Ejemplo n.º 1
TEST_EQUAL(map.getExperimentType() == "label-free", true)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getMetaValue("name1") == DataValue("value1"), true)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getMetaValue("name2") == DataValue(2), true)
//file descriptions
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[0].filename == "data/MapAlignmentFeatureMap1.xml", true)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[0].label, "label")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[0].size, 144)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[0].getMetaValue("name3") == DataValue("value3"), true)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[0].getMetaValue("name4") == DataValue(4), true)
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[1].filename, "data/MapAlignmentFeatureMap2.xml")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[1].label, "")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[1].size, 0)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[1].getMetaValue("name5") == DataValue("value5"), true)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getFileDescriptions()[1].getMetaValue("name6") == DataValue(6.0), true)
//data processing
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing().size(), 2)
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[0].getSoftware().getName(), "Software1")
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[0].getSoftware().getVersion(), "0.91a")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[0].getProcessingActions().size(), 1)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[0].getProcessingActions().count(DataProcessing::DEISOTOPING), 1)
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[0].getMetaValue("name"), "dataProcessing")
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[1].getSoftware().getName(), "Software2")
TEST_STRING_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[1].getSoftware().getVersion(), "0.92a")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[1].getProcessingActions().size(), 2)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[1].getProcessingActions().count(DataProcessing::SMOOTHING), 1)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getDataProcessing()[1].getProcessingActions().count(DataProcessing::BASELINE_REDUCTION), 1)
//protein identifications
TEST_EQUAL(map.getProteinIdentifications().size(), 2)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getProteinIdentifications()[0].getHits().size(), 2)
TEST_EQUAL(map.getProteinIdentifications()[0].getHits()[0].getSequence(), "ABCDEFG")
TEST_EQUAL(map.getProteinIdentifications()[0].getHits()[1].getSequence(), "HIJKLMN")
Ejemplo n.º 2
  ExitCodes outputTo(ostream& os)
    // Parameter handling

    // File names
    String in = getStringOption_("in");

    // File type
    FileHandler fh;
    FileTypes::Type in_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("in_type"));

    if (in_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      in_type = fh.getType(in);
      writeDebug_(String("Input file type: ") + FileTypes::typeToName(in_type), 2);

    if (in_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      writeLog_("Error: Could not determine input file type!");
      return PARSE_ERROR;

    MSExperiment<Peak1D> exp;
    FeatureMap feat;
    ConsensusMap cons;

    if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) //features
      FeatureXMLFile().load(in, feat);
    else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)     //consensus features
      ConsensusXMLFile().load(in, cons);

    // meta information
    if (getFlag_("m"))
      os << endl
         << "-- General information --" << endl
         << endl
         << "file name: " << in << endl
         << "file type: " <<  FileTypes::typeToName(in_type) << endl;

      //basic info
      os << endl
         << "-- Meta information --" << endl
         << endl;

      if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) //features
        os << "Document id       : " << feat.getIdentifier() << endl << endl;
      else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)       //consensus features
        os << "Document id       : " << cons.getIdentifier() << endl << endl;

    // data processing
    if (getFlag_("p"))
      //basic info
      os << endl
         << "-- Data processing information --" << endl
         << endl;

      //get data processing info
      vector<DataProcessing> dp;
      if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) //features
        dp = feat.getDataProcessing();
      else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)       //consensus features
        dp = cons.getDataProcessing();
      int i = 0;
      for (vector<DataProcessing>::iterator it = dp.begin(); it != dp.end(); ++it)
        os << "Data processing " << i << endl;
        os << "\tcompletion_time:   " << (*it).getCompletionTime().getDate() << 'T' << (*it).getCompletionTime().getTime() << endl;
        os << "\tsoftware name:     " << (*it).getSoftware().getName() << " version " << (*it).getSoftware().getVersion() << endl;
        for (set<DataProcessing::ProcessingAction>::const_iterator paIt = (*it).getProcessingActions().begin(); paIt != (*it).getProcessingActions().end(); ++paIt)
          os << "\t\tprocessing action: " << DataProcessing::NamesOfProcessingAction[*paIt] << endl;

    // statistics
    if (getFlag_("s"))
      // Content statistics
      Map<String, int> meta_names;
      if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) //features
        os << "Number of features: " << feat.size() << endl
           << endl
           << "Ranges:" << endl
           << "  retention time:  " << String::number(feat.getMin()[Peak2D::RT], 2) << " : " << String::number(feat.getMax()[Peak2D::RT], 2) << endl
           << "  mass-to-charge:  " << String::number(feat.getMin()[Peak2D::MZ], 2) << " : " << String::number(feat.getMax()[Peak2D::MZ], 2) << endl
           << "  intensity:       " << String::number(feat.getMinInt(), 2) << " : " << String::number(feat.getMaxInt(), 2) << endl
           << endl;

        // Charge distribution
        Map<UInt, UInt> charges;
        for (Size i = 0; i < feat.size(); ++i)

        os << "Charge distribution" << endl;
        for (Map<UInt, UInt>::const_iterator it = charges.begin();
             it != charges.end(); ++it)
          os << "charge " << it->first << ": " << it->second << endl;
      else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)       //consensus features
        map<Size, UInt> num_consfeat_of_size;
        for (ConsensusMap::const_iterator cmit = cons.begin();
             cmit != cons.end(); ++cmit)

        os << endl << "Number of consensus features:" << endl;
        for (map<Size, UInt>::reverse_iterator i = num_consfeat_of_size.rbegin(); i != num_consfeat_of_size.rend(); ++i)
          os << "  of size " << setw(2) << i->first << ": " << setw(6) << i->second << endl;
        os << "  total:      " << setw(6) << cons.size() << endl << endl;

        os << "Ranges:" << endl
           << "  retention time:  " << String::number(cons.getMin()[Peak2D::RT], 2) << " : " << String::number(cons.getMax()[Peak2D::RT], 2) << endl
           << "  mass-to-charge:  " << String::number(cons.getMin()[Peak2D::MZ], 2) << " : " << String::number(cons.getMax()[Peak2D::MZ], 2) << endl
           << "  intensity:       " << String::number(cons.getMinInt(), 2) << " : " << String::number(cons.getMaxInt(), 2) << endl;

        // file descriptions
        const ConsensusMap::FileDescriptions& descs = cons.getFileDescriptions();
        if (!descs.empty())
          os << endl <<
          "File descriptions:" << endl;
          for (ConsensusMap::FileDescriptions::const_iterator it = descs.begin(); it != descs.end(); ++it)
            os << " - " << it->second.filename << endl
               << "   identifier: " << it->first << endl
               << "   label     : " << it->second.label << endl
               << "   size      : " << it->second.size << endl;

      os << endl
         << "-- Summary Statistics --" << endl
         << endl;


    if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) //features

      vector<double> slice_stats;
      Size n = getIntOption_("n");

      Size begin = 0;
      Size end = 0;
      os << "#slice\tRT_begin\tRT_end\tnumber_of_features\ttic\t"
         << "int_mean\tint_stddev\tint_min\tint_max\tint_median\tint_lowerq\tint_upperq\t"
         << "mz_mean\tmz_stddev\tmz_min\tmz_max\tmz_median\tmz_lowerq\tmz_upperq\t"
         << "width_mean\twidth_stddev\twidth_min\twidth_max\twidth_median\twidth_lowerq\twidth_upperq\t"
         << "qual_mean\tqual_stddev\tqual_min\tqual_max\tqual_median\tqual_lowerq\tqual_upperq\t"
         << "rt_qual_mean\trt_qual_stddev\trt_qual_min\trt_qual_max\trt_qual_median\trt_qual_lowerq\trt_qual_upperq\t"
         << "mz_qual_mean\tmz_qual_stddev\tmz_qual_min\tmz_qual_max\tmz_qual_median\tmz_qual_lowerq\tmz_qual_upperq"
         << endl;

      double rt_begin = 0.0;
      for (Size slice = 0; slice < n; ++slice)
        // Determine slice boundaries.
        double rt_end = feat.back().getRT() / (double)n * (slice + 1);
        for (end = begin; end < feat.size() && feat[end].getRT() < rt_end; ++end) {}

        // Compute statistics on all features in this slice.
        slice_stats = sliceStatistics(feat, begin, end);

        // Write the beginning and end of the slices to the output as well as the slice index.
        os << slice << "\t" << rt_begin << "\t" << rt_end << "\t" << end - begin << "\t";

        // Write the statistics as a line of an csv file
        copy(slice_stats.begin(), slice_stats.end(), ostream_iterator<double>(os, "\t"));
        os << endl;

        begin = end;
        rt_begin = rt_end;
    else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)     //consensus features
      Size size = cons.size();

      vector<double> intensities;
      vector<double> qualities(size);
      vector<double> widths(size);

      vector<double> rt_delta_by_elems;
      vector<double> rt_aad_by_elems;
      vector<double> rt_aad_by_cfs;

      vector<double> mz_delta_by_elems;
      vector<double> mz_aad_by_elems;
      vector<double> mz_aad_by_cfs;

      vector<double> it_delta_by_elems;
      vector<double> it_aad_by_elems;
      vector<double> it_aad_by_cfs;

      for (ConsensusMap::const_iterator cm_iter = cons.begin();
           cm_iter != cons.end(); ++cm_iter)
        double rt_aad = 0;
        double mz_aad = 0;
        double it_aad = 0;
        for (ConsensusFeature::HandleSetType::const_iterator hs_iter = cm_iter->begin();
             hs_iter != cm_iter->end(); ++hs_iter)
          double rt_diff = hs_iter->getRT() - cm_iter->getRT();
          if (rt_diff < 0)
            rt_diff = -rt_diff;
          rt_aad += rt_diff;
          double mz_diff = hs_iter->getMZ() - cm_iter->getMZ();
          if (mz_diff < 0)
            mz_diff = -mz_diff;
          mz_aad += mz_diff;
          double it_ratio = hs_iter->getIntensity() / (cm_iter->getIntensity() ? cm_iter->getIntensity() : 1.);
          if (it_ratio < 1.)
            it_ratio = 1. / it_ratio;
          it_aad += it_ratio;
        if (!cm_iter->empty())
          rt_aad /= cm_iter->size();
          mz_aad /= cm_iter->size();
          it_aad /= cm_iter->size();
        } // otherwise rt_aad etc. are 0 anyway

      OpenMS::SomeStatistics some_statistics;

      os << "Intensities of consensus features:" << endl << some_statistics(intensities) << endl;

      os << "Qualities of consensus features:" << endl << some_statistics(qualities) << endl;

      os << "Retention time differences ( element-center, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(rt_delta_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Absolute retention time differences ( |element-center|, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(rt_aad_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Average absolute differences of retention time within consensus features ( |element-center|, weight 1 per consensus features):" << endl << some_statistics(rt_aad_by_cfs) << endl;

      os << "Mass-to-charge differences ( element-center, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(mz_delta_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Absolute differences of mass-to-charge ( |element-center|, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(mz_aad_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Average absolute differences of mass-to-charge within consensus features ( |element-center|, weight 1 per consensus features):" << endl << some_statistics(mz_aad_by_cfs) << endl;

      os << "Intensity ratios ( element/center, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(it_delta_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Relative intensity error ( max{(element/center),(center/element)}, weight 1 per element):" << endl << some_statistics(it_aad_by_elems) << endl;
      os << "Average relative intensity error within consensus features ( max{(element/center),(center/element)}, weight 1 per consensus features):" << endl << some_statistics(it_aad_by_cfs) << endl;

    return EXECUTION_OK;