vector<queuedFile> ReadConfiguration(wstring const& filename)
    vector<queuedFile> retv;

    // Read each line
    // if the line begins with a ';' discard it
    // strip out the whitespace at the beginning
    FileHandle hFile = CreateFile(filename.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return retv;

    // We will assume the config file is less than 4GB long.  If you have one that big, the error is yours
    string buffer;
    buffer.resize(GetFileSize(hFile, NULL) + 1);
    buffer[buffer.size()-1] = 0;
    DWORD readLen = 0;
    ReadFile(hFile, &buffer[0], buffer.size()-1, &readLen, NULL);

    vector<string> validLines = ConvertBufferToLines(buffer);

    return ProcessConfig(validLines);