Ejemplo n.º 1
void TerrainBlock::_updateBaseTexture(bool writeToCache)
   if ( !mBaseShader && !_initBaseShader() )

   // This can sometimes occur outside a begin/end scene.
   const bool sceneBegun = GFX->canCurrentlyRender();
   if ( !sceneBegun )

   GFXDEBUGEVENT_SCOPE( TerrainBlock_UpdateBaseTexture, ColorI::GREEN );

   PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrainBlock_UpdateBaseTexture );

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   const U32 maxTextureSize = GFX->getCardProfiler()->queryProfile( "maxTextureSize", 1024 );

   U32 baseTexSize = getNextPow2( mBaseTexSize );
   baseTexSize = getMin( maxTextureSize, baseTexSize );
   Point2I destSize( baseTexSize, baseTexSize );

   // Setup geometry
   GFXVertexBufferHandle<GFXVertexPT> vb;
      F32 copyOffsetX = 2.0f * GFX->getFillConventionOffset() / (F32)destSize.x;
      F32 copyOffsetY = 2.0f * GFX->getFillConventionOffset() / (F32)destSize.y;

      GFXVertexPT points[4];
      points[0].point = Point3F(1.0 - copyOffsetX, -1.0 + copyOffsetY, 0.0);
      points[0].texCoord = Point2F(1.0, 1.0f);
      points[1].point = Point3F(1.0 - copyOffsetX, 1.0 + copyOffsetY, 0.0);
      points[1].texCoord = Point2F(1.0, 0.0f);
      points[2].point = Point3F(-1.0 - copyOffsetX, -1.0 + copyOffsetY, 0.0);
      points[2].texCoord = Point2F(0.0, 1.0f);
      points[3].point = Point3F(-1.0 - copyOffsetX, 1.0 + copyOffsetY, 0.0);
      points[3].texCoord = Point2F(0.0, 0.0f);

      vb.set( GFX, 4, GFXBufferTypeVolatile );
      GFXVertexPT *ptr = vb.lock();
         dMemcpy( ptr, points, sizeof(GFXVertexPT) * 4 );

   GFXTexHandle blendTex;

   // If the base texture is already a valid render target then 
   // use it to render to else we create one.
   if (  mBaseTex.isValid() && 
         mBaseTex->isRenderTarget() &&
         mBaseTex->getFormat() == GFXFormatR8G8B8A8 &&
         mBaseTex->getWidth() == destSize.x &&
         mBaseTex->getHeight() == destSize.y )
      blendTex = mBaseTex;
      blendTex.set( destSize.x, destSize.y, GFXFormatR8G8B8A8, &GFXDefaultRenderTargetProfile, "" );


   // Set our shader stuff
   GFX->setShader( mBaseShader );
   GFX->setShaderConstBuffer( mBaseShaderConsts );
   GFX->setStateBlock( mBaseShaderSB );
   GFX->setVertexBuffer( vb );

   mBaseTarget->attachTexture( GFXTextureTarget::Color0, blendTex );
   GFX->setActiveRenderTarget( mBaseTarget );

   GFX->clear( GFXClearTarget, ColorI(0,0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );

   GFX->setTexture( 0, mLayerTex );
   mBaseShaderConsts->setSafe( mBaseLayerSizeConst, (F32)mLayerTex->getWidth() );      

   for ( U32 i=0; i < mBaseTextures.size(); i++ )
      GFXTextureObject *tex = mBaseTextures[i];
      if ( !tex )

      GFX->setTexture( 1, tex );

      F32 baseSize = mFile->mMaterials[i]->getDiffuseSize();
      F32 scale = 1.0f;
      if ( !mIsZero( baseSize ) )
         scale = getWorldBlockSize() / baseSize;
      // A mistake early in development means that texture
      // coords are not flipped correctly.  To compensate
      // we flip the y scale here.
      mBaseShaderConsts->setSafe( mBaseTexScaleConst, Point2F( scale, -scale ) );
      mBaseShaderConsts->setSafe( mBaseTexIdConst, (F32)i );

      GFX->drawPrimitive( GFXTriangleStrip, 0, 2 );

   GFX->setShader( NULL );
   //GFX->setStateBlock( NULL ); // WHY NOT?
   GFX->setShaderConstBuffer( NULL );
   GFX->setVertexBuffer( NULL );


   // End it if we begun it... Yeehaw!
   if ( !sceneBegun )

   /// Do we cache this sucker?
   if (mBaseTexFormat == NONE || !writeToCache)
      // We didn't cache the result, so set the base texture
      // to the render target we updated.  This should be good
      // for realtime painting cases.
      mBaseTex = blendTex;
   else if (mBaseTexFormat == DDS)
      String cachePath = _getBaseTexCacheFileName();

      FileStream fs;
      if ( fs.open( _getBaseTexCacheFileName(), Torque::FS::File::Write ) )
         // Read back the render target, dxt compress it, and write it to disk.
         GBitmap blendBmp( destSize.x, destSize.y, false, GFXFormatR8G8B8A8 );
         blendTex.copyToBmp( &blendBmp );

         // Test code for dumping uncompressed bitmap to disk.
         FileStream fs;
         if ( fs.open( "./basetex.png", Torque::FS::File::Write ) )
         blendBmp.writeBitmap( "png", fs );


         DDSFile *blendDDS = DDSFile::createDDSFileFromGBitmap( &blendBmp );
         DDSUtil::squishDDS( blendDDS, GFXFormatDXT1 );

         // Write result to file stream
         blendDDS->write( fs );
         delete blendDDS;
      FileStream stream;
      if (!stream.open(_getBaseTexCacheFileName(), Torque::FS::File::Write))
         mBaseTex = blendTex;

      GBitmap bitmap(blendTex->getWidth(), blendTex->getHeight(), false, GFXFormatR8G8B8);
      bitmap.writeBitmap(formatToExtension(mBaseTexFormat), stream);
void TSLastDetail::_update()
   // We're gonna render... make sure we can.
   bool sceneBegun = GFX->canCurrentlyRender();
   if ( !sceneBegun )


   Vector<GBitmap*> bitmaps;
   Vector<GBitmap*> normalmaps;

   // We need to create our own instance to render with.
   TSShapeInstance *shape = new TSShapeInstance( mShape, true );

   // Animate the shape once.
   shape->animate( mDl );

   // So we don't have to change it everywhere.
   const GFXFormat format = GFXFormatR8G8B8A8;  

   S32 imposterCount = ( ((2*mNumPolarSteps) + 1 ) * mNumEquatorSteps ) + ( mIncludePoles ? 2 : 0 );

   // Figure out the optimal texture size.
   Point2I texSize( smMaxTexSize, smMaxTexSize );
   while ( true )
      Point2I halfSize( texSize.x / 2, texSize.y / 2 );
      U32 count = ( halfSize.x / mDim ) * ( halfSize.y / mDim );
      if ( count < imposterCount )
         // Try half of the height.
         count = ( texSize.x / mDim ) * ( halfSize.y / mDim );
         if ( count >= imposterCount )
            texSize.y = halfSize.y;

      texSize = halfSize;

   GBitmap *imposter = NULL;
   GBitmap *normalmap = NULL;
   GBitmap destBmp( texSize.x, texSize.y, true, format );
   GBitmap destNormal( texSize.x, texSize.y, true, format );

   U32 mipLevels = destBmp.getNumMipLevels();

   ImposterCapture *imposterCap = new ImposterCapture();

   F32 equatorStepSize = M_2PI_F / (F32)mNumEquatorSteps;

   static const MatrixF topXfm( EulerF( -M_PI_F / 2.0f, 0, 0 ) );
   static const MatrixF bottomXfm( EulerF( M_PI_F / 2.0f, 0, 0 ) );

   MatrixF angMat;

   F32 polarStepSize = 0.0f;
   if ( mNumPolarSteps > 0 )
      polarStepSize = -( 0.5f * M_PI_F - mDegToRad( mPolarAngle ) ) / (F32)mNumPolarSteps;


   S32 currDim = mDim;
   for ( S32 mip = 0; mip < mipLevels; mip++ )
      if ( currDim < 1 )
         currDim = 1;
      dMemset( destBmp.getWritableBits(mip), 0, destBmp.getWidth(mip) * destBmp.getHeight(mip) * GFXFormat_getByteSize( format ) );
      dMemset( destNormal.getWritableBits(mip), 0, destNormal.getWidth(mip) * destNormal.getHeight(mip) * GFXFormat_getByteSize( format ) );


      F32 rotX = 0.0f;
      if ( mNumPolarSteps > 0 )
         rotX = -( mDegToRad( mPolarAngle ) - 0.5f * M_PI_F );

      // We capture the images in a particular order which must
      // match the order expected by the imposter renderer.

      imposterCap->begin( shape, mDl, currDim, mRadius, mCenter );

      for ( U32 j=0; j < (2 * mNumPolarSteps + 1); j++ )
         F32 rotZ = -M_PI_F / 2.0f;

         for ( U32 k=0; k < mNumEquatorSteps; k++ )
            angMat.mul( MatrixF( EulerF( rotX, 0, 0 ) ),
                        MatrixF( EulerF( 0, 0, rotZ ) ) );

            imposterCap->capture( angMat, &imposter, &normalmap );

            bitmaps.push_back( imposter );
            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );

            rotZ += equatorStepSize;

         rotX += polarStepSize;

         if ( mIncludePoles )
            imposterCap->capture( topXfm, &imposter, &normalmap );

            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );

            imposterCap->capture( bottomXfm, &imposter, &normalmap );

            bitmaps.push_back( imposter );
            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );


      Point2I texSize( destBmp.getWidth(mip), destBmp.getHeight(mip) );

      // Ok... pack in bitmaps till we run out.
      for ( S32 y=0; y+currDim <= texSize.y; )
         for ( S32 x=0; x+currDim <= texSize.x; )
            // Copy the next bitmap to the dest texture.
            GBitmap* bmp = bitmaps.first();
            destBmp.copyRect( bmp, RectI( 0, 0, currDim, currDim ), Point2I( x, y ), 0, mip );
            delete bmp;

            // Copy the next normal to the dest texture.
            GBitmap* normalmap = normalmaps.first();
            destNormal.copyRect( normalmap, RectI( 0, 0, currDim, currDim ), Point2I( x, y ), 0, mip );
            delete normalmap;

            // Did we finish?
            if ( bitmaps.empty() )

            x += currDim;

         // Did we finish?
         if ( bitmaps.empty() )

         y += currDim;

      // Next mip...
      currDim /= 2;

   PROFILE_END(); // TSLastDetail_snapshots

   delete imposterCap;
   delete shape;   
   // Should we dump the images?
   if ( Con::getBoolVariable( "$TSLastDetail::dumpImposters", false ) )
      String imposterPath = mCachePath + ".imposter.png";
      String normalsPath = mCachePath + ".imposter_normals.png";

      FileStream stream;
      if ( stream.open( imposterPath, Torque::FS::File::Write  ) )
         destBmp.writeBitmap( "png", stream );

      if ( stream.open( normalsPath, Torque::FS::File::Write ) )
         destNormal.writeBitmap( "png", stream );

   // DEBUG: Some code to force usage of a test image.
   //GBitmap* tempMap = GBitmap::load( "./forest/data/test1234.png" );
   //mTexture.set( tempMap, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, false );
   //delete tempMap;

   DDSFile *ddsDest = DDSFile::createDDSFileFromGBitmap( &destBmp );
   DDSUtil::squishDDS( ddsDest, GFXFormatDXT3 );

   DDSFile *ddsNormals = DDSFile::createDDSFileFromGBitmap( &destNormal );
   DDSUtil::squishDDS( ddsNormals, GFXFormatDXT5 );

   // Finally save the imposters to disk.
   FileStream fs;
   if ( fs.open( _getDiffuseMapPath(), Torque::FS::File::Write ) )
      ddsDest->write( fs );
   if ( fs.open( _getNormalMapPath(), Torque::FS::File::Write ) )
      ddsNormals->write( fs );

   delete ddsDest;
   delete ddsNormals;

   // If we did a begin then end it now.
   if ( !sceneBegun )