Ejemplo n.º 1
void ZWaveController::start(string command_line){

	ZWaveController::running = true;


	Config config = Config::LoadConfig(command_line);

	Logger::Initialize(config.GetConfig("log_dir"), config.GetConfig("logfile_prefix"), ".log");



Ejemplo n.º 2
void ZWaveController::Initialize(Config &config){

	ZWaveController::homeId = 0;
	ZWaveController::initial_node_queries_complete = false;
	ZWaveController::init_failed = false;

	ZWaveController::config = config;

	// Create the OpenZWave Manager.
	// The first argument is the path to the config files (where the manufacturer_specific.xml file is located
	// The second argument is the path for saved Z-Wave network state and the log file.  If you leave it NULL 
	// the log file will appear in the program's working directory.
	string zwave_manufacturer_xml_dir = ZWaveController::config.GetConfig("zwave_manufacturer_xml_dir");
	string data_dir = ZWaveController::config.GetConfig("data_dir");
	Options::Create(zwave_manufacturer_xml_dir, data_dir, "");

	Options::Get()->AddOptionInt("SaveLogLevel", LogLevel_Debug);
	Options::Get()->AddOptionInt("QueueLogLevel", LogLevel_Debug);
	Options::Get()->AddOptionInt("DumpTrigger", LogLevel_Debug);
	Options::Get()->AddOptionInt("PollInterval", 500);
	Options::Get()->AddOptionBool("IntervalBetweenPolls", true);
	Options::Get()->AddOptionBool("ValidateValueChanges", true);


	// Add a callback handler to the manager.  The second argument is a context that
	// is passed to the OnNotification method.  If the OnNotification is a method of
	// a class, the context would usually be a pointer to that class object, to
	// avoid the need for the notification handler to be a static.
	Manager::Get()->AddWatcher(OnNotification, new ZWaveController());

	// Add a Z-Wave Driver
	// Modify this line to set the correct serial port for your PC interface.

	string port = "\\\\.\\COM";
	string com_port = config.GetConfig("controller_com_port");
	port += com_port;

