Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CxImageIG::decodeSubLayer (CxFile& file, IGLibrary::IGLayer *pSubLayerOwner, IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER *pLayerSection)
	CxImage cxSubLayer;
	if (!file.Seek (pLayerSection->commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "file.Seek failed");
	// read sub-layer pixels
	BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf];
	file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1);
	if (!cxSubLayer.Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSection->commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "decodeSubLayer", "cxSubLayer.Decode failed");
	delete [] pBufImg;
	// read sub-layer alpha
	cxSubLayer.AlphaCreate (255);
	file.Read (cxSubLayer.pAlpha, cxSubLayer.GetWidth() * cxSubLayer.GetHeight(), 1);
	// decode sub-layer into layer
	BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL;
	BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSection->ptSize.y; i++)
		pSubLayerBits = cxSubLayer.GetBits (i);
		pLayerBits = pSubLayerOwner->GetBits (pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i) + 3 * pLayerSection->ptOffset.x;
		::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x) * 3);			
	BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL;
	BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < (pLayerSection->ptSize.y); i++)
		pLayerAlpha = pSubLayerOwner->AlphaGetPointer (pLayerSection->ptOffset.x, pLayerSection->ptOffset.y + i);
		pSubLayerAlpha = cxSubLayer.AlphaGetPointer (0, i);	
		::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, (pLayerSection->ptSize.x));
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  __declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImage(const char *file, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info)
    if (!file || !info) return false;

	if (IsDir(file))
		return false;

	  // load the image
    DWORD dwImageType = GetImageType(file);
    CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType);
    if (!image) return false;

    int actualwidth = maxwidth;
    int actualheight = maxheight;
      if (!image->Load(file, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight) || !image->IsValid())
#if !defined(_LINUX) && !defined(__APPLE__)
	    int nErr = GetLastError();
	    int nErr = errno;
        printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s Error:%s (%d)\n", file, image->GetLastError(),nErr);
        delete image;
        return false;
    catch (...)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: %s\n", file);
      delete image;
      return false;
    // ok, now resample the image down if necessary
    if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture: %s\n", file);
      delete image;
      return false;

    // make sure our image is 24bit minimum

    // fill in our struct
    info->width = image->GetWidth();
    info->height = image->GetHeight();
    info->originalwidth = actualwidth;
    info->originalheight = actualheight;
    memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO));

    // create our texture
    info->context = image;
    info->texture = image->GetBits();
    info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits();
    return (info->texture != NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
BOOL CSonicImage::Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize)
	if(m_gif.LoadGif(hGlobal, dwSize) == 1)
		if(PrepareMemDC(m_gif.GetWidth(), m_gif.GetHeight()) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
		BYTE * pData = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hGlobal);
		CxImage img;
		img.Decode(pData, dwSize, 0);
		if(PrepareMemDC(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) == FALSE)
			return FALSE;
			CSSE::DoOr(0xff000000, m_Dib.GetBits(), m_Dib.GetSize());
			if(img.GetBpp() != 24)
				return FALSE;
			BYTE * pSrc = img.GetBits();
			BYTE * pAlpha = img.AlphaGetBits();
			BYTE * pMyBits = m_Dib.GetBits();
			int nLineTail = m_nWidth % 4;
			for(int i = 0; i < m_nHeight; i++)
				for(int j = 0; j < m_nWidth; j++)
					*pMyBits++ = *pSrc++;
					*pMyBits++ = *pSrc++;
					*pMyBits++ = *pSrc++;
					*pMyBits++ = *pAlpha++;
				pSrc += nLineTail;
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool CxImageIG::DecodeLayer (CxFile &file, int nLayerIdx, int nLayerPos, RECT *p_rcSubLayer, bool bUndo, int nSubLayerId)
	// read current header
	IGHEADER igHeader;
	if (!decodeHeader (&file, &igHeader))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeHeader failed");
	if (nLayerIdx < 0)
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerIdx failed");
	if ((nLayerPos < 0) || (nLayerPos >= info.nNumLayers))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "nLayerPos failed");

	if (!decodeSections (&file, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0]))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSections failed");

	IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer = GetLayer (nLayerPos);
	if (!pLayer)
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "GetLayer failed");
	CxImage cxSubLayer;
	CxImage *pDecodingLayer = p_rcSubLayer ? &cxSubLayer : pLayer;
	bool bIsSubLayerOwner = bUndo && p_rcSubLayer; // no need to find sub-layer owner in do mode
	int nLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner);
	if ((nLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");

	// in undo mode, if a sub-layer owner is found, decode it
	if (bUndo){
		if (bIsSubLayerOwner)
			// decode sub-layer owner
			if (!DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos))
				throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "DecodeLayer failed");
			// decode sub-layers
			int nSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner);
			if ((nSubLayerSectionIndex < 0) || (nSubLayerSectionIndex >= igHeader.nNbLayers))
				throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");
			RECT rcSubLayer;
			rcSubLayer.left = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x;
			rcSubLayer.right = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.x - 1;
			rcSubLayer.top = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y;
			rcSubLayer.bottom = pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y + pLayerSections[nSubLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.y - 1;
			return DecodeLayer (file, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId, nLayerPos, &rcSubLayer, true, nLayerIdx);

	if (!file.Seek (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "file.Seek failed");
	// read layer pixels
	BYTE *pBufImg = new BYTE [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf];
	file.Read (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, 1);
	if (!pDecodingLayer->Decode (pBufImg, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "pDecodingLayer->Decode failed");
	delete [] pBufImg;

	// read layer alpha
	pDecodingLayer->AlphaCreate (255);
	file.Read (pDecodingLayer->pAlpha, pDecodingLayer->GetWidth() * pDecodingLayer->GetHeight(), 1);
	int nSubLayerWidth = 0;
	int nSubLayerHeight = 0;
	if (p_rcSubLayer)
		// decode sub-layer
		nSubLayerWidth = p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1;
		nSubLayerHeight = p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1;
		BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL;
		BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL;
		for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++)
			// if undo, then sub-layer == original layer
			pSubLayerBits = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left : pDecodingLayer->GetBits (i);
			pLayerBits = pLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left;
			::memcpy (pLayerBits, pSubLayerBits, nSubLayerWidth * 3);			
		BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL;
		BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL;
		for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++)
			pLayerAlpha = pLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i);
			pSubLayerAlpha = bUndo ? pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i) : pDecodingLayer->AlphaGetPointer (0, i);
			::memcpy (pLayerAlpha, pSubLayerAlpha, nSubLayerWidth);
		if (bUndo)
			// original layer is now decoded. decode sub-layers
			bIsSubLayerOwner = false;
			int nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nSubLayerId, bIsSubLayerOwner); // we always have bIsSubLayerOwner = false, its used for the reference only
			if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex < 0)
				throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");
			if (nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex <= igHeader.nNbLayers)
				for (int i = 0; i < pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers; i++)
					if (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i] <= nMaxSubLayerSectionIndex)
						if (!decodeSubLayer (file, pLayer, &pLayerSections [pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [i]]))
							throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "DecodeLayer", "decodeSubLayer failed");
		pLayer->info.xOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x;
		pLayer->info.yOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y;
	pLayer->SetId (nLayerIdx);
	delete [] pLayerSections;
	delete [] pSelectionSections;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CxImageIG::EncodeLayer (const wchar_t *pcwFilePath, int nLayerIdx, int nLayerPos, RECT *p_rcSubLayer, int nSubLayerOwnerId)
	CxIOFile file;
	if (!file.Open (pcwFilePath, L"r+b"))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "file.Open failed");
	// read current header
	IGHEADER igHeader;	
	if (!decodeHeader (&file, &igHeader))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "decodeHeader failed");

	if (!decodeSections (&file, &igHeader, &pLayerSections[0], &pSelectionSections[0]))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "decodeSections failed");

	IGLibrary::IGLayer *pLayer = GetLayer (nLayerPos);
	if (!pLayer)
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "GetLayer failed");
	_ASSERTE ((int)pLayer->GetId() == nLayerIdx && "CxImageIG::EncodeLayer FAILED");
	bool bIsSubLayerOwner = false;
	int nLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nLayerIdx, bIsSubLayerOwner);
	if (nLayerSectionIndex < 0)
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");
	if ((nLayerSectionIndex > igHeader.nNbLayers) || (nLayerSectionIndex >= CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");
	CxImage cxSubLayer;
	CxImage *pEncodingLayer = pLayer;
	int nSubLayerWidth = 0;
	int nSubLayerHeight = 0;
	if (p_rcSubLayer)
		// Encode sub-layer
		nSubLayerWidth = p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1;
		nSubLayerHeight = p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1;
		cxSubLayer.Create (nSubLayerWidth, nSubLayerHeight, 24);
		cxSubLayer.AlphaCreate (255);
		BYTE *pLayerBits = NULL;
		BYTE *pSubLayerBits = NULL;
		for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++)
			pSubLayerBits = cxSubLayer.GetBits (i);
			pLayerBits = pLayer->GetBits (p_rcSubLayer->top + i) + 3 * p_rcSubLayer->left;
			::memcpy (pSubLayerBits, pLayerBits, nSubLayerWidth * 3);
		BYTE *pLayerAlpha = NULL;
		BYTE *pSubLayerAlpha = NULL;
		for (int i = 0; i < nSubLayerHeight; i++)
			pLayerAlpha = pLayer->AlphaGetPointer (p_rcSubLayer->left, p_rcSubLayer->top + i);
			pSubLayerAlpha = cxSubLayer.AlphaGetPointer (0, i);		
			::memcpy (pSubLayerAlpha, pLayerAlpha, nSubLayerWidth);
		pEncodingLayer = &cxSubLayer;
		int nSubLayerSectionIndex = findLayerSectionIndex (&igHeader, pLayerSections, nSubLayerOwnerId, bIsSubLayerOwner);
		if (nSubLayerSectionIndex < 0)
			throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "findLayerSectionIndex failed");
		pLayerSections [nSubLayerSectionIndex].pnSubLayers [pLayerSections [nSubLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers++] = nLayerSectionIndex;
	ProgressSetRange (pLayer->GetHeight(), 0);
	ProgressSetMessage (L"Encoding layer...");	
	// fill layer offset and size
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].nSubLayers = 0;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.x = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->left : pLayer->info.xOffset;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptOffset.y = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->top : pLayer->info.yOffset;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.x = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->right - p_rcSubLayer->left + 1 : pLayer->GetWidth();
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].ptSize.y = p_rcSubLayer ? p_rcSubLayer->bottom - p_rcSubLayer->top + 1 : pLayer->GetHeight();
	if (nLayerSectionIndex == igHeader.nNbLayers)
		pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId = (BYTE)igHeader.nNbSections;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nId = nLayerIdx;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.eSectionType = IGSECTION_LAYER;
	// set byte offset
	if (igHeader.nNbSections == 0)
		pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset = sizeof (IGHEADER) + sizeof (IGSECTIONHEADER_LAYER) * CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBLAYERS + sizeof (IGSECTIONHEADER_SELECTION) * CXIMAGEIG_MAX_NBSELECTIONS;
		pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset = findSectionFirstByteOffset (&igHeader, pLayerSections, pSelectionSections, pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId);

	igHeader.nNbLayers = nLayerSectionIndex + 1;
	if (igHeader.nNbSelections == 0)
		igHeader.nNbSections = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1;
		igHeader.nNbSelections = igHeader.nNbSections - igHeader.nNbLayers;
		if (pSelectionSections [igHeader.nNbSelections - 1].commonHeader.nSectionId == pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1)
			igHeader.nNbSections = igHeader.nNbSelections + igHeader.nNbLayers;
			igHeader.nNbSections = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSectionId + 1;
			igHeader.nNbSelections = igHeader.nNbSections - igHeader.nNbLayers;

	// write layer pixels
	if (!file.Seek (pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset, SEEK_SET))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "file.Seek failed");

	// set max JPEG quality
	float fCurQuality = pEncodingLayer->GetJpegQualityF();
	pEncodingLayer->SetJpegQualityF (100.0f);
	// JPEG encoding
	if (!pEncodingLayer->Encode (&memFile, CXIMAGEIG_LAYERFORMAT))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "pEncodingLayer->Encode failed");
	BYTE *pBufImg = memFile.GetBuffer();
	long nSizeBufImg = memFile.Tell();
	// reset JPEG quality
	pEncodingLayer->SetJpegQualityF (fCurQuality);
	file.Write (pBufImg, nSizeBufImg, 1);
	delete [] pBufImg;
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nSizeBuf = nSizeBufImg;
	// write layer alpha
	if (!pEncodingLayer->pAlpha)
	int nNbPixels = pEncodingLayer->GetWidth() * pEncodingLayer->GetHeight();
	file.Write (pEncodingLayer->pAlpha, nNbPixels, 1);
	pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nEndByteOffset = pLayerSections [nLayerSectionIndex].commonHeader.nFirstByteOffset + nSizeBufImg + nNbPixels;

	// write new headers
	if (!encodeHeader (&file, &igHeader))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "encodeHeader failed");
	if (!encodeSections (&file, &igHeader, pLayerSections, pSelectionSections))
		throw IGEXCEPTION (CxImageIGException, "EncodeLayer", "encodeSections failed");
	delete [] pLayerSections;
	delete [] pSelectionSections;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// CMainFrame message handlers
void CMainFrame::OnEditPaste() 
	CDemoDoc *NewDoc=(CDemoDoc*)((CDemoApp*)AfxGetApp())->demoTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL); 

	if (NewDoc)
		if (OpenClipboard())
			if (hData = GetClipboardData(((CDemoApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetCF())){ //custom CxImage object
				CxImage *newima = new CxImage();
				DWORD dwSize = GlobalSize(hData);
				if (dwSize) {
					BYTE *lpVoid = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hData);
				NewDoc->image = newima;
			} else if (hData = GetClipboardData(CF_DIB)){ // check if bitmap
				CxImage *newima = new CxImage();
				NewDoc->image = newima;
			} else  {		
				if (hData = GetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE)) //check if metafile
					GetEnhMetaFileHeader(hMeta, sizeof(emh), &emh); 

					int	cx,cy;
					cx = (int)((emh.rclBounds.right - emh.rclBounds.left)/2.54);
					cy = (int)((emh.rclBounds.bottom - emh.rclBounds.top)/2.54);

					HDC hDC0 = ::GetDC(0); // screen dc
					HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC0, cx, cy);
					HDC	hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC0);	// memory dc compatible with screen
					::ReleaseDC(0, hDC0);	// don't need anymore. get rid of it.

					if (hDC && hBitmap){

						RECT rc = {0,0,cx,cy};
						int bpp = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL);

						HBITMAP hBitmapOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hDC, hBitmap);

						// paint the background
						DWORD	dwBack = RGB(255, 255, 255); //GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
						DWORD OldColor = SetBkColor(hDC, dwBack);
						ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, NULL, 0, NULL);
						SetBkColor(hDC, OldColor);

						// Play the Metafile into Memory DC
						BOOL bRet = PlayEnhMetaFile(hDC, hMeta,	&rc);

						SelectObject(hDC, hBitmapOld);

						CxImage *newima = new CxImage();
						if(bRet && newima->Create(cx, cy, bpp, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF)){
							bRet = GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, 0,	(UINT)cy, newima->GetBits(),
								             (LPBITMAPINFO)newima->GetDIB(), DIB_RGB_COLORS);

							NewDoc->image = newima;
							delete newima;
					if (hBitmap) DeleteObject(hBitmap);
					if (hDC) DeleteDC(hDC);


		CString s;
		s.Format(_T("Clipboard Image %d"),((CDemoApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_nDocCount++);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  __declspec(dllexport) bool LoadImageFromMemory(const BYTE *buffer, unsigned int size, const char *mime, unsigned int maxwidth, unsigned int maxheight, ImageInfo *info)
    if (!buffer || !size || !mime || !info) return false;

    // load the image
    if (strlen(mime))
      dwImageType = GetImageType(mime);
    if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      dwImageType = DetectFileType(buffer, size);
    if (dwImageType == CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to determine image type.");
      return false;

    CxImage *image = new CxImage(dwImageType);
    if (!image)
      return false;

    int actualwidth = maxwidth;
    int actualheight = maxheight;

      bool success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, dwImageType, actualwidth, actualheight);
      if (!success && dwImageType != CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
      { // try to decode with unknown imagetype
        success = image->Decode((BYTE*)buffer, size, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);
      if (!success || !image->IsValid())
        printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image. Error:%s\n", image->GetLastError());
        delete image;
        return false;
    catch (...)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImageFromMemory: Unable to decode image.");
      delete image;
      return false;

    // ok, now resample the image down if necessary
    if (ResampleKeepAspect(*image, maxwidth, maxheight) < 0)
      printf("PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to resample picture\n");
      delete image;
      return false;

    // make sure our image is 24bit minimum

    // fill in our struct
    info->width = image->GetWidth();
    info->height = image->GetHeight();
    info->originalwidth = actualwidth;
    info->originalheight = actualheight;
    memcpy(&info->exifInfo, image->GetExifInfo(), sizeof(EXIFINFO));

    // create our texture
    info->context = image;
    info->texture = image->GetBits();
    info->alpha = image->AlphaGetBits();
    return (info->texture != NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 8
// return number of faces and score
void detectFaces(const CxImage& img, std::list <Face>& lFaces, int nRot)
	if (cascade_el == NULL || cascade_er == NULL || cascade_f == NULL || cascade_m == NULL || cascade_n == NULL)
	CxImage imgRotated (img);
	IplImage *pIplImage = cvCreateImageHeader (cvSize (img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()), 8, img.GetBpp() / 8);
	pIplImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)imgRotated.GetDIB();
	pIplImage->imageData = (char*)imgRotated.GetBits();

	CvMemStorage			*storage;

	/* setup memory storage, needed by the object detector */
	storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);

	assert(cascade_f && cascade_el && cascade_er && cascade_m && cascade_n && storage);

	/* haar detection for faces */
	CvSeq *pFaces = cvHaarDetectObjects(
		pIplImage, cascade_f, storage,
		1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize( 40, 40 ) );
	if (pFaces->total == 0)

	CvSeq seqFaces (*pFaces);
	list <CvRect> lrFaces;
	for(int idxFace = 0; idxFace < seqFaces.total; idxFace++ ) {
		CvRect *r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&seqFaces, idxFace);
		if (r)
			lrFaces.push_back (*r);

	/* haar detection for eyes */
	list<pair <RECT, RECT>> lpairEyes;
	detect_eyes (storage, pIplImage, lpairEyes);
	/* haar detection for mouths */
	list<RECT> lMouths;
	detect_mouths (storage, pIplImage, lMouths);
	/* haar detection for noses */
	list<RECT> lNoses;
	detect_noses (storage, pIplImage, lNoses);
	for(list <CvRect>::iterator itFace = lrFaces.begin(); itFace != lrFaces.end(); ++itFace) {
		CvRect r (*itFace);
		CvRect rFace (*itFace);
		rFace.x = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width;
		rFace.y = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height;
		RECT rcFace; 
		rcFace.left = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width - 10; rcFace.right = img.GetWidth() - r.x + 10;
		rcFace.top = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height - 10; rcFace.bottom = img.GetHeight() - r.y + 10;

		/* detect current eyes */
		pair <RECT, RECT> pairEyes;
		match_eyes_with_face (lpairEyes, rFace, pairEyes);

		/* detect current mouth */
		RECT rcMouth;
		match_mouths_with_face (lMouths, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth);

		/* detect current nose */
		RECT rcNose;
		match_noses_with_face (lNoses, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose);

		lFaces.push_back (Face (rcFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose, nRot));

	cvReleaseMemStorage (&storage);

	cvReleaseImageHeader (&pIplImage);