void    String::operator += (const String& src)
    DataDesc   *pourData = GetData(),
               *psrcData = src.GetData();
    UPInt       ourSize  = pourData->GetSize(),
                srcSize  = psrcData->GetSize();
    UPInt       lflag    = pourData->GetLengthFlag() & psrcData->GetLengthFlag();

    SetData(AllocDataCopy2(ourSize + srcSize, lflag,
                           pourData->Data, ourSize, psrcData->Data, srcSize));
void    String::Remove(UPInt posAt, SPInt removeLength)
    DataDesc*   pdata = GetData();
    UPInt       oldSize = pdata->GetSize();    
    // Length indicates the number of characters to remove. 
    UPInt       length = GetLength();

    // If index is past the string, nothing to remove.
    if (posAt >= length)
    // Otherwise, cap removeLength to the length of the string.
    if ((posAt + removeLength) > length)
        removeLength = length - posAt;

    // Get the byte position of the UTF8 char at position posAt.
    SPInt bytePos    = UTF8Util::GetByteIndex(posAt, pdata->Data, oldSize);
    SPInt removeSize = UTF8Util::GetByteIndex(removeLength, pdata->Data + bytePos, oldSize-bytePos);

    SetData(AllocDataCopy2(oldSize - removeSize, pdata->GetLengthFlag(),
                           pdata->Data, bytePos,
                           pData->Data + bytePos + removeSize, (oldSize - bytePos - removeSize)));