/* draw the string s with current font, but stretch it to fit the given
   width (a+d). We haven't implemented stretching, so i just center the character. */
CairoPainter::drawText(const DOMString &s, float w) {
    float sw = stringWidth(s) + absx; // this can't be right
    float hdiff = w - sw;
    cairo_move_to(m_painter, hdiff/2+absx, absy);
    cairo_show_text(m_painter, s.utf8());
CairoPainter::drawText(const DOMString &s) {
    if (debugdrawtext) {
    cairo_move_to(m_painter, absx, absy);
    cairo_show_text(m_painter, s.utf8());
CairoPainter::drawText(const DOMString &s, float w, float a, float d) {
    float sw = stringWidth(s);
    float hdiff = w-sw;
    float fa = fontAscent();
    float fd = fontDescent();
    float vdiff = d-fd - a+fa;
    cairo_move_to(m_painter, hdiff/2, vdiff/2);
    cairo_show_text(m_painter, s.utf8());
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* this function sets an attribute in a dictionary entry */
MMLmo::setAttribute(const char *op, const std::string &name, const DOMString &v,
        const MMLAttribute **a) {
    int pos = createAttribute(name.c_str(), v, MML::MO, a);
    if (pos == -1) {
        cerr << "internal error in MMLmo::makedict: invalid attribute '"
            << name << "', value invalid: '" << v.utf8()
            << "' for operator '" << op << "'." << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// static functions for initializing the operator dictionary
MMLmo::makedict() {
    madedict = true;
    for (int i=0; i<351; ++i) {
        const char *end;
        const char *start = rawopdict[i];
        const char *send = start+strlen(start);
        end = strchr(start, ' ');
        DOMString op;
        for (const char *j=start; j!=end; ++j) {
            op += *j;
        const MMLAttribute **a
            = new const MMLAttribute*[MML::moNumAtts];
        for (uint j=0; j<MML::moNumAtts; ++j) {
            a[j] = 0;
        while (*end != '\0') {
            std::string name;
            start = end+1;
            end = strchr(start, '=');
            for (const char *j=start; j!=end; ++j) {
                name += *j;
            start = end+1;
            end = strchr(start, ' ');
            if (!end) end = send;
            DOMString value;
            for (const char *j=start; j!=end; ++j) {
                value += *j;
            setAttribute(op.utf8(), name, value, a);
//        dict.insert(pair<DOMString, MMLAttribute **>(op, a));
//        DOMString uni = op;
//        if (uni != op) {
            dict.insert(pair<DOMString, const MMLAttribute **>
                (op, a));
//        }
CairoPainter::stringWidth(const DOMString &s) const {
    cairo_text_extents(m_painter, s.utf8(), &m_textsize);
    return m_textsize.width;