Ejemplo n.º 1
AutoDetectResult CompilerICC::AutoDetectInstallationDir()
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

    if (platform::windows)
        if ( wxDirExists(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Compiler")) )
            wxDir icc_dir(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Compiler\\C++"));
            if (icc_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDirTraverser(dirs);
                if (!dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    m_MasterPath = dirs[0];

        int version = 0;
        while ( m_MasterPath.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists(m_MasterPath) )
            wxString iccEnvVar;
            if (version==0)
                // Try default w/o version number
                iccEnvVar = _T("ICPP_COMPILER");
                version = 8;
            else if (version>15)
                break;  // exit while-loop
                // Try ICPP_COMPILER80 ... ICPP_COMPILER12
                iccEnvVar.Printf(wxT("ICPP_COMPILER%d0"), version);

            // Read the ICPP_COMPILER[XX] environment variable
            if ( !wxGetEnv(iccEnvVar, &m_MasterPath) )

        // Now check for the installation of MSVC
        const wxString msvcIds[4] = { _T("msvc6"),
                                      _T("msvc10") };
        bool msvcFound = false;
        for (unsigned int which_msvc = 0; which_msvc < array_size(msvcIds); ++which_msvc)
            Compiler* vcComp = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(msvcIds[which_msvc]);
            if (!vcComp)
                continue; // compiler not registered? try next one

            wxString vcMasterNoMacros = vcComp->GetMasterPath();
            if (   !wxFileExists(vcMasterNoMacros + sep + wxT("bin") + sep + vcComp->GetPrograms().C)
                && !wxFileExists(vcMasterNoMacros + sep + vcComp->GetPrograms().C) )
                continue; // this MSVC is not installed; try next one

            const wxString& vcMasterPath = vcComp->GetMasterPath();
            if (m_ExtraPaths.Index(vcMasterPath) == wxNOT_FOUND)
            if (  !vcMasterPath.EndsWith(wxT("bin"))
                && m_ExtraPaths.Index(vcMasterPath + sep + wxT("bin")) == wxNOT_FOUND )
                m_ExtraPaths.Add(vcMasterPath + sep + wxT("bin"));
            AddIncludeDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Include"));
            AddLibDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Lib"));
            AddResourceIncludeDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Include"));

            const wxArrayString& vcExtraPaths = vcComp->GetExtraPaths();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < vcExtraPaths.GetCount(); ++i)
                if (   m_ExtraPaths.Index(vcExtraPaths[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND
                    && wxDirExists(vcExtraPaths[i]) )
            const wxArrayString& vcIncludeDirs = vcComp->GetIncludeDirs();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < vcIncludeDirs.GetCount(); ++i)
                if (wxDirExists(vcIncludeDirs[i]))
                    if (m_IncludeDirs.Index(vcIncludeDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND)

                    if (m_ResIncludeDirs.Index(vcIncludeDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND)
            const wxArrayString& vcLibDirs = vcComp->GetLibDirs();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < vcLibDirs.GetCount(); ++i)
                if (   m_LibDirs.Index(vcLibDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND
                    && wxDirExists(vcLibDirs[i]) )
            msvcFound = true;

        if ( m_MasterPath.IsEmpty() || !wxDirExists(m_MasterPath) )
            // Just a final guess for the default installation dir
            wxString Programs = _T("C:\\Program Files");
            // what's the "Program Files" location
            // TO DO : support 64 bit ->    32 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles(x86)"
            //                              64 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles"
            wxGetEnv(_T("ProgramFiles"), &Programs);
            m_MasterPath = Programs + _T("\\Intel\\Compiler\\C++\\9.0");
        else if (!msvcFound)
            cbMessageBox(_T("It seems your computer doesn't have a MSVC compiler installed.\n\n"
                            "The ICC compiler requires MSVC for proper functioning and\n"
                            "it may not work without it."),
                         _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
        m_MasterPath = _T("/opt/intel/cc/9.0");
        if (wxDirExists(_T("/opt/intel")))
            wxDir icc_dir(_T("/opt/intel/cc"));
            if (icc_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDirTraverser(dirs);
                if (!dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    m_MasterPath = dirs[0];

    AutoDetectResult ret = wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;
    if (ret == adrGuessed)
        ret = wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("ia32") + sep + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;
    if (ret == adrGuessed)
        ret = wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("intel64") + sep + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;

    if (ret == adrDetected)
        if ( wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("ia32") + sep + m_Programs.C) )
            m_ExtraPaths.Add(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("ia32"));
        if ( wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("intel64") + sep + m_Programs.C) )
            m_ExtraPaths.Add(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + _T("intel64"));

        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("include")) )
            m_IncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("include"), 0);
            m_ResIncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("include"), 0);
        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("include")) )
            m_IncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("include"), 0);
            m_ResIncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("include"), 0);

        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("lib")) )
            m_IncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("lib"), 0);
            m_ResIncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("lib"), 0);

        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib")) )
            m_LibDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib"), 0);
        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib") + sep + _T("ia32")) )
            m_LibDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib") + sep + _T("ia32"), 0);
        if ( wxDirExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib") + sep + _T("intel64")) )
            m_LibDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("compiler") + sep + _T("lib") + sep + _T("intel64"), 0);
    // Try to detect the debugger. If not detected successfully the debugger plugin will
    // complain, so only the autodetection of compiler is considered in return value
    wxString path;
    wxString dbg;
    if (platform::windows)
        dbg = _T("idb.exe");
        wxGetEnv(_T("IDB_PATH"), &path);
        if ( !path.IsEmpty() && wxDirExists(path) )
            int version = 9;
            while ( true )
                wxString idbPath = path + sep + _T("IDB") + sep + wxString::Format(_T("%d.0"), version) + sep + _T("IA32");
                if ( wxDirExists(idbPath) )
                    path = idbPath; // found
                    break;  // exit while-loop
                else if (version>15)
                    break;  // exit while-loop
        dbg  = _T("idb");
        path = _T("/opt/intel/idb/9.0");
        if ( wxDirExists(_T("/opt/intel")) )
            wxDir icc_debug_dir(_T("/opt/intel/idb"));
            if (icc_debug_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString debug_dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDebugDirTraverser(debug_dirs);
                if (!debug_dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    path = debug_dirs[0];

    if ( wxFileExists(path + sep + _T("bin") + sep + dbg) )

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
AutoDetectResult CompilerICC::AutoDetectInstallationDir()
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
    wxString extraDir = _T("");
    if (platform::windows)
        if (wxDirExists(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Compiler")))
            wxDir icc_dir(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Compiler\\C++"));
            if (icc_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDirTraverser(dirs);
                if (!dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    m_MasterPath = dirs[0];

                    // Now check for the installation of MSVC
                    const wxString msvcIds[4] = { _T("msvc6"),
                                                  _T("msvc10") };

                    bool msvcFound = false;
                    for (unsigned int which_msvc = 0; which_msvc < array_size(msvcIds); ++which_msvc)
                        Compiler* vcComp = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(msvcIds[which_msvc]);
                        if (vcComp)
                            if (vcComp->AutoDetectInstallationDir() == adrDetected)
                                const wxString& vcMasterPath = vcComp->GetMasterPath();
                                if (m_ExtraPaths.Index(vcMasterPath) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
                                AddIncludeDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Include"));
                                AddLibDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Lib"));
                                AddResourceIncludeDir(vcMasterPath + _T("\\Include"));

                                const wxArrayString& vcExtraPaths = vcComp->GetExtraPaths();
                                for (size_t i = 0; i < vcExtraPaths.GetCount(); ++i)
                                    if (m_ExtraPaths.Index(vcExtraPaths[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
                                const wxArrayString& vcIncludeDirs = vcComp->GetIncludeDirs();
                                for (size_t i = 0; i < vcIncludeDirs.GetCount(); ++i)
                                    if (wxDirExists(vcIncludeDirs[i]))
                                        if (m_IncludeDirs.Index(vcIncludeDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND)
                                        if (m_ResIncludeDirs.Index(vcIncludeDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND)
                                const wxArrayString& vcLibDirs = vcComp->GetLibDirs();
                                for (size_t i = 0; i < vcLibDirs.GetCount(); ++i)
                                    if (m_LibDirs.Index(vcLibDirs[i]) == wxNOT_FOUND &&
                                msvcFound = true;

                    if (!msvcFound)
                        cbMessageBox(_T("It seems your computer doesn't have a working MSVC compiler.\n\n"
                                        "This compiler requires MS compiler for proper functioning and\n"
                                        "it may not work without it."),
                                     _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);


        // Read the ICPP_COMPILER90 environment variable
        wxGetEnv(_T("ICPP_COMPILER90"), &m_MasterPath);
        extraDir = sep + _T("IA32");// Intel also provides compiler for Itanium processors

        if (m_MasterPath.IsEmpty())
            // just a guess the default installation dir
            wxString Programs = _T("C:\\Program Files");
            // what's the "Program Files" location
            // TO DO : support 64 bit ->    32 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles(x86)"
            //                              64 bit apps are in "ProgramFiles"
            wxGetEnv(_T("ProgramFiles"), &Programs);
            m_MasterPath = Programs + _T("\\Intel\\Compiler\\C++\\9.0");
        m_MasterPath = _T("/opt/intel/cc/9.0");
        if (wxDirExists(_T("/opt/intel")))
            wxDir icc_dir(_T("/opt/intel/cc"));
            if (icc_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDirTraverser(dirs);
                if (!dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    m_MasterPath = dirs[0];

    AutoDetectResult ret = wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("bin") + sep + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;
    if (ret == adrDetected)
        m_IncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("Include"), 0);
        m_LibDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("Lib"), 0);
        m_ResIncludeDirs.Insert(m_MasterPath + sep + _T("Include"), 0);
    // Try to detect the debugger. If not detected successfully the debugger plugin will
    // complain, so only the autodetection of compiler is considered in return value
    wxString path;
    wxString dbg;
    if (platform::windows)
        dbg = _T("idb.exe");
        wxGetEnv(_T("IDB_PATH"), &path);
        path += _T("IDB\\9.0\\IA32");
        dbg = _T("idb");
        path= _T("/opt/intel/idb/9.0");
        if (wxDirExists(_T("/opt/intel")))
            wxDir icc_debug_dir(_T("/opt/intel/idb"));
            if (icc_debug_dir.IsOpened())
                wxArrayString debug_dirs;
                wxIccDirTraverser IccDebugDirTraverser(debug_dirs);
                if (!debug_dirs.IsEmpty())
                    // Now sort the array in reverse order to get the latest version's path
                    path = debug_dirs[0];

    if (wxFileExists(path + sep + _T("bin") + sep + dbg))

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** external deps are manually set by the user
  * e.g. a static library linked to the project is an external dep (if set as such by the user)
  * so that a re-linking is forced if the static lib is updated
bool DirectCommands::AreExternalDepsOutdated(ProjectBuildTarget* target,
                                             const wxString& buildOutput,
                                             wxArrayString*  filesMissing) const
    Compiler* compiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID());

    // if no output, probably a commands-only target; nothing to relink
    // but we have to check other dependencies
    time_t timeOutput = 0;
    if (!buildOutput.IsEmpty())
        wxString output = buildOutput;
        depsTimeStamp(output.mb_str(), &timeOutput);
        // if build output exists, check for updated static libraries
        if (timeOutput)
            // look for static libraries in target/project library dirs
            wxArrayString libs = target->GetLinkLibs();
            const wxArrayString& prjLibs = target->GetParentProject()->GetLinkLibs();
            const wxArrayString& cmpLibs = compiler->GetLinkLibs();
            AppendArray(prjLibs, libs);
            AppendArray(cmpLibs, libs);

            const wxArrayString& prjLibDirs = target->GetParentProject()->GetLibDirs();
            const wxArrayString& cmpLibDirs = compiler->GetLibDirs();
            wxArrayString libDirs = target->GetLibDirs();
            AppendArray(prjLibDirs, libDirs);
            AppendArray(cmpLibDirs, libDirs);

            for (size_t i = 0; i < libs.GetCount(); ++i)
                wxString lib = libs[i];

                // if user manually pointed to a library, without using the lib dirs,
                // then just check the file directly w/out involving the search dirs...
                if (lib.Contains(_T("/")) || lib.Contains(_T("\\")))
                    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(lib, target);
                    lib = UnixFilename(lib);
                    time_t timeExtDep;
                    depsTimeStamp(lib.mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
                    if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
                        // force re-link
                        Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Forcing re-link of '%s/%s' because '%s' is newer"),
                        return true;

                if (!lib.StartsWith(compiler->GetSwitches().libPrefix))
                    lib = compiler->GetSwitches().libPrefix + lib;
                if (!lib.EndsWith(_T(".") + compiler->GetSwitches().libExtension))
                    lib += _T(".") + compiler->GetSwitches().libExtension;

                for (size_t l = 0; l < libDirs.GetCount(); ++l)
                    wxString dir = libDirs[l] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + lib;
                    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(dir, target);
                    dir = UnixFilename(dir);
                    time_t timeExtDep;
                    depsTimeStamp(dir.mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
                    if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
                        // force re-link
                        Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Forcing re-link of '%s/%s' because '%s' is newer"),
                        return true;

    // array is separated by ;
    wxArrayString extDeps  = GetArrayFromString(target->GetExternalDeps(), _T(";"));
    wxArrayString addFiles = GetArrayFromString(target->GetAdditionalOutputFiles(), _T(";"));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < extDeps.GetCount(); ++i)
        if (extDeps[i].IsEmpty())

        time_t timeExtDep;
        depsTimeStamp(extDeps[i].mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
        // if external dep doesn't exist, no need to relink
        // but we have to check other dependencies
        if (!timeExtDep)
            if (filesMissing) filesMissing->Add(extDeps[i]);

        // let's check the additional output files
        for (size_t j = 0; j < addFiles.GetCount(); ++j)
            if (addFiles[j].IsEmpty())

            time_t timeAddFile;
            depsTimeStamp(addFiles[j].mb_str(), &timeAddFile);
            // if additional file doesn't exist, we can skip it
            if (!timeAddFile)
                if (filesMissing) filesMissing->Add(addFiles[j]);

            // if external dep is newer than additional file, relink
            if (timeExtDep > timeAddFile)
                return true;

        // if no output, probably a commands-only target; nothing to relink
        // but we have to check other dependencies
        if (buildOutput.IsEmpty())

        // now check the target's output
        // this is moved last because, for "commands only" targets,
        // it would return before we had a chance to check the
        // additional output files (above)

        // if build output doesn't exist, relink
        if (!timeOutput)
            return true;

        // if external dep is newer than build output, relink
        if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
            return true;
    return false; // no force relink