Ejemplo n.º 1
 void run(const char code[])
     printf("%s\n", ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::getXMLHeader(2).c_str());
     cppcheck.check("test.c", code);
     printf("%s\n", ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::getXMLFooter(2).c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * That is a method which gets called from check_wrapper
 * */
int CppCheckExecutor::check_internal(CppCheck& cppcheck, int /*argc*/, const char* const argv[])
    Settings& settings = cppcheck.settings();
    _settings = &settings;
    bool std = tryLoadLibrary(settings.library, argv[0], "std.cfg");
    bool posix = true;
    if (settings.standards.posix)
        posix = tryLoadLibrary(settings.library, argv[0], "posix.cfg");
    bool windows = true;
    if (settings.isWindowsPlatform())
        windows = tryLoadLibrary(settings.library, argv[0], "windows.cfg");

    if (!std || !posix || !windows) {
        const std::list<ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callstack;
        const std::string msg("Failed to load " + std::string(!std ? "std.cfg" : !posix ? "posix.cfg" : "windows.cfg") + ". Your Cppcheck installation is broken, please re-install.");
#ifdef CFGDIR
        const std::string details("The Cppcheck binary was compiled with CFGDIR set to \"" +
                                  std::string(CFGDIR) + "\" and will therefore search for "
                                  "std.cfg in that path.");
        const std::string cfgfolder(Path::fromNativeSeparators(Path::getPathFromFilename(argv[0])) + "cfg");
        const std::string details("The Cppcheck binary was compiled without CFGDIR set. Either the "
                                  "std.cfg should be available in " + cfgfolder + " or the CFGDIR "
                                  "should be configured.");
        ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, Severity::information, msg+" "+details, "failedToLoadCfg", false);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (settings.reportProgress)
        time1 = std::time(0);

    if (settings._xml) {

    unsigned int returnValue = 0;
    if (settings._jobs == 1) {
        // Single process
        settings.jointSuppressionReport = true;

        std::size_t totalfilesize = 0;
        for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator i = _files.begin(); i != _files.end(); ++i) {
            totalfilesize += i->second;

        std::size_t processedsize = 0;
        unsigned int c = 0;
        for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator i = _files.begin(); i != _files.end(); ++i) {
            if (!_settings->library.markupFile(i->first)
                || !_settings->library.processMarkupAfterCode(i->first)) {
                returnValue += cppcheck.check(i->first);
                processedsize += i->second;
                if (!settings.quiet)
                    reportStatus(c + 1, _files.size(), processedsize, totalfilesize);

        // second loop to parse all markup files which may not work until all
        // c/cpp files have been parsed and checked
        for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator i = _files.begin(); i != _files.end(); ++i) {
            if (_settings->library.markupFile(i->first) && _settings->library.processMarkupAfterCode(i->first)) {
                returnValue += cppcheck.check(i->first);
                processedsize += i->second;
                if (!settings.quiet)
                    reportStatus(c + 1, _files.size(), processedsize, totalfilesize);
    } else if (!ThreadExecutor::isEnabled()) {
        std::cout << "No thread support yet implemented for this platform." << std::endl;
    } else {
        // Multiple processes
        ThreadExecutor executor(_files, settings, *this);
        returnValue = executor.check();

    if (settings.isEnabled("information") || settings.checkConfiguration) {
        const bool enableUnusedFunctionCheck = cppcheck.unusedFunctionCheckIsEnabled();

        if (settings.jointSuppressionReport) {
            for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator i = _files.begin(); i != _files.end(); ++i) {
                reportUnmatchedSuppressions(settings.nomsg.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions(i->first, enableUnusedFunctionCheck));


    if (!settings.checkConfiguration) {

        if (settings.isEnabled("missingInclude") && (Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag || Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag)) {
            const std::list<ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callStack;
            ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage msg(callStack,
                                          "Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details)\n"
                                          "Cppcheck cannot find all the include files. Cppcheck can check the code without the "
                                          "include files found. But the results will probably be more accurate if all the include "
                                          "files are found. Please check your project's include directories and add all of them "
                                          "as include directories for Cppcheck. To see what files Cppcheck cannot find use "
                                          Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag ? "missingInclude" : "missingIncludeSystem",

    if (settings._xml) {

    _settings = 0;
    if (returnValue)
        return settings._exitCode;
        return 0;