Ejemplo n.º 1
 * L1 test
bool testL1LengthEstimator(std::string &filename)

    trace.info() << "Reading GridCurve " << endl;

    ifstream instream; // input stream
    instream.open (filename.c_str(), ifstream::in);

    GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> > c; //grid curve

    //////////////////////// L1
    GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::ArrowsRange ra = c.getArrowsRange(); //range
    L1LengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::ArrowsRange::ConstIterator > l1length;
    TwoStepLocalLengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::ArrowsRange::ConstIterator > locallength(1.0,sqrt(2.0));

    l1length.init(1, ra.begin(), ra.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "L1 length (h=1) = "<< l1length.eval()<<std::endl;

    l1length.init(10, ra.begin(), ra.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "L1 length (h=10) = "<< l1length.eval()<<std::endl;

    ////////////////////// Local 2steps
    TwoStepLocalLengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::ArrowsRange::ConstIterator > locallength(1.0,sqrt(2.0));

    localength.init(1, ra.begin(), ra.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "Local length (h=1) = "<< localength.eval()<<std::endl;

    //////////////////////// MLP
    GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::PointsRange rp = c.getPointsRange(); //range
    MLPLengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::PointsRange::ConstIterator > MLPlength;

    MLPlength.init(1, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "MLP Length (h=1) = "<< MLPlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    MLPlength.init(10, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "MLP Length (h=10) = "<< MLPlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    //////////////////////// FP
    FPLengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::PointsRange::ConstIterator > FPlength;

    FPlength.init(1, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "FP Length (h=1) = "<< FPlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    FPlength.init(10, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "FP Length (h=10) = "<< FPlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    //////////////////////// DSS
    DSSLengthEstimator<  GridCurve<KhalimskySpaceND<2> >::PointsRange::ConstIterator > DSSlength;

    DSSlength.init(1, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "DSS Length (h=1) = "<< DSSlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    DSSlength.init(10, rp.begin(), rp.end(), c.isClosed());
    trace.info() << "DSS Length (h=10) = "<< DSSlength.eval()<<std::endl;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
lengthEstimators( const std::string & /*name*/,
      Shape & aShape, 
      double h )
  // Types
  typedef typename Space::Point Point;
  typedef typename Space::Vector Vector;
  typedef typename Space::RealPoint RealPoint;
  typedef typename Space::Integer Integer;
  typedef HyperRectDomain<Space> Domain;
  typedef KhalimskySpaceND<Space::dimension,Integer> KSpace;
  typedef typename KSpace::SCell SCell;
  typedef typename GridCurve<KSpace>::PointsRange PointsRange;
  typedef typename GridCurve<KSpace>::ArrowsRange ArrowsRange;

  // Digitizer
  GaussDigitizer<Space,Shape> dig;  
  dig.attach( aShape ); // attaches the shape.
  Vector vlow(-1,-1); Vector vup(1,1);
  dig.init( aShape.getLowerBound()+vlow, aShape.getUpperBound()+vup, h ); 
  Domain domain = dig.getDomain();

  // Create cellular space
  KSpace K;
  bool ok = K.init( dig.getLowerBound(), dig.getUpperBound(), true );
  if ( ! ok )
      std::cerr << "[lengthEstimators]"
    << " error in creating KSpace." << std::endl;
      return false;
  try {
    // Extracts shape boundary
    SurfelAdjacency<KSpace::dimension> SAdj( true );
    SCell bel = Surfaces<KSpace>::findABel( K, dig, 10000 );
    // Getting the consecutive surfels of the 2D boundary
    std::vector<Point> points;
    Surfaces<KSpace>::track2DBoundaryPoints( points, K, SAdj, dig, bel );
    // Create GridCurve
    GridCurve<KSpace> gridcurve;
    gridcurve.initFromVector( points );
    // Ranges
    ArrowsRange ra = gridcurve.getArrowsRange(); 
    PointsRange rp = gridcurve.getPointsRange(); 

    // Estimations
    typedef typename PointsRange::ConstIterator ConstIteratorOnPoints; 
    typedef ParametricShapeArcLengthFunctor< Shape > Length;
    TrueGlobalEstimatorOnPoints< ConstIteratorOnPoints, Shape, Length  >  trueLengthEstimator;
    trueLengthEstimator.init( h, rp.begin(), rp.end(), &aShape, gridcurve.isClosed());

    L1LengthEstimator< typename ArrowsRange::ConstCirculator > l1length;
    DSSLengthEstimator< typename PointsRange::ConstCirculator > DSSlength;
    MLPLengthEstimator< typename PointsRange::ConstIterator > MLPlength;
    FPLengthEstimator< typename PointsRange::ConstIterator > FPlength;
    BLUELocalLengthEstimator< typename ArrowsRange::ConstIterator > BLUElength;
    RosenProffittLocalLengthEstimator< typename ArrowsRange::ConstIterator > RosenProffittlength;
    // Output
    double trueValue = trueLengthEstimator.eval();
    double l1, blue, rosen,dss,mlp,fp;
    double Tl1, Tblue, Trosen,Tdss,Tmlp,Tfp;
    Clock c;

    //Length evaluation & timing
    l1length.init(h, ra.c(), ra.c());
    l1 = l1length.eval();
    Tl1 = c.stopClock();
    BLUElength.init(h, ra.begin(), ra.end(), gridcurve.isClosed());
    blue = BLUElength.eval();
    Tblue = c.stopClock();
    RosenProffittlength.init(h, ra.begin(), ra.end(), gridcurve.isClosed());
    rosen = RosenProffittlength.eval();
    Trosen = c.stopClock();
    DSSlength.init(h, rp.c(), rp.c());
    dss = DSSlength.eval();
    Tdss = c.stopClock();
    MLPlength.init(h, rp.begin(), rp.end(), gridcurve.isClosed());
    mlp = MLPlength.eval();
    Tmlp = c.stopClock();

    FPlength.init(h, rp.begin(), rp.end(), gridcurve.isClosed());
    fp = FPlength.eval();
    Tfp = c.stopClock();

    std::cout << std::setprecision( 15 ) << h << " " << rp.size() << " " << trueValue 
   << " " << l1
   << " " << blue
   << " " << rosen
   << " " << dss
   << " " << mlp   
   << " " << fp
         << " " << Tl1
   << " " << Tblue
   << " " << Trosen
   << " " << Tdss
   << " " << Tmlp
   << " " << Tfp     
   << std::endl;
    return true;
  catch ( InputException e )
      std::cerr << "[lengthEstimators]"
    << " error in finding a bel." << std::endl;
      return false;
int main()
  typedef Flower2D<Z2i::Space> Flower; 
  Flower2D<Z2i::Space> flower(Z2i::Point(0,0), 20, 5, 5, 0);
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-dig]
  //implicit digitization of a shape of type Flower 
  //into a digital space of type Space
  double h = 1; 
  GaussDigitizer<Z2i::Space,Flower> dig;  
  dig.attach( flower );
  dig.init( flower.getLowerBound()+Z2i::Vector(-1,-1),
            flower.getUpperBound()+Z2i::Vector(1,1), h ); 
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-dig]
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-prepareTracking]
  //Khalimsky space
  Z2i::KSpace ks;
  ks.init( dig.getLowerBound(), dig.getUpperBound(), true );
  //adjacency (4-connectivity)
  SurfelAdjacency<2> sAdj( true );
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-prepareTracking]

  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-tracking]
  //searching for one boundary element
  Z2i::SCell bel = Surfaces<Z2i::KSpace>::findABel( ks, dig, 1000 );
  vector<Z2i::Point> boundaryPoints;
    ::track2DBoundaryPoints( boundaryPoints, ks, sAdj, dig, bel );
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-tracking]

  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-instantiation]
  Z2i::Curve c;
  c.initFromVector( boundaryPoints );  
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-instantiation]
  DGtal::Board2D aBoard;
  aBoard << c; 
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-getRange]
  //range of points
  typedef Z2i::Curve::PointsRange Range; 
  Range r = c.getPointsRange(); 
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-getRange]
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-lengthEstimation]
  //length estimation
  DSSLengthEstimator< Range::ConstIterator > DSSlength;
  DSSlength.init( h, r.begin(), r.end(), c.isClosed() );
  double length1 = DSSlength.eval();
  trace.info() << "Length (h=" << h << "): " << length1 << endl; 
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-lengthEstimation]

//@TODO correct init method of trueLengthEstimator (remove &flower)
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-trueLengthEstimation]
  typedef ParametricShapeArcLengthFunctor< Flower > Length;
    Length  >  trueLengthEstimator;
  trueLengthEstimator.init( h, r.begin(), r.end(), &flower, c.isClosed());
  double trueLength = trueLengthEstimator.eval(); 
  trace.info() << "ground truth: " << trueLength << endl; 
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-trueLengthEstimation]

  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-higher]
  //implicit digitization at higher resolution
  h = 0.1; 
  dig.init( flower.getLowerBound()+Z2i::Vector(-1,-1),
            flower.getUpperBound()+Z2i::Vector(1,1), h ); 
  //a greater domain is needed in the Khalimsky space
  ks.init( dig.getLowerBound(), dig.getUpperBound(), true );
  //searching for one boundary element
  bel = Surfaces<Z2i::KSpace>::findABel( ks, dig, 10000 );
    ::track2DBoundaryPoints( boundaryPoints, ks, sAdj, dig, bel );
  //reset grid curve and its points range
  c.initFromVector( boundaryPoints );
  Range r2 = c.getPointsRange(); 
  //estimate length
  DSSlength.init( h, r2.begin(), r2.end(), c.isClosed() );
  double length2 = DSSlength.eval();
  trace.info() << "Length (h=" << h << "): " << length2 << endl;  
  //! [shapeGridCurveEstimator-higher]
  aBoard << c; 
  return 0;
