Ejemplo n.º 1
TEST_F(ContextMapTest, AdjacentCleanupTest) {
  ContextMap<string> mp;
  std::weak_ptr<CoreContext> outerWeak;
  std::weak_ptr<CoreContext> innerWeak;

  // Add two contexts, and let one go out of scope
  AutoCreateContext outer;
  mp.Add("0", outer);
  outerWeak = outer;

    AutoCreateContext inner;
    mp.Add("1", inner);
    innerWeak = inner;

    // Verify that we can find both contexts
    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> outerSearched = mp.Find("0");
    ASSERT_TRUE(!!outerSearched.get()) << "Outer context just added, but couldn't be found";

    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> innerSearched = mp.Find("1");
    ASSERT_TRUE(!!innerSearched.get()) << "Inner context just added, but couldn't be found";

  // Inner should be 404 by now
  ASSERT_TRUE(innerWeak.expired()) << "Unexpected outstanding reference to the inner context";

  // Try to find the outer context.  This should evict the inner context.
  ASSERT_EQ(1UL, mp.size()) << "Proximity eviction didn't function as expected";
Ejemplo n.º 2
TEST_F(ContextMapTest, VerifyWithThreads) {
  ContextMap<string> mp;
  std::shared_ptr<SimpleThreaded> threaded;
  std::weak_ptr<CoreContext> weakContext;

    AutoCreateContext context;

    // Obtain a weak pointer of our own, and add to the context:
    weakContext = context;
    mp.Add("context_withthreads", context);

    // Add a thread to hold the context open for awhile:
    threaded = context->Inject<SimpleThreaded>();

    // Start the context

  // Assert that the context still actually exists:
  ASSERT_TRUE(!weakContext.expired()) << "Simple thread exited before it was signalled to exit";

    // Verify that we can still find the context while the thread is alive:
    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> context = mp.Find("context_withthreads");
    ASSERT_TRUE(!!context.get()) << "Map evicted a context before expected";

    // Relock the weak context, verify that we get back the same pointer:
    auto relocked = weakContext.lock();
    EXPECT_EQ(relocked, context) << "Mapped context pointer was not identical to a previously stored context pointer";

    // Terminate whole context

  // Release our threaded entity:

    // Verify that the context is gone now that everything in it has stopped running
    auto ctxt = mp.Find("context_withthreads");
    EXPECT_FALSE(ctxt) << "Context was not properly evicted from the map";

    // Just return early if the context was empty as we expected, the next part of this test is for diagnostics

    // Release the pointer so we aren't guilty of holding a reference to the very thing whose
    // destruction we are trying to assure.

    // Sleep for a little bit and run the verification again.  If the prior expectation fails,
    // but this one succeeds, it could be due to race conditions in CoreThread
    ctxt = mp.Find("context_withthreads");
    EXPECT_FALSE(ctxt) << "Context was not properly evicted even after waiting for a time to ensure eviction";
Ejemplo n.º 3
TEST_F(ContextMapTest, VerifySimple) {
  ContextMap<string> mp;

  // Create a new context and add it to the map:
    AutoCreateContext context;

    // Verify the reference count or the rest of the test will fail
    ASSERT_EQ(context.use_count(), 1) << "A newly created context's use count isn't what was expected";

    // Add and ensure the reference count is unmodified
    mp.Add("context_simple", context);
    ASSERT_EQ(context.use_count(), 1) << "The map altered the context use count";

    // We should be able to find this context now:
    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> found = mp.Find("context_simple");
    EXPECT_TRUE(!!found.get()) << "Failed to find a context that was just inserted into a context map";

  // We shouldn't be able to find it now that it's gone out of scope:
  std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> notFound = mp.Find("context_simple");
  EXPECT_FALSE(!!notFound.get()) << "Context was not evicted as expected when it went out of scope";