Ejemplo n.º 1
// Call ProcessInput once per frame to process input keys
void ProcessInput( bool	keys[] )
	// These keys we don't want to auto-repeat, so we clear them in "keys" after handling them once
	if (keys['E'] && amplitudeGlobalParameter)
		float value;
		cgGetParameterValuefc(amplitudeGlobalParameter, 1, &value);
		value += 0.1f;
		cgSetParameter1f(amplitudeGlobalParameter, value);
		keys['E'] = false;
	if (keys['R'] && amplitudeGlobalParameter)
		float value;
		cgGetParameterValuefc(amplitudeGlobalParameter,1, &value);
		value -= 0.1f;
		cgSetParameter1f(amplitudeGlobalParameter, value);
		keys['R'] = false;
	if (keys[VK_TAB] )
		// When 'C' is pressed, change cameras
		keys[VK_TAB] = false;

	if ( keys['M'] )
		// Speed up UI by 25%
		keys['M'] = false;
	if ( keys['N'] )
		// Slow down UI by 25%
		AdjustUISpeed(0.75f);  // Go 25% slower
		keys['N'] = false;
	if (keys['Q'])
		if (togglewireframe) {
			glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
			togglewireframe = FALSE;
		} else {
			glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
			togglewireframe = TRUE;
		keys['Q'] = false;

	if (keys['K'])
		if (togglehiearchy) {
			togglehiearchy = FALSE;
		} else {
			togglehiearchy = TRUE;
		keys['K'] = false;
	if (keys['L'])
		if (togglelighting) {
			togglelighting = FALSE;
		} else {
			togglelighting = TRUE;
		keys['L'] = false;

	if (keys['P'] )
		if (sAnimationEnable) {
			_CrtRender.SetAnimationPaused( CrtTrue );
			sAnimationEnable = false;
		else { 
			_CrtRender.SetAnimationPaused( CrtFalse ); 
			sAnimationEnable = true;
		keys['P'] = false;
	if (keys[VK_F1])		
		// Recreate Our OpenGL Window
		if (!CreateGLWindow("Collada Viewer for PC", _CrtRender.GetScreenWidth(), _CrtRender.GetScreenHeight(),32,fullscreen))
		if ( !_CrtRender.Load( cleaned_file_name ))

		keys[VK_F1] = false;
	// These keys that do a function as long as they are held down, so we don't clear "keys".
	// Remember to scale these functions by time!

	if (keys['S'])
		// UI code to move the camera closer
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(_CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed *0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	if (keys['W'])
		// UI code to move the camera farther away
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(- _CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	if (keys[VK_SPACE])
		// UI code to move the camera farther up
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(0.0f, 0.0f, _CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed);

	if (keys['X'])
		// UI code to move the camera farther down
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(0.0f, 0.0f, - _CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed);

	if (keys['D'])
		// UI code to move the camera farther right
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(0.0f, - _CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed, 0.0f);

	if (keys['A'])
		// UI code to move the camera farther left
		_CrtRender.ActiveInstanceCamera->MoveTransform(0.0f, _CrtRender.GetAnimDelta() * KeyboardTranslateSpeed, 0.0f);

	if (keys['F'])
		if(togglecullingface == 0)
		{ // turn it front
			glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
			togglecullingface = 1;
		} else if(togglecullingface == 1)
		{ // turn it both
			glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );
			togglecullingface = 2;
		} else 
		{ // turn it back
			glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
			togglecullingface = 0;
		keys['F'] = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Standard windows mainline, this is the program entry point
CrtInt32 WINAPI WinMain(	HINSTANCE	hInstance,		
					HINSTANCE	hPrevInstance,	
					LPSTR		lpCmdLine,			
					CrtInt32			nCmdShow)	
	(void)hPrevInstance; // Avoid warnings
	(void)nCmdShow; // Avoid warnings
	(void)hInstance; // Avoid warnings

#ifndef NO_DEVIL

	MSG		msg;									
	BOOL	done=FALSE;								
	// Avoid warnings later
	msg.wParam = 0;

	// Turns on windows heap debugging

	// Ask The User Which Screen Mode They Prefer
	//	if (MessageBox(NULL,"Would You Like To Run In Fullscreen Mode?", "Start FullScreen?",MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION)==IDNO)

	// Set the default screen size
	_CrtRender.SetScreenWidth( 640);
	_CrtRender.SetScreenHeight( 480);

	// Create an OpenGL Window
	if (!CreateGLWindow("Collada Viewer for PC", _CrtRender.GetScreenWidth(), _CrtRender.GetScreenHeight(),32,fullscreen))
		return 0;									
	// Turn data dumping (debug) off
	//CrtBool dumpData = CrtFalse; 

	// Initialize the renderer
	// !!!GAC for compatibility with the new COLLADA_FX code, Init now forces UsingCg and UsingVBOs to
	// !!!GAC false.  It also calls CrtInitCg, creating the CG context and calling cgGLRegisterStates.
	// !!!GAC All these things are currently required for the cfx rendering path to work, changing them
	// !!!GAC may cause problems.  This is work in progress and will be much cleaner when the refactor is done.
	//_CrtRender.SetRenderDebug( CrtTrue ); 

	// !!!GAC kept for reference, changing these may cause problems with the cfx include path
	//_CrtRender.SetUsingCg( CrtFalse );
	// Turn off VBOs (the GL skinning path doesn't work with VBOs yet)
	_CrtRender.SetUsingVBOs( CrtTrue ); 
	_CrtRender.SetUsingNormalMaps( CrtTrue ); 	
	//_CrtRender.SetRenderDebug( CrtTrue ); 

	// We might get a windows-style path on the command line, this can mess up the DOM which expects
	// all paths to be URI's.  This block of code does some conversion to try and make the input
	// compliant without breaking the ability to accept a properly formatted URI.  Right now this only
	// displays the first filename
		*in = lpCmdLine,
		*out = file;
	*out = NULL;
	// If the first character is a ", skip it (filenames with spaces in them are quoted)
	if(*in == '\"')
	if(*(in+1) == ':')
		// Second character is a :, assume we have a path with a drive letter and add a slash at the beginning
		*(out++) = '/';
	int i;
	for(i =0; i<512; i++)
		// If we hit a null or a quote, stop copying.  This will get just the first filename.
		if(*in == NULL || *in == '\"')
		// Copy while swapping backslashes for forward ones
		if(*in == '\\')
			*out = '/';
			*out = *in;
	// Should throw an error if i>= 512, but we don't have error dialongs in the code yet so just let it try to load and fail
	if(i < 511)
		*out = NULL;

	time_t seconds =  time (NULL);
	clock_t clocka = clock ();

	cleaned_file_name = file;
	// Load the file name provided on the command line
	if ( !_CrtRender.Load( cleaned_file_name ))
	time_t loadtime = time (NULL) - seconds;
	int clockload = (int) clock () - clocka;

	CrtPrint("\nLOAD TIME OF %s\n", file);
	CrtPrint("IS %d SECONDS\n", loadtime);
	CrtPrint("IS %d CLOCK TICKS\n\n", clockload);

	// This block of code shows how to enumerate all the effects, get their parameters and then
	// get their UI information.
#if 1
		// Get the scene and setup to iterate over all the effects stored in the cfxLoader
		CrtScene *scene = _CrtRender.GetScene();
		std::map<std::string, cfxEffect*>::iterator effectIterator;
		effectIterator = scene->cfxEffects.begin();
		// Iterate over all the effects
		while(effectIterator != scene->cfxEffects.end())
			// This is the effect name you would use in a UI
			CrtPrint("Effect name %s\n", effectIterator->first.c_str());
			cfxEffect *thiscfxEffect = effectIterator->second;
			CGeffect thisCGEffect = thiscfxEffect->getEffect();
			CGparameter thisCGParameter = cgGetFirstEffectParameter(thisCGEffect);
			while(thisCGParameter != NULL)
				// This is the parameter name you would use in the UI
				const char *parameterName = cgGetParameterName(thisCGParameter);
				// This is for the example of how to tweek a parameter (doesn't work yet)
				if(CrtCmp(parameterName, "Amplitude"))
					// Capture the parameter and save it in a global, in a GUI you would
					// save this handle in the widget so it would know what to tweek.
					amplitudeGlobalParameter = thisCGParameter;
#if 0
				// This is here for debugging, it iterates over all the annotations and prints them out
				// so you can see what's in them.  Normally this code will be turned off.
				CrtPrint("  Parameter name %s\n",parameterName);
				CGannotation dbgCGAnnotation = cgGetFirstParameterAnnotation(thisCGParameter);
				while(dbgCGAnnotation != NULL)
					const char *annotationName = cgGetAnnotationName(dbgCGAnnotation);
					CrtPrint("      Annotation: %s",annotationName);
					if(cgGetAnnotationType(dbgCGAnnotation) == CG_STRING)
						const char *annotationString = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(dbgCGAnnotation);
						CrtPrint(" value: %s\n",annotationString);
					else if(cgGetAnnotationType(dbgCGAnnotation) == CG_FLOAT)
						int nvalues; 
						const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(dbgCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
						CrtPrint(" value: %f\n",*value);  // Assume there is one value
					dbgCGAnnotation = cgGetNextAnnotation(dbgCGAnnotation);
				// This code looks at the parameter annotations to see if they specify some kind of UI
				// cgGetNamedParameterAnnotation isn't used for this because it is case sensitive and at
				// least some of the annotations FXcomposer uses for UI appear to NOT be case sensitive.
				// This method should collect the parameter values regardless of case, but it has to scan
				// ALL the parameters and do case-blind compares on each one, which is slower.
				// This code currently only collects the annotation values for defining sliders and color pickers.
				const char *UIName		= "unknown";
				const char *UIWidget	= "unknown";
				float UIMin				= -99999.0f;
				float UIMax				= 99999.0f;
				float UIStep			= 0.0f;
				int   nvalues;
				CGannotation thisCGAnnotation = cgGetFirstParameterAnnotation(thisCGParameter);
				// Iterate over all the annotations
				while(thisCGAnnotation != NULL)
					// Get the name of this annotation
					const char *annotationName = cgGetAnnotationName(thisCGAnnotation);
					// Do case-blind compares to see if the annotation is one of the ones used to make UI
					// and save the value if it is.
						// This is the widget type
						UIWidget = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(thisCGAnnotation);
						// This is the name to attach to the widget
						UIName = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(thisCGAnnotation);
						// This is the minimum value for a slider widget
						const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
						if(nvalues == 1)
							UIMin = *value;
						// This is the maximum value for a slider widget
						const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
						if(nvalues == 1)
							UIMax = *value;
						// This is the step (minimum change) for a slider widget
						const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
						if(nvalues == 1)
							UIStep = *value;
					// Get the next annotation
					thisCGAnnotation = cgGetNextAnnotation(thisCGAnnotation);
				// Is the UIWidget a type that we recognize? (just slider and color picker for now)
				// Replace the CrtPrint with the code that generates the UI, remember the UI needs to
				// store thisCGParameter someplace so it can use it to change the parameter later. 
				if(CrtICmp("slider", UIWidget))
					CrtPrint("Parameter %s needs a slider named %s going from %f to %f with step %f\n",parameterName,UIName,UIMin,UIMax, UIStep );
				if(CrtICmp("color", UIWidget))
					CrtPrint("Parameter %s needs a color picker named %s\n",parameterName,UIName);
				// Move on to the next parameter
				thisCGParameter = cgGetNextParameter(thisCGParameter);
			// Move on to the next effect
		if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))	
			if (msg.message==WM_QUIT)				
			// Draw The Scene.  Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
			if ((active && !DrawGLScene()) || keys[VK_ESCAPE])	// Active?  Was There A Quit Received?
				ProcessInput( keys ); 				


	// Shutdown
#ifndef NO_DEVIL
	return (int)(msg.wParam);						
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int LArgC, char** LArgV)
    atexit(DestroyCrt);		// Need this, because old GLUT never returns from glutMainLoop()

    // Create an OpenGL Window
    if (!CreateGLWindow(LArgC, LArgV, (char*)"COLLADA_DOM Sample Viewer", _CrtRender.GetScreenWidth(), _CrtRender.GetScreenHeight()))
        return 0;

    // Initialize the renderer
    // !!!GAC for compatibility with the new COLLADA_FX code, Init now forces UsingCg and UsingVBOs to
    // !!!GAC false.  It also calls CrtInitCg, creating the CG context and calling cgGLRegisterStates.
    // !!!GAC All these things are currently required for the cfx rendering path to work, changing them
    // !!!GAC may cause problems.  This is work in progress and will be much cleaner when the refactor is done.


    _CrtRender.SetUsingVBOs( CrtTrue );
    _CrtRender.SetUsingNormalMaps( CrtTrue );

    // Load the file name provided on the command line
    if(LArgC > 1 && LArgV[1])
        printf("%s(): Loading %s...\n", __FUNCTION__, LArgV[1]);
        if ( !_CrtRender.Load( LArgV[1] ))
        printf("%s(): Loading default document cage.dae... \n", __FUNCTION__);
        if ( !_CrtRender.Load( "cage.dae" ))

    // This block of code shows how to enumerate all the effects, get their parameters and then
    // get their UI information.
#if 1
        // Get the scene and setup to iterate over all the effects stored in the cfxLoader
        CrtScene *scene = _CrtRender.GetScene();

        std::map<std::string, cfxEffect*>::iterator effectIterator;
        effectIterator = scene->cfxEffects.begin();
        // Iterate over all the effects
        while(effectIterator != scene->cfxEffects.end())
            // This is the effect name you would use in a UI
            CrtPrint("Effect name %s\n", effectIterator->first.c_str());
            cfxEffect *thiscfxEffect = effectIterator->second;
            CGeffect thisCGEffect = thiscfxEffect->getEffect();
            CGparameter thisCGParameter = cgGetFirstEffectParameter(thisCGEffect);
            while(thisCGParameter != NULL)
                // This is the parameter name you would use in the UI
                const char *parameterName = cgGetParameterName(thisCGParameter);
                // This is for the example of how to tweek a parameter (doesn't work yet)
                if(CrtCmp(parameterName, "Amplitude"))
                    // Capture the parameter and save it in a global, in a GUI you would
                    // save this handle in the widget so it would know what to tweek.
                    amplitudeGlobalParameter = thisCGParameter;
#if 0
                // This is here for debugging, it iterates over all the annotations and prints them out
                // so you can see what's in them.  Normally this code will be turned off.
                CrtPrint("  Parameter name %s\n",parameterName);
                CGannotation dbgCGAnnotation = cgGetFirstParameterAnnotation(thisCGParameter);
                while(dbgCGAnnotation != NULL)
                    const char *annotationName = cgGetAnnotationName(dbgCGAnnotation);
                    CrtPrint("      Annotation: %s",annotationName);
                    if(cgGetAnnotationType(dbgCGAnnotation) == CG_STRING)
                        const char *annotationString = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(dbgCGAnnotation);
                        CrtPrint(" value: %s\n",annotationString);
                    else if(cgGetAnnotationType(dbgCGAnnotation) == CG_FLOAT)
                        int nvalues;
                        const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(dbgCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
                        CrtPrint(" value: %f\n",*value);  // Assume there is one value
                    dbgCGAnnotation = cgGetNextAnnotation(dbgCGAnnotation);
                // This code looks at the parameter annotations to see if they specify some kind of UI
                // cgGetNamedParameterAnnotation isn't used for this because it is case sensitive and at
                // least some of the annotations FXcomposer uses for UI appear to NOT be case sensitive.
                // This method should collect the parameter values regardless of case, but it has to scan
                // ALL the parameters and do case-blind compares on each one, which is slower.
                // This code currently only collects the annotation values for defining sliders and color pickers.
                const char *UIName		= "unknown";
                const char *UIWidget	= "unknown";
                float UIMin				= -99999.0f;
                float UIMax				= 99999.0f;
                float UIStep			= 0.0f;
                int   nvalues;
                CGannotation thisCGAnnotation = cgGetFirstParameterAnnotation(thisCGParameter);
                // Iterate over all the annotations
                while(thisCGAnnotation != NULL)
                    // Get the name of this annotation
                    const char *annotationName = cgGetAnnotationName(thisCGAnnotation);
                    // Do case-blind compares to see if the annotation is one of the ones used to make UI
                    // and save the value if it is.
                        // This is the widget type
                        UIWidget = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(thisCGAnnotation);
                        // This is the name to attach to the widget
                        UIName = cgGetStringAnnotationValue(thisCGAnnotation);
                        // This is the minimum value for a slider widget
                        const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
                        if(nvalues == 1)
                            UIMin = *value;
                        // This is the maximum value for a slider widget
                        const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
                        if(nvalues == 1)
                            UIMax = *value;
                        // This is the step (minimum change) for a slider widget
                        const float *value = cgGetFloatAnnotationValues(thisCGAnnotation, &nvalues);
                        if(nvalues == 1)
                            UIStep = *value;
                    // Get the next annotation
                    thisCGAnnotation = cgGetNextAnnotation(thisCGAnnotation);
                // Is the UIWidget a type that we recognize? (just slider and color picker for now)
                // Replace the CrtPrint with the code that generates the UI, remember the UI needs to
                // store thisCGParameter someplace so it can use it to change the parameter later.
                if(CrtICmp("slider", UIWidget))
                    CrtPrint("Parameter %s needs a slider named %s going from %f to %f with step %f\n",parameterName,UIName,UIMin,UIMax, UIStep );
                if(CrtICmp("color", UIWidget))
                    CrtPrint("Parameter %s needs a color picker named %s\n",parameterName,UIName);
                // Move on to the next parameter
                thisCGParameter = cgGetNextParameter(thisCGParameter);
            // Move on to the next effect

