Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Log chosen policy
void CvPolicyAI::LogPolicyChoice(PolicyTypes ePolicy)
    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        CvString strOutBuf;
        CvString strBaseString;
        CvString strTemp;
        CvString playerName;
        CvString strDesc;

        // Find the name of this civ and city
        playerName = m_pCurrentPolicies->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        CvPolicyEntry* pPolicyEntry = GC.getPolicyInfo(ePolicy);
        const char* szPolicyType = (pPolicyEntry != NULL)? pPolicyEntry->GetType() : "Unknown";
        strTemp.Format("CHOSEN, %s", szPolicyType);

        strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Log all possible policy choices
void CvPolicyAI::LogPossiblePolicies()
    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        CvString strOutBuf;
        CvString strBaseString;
        CvString strTemp;
        CvString playerName;
        CvString strDesc;

        // Find the name of this civ and city
        playerName = m_pCurrentPolicies->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        int iNumBranches = GC.getNumPolicyBranchInfos();

        // Dump out the weight of each possible policy
        for(int iI = 0; iI < m_AdoptablePolicies.size(); iI++)
            int iWeight = m_AdoptablePolicies.GetWeight(iI);

            if(m_AdoptablePolicies.GetElement(iI) < iNumBranches)
                strTemp.Format("Branch %d, %d", m_AdoptablePolicies.GetElement(iI), iWeight);

                PolicyTypes ePolicy = (PolicyTypes)(m_AdoptablePolicies.GetElement(iI) - iNumBranches);
                CvPolicyEntry* pPolicyEntry = GC.getPolicyInfo(ePolicy);
                const char* szPolicyType = (pPolicyEntry != NULL)? pPolicyEntry->GetType() : "Unknown";
                strTemp.Format("%s, %d", szPolicyType, iWeight);
            strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;