BOOL RemoveOldEntries(bool checkIdleTime)
	Log(StrF(_T("Beginning of RemoveOldEntries MaxEntries: %d - Keep days: %d"), CGetSetOptions::GetMaxEntries(), CGetSetOptions::GetExpiredEntries()));

		CppSQLite3DB db;
		CString csDbPath = CGetSetOptions::GetDBPath();;

			long lMax = CGetSetOptions::GetMaxEntries();
			if(lMax >= 0)
				CClipIDs IDs;
				int clipId;
				CppSQLite3Query q = db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT lID, lShortCut, lParentID, lDontAutoDelete, stickyClipOrder, stickyClipGroupOrder FROM Main WHERE bIsGroup = 0 ORDER BY clipOrder DESC LIMIT -1 OFFSET %d"), lMax);
				while(q.eof() == false)
					int shortcut = q.getIntField(_T("lShortCut"));
					int dontDelete = q.getIntField(_T("lDontAutoDelete"));
					int parentId = q.getIntField(_T("lParentID"));
					double stickyClipOrder = q.getFloatField(_T("stickyClipOrder"));
					double stickyClipGroupOrder = q.getFloatField(_T("stickyClipGroupOrder"));

					//Only delete entries that have no shortcut and don't have the flag set and aren't in groups and 
					if(shortcut == 0 && 
						dontDelete == 0 &&
						parentId <= 0 &&
						stickyClipOrder == 0.0 &&
						stickyClipGroupOrder == 0.0)
						clipId = q.getIntField(_T("lID"));
						Log(StrF(_T("From MaxEntries - Deleting Id: %d"), clipId));


				if(IDs.GetCount() > 0)
					IDs.DeleteIDs(false, db);
			long lExpire = CGetSetOptions::GetExpiredEntries();
				CTime now = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
				now -= CTimeSpan(lExpire, 0, 0, 0);
				CClipIDs IDs;
				CppSQLite3Query q = db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT lID FROM Main ")
													_T("WHERE lastPasteDate < %d AND ")
													_T("bIsGroup = 0 AND lShortCut = 0 AND lParentID <= 0 AND lDontAutoDelete = 0 AND stickyClipOrder = 0 AND stickyClipGroupOrder = 0"), (int)now.GetTime());

				while(q.eof() == false)

					Log(StrF(_T("From Clips Expire - Deleting Id: %d"), q.getIntField(_T("lID"))));

				if(IDs.GetCount() > 0)
					IDs.DeleteIDs(false, db);

		int toDeleteCount = db.execScalar(_T("SELECT COUNT(clipID) FROM MainDeletes"));

		Log(StrF(_T("Before Deleting emptied out data, count: %d, Idle Seconds: %f"), toDeleteCount, IdleSeconds()));

		//Only delete 1 at a time, was finding that it was taking a long time to delete clips, locking the db and causing other queries
		//to lock up
		CppSQLite3Query q = db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT * FROM MainDeletes LIMIT %d"), CGetSetOptions::GetMainDeletesDeleteCount());
		int deleteCount = 0;

		while(q.eof() == false)
			double idleSeconds = IdleSeconds();
			if(checkIdleTime == false || idleSeconds > CGetSetOptions::GetIdleSecondsBeforeDelete())
				//delete any data items sitting out there that the main table data was deleted
				//this was done to speed up deleted from the main table
				deleteCount = db.execDMLEx(_T("DELETE FROM MainDeletes WHERE clipID=%d"), q.getIntField(_T("clipID")));
				Log(StrF(_T("Computer has not been idle long enough to delete clips, Min Idle: %d, current Idle: %d"), 
												CGetSetOptions::GetIdleSecondsBeforeDelete(), idleSeconds));


		toDeleteCount = db.execScalar(_T("SELECT COUNT(clipID) FROM MainDeletes"));

		Log(StrF(_T("After Deleting emptied out data rows, Count: %d, toDelete: %d"), deleteCount, toDeleteCount));
	Log(_T("End of RemoveOldEntries"));

	return TRUE;