Ejemplo n.º 1
IECore::ConstObjectPtr SceneReader::computeObject( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr s = scene( path );
	if( !s || !s->hasObject() )
		return parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue();

	return s->readObject( context->getTime() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SceneReader::hashObject( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent, IECore::MurmurHash &h ) const

	ConstSceneInterfacePtr s = scene( path );
	if( !s || !s->hasObject() )
		// no object
		h = parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue()->hash();

	SceneNode::hashObject( path, context, parent, h );

	refreshCountPlug()->hash( h );
	s->hash( SceneInterface::ObjectHash, context->getTime(), h );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SceneReader::hashObject( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent, IECore::MurmurHash &h ) const
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr s = scene( path );
	if( !s || !s->hasObject() )
		// no object
		h = parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue()->hash();

	FileSource::hashObject( path, context, parent, h );
	const SampledSceneInterface *ss = runTimeCast<const SampledSceneInterface>( s.get() );
	if( !ss || ss->numObjectSamples() > 1 )
		h.append( context->getFrame() );
Ejemplo n.º 4
IECore::ConstObjectPtr SceneReader::computeObject( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, const ScenePlug *parent ) const
	std::string fileName = fileNamePlug()->getValue();
	if( !fileName.size() )
		return parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue();
	ConstSceneInterfacePtr s = SharedSceneInterfaces::get( fileName );
	s = s->scene( path );
	ObjectPtr o;
	if( s->hasObject() )
		ConstObjectPtr o = s->readObject( context->getFrame() / g_frameRate );
		return o ? o : ConstObjectPtr( parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue() );
	return parent->objectPlug()->defaultValue();
void OBJ_SceneCacheTransform::doExpandChildren( const SceneInterface *scene, OP_Network *parent, const Parameters &params )
	UT_Interrupt *progress = UTgetInterrupt();
	progress->setLongOpText( ( "Expanding " + scene->name().string() ).c_str() );
	if ( progress->opInterrupt() )

	OP_Network *inputNode = parent;
	if ( params.hierarchy == Parenting )
		parent = parent->getParent();

	SceneInterface::NameList children;
	scene->childNames( children );
	for ( SceneInterface::NameList::const_iterator it=children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it )
		ConstSceneInterfacePtr child = scene->child( *it );

		OBJ_Node *childNode = 0;
		if ( params.hierarchy == SubNetworks )
			childNode = doExpandChild( child.get(), parent, params );
			if ( params.depth == AllDescendants && child->hasObject() && tagged( child.get(), params.tagFilter ) )
				Parameters childParams( params );
				childParams.depth = Children;
				doExpandObject( child.get(), childNode, childParams );
		else if ( params.hierarchy == Parenting )
			if ( child->hasObject() )
				Parameters childParams( params );
				childParams.depth = Children;
				childNode = doExpandObject( child.get(), parent, childParams );
				childNode = doExpandChild( child.get(), parent, params );

			childNode->setInput( 0, inputNode );

		if ( params.depth == AllDescendants )
			if ( params.hierarchy == SubNetworks && !tagged( child.get(), params.tagFilter ) )
				// we don't expand non-tagged children for SubNetwork mode, but we
				// do for Parenting mode, because otherwise the hierarchy would be
				// stuck in an un-expandable state.

			doExpandChildren( child.get(), childNode, params );
			childNode->setInt( pExpanded.getToken(), 0, 0, 1 );

	OP_Layout layout( parent );


	OP_SubnetIndirectInput *parentInput = parent->getParentInput( 0 );
	layout.addLayoutItem( parentInput->getInputItem() );
	for ( int i=0; i < parent->getNchildren(); ++i )
		layout.addLayoutItem( parent->getChild( i ) );


	layout.addLayoutOp( parent->getParentInput( 0 ) );
	for ( int i=0; i < parent->getNchildren(); ++i )
		layout.addLayoutOp( parent->getChild( i ) );


	layout.layoutOps( OP_LAYOUT_TOP_TO_BOT, parent, parent->getParentInput( 0 ) );