Ejemplo n.º 1
void ConsoleObject::addProtectedField(const char*  in_pFieldname,
                       const U32 in_fieldType,
                       const dsize_t in_fieldOffset,
                       AbstractClassRep::SetDataNotify in_setDataFn,
                       AbstractClassRep::GetDataNotify in_getDataFn,
                       const U32 in_elementCount,
                       const char* in_pFieldDocs,
                       U32 flags )
   AbstractClassRep::Field f;
   f.pFieldname   = StringTable->insert(in_pFieldname);

      f.pFieldDocs   = in_pFieldDocs;

   f.type         = in_fieldType;
   f.offset       = in_fieldOffset;
   f.elementCount = in_elementCount;
   f.validator    = NULL;
   f.flag         = flags;

   f.setDataFn = in_setDataFn;
   f.getDataFn = in_getDataFn;

   ConsoleBaseType* conType = ConsoleBaseType::getType( in_fieldType );
   AssertFatal( conType, "ConsoleObject::addProtectedField - invalid console type" );
   f.table = conType->getEnumTable();

Ejemplo n.º 2
void GuiInspectorDynamicField::_executeSelectedCallback()
   ConsoleBaseType* type = mDynField->type;
   if ( type )
   { mInspector->onFieldSelected_callback( mDynField->slotName, type->getTypeName(), "" ); }
   { mInspector->onFieldSelected_callback( mDynField->slotName, "TypeDynamicField", "" ); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void dumpClassMember(  Stream &stream,
                              const AbstractClassRep::Field& field )
   stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );

   if( field.pFieldDocs && field.pFieldDocs[ 0 ] )
      stream.writeText( "@brief " );
      String docs( field.pFieldDocs );
      S32 newline = docs.find( '\n' );
      if( newline == -1 )
         stream.writeText( field.pFieldDocs );
         String brief = docs.substr( 0, newline );
         String body = docs.substr( newline + 1 );
         stream.writeText( brief );
         stream.writeText( "\r\n\r\n" );
         stream.writeText( body );
      stream.writeText( "\r\n" );

   const bool isDeprecated = ( field.type == AbstractClassRep::DeprecatedFieldType );
   if( isDeprecated )
      stream.writeText( "@deprecated This member is deprecated and its value is always undefined.\r\n" );

   stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
   ConsoleBaseType* cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType( field.type );
   const char* type = ( cbt ? cbt->getTypeClassName() : "" );
   if( field.elementCount > 1 )
      stream.writeText( String::ToString( "%s %s[ %i ];\r\n", isDeprecated ? "deprecated" : type, field.pFieldname, field.elementCount ) );
      stream.writeText( String::ToString( "%s %s;\r\n", isDeprecated ? "deprecated" : type, field.pFieldname ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
const char *getFormattedData(S32 type, const char *data, const EnumTable *tbl, BitSet32 flag)
   ConsoleBaseType *cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType( type );
   AssertFatal(cbt, "Con::getData - could not resolve type ID!");

   // Datablock types are just a datablock 
   // name and don't ever need formatting.
   if ( cbt->isDatablock() )
      return data;

   bool currWarn = gWarnUndefinedScriptVariables;
   gWarnUndefinedScriptVariables = false;

   const char* globalValue = Con::getVariable(data);

   gWarnUndefinedScriptVariables = currWarn;

   if (dStrlen(globalValue) > 0)
      return globalValue;

   void* variable = cbt->getNativeVariable();

   if (variable)
      Con::setData(type, variable, 0, 1, &data, tbl, flag);
      const char* formattedVal = Con::getData(type, variable, 0, tbl, flag);

      static const U32 bufSize = 2048;
      char* returnBuffer = Con::getReturnBuffer(bufSize);
      dSprintf(returnBuffer, bufSize, "%s\0", formattedVal );


      return returnBuffer;
      return data;
Ejemplo n.º 5
   void XMLExport::exportBaseTypes()

      ConsoleBaseType *walk = ConsoleBaseType::getListHead();
      while( walk != NULL )

         mXML->setAttribute("name", walk->getTypeName());
         mXML->setAttribute("id", avar("%i",walk->getTypeID()));
         mXML->setAttribute("size", avar("%i",walk->getTypeSize()));
         mXML->setAttribute("doc", walk->getDocString() ? walk->getDocString() : "" );

         mXML->popElement(); // Basetype

         walk = walk->getListNext();

      mXML->popElement(); // Basetypes

Ejemplo n.º 6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set attribute of top stack element to given value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SimXMLDocument::setObjectAttributes(const char* objectID)
   if( !objectID || !objectID[0] )


   SimObject *pObject = Sim::findObject( objectID );

   if( pObject == NULL )

   const int iLastElement = m_paNode.size() - 1;
   TiXmlElement* pElement = m_paNode[iLastElement];

   char textbuf[1024];
   TiXmlElement field( "Field" );
   TiXmlElement group( "FieldGroup" );
   pElement->SetAttribute( "Name", pObject->getName() );

      // Iterate over our filed list and add them to the XML document...
      AbstractClassRep::FieldList fieldList = pObject->getFieldList();
      AbstractClassRep::FieldList::iterator itr;
      for(itr = fieldList.begin(); itr != fieldList.end(); itr++)

         if( itr->type == AbstractClassRep::DepricatedFieldType ||
            itr->type == AbstractClassRep::StartGroupFieldType ||
            itr->type == AbstractClassRep::EndGroupFieldType) continue;

         // Not an Array
         if(itr->elementCount == 1)
            // get the value of the field as a string.
            ConsoleBaseType *cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType(itr->type);

            const char *val = Con::getData(itr->type, (void *) (((const char *)pObject) + itr->offset), 0, itr->table, itr->flag);

            // Make a copy for the field check.
            if (!val)

            FrameTemp<char> valCopy( dStrlen( val ) + 1 );
            dStrcpy( (char *)valCopy, val );

            if (!pObject->writeField(itr->pFieldname, valCopy))

            val = valCopy;

            expandEscape(textbuf, val);

            if( !pObject->writeField( itr->pFieldname, textbuf ) )

            field.SetValue( "Property" );
            field.SetAttribute( "name",  itr->pFieldname );
            if( cbt != NULL )
               field.SetAttribute( "type", cbt->getTypeName() );
               field.SetAttribute( "type", "TypeString" );
            field.SetAttribute( "data", textbuf );

            pElement->InsertEndChild( field );


      //// IS An Array
      //for(U32 j = 0; S32(j) < f->elementCount; j++)

      //   // If the start of a group create an element for the group and
      //   // the our chache to it
      //   const char *val = Con::getData(itr->type, (void *) (((const char *)pObject) + itr->offset), j, itr->table, itr->flag);

      //   // Make a copy for the field check.
      //   if (!val)
      //      continue;

      //   FrameTemp<char> valCopy( dStrlen( val ) + 1 );
      //   dStrcpy( (char *)valCopy, val );

      //   if (!pObject->writeField(itr->pFieldname, valCopy))
      //      continue;

      //   val = valCopy;

      //      // get the value of the field as a string.
      //      ConsoleBaseType *cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType(itr->type);
      //      const char * dstr = Con::getData(itr->type, (void *)(((const char *)pObject) + itr->offset), 0, itr->table, itr->flag);
      //      if(!dstr)
      //         dstr = "";
      //      expandEscape(textbuf, dstr);

      //      if( !pObject->writeField( itr->pFieldname, dstr ) )
      //         continue;

      //      field.SetValue( "Property" );
      //      field.SetAttribute( "name",  itr->pFieldname );
      //      if( cbt != NULL )
      //         field.SetAttribute( "type", cbt->getTypeName() );
      //      else
      //         field.SetAttribute( "type", "TypeString" );
      //      field.SetAttribute( "data", textbuf );

      //      pElement->InsertEndChild( field );

Ejemplo n.º 7
GuiInspectorField* GuiInspectorGroup::constructField( S32 fieldType )
   // See if we can construct a field of this type
   ConsoleBaseType *cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType(fieldType);
   if( !cbt )
      return NULL;

   // Alright, is it a datablock?
      // Default to GameBaseData
      StringTableEntry typeClassName = cbt->getTypeClassName();

      if( mParent->getNumInspectObjects() == 1 && !dStricmp(typeClassName, "GameBaseData") )
         // Try and setup the classname based on the object type
         char className[256];
         dSprintf(className,256,"%sData", mParent->getInspectObject( 0 )->getClassName());
         // Walk the ACR list and find a matching class if any.
         AbstractClassRep *walk = AbstractClassRep::getClassList();
            if(!dStricmp(walk->getClassName(), className))

            walk = walk->getNextClass();

         // We found a valid class
         if (walk)
            typeClassName = walk->getClassName();


      GuiInspectorDatablockField *dbFieldClass = new GuiInspectorDatablockField( typeClassName );
      if( dbFieldClass != NULL )
         // return our new datablock field with correct datablock type enumeration info
         return dbFieldClass;

   // Nope, not a datablock. So maybe it has a valid inspector field override we can use?
      // Nothing, so bail.
      return NULL;

   // Otherwise try to make it!
   ConsoleObject *co = create(cbt->getInspectorFieldType());
   GuiInspectorField *gif = dynamic_cast<GuiInspectorField*>(co);

      // Wasn't appropriate type, bail.
      delete co;
      return NULL;

   return gif;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void dumpVariable(  Stream& stream,
                           Dictionary::Entry* entry,
                           const char* inClass = NULL )
   // Skip variables defined in script.
   if( entry->type < 0 )
   // Skip internals... don't export them.
   if (  entry->mUsage &&
         ( dStrstr( entry->mUsage, "@hide" ) || dStrstr( entry->mUsage, "@internal" ) ) )

   // Split up qualified name.

   Vector< String > nameComponents;
   String( entry->name ).split( "::", nameComponents );
   if( !nameComponents.size() ) // Safety check.
   // Match filter.
   if( inClass )
      // Make sure first qualifier in name components is a
      // namespace qualifier matching the given class name.
      if( nameComponents.size() <= 1 || dStricmp( nameComponents.first().c_str() + 1, inClass ) != 0 ) // Skip '$'.
      // Make sure, this is *not* in a class namespace.
      if( nameComponents.size() > 1 && Con::lookupNamespace( nameComponents.first().c_str() + 1 )->mClassRep )
   // Skip variables for which we can't decipher their type.

   ConsoleBaseType* type = ConsoleBaseType::getType( entry->type );
   if( !type )
      Con::errorf( "Can't find type for variable '%s'", entry->name );

   // Write doc comment.
   stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );
   if( !inClass )
      stream.writeText( "@var " );
      stream.writeText( type->getTypeClassName() );
      stream.writeText( " " );
      stream.writeText( entry->name );
      stream.writeText( ";\r\n" );
   dumpDoc( stream, entry->mUsage );
   stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
   // Write definition.
   const U32 numNameComponents = nameComponents.size();
   if( !inClass && numNameComponents > 1 )
      for( U32 i = 0; i < ( numNameComponents - 1 ); ++ i )
         stream.writeText( "namespace " );
         stream.writeText( nameComponents[ i ] );
         stream.writeText( " { " );
   if( inClass )
      stream.writeText( "static " );
   if( entry->mIsConstant )
      stream.writeText( "const " );
   stream.writeText( type->getTypeClassName() );
   stream.writeText( " " );
   stream.writeText( nameComponents.last() );
   stream.writeText( ";" );
   if( !inClass && numNameComponents > 1 )
      for( U32 i = 0; i < ( numNameComponents - 1 ); ++ i )
         stream.writeText( " } " );
   stream.writeText( "\r\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 9
const char *getData(S32 type, void *dptr, S32 index, const EnumTable *tbl, BitSet32 flag)
   ConsoleBaseType *cbt = ConsoleBaseType::getType(type);
   AssertFatal(cbt, "Con::getData - could not resolve type ID!");
   return cbt->getData((void *) (((const char *)dptr) + index * cbt->getTypeSize()), tbl, flag);