Ejemplo n.º 1
  virtual void visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
    const Tags& t = e->getTags();
    const QString REV = MetadataTags::TrainingReview();
    const QString MAT = MetadataTags::TrainingMatch();

    if (t.contains(MetadataTags::TrainingId()) ||
        t.contains(MAT) ||
      if (t.contains(MetadataTags::TrainingId()) == false ||
          t.contains(MAT) == false)
        LOG_WARN(QString("Element %1 doesn't contain %2 and %3.")

      if (t[MAT] == "todo")
        LOG_WARN("Element " << e->getElementId().toString() << " (" <<
                 t[MetadataTags::TrainingId()] << ") is still marked as todo: ");
      if (!(t[MAT] == "none" || t[MAT] == "") &&
          !(t[REV] == "none" || t[REV] == ""))
        LOG_WARN("Element " << e->getElementId().toString() << " (" <<
                 t[MetadataTags::TrainingId()] << ") has both match and review populated.");
        LOG_WARN("    '" << t[MAT] << "' and '" <<
                 t[REV] << "'");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns true if e1, e2 is in the correct ordering for matching. This does a few things:
  *  - Avoid comparing e1 to e2 and e2 to e1
  *  - The Unknown1/Input1 is always e1. This is a requirement for some of the older code.
  *  - Gives a consistent ordering to allow backwards compatibility with system tests.
 bool isCorrectOrder(const ConstElementPtr& e1, const ConstElementPtr& e2)
   if (e1->getStatus().getEnum() == e2->getStatus().getEnum())
     return e1->getElementId() < e2->getElementId();
     return e1->getStatus().getEnum() < e2->getStatus().getEnum();
Ejemplo n.º 3
Handle<Value> ElementJs::getElementId(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;

  ConstElementPtr e = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ElementJs>(args.This())->getConstElement();

  return scope.Close(ElementIdJs::New(e->getElementId()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  // See the "Calculating Search Radius" section in the user docs for more information.
  Meters getSearchRadius(const ConstElementPtr& e)
    Meters result;
    if (_getSearchRadius.IsEmpty())
      if (_customSearchRadius < 0)
        //base the radius off of the element itself
        result = e->getCircularError() * _candidateDistanceSigma;
        //base the radius off some predefined radius
        result = _customSearchRadius * _candidateDistanceSigma;
      if (_searchRadiusCache.contains(e->getElementId()))
        result = _searchRadiusCache[e->getElementId()];
        Isolate* current = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
        HandleScope handleScope(current);
        Context::Scope context_scope(_script->getContext(current));

        Handle<Value> jsArgs[1];

        int argc = 0;
        jsArgs[argc++] = ElementJs::New(e);

        LOG_TRACE("Calling getSearchRadius...");
        Handle<Value> f = ToLocal(&_getSearchRadius)->Call(getPlugin(), argc, jsArgs);

        result = toCpp<Meters>(f) * _candidateDistanceSigma;

        _searchRadiusCache[e->getElementId()] = result;

    return result;
WaySublineMatchString MaximalSublineStringMatcher::findMatch(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
  const ConstElementPtr& e1, const ConstElementPtr& e2, Meters maxRelevantDistance) const
  assert(_maxAngle >= 0);
  if (maxRelevantDistance == -1)
    maxRelevantDistance = e1->getCircularError() + e2->getCircularError();

  // make sure the inputs are legit. If either element isn't legit then throw a NeedsReviewException
  _validateElement(map, e1->getElementId());
  _validateElement(map, e2->getElementId());

  // extract the ways from the elements. In most cases it will return a vector of 1, but
  // multilinestrings may contain multiple ways
  vector<ConstWayPtr> ways1 = ExtractWaysVisitor::extractWays(map, e1);
  vector<ConstWayPtr> ways2 = ExtractWaysVisitor::extractWays(map, e2);

  if ((ways1.size() > 4 && ways2.size() > 4) || (ways1.size() + ways2.size() > 7))
    throw NeedsReviewException("Elements contain too many ways and the computational complexity "
                               "is unreasonable.");

  // Try with all combinations of forward and reversed ways. This is very expensive for
  // multilinestrings with lots of ways in them. Though those shouldn't be common.
  vector<bool> reversed1(ways1.size(), false), reversed2(ways2.size(), false);
  ScoredMatch scoredResult = _findBestMatch(map, maxRelevantDistance, ways1, ways2, reversed1,

  // convert the best match into a WaySublineStringMatch and return.
    WaySublineMatchString result = scoredResult.matches;
    // this likely shouldn't be necessary. See #4593
    return result;
  catch(OverlappingMatchesException &e)
    throw NeedsReviewException("Internal Error: Multiple overlapping way matches were found within "
      "one set of ways.  Please report this to [email protected].");
Ejemplo n.º 6
vector<ConstWayPtr> ExtractWaysVisitor::extractWays(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
                                                    const ConstElementPtr& e)
  LOG_TRACE("Extracting ways from " << e->getElementId());

  vector<ConstWayPtr> result;
  ExtractWaysVisitor v(result);

  e->visitRo(*map, v);
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  bool isMatchCandidate(ConstElementPtr e)
    if (_matchCandidateCache.contains(e->getElementId()))
      return _matchCandidateCache[e->getElementId()];

    if (_filter && !_filter->isSatisfied(e))
      return false;

    Isolate* current = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
    HandleScope handleScope(current);
    Context::Scope context_scope(_script->getContext(current));
    Persistent<Object> plugin(current, getPlugin(_script));
    Handle<String> isMatchCandidateStr = String::NewFromUtf8(current, "isMatchCandidate");
    if (ToLocal(&plugin)->Has(isMatchCandidateStr) == false)
      throw HootException("Error finding 'isMatchCandidate' function.");
    Handle<Value> value = ToLocal(&plugin)->Get(isMatchCandidateStr);
    if (value->IsFunction() == false)
      throw HootException("isMatchCandidate is not a function.");
    Handle<Function> func = Handle<Function>::Cast(value);
    Handle<Value> jsArgs[2];

    int argc = 0;
    jsArgs[argc++] = getOsmMapJs();
    jsArgs[argc++] = ElementJs::New(e);

    Handle<Value> f = func->Call(ToLocal(&plugin), argc, jsArgs);

    bool result = f->BooleanValue();
    _matchCandidateCache[e->getElementId()] = result;
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
MatchClassification MultiaryScoreCache::getScore(ConstElementPtr e1, ConstElementPtr e2)

  OsmMapPtr tmp(new OsmMap(_map->getProjection()));

  boost::scoped_ptr<Match> m(
    _matchCreator->createMatch(tmp, e1->getElementId(), e2->getElementId()));

  // default to a hard miss.
  MatchClassification result(0, 1, 0);

  // if the MatchCreator returns a valid match class, use that as the score.
  if (m)
    result = m->getClassification();
    _lastExplainText = m->explain();

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TranslationVisitor::visit(const ConstElementPtr& ce)
  // this is a hack to get around the visitor interface. The visitor interface should probably be
  // redesigned into ConstElementVisitor and ElementVisitor.
  ElementPtr e = _map->getElement(ce->getElementId());
  Tags& tags = e->getTags();

  if (tags.getNonDebugCount() > 0)
    if (_toOgr)
      GeometryTypeId gtype = ElementConverter::getGeometryType(e, false);

      vector<Tags> allTags = _togr->translateToOgrTags(tags, e->getElementType(), gtype);

      if (allTags.size() > 0)
        if (allTags.size() > 1)
          LOG_WARN("More than one feature was returned, only keeping the first feature.");

      QByteArray layerName;
      if (tags.contains(OsmSchema::layerNameKey()))
        layerName = tags[OsmSchema::layerNameKey()].toUtf8();
      _t.translateToOsm(tags, layerName.data());

      if (tags.contains(_circularErrorKey))
      else if (tags.contains(_accuracyKey))
Ejemplo n.º 10
void KeepBuildingsVisitor::visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
  ElementType type = e->getElementType();
  long id = e->getId();

  if (type != ElementType::Node)
    boost::shared_ptr<Element> ee = _map->getElement(type, id);

    if (BuildingCriterion().isSatisfied(ee->getTags(), type) == false)
      RemoveElementOp::removeElementNoCheck(_map->shared_from_this(), e->getElementId());
Ejemplo n.º 11
  virtual void visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
    QStringList refs;
    if (e->getTags().contains(_ref))
      e->getTags().readValues(_ref, refs);

    if (refs.size() > 0)
      for (int i = 0; i < refs.size(); i++)
Ejemplo n.º 12
void OsmApiDbSqlChangesetFileWriter::_createTags(ConstElementPtr element)
  LOG_TRACE("Creating tags for: " << element->getElementId());

  QStringList tableNames = _tagTableNamesForElement(element->getElementId());

  Tags tags = element->getTags();
  if (_includeDebugTags)
    tags.set(MetadataTags::HootStatus(), QString::number(element->getStatus().getEnum()));
  if (element->getElementType().getEnum() == ElementType::Relation && !tags.contains("type"))
    ConstRelationPtr tmp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Relation>(element);
    tags.appendValue("type", tmp->getType());

  for (Tags::const_iterator it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it)
    QString k = it.key();
    QString v = it.value();

    if (k != MetadataTags::HootHash())
      const QString currentTagValues =
      QString("(%1_id, k, v) VALUES (%2, '%3', '%4');\n")
        .arg(k.replace('\'', "''"))
        .arg(v.replace('\'', "''"));

      const QString tagValues =
        QString("(%1_id, k, v, version) VALUES (%2, '%3', '%4', %5);\n")
          .arg(k.replace('\'', "''"))
          .arg(v.replace('\'', "''"))

        (QString("INSERT INTO %1 ").arg(tableNames.at(0)) + currentTagValues).toUtf8());
      _outputSql.write((QString("INSERT INTO %1 ").arg(tableNames.at(1)) + tagValues).toUtf8());
Ejemplo n.º 13
void AddUuidVisitor::visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
  boost::shared_ptr<Element> ee = _map->getElement(e->getElementId());
  ee->getTags()[_key] = UuidHelper::createUuid().toString();