name, method_name, file_name, line);

    JITMethodInfo info(ctx_, code, code->machine_code());
    info.is_block = false;
    info.hits = req->hits();

    if(Class* cls = req->receiver_class()) {


    jit::MethodBuilder work(ctx_, info);

    compile_builder(info, work);

      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* class_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* method_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      RBX_DTRACE_CONST char* file_name =
          const_cast<RBX_DTRACE_CONST char*>(
      int line = code->start_line();
      RUBINIUS_JIT_FUNCTION_END(class_name, method_name, file_name, line);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    Object* MachineCode::execute_specialized(STATE, CallFrame* previous,
        Executable* exec, Module* mod, Arguments& args) {

      CompiledCode* code = as<CompiledCode>(exec);
      MachineCode* mcode = code->machine_code();

      StackVariables* scope = ALLOCA_STACKVARIABLES(mcode->number_of_locals);
      // Originally, I tried using msg.module directly, but what happens is if
      // super is used, that field is read. If you combine that with the method
      // being called recursively, msg.module can change, causing super() to
      // look in the wrong place.
      // Thus, we have to cache the value in the StackVariables.
      scope->initialize(args.recv(), args.block(), mod, mcode->number_of_locals);

      InterpreterCallFrame* frame = ALLOCA_CALLFRAME(mcode->stack_size);

      // If argument handling fails..
      if(ArgumentHandler::call(state, mcode, scope, args) == false) {
        Exception* exc =
          Exception::make_argument_error(state, mcode->total_args, args.total(), args.name());
        exc->locations(state, Location::from_call_stack(state, previous));

        return NULL;


      frame->previous = previous;
      frame->constant_scope_ = 0;
      frame->dispatch_data = 0;
      frame->compiled_code = code;
      frame->flags = 0;
      frame->optional_jit_data = 0;
      frame->top_scope_ = 0;
      frame->scope = scope;
      frame->arguments = &args;

      GCTokenImpl gct;

      // A negative call_count means we've disabled usage based JIT
      // for this method.
      if(mcode->call_count >= 0) {
        if(mcode->call_count >= state->shared().config.jit_call_til_compile) {
          LLVMState* ls = LLVMState::get(state);
          OnStack<3> os(state, exec, mod, code);
          ls->compile_callframe(state, gct, code, frame);
        } else {

      OnStack<3> os(state, exec, mod, code);
      if(unlikely(state->vm()->tooling())) {
        // Check the stack and interrupts here rather than in the interpreter
        // loop itself.
        if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

        state->checkpoint(gct, frame);

        tooling::MethodEntry method(state, exec, mod, args, code);

        RUBINIUS_METHOD_ENTRY_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
        Object* result = (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
        RUBINIUS_METHOD_RETURN_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
        return result;
      } else {
        if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

        state->checkpoint(gct, frame);
        RUBINIUS_METHOD_ENTRY_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
        Object* result = (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
        RUBINIUS_METHOD_RETURN_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
        return result;
      if(!state->check_interrupts(gct, frame, frame)) return NULL;

      state->checkpoint(gct, frame);

      RUBINIUS_METHOD_ENTRY_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
      Object* result = (*mcode->run)(state, mcode, frame);
      RUBINIUS_METHOD_RETURN_HOOK(state, mod, args.name(), previous);
      return result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 void calculate_ip(void** pos) {
   ip_ = pos - compiled_code->machine_code()->addresses;