Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(void)
	cout << "Welcome." << endl;

	DBClientConnection conn;
	string option;
	string code;
	string cmd;


		cout << "> ";
		getline(cin, cmd);

		if(cmd.substr(0,4) == "quit"){
				return 0;
        }else if(cmd.substr(0,5) == "check"){

	    }else if(cmd.substr(0,3) == "set"){
	        dealSet(cmd, code, option);
			//cout << code << option;

			if(option == "-n" || option == "-N")
	            conn.update("HXTBBH.coupon", BSON("code" << code), BSON("$set" << BSON("status" << "unused")));
	        else if(option == "-y" || option == "-Y")
	            conn.update("HXTBBH.coupon", BSON("code" << code), BSON("$set" << BSON("status" << "used")));
				cout << "synax error!" << endl;
	    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FXtoBSON::aggregateToDB(const char & t,
			     DBClientConnection &c){
  case 'h':
    c.update(dbH, find(time0, 'h'),
	     BSON("$set" << BSON("quote" <<
    Hour.setZero(60, 5);
  case 'd':
    c.update(dbD, find(time0, 'd'),
	     BSON("$set" << BSON("quote" <<
				      aggregate('d'))), true); 
    Day.setZero(24, 5);
  case 'm':
    c.update(dbM, find(time0, 'm'),
	     BSON("$set" << BSON("quote" <<
				      aggregate('m'))), true);
  case 'y':
    c.update(dbY, find(time0, 'y'),
	     BSON("$set" << BSON("quote" <<
				      aggregate('y'))), true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FXtoBSON::addMinToDB(const BSONObj & document,
			  DBClientConnection & c){
  BSONObj FINDhour = find(time1, 'h');
  auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = c.query(dbH, FINDhour);
    c.update(dbH , FINDhour, BSON("$set" << document));
  } else {
    c.update(dbH, FINDhour,
	     BSON("$set" << emptyDoc('h')), true);
    c.update(dbH, FINDhour, BSON("$set" << document));
Ejemplo n.º 4
int em_mongodb::setvalue(std::string dbcoll,mongo::Query cond,BSONObj valObj,bool flag)	
	int ret = MDB_FAIL_SET;
	DBClientConnection* pconn = getConn();
		return ret;

	std::string errmsg = pconn->getLastError();
	std::cout << "em_mongodb::setvalue: " << errmsg << std::endl;
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_iomux);
	m_connpool[pconn] = false;
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void FXtoBSON::updateDoc(const char &t, DBClientConnection &c){
  case 'd':
      BSONObj findHour = find(time0, 'h');
      BSONObj findDay = find(time0, 'd');
      auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> curH = c.query(dbH, findHour, 0, 0, &projId);
	c.update(dbD, findDay,
		 BSON("$setOnInsert" << emptyDoc('d')), true);
	c.update(dbD, findDay,
		 BSON("$set" << 
			   << curH->next().getField("_id"))));
  case 'm':
      BSONObj findDay = find(time0, 'd');
      BSONObj findMonth = find(time0, 'm');
      auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> curD = c.query(dbD, findDay, 0, 0, &projId);
	c.update(dbM, findMonth,
		 BSON("$setOnInsert" << emptyDoc('m')), true);
	c.update(dbM, findMonth,
		 BSON("$set" <<
			   << curD->next().getField("_id"))));
  case 'y':
      BSONObj findMonth = find(time0, 'm');
      BSONObj findYear = find(time0, 'y');
      auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> curM = c.query(dbM, findMonth,
					      0, 0, &projId);
	c.update(dbY, findYear,
		 BSON("$setOnInsert" << emptyDoc('y')), true);
	c.update(dbY, findYear,
		 BSON("$set" << 
		      BSON(to_string(time0.tm_mon) <<
  } // switch end
Ejemplo n.º 6
v8::Handle<v8::Value> mongoUpdate(const v8::Arguments& args){
    jsassert( args.Length() >= 3 , "update needs at least 3 args" );
    jsassert( args[1]->IsObject() , "1st param to update has to be an object" );
    jsassert( args[2]->IsObject() , "2nd param to update has to be an object" );

    DBClientConnection * conn = getConnection( args );
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> q = args[1]->ToObject();
    v8::Handle<v8::Object> o = args[2]->ToObject();
    bool upsert = args.Length() > 3 && args[3]->IsBoolean() && args[3]->ToBoolean()->Value();

    try {
        conn->update( ns , v8ToMongo( q ) , v8ToMongo( o ) , upsert );
    catch ( ... ){
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::String::New( "socket error on remove" ) );

    return v8::Undefined();
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Check the required number of command line arguments.
	if (argc != 5)
		cout << "usr host user pwd jobs_path" << endl;
		return 0;

	// Fetch command line arguments.
	const auto host = argv[1];
	const auto user = argv[2];
	const auto pwd = argv[3];
	const path jobs_path = argv[4];

	// Connect to host and authenticate user.
	DBClientConnection conn;
		cout << local_time() << "Connecting to " << host << " and authenticating " << user << endl;
		string errmsg;
		if ((!conn.connect(host, errmsg)) || (!conn.auth("istar", user, pwd, errmsg)))
			cerr << local_time() << errmsg << endl;
			return 1;

	// Initialize constants.
	cout << local_time() << "Initializing" << endl;
	const auto collection = "istar.usr";
	const auto epoch = date(1970, 1, 1);
	const size_t num_usrs = 2;
	constexpr array<size_t, num_usrs> qn{{ 12, 60 }};
	constexpr array<double, num_usrs> qv{{ 1.0 / qn[0], 1.0 / qn[1] }};
	const size_t num_references = 4;
	const size_t num_subsets = 5;
	const array<string, num_subsets> SubsetSMARTS
		"[!#1]", // heavy
		"[#6+0!$(*~[#7,#8,F]),SH0+0v2,s+0,S^3,Cl+0,Br+0,I+0]", // hydrophobic
		"[a]", // aromatic
		"[$([O,S;H1;v2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]),$([O,S;H0;v2]),$([O,S;-]),$([N&v3;H1,H2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]),$([N;v3;H0]),$([n,o,s;+0]),F]", // acceptor
		"[N!H0v3,N!H0+v4,OH+0,SH+0,nH+0]", // donor

	// Initialize variables.
	array<array<double, qn.back()>, 1> qw;
	array<array<double, qn.back()>, 1> lw;
	auto q = qw[0];
	auto l = lw[0];

	// Read ZINC ID file.
	const string_array<size_t> zincids("16_zincid.txt");
	const auto num_ligands = zincids.size();

	// Read SMILES file.
	const string_array<size_t> smileses("16_smiles.txt");
	assert(smileses.size() == num_ligands);

	// Read supplier file.
	const string_array<size_t> suppliers("16_supplier.txt");
	assert(suppliers.size() == num_ligands);

	// Read property files of floating point types and integer types.
	const auto zfproperties = read<array<float, 4>>("16_zfprop.f32");
	assert(zfproperties.size() == num_ligands);
	const auto ziproperties = read<array<int16_t, 5>>("16_ziprop.i16");
	assert(ziproperties.size() == num_ligands);

	// Open files for subsequent reading.
	std::ifstream usrcat_bin("16_usrcat.f64");
	stream_array<size_t> ligands("16_ligand.pdbqt");
	assert(ligands.size() == num_ligands);
	array<vector<double>, 2> scores
		vector<double>(num_ligands, 0),
		vector<double>(num_ligands, 0)
	const auto& u0scores = scores[0];
	const auto& u1scores = scores[1];
	vector<size_t> scase(num_ligands);

	// Enter event loop.
	cout << local_time() << "Entering event loop" << endl;
	bool sleeping = false;
	while (true)
		// Fetch an incompleted job in a first-come-first-served manner.
		if (!sleeping) cout << local_time() << "Fetching an incompleted job" << endl;
		BSONObj info;
		conn.runCommand("istar", BSON("findandmodify" << "usr" << "query" << BSON("done" << BSON("$exists" << false) << "started" << BSON("$exists" << false)) << "sort" << BSON("submitted" << 1) << "update" << BSON("$set" << BSON("started" << Date_t(duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count())))), info); // conn.findAndModify() is available since MongoDB C++ Driver legacy-1.0.0
		const auto value = info["value"];
		if (value.isNull())
			// No incompleted jobs. Sleep for a while.
			if (!sleeping) cout << local_time() << "Sleeping" << endl;
			sleeping = true;
		sleeping = false;
		const auto job = value.Obj();

		// Obtain job properties.
		const auto _id = job["_id"].OID();
		cout << local_time() << "Executing job " << _id.str() << endl;
		const auto job_path = jobs_path / _id.str();
		const auto format = job["format"].String();
		const auto email = job["email"].String();

		// Parse the user-supplied ligand.
		OBMol obMol;
		OBConversion obConversion;
		obConversion.ReadFile(&obMol, (job_path / ("ligand." + format)).string());
		const auto num_atoms = obMol.NumAtoms();
//		obMol.AddHydrogens(); // Adding hydrogens does not seem to affect SMARTS matching.

		// Classify subset atoms.
		array<vector<int>, num_subsets> subsets;
		for (size_t k = 0; k < num_subsets; ++k)
			auto& subset = subsets[k];
			OBSmartsPattern smarts;
			for (const auto& map : smarts.GetMapList())
		const auto& subset0 = subsets.front();

		// Check user-provided ligand validity.
		if (subset0.empty())
			// Record job completion time stamp.
			const auto millis_since_epoch = duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
			conn.update(collection, BSON("_id" << _id), BSON("$set" << BSON("done" << Date_t(millis_since_epoch))));

			// Send error notification email.
			cout << local_time() << "Sending an error notification email to " << email << endl;
			MailMessage message;
			message.setSender("usr <*****@*****.**>");
			message.setSubject("Your usr job has failed");
			message.setContent("Description: " + job["description"].String() + "\nSubmitted: " + to_simple_string(ptime(epoch, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(job["submitted"].Date().millis))) + " UTC\nFailed: " + to_simple_string(ptime(epoch, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(millis_since_epoch))) + " UTC\nReason: failed to parse the provided ligand.");
			message.addRecipient(MailRecipient(MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT, email));
			SMTPClientSession session("");

		// Calculate the four reference points.
		const auto n = subset0.size();
		const auto v = 1.0 / n;
		array<vector3, num_references> references{};
		auto& ctd = references[0];
		auto& cst = references[1];
		auto& fct = references[2];
		auto& ftf = references[3];
		for (const auto i : subset0)
			ctd += obMol.GetAtom(i)->GetVector();
		ctd *= v;
		double cst_dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
		double fct_dist = numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
		double ftf_dist = numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
		for (const auto i : subset0)
			const auto& a = obMol.GetAtom(i)->GetVector();
			const auto this_dist = a.distSq(ctd);
			if (this_dist < cst_dist)
				cst = a;
				cst_dist = this_dist;
			if (this_dist > fct_dist)
				fct = a;
				fct_dist = this_dist;
		for (const auto i : subset0)
			const auto& a = obMol.GetAtom(i)->GetVector();
			const auto this_dist = a.distSq(fct);
			if (this_dist > ftf_dist)
				ftf = a;
				ftf_dist = this_dist;

		// Precalculate the distances between each atom and each reference point.
		array<vector<double>, num_references> dista;
		for (size_t k = 0; k < num_references; ++k)
			const auto& reference = references[k];
			auto& dists = dista[k];
			dists.resize(1 + num_atoms); // OpenBabel atom index starts from 1. dists[0] is dummy.
			for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
				dists[subset0[i]] = sqrt(obMol.GetAtom(subset0[i])->GetVector().distSq(reference));

		// Calculate USR and USRCAT features of the input ligand.
		size_t qo = 0;
		for (const auto& subset : subsets)
			const auto n = subset.size();
			for (size_t k = 0; k < num_references; ++k)
				const auto& distp = dista[k];
				vector<double> dists(n);
				for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
					dists[i] = distp[subset[i]];
				array<double, 3> m{};
				if (n > 2)
					const auto v = 1.0 / n;
					for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
						const auto d = dists[i];
						m[0] += d;
					m[0] *= v;
					for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
						const auto d = dists[i] - m[0];
						m[1] += d * d;
					m[1] = sqrt(m[1] * v);
					for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
						const auto d = dists[i] - m[0];
						m[2] += d * d * d;
					m[2] = cbrt(m[2] * v);
				else if (n == 2)
					m[0] = 0.5 *     (dists[0] + dists[1]);
					m[1] = 0.5 * fabs(dists[0] - dists[1]);
				else if (n == 1)
					m[0] = dists[0];
				#pragma unroll
				for (const auto e : m)
					q[qo++] = e;
		assert(qo == qn.back());

		// Compute USR and USRCAT scores.
		for (size_t k = 0; k < num_ligands; ++k)
			usrcat_bin.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(l.data()), sizeof(l));
			double s = 0;
			#pragma unroll
			for (size_t i = 0, u = 0; u < num_usrs; ++u)
				#pragma unroll
				for (const auto qnu = qn[u]; i < qnu; ++i)
					s += fabs(q[i] - l[i]);
				scores[u][k] = s;
		assert(usrcat_bin.tellg() == sizeof(l) * num_ligands);

		// Sort ligands by USRCAT score and then by USR score and then by ZINC ID.
		iota(scase.begin(), scase.end(), 0);
		sort(scase.begin(), scase.end(), [&](const size_t val0, const size_t val1)
			const auto u1score0 = u1scores[val0];
			const auto u1score1 = u1scores[val1];
			if (u1score0 == u1score1)
				const auto u0score0 = u0scores[val0];
				const auto u0score1 = u0scores[val1];
				if (u0score0 == u0score1)
					return zincids[val0] < zincids[val1];
				return u0score0 < u0score1;
			return u1score0 < u1score1;

		// Write results.
		filtering_ostream log_csv_gz;
		log_csv_gz.push(file_sink((job_path / "log.csv.gz").string()));
		log_csv_gz.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
		log_csv_gz << "ZINC ID,USR score,USRCAT score\n" << setprecision(8);
		filtering_ostream ligands_pdbqt_gz;
		ligands_pdbqt_gz.push(file_sink((job_path / "ligands.pdbqt.gz").string()));
		ligands_pdbqt_gz.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
		for (size_t t = 0; t < 10000; ++t)
			const size_t k = scase[t];
			const auto zincid = zincids[k].substr(0, 8); // Take another substr() to get rid of the trailing newline.
			const auto u0score = 1 / (1 + scores[0][k] * qv[0]);
			const auto u1score = 1 / (1 + scores[1][k] * qv[1]);
			log_csv_gz << zincid << ',' << u0score << ',' << u1score << '\n';

			// Only write conformations of the top ligands to ligands.pdbqt.gz.
			if (t >= 1000) continue;

			const auto zfp = zfproperties[k];
			const auto zip = ziproperties[k];
				<< "MODEL " << '\n'
				<< "REMARK 911 " << zincid
				<< setprecision(3)
				<< ' ' << setw(8) << zfp[0]
				<< ' ' << setw(8) << zfp[1]
				<< ' ' << setw(8) << zfp[2]
				<< ' ' << setw(8) << zfp[3]
				<< ' ' << setw(3) << zip[0]
				<< ' ' << setw(3) << zip[1]
				<< ' ' << setw(3) << zip[2]
				<< ' ' << setw(3) << zip[3]
				<< ' ' << setw(3) << zip[4]
				<< '\n'
				<< "REMARK 912 " << smileses[k]  // A newline is already included in smileses[k].
				<< "REMARK 913 " << suppliers[k] // A newline is already included in suppliers[k].
				<< setprecision(8)
				<< "REMARK 951    USR SCORE: " << setw(10) << u0score << '\n'
				<< "REMARK 952 USRCAT SCORE: " << setw(10) << u1score << '\n'
			const auto lig = ligands[k];
			ligands_pdbqt_gz.write(lig.data(), lig.size());
			ligands_pdbqt_gz << "ENDMDL\n";

		// Update progress.
		cout << local_time() << "Setting done time" << endl;
		const auto millis_since_epoch = duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
		conn.update(collection, BSON("_id" << _id), BSON("$set" << BSON("done" << Date_t(millis_since_epoch))));

		// Send completion notification email.
		cout << local_time() << "Sending a completion notification email to " << email << endl;
		MailMessage message;
		message.setSender("istar <*****@*****.**>");
		message.setSubject("Your usr job has completed");
		message.setContent("Description: " + job["description"].String() + "\nSubmitted: " + to_simple_string(ptime(epoch, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(job["submitted"].Date().millis))) + " UTC\nCompleted: " + to_simple_string(ptime(epoch, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(millis_since_epoch))) + " UTC\nResult: http://istar.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/usr/iview/?" + _id.str());
		message.addRecipient(MailRecipient(MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT, email));
		SMTPClientSession session("");
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main( int argc, const char **argv ) {

    const char *port = "27017";
    if ( argc != 1 ) {
        if ( argc != 3 )
            throw -12;
        port = argv[ 2 ];

    DBClientConnection conn;
    string errmsg;
    if ( ! conn.connect( string( "" ) + port , errmsg ) ) {
        cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl;
        throw -11;

    const char * ns = "test.test1";


    // clean up old data from any previous tests
    conn.remove( ns, BSONObj() );
    assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // test insert
    conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
    assert( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // test remove
    conn.remove( ns, BSONObj() );
    assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // insert, findOne testing
    conn.insert( ns , BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
        BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() );
        assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
        assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
        assert( 1 == res.getIntField( "num" ) );

    // cursor
    conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "sara" << "num" << 2 ) );
        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSONObj() );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        assert( count == 2 );

        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 1 ) );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        assert( count == 1 );

        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 3 ) );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        assert( count == 0 );

    // update
        BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );

        BSONObj after = BSONObjBuilder().appendElements( res ).append( "name2" , "h" ).obj();

        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after );
        res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        assert( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
        assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );

        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() , after );
        res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
        assert( strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "h" ) );
        assert( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );

        // upsert
        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after , 1 );
        assert( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );


    { // ensure index
        assert( conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );
        assert( ! conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );

    { // hint related tests
        assert( conn.findOne(ns, "{}")["name"].str() == "sara" );

        assert( conn.findOne(ns, "{ name : 'eliot' }")["name"].str() == "eliot" );
        assert( conn.getLastError() == "" );

        // nonexistent index test
        bool asserted = false;
        try {
            conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:\"eliot\"}").hint("{foo:1}"));
        catch ( ... ){
            asserted = true;
        assert( asserted );

        //existing index
        assert( conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:'eliot'}").hint("{name:1}")).hasElement("name") );

        // run validate
        assert( conn.validate( ns ) );

    { // timestamp test

        const char * tsns = "test.tstest1";
        conn.dropCollection( tsns );

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendTimestamp( "ts" );
            conn.insert( tsns , b.obj() );

        mongo::BSONObj out = conn.findOne( tsns , mongo::BSONObj() );
        Date_t oldTime = out["ts"].timestampTime();
        unsigned int oldInc = out["ts"].timestampInc();

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b1;
            b1.append( out["_id"] );

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b2;
            b2.append( out["_id"] );
            b2.appendTimestamp( "ts" );

            conn.update( tsns , b1.obj() , b2.obj() );

        BSONObj found = conn.findOne( tsns , mongo::BSONObj() );
        cout << "old: " << out << "\nnew: " << found << endl;
        assert( ( oldTime < found["ts"].timestampTime() ) ||
                ( oldTime == found["ts"].timestampTime() && oldInc < found["ts"].timestampInc() ) );

    { // check that killcursors doesn't affect last error
        assert( conn.getLastError().empty() );
        BufBuilder b;
        b.appendNum( (int)0 ); // reserved
        b.appendNum( (int)-1 ); // invalid # of cursors triggers exception
        b.appendNum( (int)-1 ); // bogus cursor id
        Message m;
        m.setData( dbKillCursors, b.buf(), b.len() );
        // say() is protected in DBClientConnection, so get superclass
        static_cast< DBConnector* >( &conn )->say( m );
        assert( conn.getLastError().empty() );

        list<string> l = conn.getDatabaseNames();
        for ( list<string>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ){
            cout << "db name : " << *i << endl;

        l = conn.getCollectionNames( "test" );
        for ( list<string>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ){
            cout << "coll name : " << *i << endl;

    cout << "client test finished!" << endl;
/* ****************************************************************************
* mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription - 
HttpStatusCode mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription(UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionRequest* requestP, UpdateContextAvailabilitySubscriptionResponse* responseP, Format inFormat, const std::string& tenant)
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("Update Context Subscription"));
  reqSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request");

  DBClientConnection* connection = getMongoConnection();

  /* Look for document */
  BSONObj  sub;
  try {
      OID id = OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get());

      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      sub = connection->findOne(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << id));
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const AssertionException &e ) {
      /* This happens when OID format is wrong */
      // FIXME: this checking should be done at parsing stage, without progressing to
      // mongoBackend. By the moment we can live this here, but we should remove in the future
      // (old issue #95)
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo assertion exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo assertion exception)");

      return SccOk;
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                " - exception: " + e.what());
      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "findOne from SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - findOne() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get() +
                                " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  if (sub.isEmpty()) {
     reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (no subscriptions found)");
     return SccOk;

  /* We start with an empty BSONObjBuilder and process requestP for all the fields that can
   * be updated. I don't like too much this strategy (I would have preferred to start with
   * a copy of the original document, then modify as neded, but this doesn't seem to be easy
   * using the API provide by the Mongo C++ driver)
   * FIXME: a better implementation strategy could be doing an findAndModify() query to do the
   * update, so detecting if the document was not found, instead of using findOne() + update()
   * with $set operation. One operations to MongoDb. vs two operations.
  BSONObjBuilder newSub;

  /* Entities (mandatory) */
  BSONArrayBuilder entities;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->entityIdVector.size(); ++ix) {
      EntityId* en = requestP->entityIdVector.get(ix);
      if (en->type == "") {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));
      else {
          entities.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << en->id <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE << en->type <<
                               CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << en->isPattern));

  newSub.append(CASUB_ENTITIES, entities.arr());

  /* Attributes (always taken into account) */
  BSONArrayBuilder attrs;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < requestP->attributeList.size(); ++ix) {
  newSub.append(CASUB_ATTRS, attrs.arr());

  /* Duration (optional) */
  if (requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {
      newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, sub.getField(CASUB_EXPIRATION).numberLong());
  else {
      long long expiration = getCurrentTime() + requestP->duration.parse();
      newSub.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, expiration);
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("New subscription expiration: %l", expiration));

  /* Reference is not updatable, so it is appended directly */

  int count = sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT) ? sub.getIntField(CASUB_COUNT) : 0;

  /* The hasField check is needed due to lastNotification/count could not be present in the original doc */
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_LASTNOTIFICATION)) {
  if (sub.hasField(CASUB_COUNT)) {
      newSub.append(CASUB_COUNT, count);

  /* Adding format to use in notifications */
  newSub.append(CASUB_FORMAT, std::string(formatToString(inFormat)));

  /* Update document in MongoDB */
  BSONObj update = newSub.obj();
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("update() in '%s' collection _id '%s': %s}", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(),
  try {
      mongoSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
      connection->update(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), BSON("_id" << OID(requestP->subscriptionId.get())), update);
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection");
  catch( const DBException &e ) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo db exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo db exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                " - exception: " + e.what());

      return SccOk;
  catch(...) {
      mongoSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "update in SubscribeContextAvailabilityCollection (mongo generic exception)");
      reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request (mongo generic exception)");

                                std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
                                " - update() _id: " + requestP->subscriptionId.get().c_str() +
                                " - update() doc: " + update.toString() +
                                " - exception: " + "generic");
      return SccOk;

  /* Send notifications for matching context registrations */
  processAvailabilitySubscription(requestP->entityIdVector, requestP->attributeList, requestP->subscriptionId.get(), STR_FIELD(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE), inFormat, tenant);

  /* Duration is an optional parameter, it is only added in the case they
   * was used for update */
  if (!requestP->duration.isEmpty()) {      
      responseP->duration = requestP->duration;

  responseP->subscriptionId = requestP->subscriptionId;

  reqSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "ngsi9 update subscription request");

  return SccOk;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Check the required number of command line arguments.
	if (argc != 5)
		cout << "usr host user pwd jobs_path" << endl;
		return 0;

	// Fetch command line arguments.
	const auto host = argv[1];
	const auto user = argv[2];
	const auto pwd = argv[3];
	const path jobs_path = argv[4];

	DBClientConnection conn;
		// Connect to host and authenticate user.
		cout << local_time() << "Connecting to " << host << " and authenticating " << user << endl;
		string errmsg;
		if ((!conn.connect(host, errmsg)) || (!conn.auth("istar", user, pwd, errmsg)))
			cerr << local_time() << errmsg << endl;
			return 1;

	// Initialize constants.
	cout << local_time() << "Initializing" << endl;
	const auto collection = "istar.usr2";
	const size_t num_usrs = 2;
	const array<string, 2> usr_names{{ "USR", "USRCAT" }};
	constexpr array<size_t, num_usrs> qn{{ 12, 60 }};
	constexpr array<double, num_usrs> qv{{ 1.0 / qn[0], 1.0 / qn[1] }};
	const size_t num_refPoints = 4;
	const size_t num_subsets = 5;
	const array<string, num_subsets> SubsetSMARTS
		"[!#1]", // heavy
		"[#6+0!$(*~[#7,#8,F]),SH0+0v2,s+0,S^3,Cl+0,Br+0,I+0]", // hydrophobic
		"[a]", // aromatic
		"[$([O,S;H1;v2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]),$([O,S;H0;v2]),$([O,S;-]),$([N&v3;H1,H2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]),$([N;v3;H0]),$([n,o,s;+0]),F]", // acceptor
		"[N!H0v3,N!H0+v4,OH+0,SH+0,nH+0]", // donor
	const size_t num_hits = 100;

	// Wrap SMARTS strings to RWMol objects.
	array<unique_ptr<ROMol>, num_subsets> SubsetMols;
	for (size_t k = 0; k < num_subsets; ++k)

	// Read ZINC ID file.
	const string_array<size_t> zincids("16/zincid.txt");
	const auto num_ligands = zincids.size();
	cout << local_time() << "Found " << num_ligands << " database molecules" << endl;

	// Read SMILES file.
	const string_array<size_t> smileses("16/smiles.txt");
	assert(smileses.size() == num_ligands);

	// Read supplier file.
	const string_array<size_t> suppliers("16/supplier.txt");
	assert(suppliers.size() == num_ligands);

	// Read property files of floating point types and integer types.
	const auto zfproperties = read<array<float, 4>>("16/zfprop.f32");
	assert(zfproperties.size() == num_ligands);
	const auto ziproperties = read<array<int16_t, 5>>("16/ziprop.i16");
	assert(ziproperties.size() == num_ligands);

	// Read cumulative number of conformers file.
	const auto mconfss = read<size_t>("16/mconfs.u64");
	const auto num_conformers = mconfss.back();
	assert(mconfss.size() == num_ligands);
	assert(num_conformers >= num_ligands);
	cout << local_time() << "Found " << num_conformers << " database conformers" << endl;

	// Read feature file.
	const auto features = read<array<double, qn.back()>>("16/usrcat.f64");
	assert(features.size() == num_conformers);

	// Read ligand footer file and open ligand SDF file for seeking and reading.
	stream_array<size_t> ligands("16/ligand.sdf");
	assert(ligands.size() == num_conformers);

	// Initialize variables.
	array<vector<int>, num_subsets> subsets;
	array<vector<double>, num_refPoints> dista;
	alignas(32) array<double, qn.back()> q;

	// Initialize vectors to store compounds' primary score and their corresponding conformer.
	vector<double> scores(num_ligands); // Primary score of molecules.
	vector<size_t> cnfids(num_ligands); // ID of conformer with the best primary score.
	const auto compare = [&](const size_t val0, const size_t val1) // Sort by the primary score.
		return scores[val0] < scores[val1];

	// Initialize an io service pool and create worker threads for later use.
	const size_t num_threads = thread::hardware_concurrency();
	cout << local_time() << "Creating an io service pool of " << num_threads << " worker threads" << endl;
	io_service_pool io(num_threads);
	safe_counter<size_t> cnt;

	// Initialize the number of chunks and the number of molecules per chunk.
	const auto num_chunks = num_threads << 4;
	const auto chunk_size = 1 + (num_ligands - 1) / num_chunks;
	assert(chunk_size * num_chunks >= num_ligands);
	assert(chunk_size >= num_hits);
	cout << local_time() << "Using " << num_chunks << " chunks and a chunk size of " << chunk_size << endl;
	vector<size_t> scase(num_ligands);
	vector<size_t> zcase(num_hits * (num_chunks - 1) + min(num_hits, num_ligands - chunk_size * (num_chunks - 1))); // The last chunk might have fewer than num_hits records.

	// Enter event loop.
	cout << local_time() << "Entering event loop" << endl;
	cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
	bool sleeping = false;
	while (true)
		// Fetch an incompleted job in a first-come-first-served manner.
		if (!sleeping) cout << local_time() << "Fetching an incompleted job" << endl;
		BSONObj info;
		const auto started = milliseconds_since_epoch();
		conn.runCommand("istar", BSON("findandmodify" << "usr2" << "query" << BSON("started" << BSON("$exists" << false)) << "sort" << BSON("submitted" << 1) << "update" << BSON("$set" << BSON("started" << started))), info); // conn.findAndModify() is available since MongoDB C++ Driver legacy-1.0.0
		const auto value = info["value"];
		if (value.isNull())
			// No incompleted jobs. Sleep for a while.
			if (!sleeping) cout << local_time() << "Sleeping" << endl;
			sleeping = true;
		sleeping = false;
		const auto job = value.Obj();

		// Obtain job properties.
		const auto _id = job["_id"].OID();
		cout << local_time() << "Executing job " << _id.str() << endl;
		const auto job_path = jobs_path / _id.str();
		const size_t usr0 = job["usr"].Int(); // Specify the primary sorting score. 0: USR; 1: USRCAT.
		assert(usr0 == 0 || usr0 == 1);
		const auto usr1 = usr0 ^ 1;
		const auto qnu0 = qn[usr0];
		const auto qnu1 = qn[usr1];

		// Read and validate the user-supplied SDF file.
		cout << local_time() << "Reading and validating the query file" << endl;
		SDMolSupplier sup((job_path / "query.sdf").string(), true, false, true); // sanitize, removeHs, strictParsing
		if (!sup.length() || !sup.atEnd())
			const auto error = 1;
			cout << local_time() << "Failed to parse the query file, error code = " << error << endl;
			conn.update(collection, BSON("_id" << _id), BSON("$set" << BSON("completed" << milliseconds_since_epoch() << "error" << error)));

		// Process each of the query molecules sequentially.
		const auto num_queries = 1; // Restrict the number of query molecules to 1. Setting num_queries = sup.length() to execute any number of query molecules.
		for (unsigned int query_number = 0; query_number < num_queries; ++query_number)
			cout << local_time() << "Parsing query molecule " << query_number << endl;
			const unique_ptr<ROMol> qry_ptr(sup.next()); // Calling next() may print "ERROR: Could not sanitize molecule on line XXXX" to stderr.
			auto& qryMol = *qry_ptr;

			// Get the number of atoms, including and excluding hydrogens.
			const auto num_atoms = qryMol.getNumAtoms();
			const auto num_heavy_atoms = qryMol.getNumHeavyAtoms();
			cout << local_time() << "Found " << num_atoms << " atoms and " << num_heavy_atoms << " heavy atoms" << endl;

			// Create an output directory.
			cout << local_time() << "Creating output directory" << endl;
			const auto output_dir = job_path / to_string(query_number);

			// Draw a SVG.
			cout << local_time() << "Drawing a SVG" << endl;
				const unique_ptr<ROMol> qrz_ptr(removeHs(qryMol));
				auto& qrzMol = *qrz_ptr;
				boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(output_dir / "query.svg");
				ofs << DrawingToSVG(MolToDrawing(qrzMol));

			// Calculate Morgan fingerprint.
			cout << local_time() << "Calculating Morgan fingerprint" << endl;
			const unique_ptr<SparseIntVect<uint32_t>> qryFp(getFingerprint(qryMol, 2));

			// Classify atoms to pharmacophoric subsets.
			cout << local_time() << "Classifying atoms into subsets" << endl;
			for (size_t k = 0; k < num_subsets; ++k)
				vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> matchVect;
				SubstructMatch(qryMol, *SubsetMols[k], matchVect);
				const auto num_matches = matchVect.size();
				auto& subset = subsets[k];
				for (size_t i = 0; i < num_matches; ++i)
					subset[i] = matchVect[i].front().second;
				cout << local_time() << "Found " << num_matches << " atoms for subset " << k << endl;
			const auto& subset0 = subsets.front();
			assert(subset0.size() == num_heavy_atoms);

			// Calculate the four reference points.
			cout << local_time() << "Calculating " << num_refPoints << " reference points" << endl;
			const auto qryRefPoints = calcRefPoints(qryMol, subset0);
			const Point3DConstPtrVect qryRefPointv

			// Precalculate the distances of heavy atoms to the reference points, given that subsets[1 to 4] are subsets of subsets[0].
			cout << local_time() << "Calculating " << num_heavy_atoms * num_refPoints << " pairwise distances" << endl;
			const auto& qryCnf = qryMol.getConformer();
			for (size_t k = 0; k < num_refPoints; ++k)
				const auto& refPoint = qryRefPoints[k];
				auto& distp = dista[k];
				for (size_t i = 0; i < num_heavy_atoms; ++i)
					distp[subset0[i]] = sqrt(dist2(qryCnf.getAtomPos(subset0[i]), refPoint));

			// Loop over pharmacophoric subsets and reference points.
			cout << local_time() << "Calculating " << 3 * num_refPoints * num_subsets << " moments of USRCAT feature" << endl;
			size_t qo = 0;
			for (const auto& subset : subsets)
				const auto n = subset.size();
				for (size_t k = 0; k < num_refPoints; ++k)
					// Load distances from precalculated ones.
					const auto& distp = dista[k];
					vector<double> dists(n);
					for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
						dists[i] = distp[subset[i]];

					// Compute moments.
					array<double, 3> m{};
					if (n > 2)
						const auto v = 1.0 / n;
						for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
							const auto d = dists[i];
							m[0] += d;
						m[0] *= v;
						for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
							const auto d = dists[i] - m[0];
							m[1] += d * d;
						m[1] = sqrt(m[1] * v);
						for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
							const auto d = dists[i] - m[0];
							m[2] += d * d * d;
						m[2] = cbrt(m[2] * v);
					else if (n == 2)
						m[0] = 0.5 *     (dists[0] + dists[1]);
						m[1] = 0.5 * fabs(dists[0] - dists[1]);
					else if (n == 1)
						m[0] = dists[0];
					for (const auto e : m)
						q[qo++] = e;
			assert(qo == qn.back());

			// Compute USR and USRCAT scores.
			cout << local_time() << "Calculating " << num_ligands << " " << usr_names[usr0] << " scores" << endl;
			scores.assign(scores.size(), numeric_limits<double>::max());
			iota(scase.begin(), scase.end(), 0);
			for (size_t l = 0; l < num_chunks; ++l)
					// Loop over molecules of the current chunk.
					const auto chunk_beg = chunk_size * l;
					const auto chunk_end = min(chunk_beg + chunk_size, num_ligands);
					for (size_t k = chunk_beg; k < chunk_end; ++k)
						// Loop over conformers of the current molecule and calculate their primary score.
						auto& scorek = scores[k];
						size_t j = k ? mconfss[k - 1] : 0;
						for (const auto mconfs = mconfss[k]; j < mconfs; ++j)
							const auto& d = features[j];
							double s = 0;
							for (size_t i = 0; i < qnu0; ++i)
								s += abs(q[i] - d[i]);
								if (s >= scorek) break;
							if (s < scorek)
								scorek = s;
								cnfids[k] = j;

					// Sort the scores of molecules of the current chunk.
					sort(scase.begin() + chunk_beg, scase.begin() + chunk_end, compare);

					// Copy the indexes of top hits of the current chunk to a global vector for final sorting.
					copy_n(scase.begin() + chunk_beg, min(num_hits, chunk_end - chunk_beg), zcase.begin() + num_hits * l);


			// Sort the top hits from chunks.
			cout << local_time() << "Sorting " << zcase.size() << " hits by " << usr_names[usr0] << " score" << endl;
			sort(zcase.begin(), zcase.end(), compare);

			// Create output directory and write output files.
			cout << local_time() << "Writing output files" << endl;
			SDWriter hits_sdf((output_dir / "hits.sdf").string());
			boost::filesystem::ofstream hits_csv(output_dir / "hits.csv");
			hits_csv.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
			hits_csv << "ZINC ID,USR score,USRCAT score,2D Tanimoto score,Molecular weight (g/mol),Partition coefficient xlogP,Apolar desolvation (kcal/mol),Polar desolvation (kcal/mol),Hydrogen bond donors,Hydrogen bond acceptors,Polar surface area tPSA (Å^2),Net charge,Rotatable bonds,SMILES,Vendors and annotations\n";
			for (size_t l = 0; l < num_hits; ++l)
				// Obtain indexes to the hit molecule and the hit conformer.
				const auto k = zcase[l];
				const auto j = cnfids[k];

				// Read SDF content of the hit conformer.
				const auto lig = ligands[j];

				// Construct a RDKit ROMol object.
				istringstream iss(lig);
				SDMolSupplier sup(&iss, false, true, false, true);
				assert(sup.length() == 1);
				const unique_ptr<ROMol> hit_ptr(sup.next());
				auto& hitMol = *hit_ptr;

				// Calculate Morgan fingerprint.
				const unique_ptr<SparseIntVect<uint32_t>> hitFp(getFingerprint(hitMol, 2));

				// Calculate Tanimoto similarity.
				const auto ts = TanimotoSimilarity(*qryFp, *hitFp);

				// Find heavy atoms.
				vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> matchVect;
				SubstructMatch(hitMol, *SubsetMols[0], matchVect);
				const auto num_matches = matchVect.size();
				assert(num_matches == hitMol.getNumHeavyAtoms());
				vector<int> hitHeavyAtoms(num_matches);
				for (size_t i = 0; i < num_matches; ++i)
					hitHeavyAtoms[i] = matchVect[i].front().second;
					assert(hitHeavyAtoms[i] == i); // hitHeavyAtoms can be constructed using iota(hitHeavyAtoms.begin(), hitHeavyAtoms.end(), 0); because for RDKit-generated SDF molecules, heavy atom are always the first few atoms.

				// Calculate the four reference points.
				const auto hitRefPoints = calcRefPoints(hitMol, hitHeavyAtoms);
				const Point3DConstPtrVect hitRefPointv

				// Calculate a 3D transform from the four reference points of the hit conformer to those of the query molecule.
				Transform3D trans;
				AlignPoints(qryRefPointv, hitRefPointv, trans);

				// Apply the 3D transform to all atoms of the hit conformer.
				auto& hitCnf = hitMol.getConformer();
				transformConformer(hitCnf, trans);

				// Write the aligned hit conformer.

				// Calculate the secondary score of the saved conformer, which has the best primary score.
				const auto& d = features[j];
				double s = 0;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < qnu1; ++i)
					s += abs(q[i] - d[i]);

				const auto u0score = 1 / (1 + scores[k] * qv[usr0]); // Primary score of the current molecule.
				const auto u1score = 1 / (1 + s         * qv[usr1]); // Secondary score of the current molecule.
				const auto zincid = zincids[k].substr(0, 8); // Take another substr() to get rid of the trailing newline.
				const auto zfp = zfproperties[k];
				const auto zip = ziproperties[k];
				const auto smiles = smileses[k];    // A newline is already included in smileses[k].
				const auto supplier = suppliers[k]; // A newline is already included in suppliers[k].
					<< zincid
					<< setprecision(8)
					<< ',' << (usr1 ? u0score : u1score)
					<< ',' << (usr1 ? u1score : u0score)
					<< ',' << ts
					<< setprecision(3)
					<< ',' << zfp[0]
					<< ',' << zfp[1]
					<< ',' << zfp[2]
					<< ',' << zfp[3]
					<< ',' << zip[0]
					<< ',' << zip[1]
					<< ',' << zip[2]
					<< ',' << zip[3]
					<< ',' << zip[4]
					<< ',' << smiles.substr(0, smiles.length() - 1)     // Get rid of the trailing newline.
					<< ',' << supplier.substr(0, supplier.length() - 1) // Get rid of the trailing newline.
					<< '\n'

		// Update job status.
		cout << local_time() << "Setting completed time" << endl;
		const auto completed = milliseconds_since_epoch();
		conn.update(collection, BSON("_id" << _id), BSON("$set" << BSON("completed" << completed << "nqueries" << num_queries)));

		// Calculate runtime in seconds and screening speed in million conformers per second.
		const auto runtime = (completed - started) * 0.001;
		const auto speed = num_conformers * 0.000001 * num_queries / runtime;
			<< local_time() << "Completed " << num_queries << " " << (num_queries == 1 ? "query" : "queries") << " in " << setprecision(3) << runtime << " seconds" << endl
			<< local_time() << "Screening speed was " << setprecision(0) << speed << " M conformers per second" << endl
Ejemplo n.º 11
void run(string router, string ns, long long start, long long range, int sleepTime) {
    DBClientConnection c;
    struct timeval start_time, stop_time, delay;
    char timeStr[25];
    bool flag;
    BSONObj b;
    long long user_id = -1;
    long long number = -1;
    int opSelector;
    string s;

    BSONObj insertObj;
    BSONObj query;
    BSONObj updateObj;
    BSONObj readObj;

    int numOps = 3; 
    int i = 0;

    string operation = "none";

    map<long long, int> insertedKeys;

    while( true ) {
        flag = false;
        gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

        opSelector = i % numOps;
        try {
            switch(opSelector) {
                case 0: //insert
                        operation = "insert";
                        while(true) {
                            user_id = start + (rand() % range);
                            if( insertedKeys.find(user_id) == insertedKeys.end()) { //key not been inserted previously
                                insertedKeys.insert(make_pair(user_id, 1));
                                cout<<operation<<": Info: inserting " << user_id << endl;
                        //insert command goes here
                        number = 2 * start + range - user_id; 
                        insertObj = BSON("user_id" << user_id << "number" << number << "name" << "name");
                        //cout<<"insert: "<<insertObj.toString()<<endl;
                        c.insert(ns, insertObj);
                        s = c.getLastError(ns, false, false, 1, 0);
                        if (s.length() > 0)
                            flag = true;
                            cout << "Error:" << s << endl;
                case 1: //update
                        operation = "update";
                        //update command goes here
                        query = BSON("user_id" << user_id);
                        updateObj = BSON("user_id" << user_id << "number" << number << "name" << "nameUpdated");
                        //cout<<"update: "<<updateObj.toString()<<endl;
                        c.update(ns, Query(query), updateObj);
                        s = c.getLastError(ns, false, false, 1, 0);
                        if (s.length() > 0)
                            flag = true;
                            cout << "Error:" << s << endl;
                case 2:
                        operation = "read";
                        readObj = BSON("user_id" << user_id);
                        //cout<<"read: "<<readObj.toString()<<endl;
                        b = c.findOne(ns, Query(readObj), 0, QueryOption_SlaveOk);
                        if (b.isEmpty() <= 0)
                            flag = true;
                        s = c.getLastError(ns, false, false, 1, 0);
                        if (s.length() > 0)
                            flag = true;
                            cout << "Error:" << s << endl;
                    cout<<"Unrecognized opSelector ! " << opSelector << endl;
                    cout<<"i : " << i << " numOps : " << numOps << endl;
        } catch (DBException e){
            flag = true;
            cout << "Error: " << e.toString() << endl;

        if (!flag) {
            gettimeofday(&stop_time, NULL);
            if (opSelector == 2)
		        cout << "Returned result:" << b.toString() << endl;
            delay = subtract(start_time, stop_time);
            cout<<operation<<": ";
            cout << timeStr << ": " << delay.tv_sec*1000 + delay.tv_usec/(double)1000 << endl;
        } else {
            cout<<operation<<": ";
		    cout << timeStr << ": -100" << endl;

Ejemplo n.º 12
int main( int argc, const char **argv ) {

    const char *port = "27017";
    if ( argc != 1 ) {
        if ( argc != 3 ) {
            std::cout << "need to pass port as second param" << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        port = argv[ 2 ];

    DBClientConnection conn;
    string errmsg;
    if ( ! conn.connect( string( "" ) + port , errmsg ) ) {
        cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    const char * ns = "test.test1";


    // clean up old data from any previous tests
    conn.remove( ns, BSONObj() );
    verify( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // test insert
    conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
    verify( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // test remove
    conn.remove( ns, BSONObj() );
    verify( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() ).isEmpty() );

    // insert, findOne testing
    conn.insert( ns , BSON( "name" << "eliot" << "num" << 1 ) );
        BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObj() );
        verify( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
        verify( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
        verify( 1 == res.getIntField( "num" ) );

    // cursor
    conn.insert( ns ,BSON( "name" << "sara" << "num" << 2 ) );
        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSONObj() );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        verify( count == 2 );

        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 1 ) );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        verify( count == 1 );

        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query( ns , BSON( "num" << 3 ) );
        int count = 0;
        while ( cursor->more() ) {
            BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
        verify( count == 0 );

    // update
        BSONObj res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        verify( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );

        BSONObj after = BSONObjBuilder().appendElements( res ).append( "name2" , "h" ).obj();

        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after );
        res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        verify( ! strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "eliot" ) );
        verify( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );

        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() , after );
        res = conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() );
        verify( strstr( res.getStringField( "name" ) , "eliot" ) );
        verify( strstr( res.getStringField( "name2" ) , "h" ) );
        verify( conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );

        // upsert
        conn.update( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot2" ).obj() , after , 1 );
        verify( ! conn.findOne( ns , BSONObjBuilder().append( "name" , "eliot" ).obj() ).isEmpty() );


        // ensure index
        verify( conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );
        verify( ! conn.ensureIndex( ns , BSON( "name" << 1 ) ) );

        // 5 second TTL index
        const char * ttlns = "test.ttltest1";
        conn.dropCollection( ttlns );

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendTimeT("ttltime", time(0));
            b.append("name", "foo");
            conn.insert(ttlns, b.obj());
        conn.ensureIndex(ttlns, BSON("ttltime" << 1), false, false, "", true, false, -1, 5);
        verify(!conn.findOne(ttlns, BSONObjBuilder().append("name", "foo").obj()).isEmpty());
        // Sleep 66 seconds, 60 seconds for the TTL loop, 5 seconds for the TTL and 1 to ensure
        verify(conn.findOne(ttlns, BSONObjBuilder().append("name", "foo").obj()).isEmpty());

        // hint related tests
        // tokumx doesn't reorder documents just because you updated one, what even is that
        verify( conn.findOne(ns, "{}")["name"].str() == "eliot" );

        verify( conn.findOne(ns, "{ name : 'sara' }")["name"].str() == "sara" );
        verify( conn.getLastError() == "" );

        // nonexistent index test
        bool asserted = false;
        try {
            conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:\"eliot\"}").hint("{foo:1}"));
        catch ( ... ) {
            asserted = true;
        verify( asserted );

        //existing index
        verify( conn.findOne(ns, Query("{name:'eliot'}").hint("{name:1}")).hasElement("name") );

        // run validate
        verify( conn.validate( ns ) );

        // timestamp test

        const char * tsns = "test.tstest1";
        conn.dropCollection( tsns );

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendTimestamp( "ts" );
            conn.insert( tsns , b.obj() );

        mongo::BSONObj out = conn.findOne( tsns , mongo::BSONObj() );
        Date_t oldTime = out["ts"].timestampTime();
        unsigned int oldInc = out["ts"].timestampInc();

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b1;
            b1.append( out["_id"] );

            mongo::BSONObjBuilder b2;
            b2.append( out["_id"] );
            b2.appendTimestamp( "ts" );

            conn.update( tsns , b1.obj() , b2.obj() );

        BSONObj found = conn.findOne( tsns , mongo::BSONObj() );
        cout << "old: " << out << "\nnew: " << found << endl;
        verify( ( oldTime < found["ts"].timestampTime() ) ||
                ( oldTime == found["ts"].timestampTime() && oldInc < found["ts"].timestampInc() ) );


        // check that killcursors doesn't affect last error
        verify( conn.getLastError().empty() );

        BufBuilder b;
        b.appendNum( (int)0 ); // reserved
        b.appendNum( (int)-1 ); // invalid # of cursors triggers exception
        b.appendNum( (int)-1 ); // bogus cursor id

        Message m;
        m.setData( dbKillCursors, b.buf(), b.len() );

        // say() is protected in DBClientConnection, so get superclass
        static_cast< DBConnector* >( &conn )->say( m );

        verify( conn.getLastError().empty() );

        list<string> l = conn.getDatabaseNames();
        for ( list<string>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ) {
            cout << "db name : " << *i << endl;

        l = conn.getCollectionNames( "test" );
        for ( list<string>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ) {
            cout << "coll name : " << *i << endl;

        //Map Reduce (this mostly just tests that it compiles with all output types)
        const string ns = "test.mr";
        conn.insert(ns, BSON("a" << 1));
        conn.insert(ns, BSON("a" << 1));

        const char* map = "function() { emit(this.a, 1); }";
        const char* reduce = "function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }";

        const string outcoll = ns + ".out";

        BSONObj out;
        out = conn.mapreduce(ns, map, reduce, BSONObj()); // default to inline
        out = conn.mapreduce(ns, map, reduce, BSONObj(), outcoll);
        out = conn.mapreduce(ns, map, reduce, BSONObj(), outcoll.c_str());
        out = conn.mapreduce(ns, map, reduce, BSONObj(), BSON("reduce" << outcoll));

        // test timeouts

        DBClientConnection conn( true , 0 , 2 );
        if ( ! conn.connect( string( "" ) + port , errmsg ) ) {
            cout << "couldn't connect : " << errmsg << endl;
            throw -11;
        conn.insert( "test.totest" , BSON( "x" << 1 ) );
        BSONObj res;
        bool gotError = false;
        verify( conn.eval( "test" , "return db.totest.findOne().x" , res ) );
        try {
            conn.eval( "test" , "sleep(5000); return db.totest.findOne().x" , res );
        catch ( std::exception& e ) {
            gotError = true;
            log() << e.what() << endl;
        verify( gotError );
        // sleep so the server isn't locked anymore
        sleepsecs( 4 );
        verify( conn.eval( "test" , "return db.totest.findOne().x" , res ) );

    cout << "client test finished!" << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;