Ejemplo n.º 1
void DataGraph::FillCell(UIHierarchyCell *cell, void *node)
    //Temporary fix for loading of UI Interface to avoid reloading of texrures to different formates.
    // 1. Reset default format before loading of UI
    // 2. Restore default format after loading of UI from stored settings.

    DataNode *n = (DataNode *)node;
    UIStaticText *text =  (UIStaticText *)cell->FindByName("_Text_");
    UIControl *icon = cell->FindByName("_Icon_");
    icon->SetSprite("~res:/Gfx/UI/SceneNode/datanode", 0);

    UIControl *marker = cell->FindByName("_Marker_");
    if(n == workingNode)
        cell->SetSelected(true, false);
        cell->SetSelected(false, false);
void ShowSegmentationAsSmoothedSurface::ThreadedUpdateSuccessful()
  DataNode::Pointer node = DataNode::New();

  bool wireframe = false;
  GetParameter("Wireframe", wireframe);

  if (wireframe)
    VtkRepresentationProperty *representation = dynamic_cast<VtkRepresentationProperty *>(

    if (representation != nullptr)

  node->SetProperty("opacity", FloatProperty::New(1.0));
  node->SetProperty("line width", IntProperty::New(1));
  node->SetProperty("scalar visibility", BoolProperty::New(false));

  std::string groupNodeName = "surface";
  DataNode *groupNode = GetGroupNode();

  if (groupNode != nullptr)

  node->SetProperty("name", StringProperty::New(groupNodeName));

  BaseProperty *colorProperty = groupNode->GetProperty("color");

  if (colorProperty != nullptr)
    node->ReplaceProperty("color", colorProperty->Clone());
    node->SetProperty("color", ColorProperty::New(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

  bool showResult = true;
  GetParameter("Show result", showResult);

  bool syncVisibility = false;
  GetParameter("Sync visibility", syncVisibility);

  Image::Pointer image;
  GetPointerParameter("Input", image);

  BaseProperty *organTypeProperty = image->GetProperty("organ type");

  if (organTypeProperty != nullptr)
    m_Surface->SetProperty("organ type", organTypeProperty);

  BaseProperty *visibleProperty = groupNode->GetProperty("visible");

  if (visibleProperty != nullptr && syncVisibility)
    node->ReplaceProperty("visible", visibleProperty->Clone());
    node->SetProperty("visible", BoolProperty::New(showResult));


  void ShowSegmentationAsSurface::ThreadedUpdateSuccessful()
    m_Node = DataNode::New();

    bool wireframe(false);
    GetParameter("Wireframe", wireframe);
    if (wireframe)
      VtkRepresentationProperty *np =
        dynamic_cast<VtkRepresentationProperty *>(m_Node->GetProperty("material.representation"));
      if (np)

    m_Node->SetProperty("opacity", FloatProperty::New(0.3));
    m_Node->SetProperty("line width", IntProperty::New(1));
    m_Node->SetProperty("scalar visibility", BoolProperty::New(false));

    std::string groupNodesName("surface");

    DataNode *groupNode = GetGroupNode();
    if (groupNode)
      // if parameter smooth is set add extension to node name
      bool smooth(true);
      GetParameter("Smooth", smooth);
      if (smooth)
    m_Node->SetProperty("name", StringProperty::New(groupNodesName));

    // synchronize this object's color with the parent's color
    // surfaceNode->SetProperty( "color", parentNode->GetProperty( "color" ) );
    // surfaceNode->SetProperty( "visible", parentNode->GetProperty( "visible" ) );


    BaseProperty *colorProp = groupNode->GetProperty("color");
    if (colorProp)
      m_Node->ReplaceProperty("color", colorProp->Clone());
      m_Node->SetProperty("color", ColorProperty::New(1.0, 1.0, 0.0));

    bool showResult(true);
    GetParameter("Show result", showResult);

    bool syncVisibility(false);
    GetParameter("Sync visibility", syncVisibility);

    Image::Pointer image;
    GetPointerParameter("Input", image);

    BaseProperty *organTypeProp = image->GetProperty("organ type");
    if (organTypeProp)
      m_Surface->SetProperty("organ type", organTypeProp);

    BaseProperty *visibleProp = groupNode->GetProperty("visible");
    if (visibleProp && syncVisibility)
      m_Node->ReplaceProperty("visible", visibleProp->Clone());
      m_Node->SetProperty("visible", BoolProperty::New(showResult));


void ShowSegmentationAsSmoothedSurface::ThreadedUpdateSuccessful()
  DataNode::Pointer node = LookForPointerTargetBelowGroupNode("Surface representation");
  bool addToTree = node.IsNull();

  if (addToTree)
    node = DataNode::New();

    bool wireframe = false;
    GetParameter("Wireframe", wireframe);

    if (wireframe)
      VtkRepresentationProperty *representation = dynamic_cast<VtkRepresentationProperty *>(

      if (representation != NULL)

    node->SetProperty("opacity", FloatProperty::New(1.0));
    node->SetProperty("line width", IntProperty::New(1));
    node->SetProperty("scalar visibility", BoolProperty::New(false));

    UIDGenerator uidGenerator("Surface_");
    node->SetProperty("FILENAME", StringProperty::New(uidGenerator.GetUID() + ".vtk"));

    std::string groupNodeName = "surface";
    DataNode *groupNode = GetGroupNode();

    if (groupNode != NULL)

    node->SetProperty("name", StringProperty::New(groupNodeName));


  if (addToTree)
    DataNode* groupNode = GetGroupNode();

    if (groupNode != NULL)
      groupNode->SetProperty("Surface representation", SmartPointerProperty::New(node));

      BaseProperty *colorProperty = groupNode->GetProperty("color");

      if (colorProperty != NULL)
        node->ReplaceProperty("color", colorProperty);
        node->SetProperty("color", ColorProperty::New(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

      bool showResult = true;
      GetParameter("Show result", showResult);

      bool syncVisibility = false;
      GetParameter("Sync visibility", syncVisibility);

      Image::Pointer image;
      GetPointerParameter("Input", image);

      BaseProperty *organTypeProperty = image->GetProperty("organ type");

      if (organTypeProperty != NULL)
        m_Surface->SetProperty("organ type", organTypeProperty);

      BaseProperty *visibleProperty = groupNode->GetProperty("visible");

      if (visibleProperty != NULL && syncVisibility)
        node->ReplaceProperty("visible", visibleProperty);
        node->SetProperty("visible", BoolProperty::New(showResult));


Ejemplo n.º 5
void SerializedMaterial::WriteData(DataWriter* writer) const
    writer->WriteDataStructure(RenderIOAttributes_Writable(VertexInputs), "Vertex inputs");

    //Get all the "root" nodes (i.e. all the outputs into the material).
    std::vector<DataNode*> rootNodes;
    if (!MaterialOuts.VertexPosOutput.IsConstant())
        rootNodes.insert(rootNodes.end(), MaterialOuts.VertexPosOutput.GetNode());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MaterialOuts.VertexOutputs.size(); ++i)
        if (!MaterialOuts.VertexOutputs[i].Value.IsConstant())
            rootNodes.insert(rootNodes.end(), MaterialOuts.VertexOutputs[i].Value.GetNode());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MaterialOuts.FragmentOutputs.size(); ++i)
        if (!MaterialOuts.FragmentOutputs[i].Value.IsConstant())
            rootNodes.insert(rootNodes.end(), MaterialOuts.FragmentOutputs[i].Value.GetNode());

    //Define each node's "max depth" as the length of the longest chain from the root node
    //   to that node.
    //Sort all nodes by their max depth.
    std::unordered_map<DataNode*, unsigned int> nodesAndDepth;
    unsigned int maxDepth = 0;
    for (unsigned int rootNodeI = 0; rootNodeI < rootNodes.size(); ++rootNodeI)
        //Graph search starting at the root.
        struct NodeAndDepth
            DataNode* Node;
            unsigned int Depth;
            NodeAndDepth(DataNode* n = 0, unsigned int d = 0) : Node(n), Depth(d) { }
        std::stack<NodeAndDepth> searchSpace;
        searchSpace.push(NodeAndDepth(rootNodes[rootNodeI], 0));

        //Prevent infinite loops by tracking which edges have already been traversed.
        //Note that two nodes can be connected along more than one line,
        //    so we have to count how many connections there should be between each pair of nodes.
        struct Traversal
            DataNode *Start, *End;
            Traversal(DataNode* start = 0, DataNode* end = 0) : Start(start), End(end) { }
            bool operator==(const Traversal& other) const
                return Start == other.Start && End == other.End;
#pragma warning(disable: 4100)
            unsigned int operator()(const Traversal& v) const
                return Vector2i((int)Start, (int)End).GetHashCode();
#pragma warning(default: 4100)
        std::unordered_map<Traversal, unsigned int, Traversal> connectionsPerTraversal,

        //Iterate through the search space until all nodes have been traversed.
        while (!searchSpace.empty())
            //Get the current node.
            NodeAndDepth toSearch = searchSpace.top();

            //If the node is a special singleton, it shouldn't be written out.
            if (DataNode::IsSingletonType(toSearch.Node))
            //If the node already exists, and doesn't have a greater depth here,
            //   then there is no need to traverse its children again.
            auto found = nodesAndDepth.find(toSearch.Node);
            if (found != nodesAndDepth.end() && found->second >= toSearch.Depth)

            //Set/update the node's entry in the graph.
            nodesAndDepth[toSearch.Node] = toSearch.Depth;
            maxDepth = Mathf::Max(maxDepth, toSearch.Depth);

            //Add the node's DataNode children (not its constant VectorF children)
            //    to the search space.
            for (unsigned int childI = 0; childI < toSearch.Node->GetInputs().size(); ++childI)
                if (!toSearch.Node->GetInputs()[childI].IsConstant())
                    DataNode* child = toSearch.Node->GetInputs()[childI].GetNode();

                    //Make sure the input actually exists.
                    if (child == 0)
                        writer->ErrorMessage = "Input node '" +
                                                    toSearch.Node->GetInputs()[childI].GetNonConstantValue() +
                                                    "' of node '" + toSearch.Node->GetName() +
                                                    "' doens't exist!";
                        throw DataWriter::EXCEPTION_FAILURE;

                    //Make sure this path hasn't been traversed already.
                    Traversal trvs(toSearch.Node, child);
                    if (connectionsSoFar.find(trvs) != connectionsSoFar.end())
                        //If there are more connections between these nodes than there should be,
                        //   then this traversal has happened more than once -- i.e.,
                        //   there is an infinite loop.
                        if (connectionsSoFar[trvs] >= connectionsPerTraversal[trvs])
                            writer->ErrorMessage = "Infinite loop detected: The link between '" +
                                                        toSearch.Node->GetName() + "' and its input '" +
                                                        child->GetName() +
                                                        "' has been traversed more than once.";
                            throw DataWriter::EXCEPTION_FAILURE;
                            connectionsSoFar[trvs] += 1;
                        connectionsSoFar[trvs] = 1;

                        //Count how many connections there should be for this traversal.
                        unsigned int connPerTrav = 0;
                        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < toSearch.Node->GetInputs().size(); ++j)
                            DataLine& inp = toSearch.Node->GetInputs()[j];
                            if (!inp.IsConstant() && inp.GetNode() == trvs.End)
                                connPerTrav += 1;
                        connectionsPerTraversal[trvs] = connPerTrav;

                    //Put the child node into the search space.
                    searchSpace.push(NodeAndDepth(child, toSearch.Depth + 1));

    //Before writing any nodes, write out the number of nodes that will be written.
    writer->WriteUInt(nodesAndDepth.size(), "Number of nodes");

    //Now that we have all nodes sorted by their depth, start with the lowest nodes
    //    (i.e. the fewest dependencies) and work up.
    for (int depth = (int)maxDepth; depth >= 0; --depth)
        unsigned int depthU = (unsigned int)depth;

        //Get all nodes of this depth and write them.
        for (auto element = nodesAndDepth.begin(); element != nodesAndDepth.end(); ++element)
            if (element->second == depthU)
                //Generate a description of the outputs.
                std::string outputDescription = std::to_string(element->first->GetNumbOutputs()) +
                                                    " Outputs: ";
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < element->first->GetNumbOutputs(); ++i)
                    if (i > 0) outputDescription += ", ";
                    outputDescription += std::to_string(element->first->GetOutputSize(i));

                //Write the node.
                writer->WriteDataStructure(SerializedNode(element->first), outputDescription);

    //Now write out the output declarations.
    writer->WriteDataStructure(MaterialOuts, "Material outputs");

    //Finally, write out the geometry shader.
    writer->WriteDataStructure(GeoShader, "Geometry shader");
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool mitk::SceneIO::SaveScene( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sceneNodes, const DataStorage* storage,
                                           const std::string& filename)
  if (!sceneNodes)
    MITK_ERROR << "No set of nodes given. Not possible to save scene.";
    return false;
  if (!storage)
    MITK_ERROR << "No data storage given. Not possible to save scene.";  // \TODO: Technically, it would be possible to save the nodes without their relation
    return false;

  if ( filename.empty() )
    MITK_ERROR << "No filename given. Not possible to save scene.";
    return false;


    m_FailedNodes = DataStorage::SetOfObjects::New();
    m_FailedProperties = PropertyList::New();

    // start XML DOM
    TiXmlDocument document;
    TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", "" ); // TODO what to write here? encoding? standalone would mean that we provide a DTD somewhere...
    document.LinkEndChild( decl );

    TiXmlElement* version = new TiXmlElement("Version");
    version->SetAttribute("Writer",  __FILE__ );
    version->SetAttribute("Revision",  "$Revision: 17055 $" );
    version->SetAttribute("FileVersion",  1 );

    //DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sceneNodes = storage->GetSubset( predicate );

    if ( sceneNodes.IsNull() )
      MITK_WARN << "Saving empty scene to " << filename;
      if ( sceneNodes->size() == 0 )
        MITK_WARN << "Saving empty scene to " << filename;

    MITK_INFO << "Storing scene with " << sceneNodes->size() << " objects to " << filename;

      m_WorkingDirectory = CreateEmptyTempDirectory();
      if (m_WorkingDirectory.empty())
        MITK_ERROR << "Could not create temporary directory. Cannot create scene files.";
        return false;

      ProgressBar::GetInstance()->AddStepsToDo( sceneNodes->size() );

      // find out about dependencies
      typedef std::map< DataNode*, std::string > UIDMapType;
      typedef std::map< DataNode*, std::list<std::string> > SourcesMapType;

      UIDMapType nodeUIDs;              // for dependencies: ID of each node
      SourcesMapType sourceUIDs; // for dependencies: IDs of a node's parent nodes

      UIDGenerator nodeUIDGen("OBJECT_");

      for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = sceneNodes->begin();
           iter != sceneNodes->end();
        DataNode* node = iter->GetPointer();
        if (!node)
          continue; // unlikely event that we get a NULL pointer as an object for saving. just ignore

        // generate UIDs for all source objects
        DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sourceObjects = storage->GetSources( node );
        for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = sourceObjects->begin();
              sourceIter != sourceObjects->end();
              ++sourceIter )
          if ( std::find( sceneNodes->begin(), sceneNodes->end(), *sourceIter ) == sceneNodes->end() )
            continue; // source is not saved, so don't generate a UID for this source

          // create a uid for the parent object
          if ( nodeUIDs[ *sourceIter ].empty() )
            nodeUIDs[ *sourceIter ] = nodeUIDGen.GetUID();

          // store this dependency for writing
          sourceUIDs[ node ].push_back( nodeUIDs[*sourceIter] );

        if ( nodeUIDs[ node ].empty() )
          nodeUIDs[ node ] = nodeUIDGen.GetUID();

      // write out objects, dependencies and properties
      for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = sceneNodes->begin();
           iter != sceneNodes->end();
        DataNode* node = iter->GetPointer();

        if (node)
          TiXmlElement* nodeElement = new TiXmlElement("node");
          std::string filenameHint( node->GetName() );
          filenameHint = itksys::SystemTools::MakeCindentifier(filenameHint.c_str()); // escape filename <-- only allow [A-Za-z0-9_], replace everything else with _

          // store dependencies
          UIDMapType::iterator searchUIDIter = nodeUIDs.find(node);
          if ( searchUIDIter != nodeUIDs.end() )
            // store this node's ID
            nodeElement->SetAttribute("UID", searchUIDIter->second.c_str() );

          SourcesMapType::iterator searchSourcesIter = sourceUIDs.find(node);
          if ( searchSourcesIter != sourceUIDs.end() )
            // store all source IDs
            for ( std::list<std::string>::iterator sourceUIDIter = searchSourcesIter->second.begin();
                  sourceUIDIter != searchSourcesIter->second.end();
                  ++sourceUIDIter )
              TiXmlElement* uidElement = new TiXmlElement("source");
              uidElement->SetAttribute("UID", sourceUIDIter->c_str() );
              nodeElement->LinkEndChild( uidElement );

          // store basedata
          if ( BaseData* data = node->GetData() )
            //std::string filenameHint( node->GetName() );
            bool error(false);
            TiXmlElement* dataElement( SaveBaseData( data, filenameHint, error ) ); // returns a reference to a file
            if (error)
              m_FailedNodes->push_back( node );

            // store basedata properties
            PropertyList* propertyList = data->GetPropertyList();
            if (propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
              TiXmlElement* baseDataPropertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-data") ); // returns a reference to a file
              dataElement->LinkEndChild( baseDataPropertiesElement );

            nodeElement->LinkEndChild( dataElement );

          // store all renderwindow specific propertylists
          const RenderingManager::RenderWindowVector& allRenderWindows( RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAllRegisteredRenderWindows() );
          for ( RenderingManager::RenderWindowVector::const_iterator rw = allRenderWindows.begin();
                rw != allRenderWindows.end();
            if (vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow = *rw)
              std::string renderWindowName( mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow)->GetName() );
              BaseRenderer* renderer = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow);
              PropertyList* propertyList = node->GetPropertyList(renderer);
              if ( propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
                TiXmlElement* renderWindowPropertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-" + renderWindowName) ); // returns a reference to a file
                renderWindowPropertiesElement->SetAttribute("renderwindow", renderWindowName);
                nodeElement->LinkEndChild( renderWindowPropertiesElement );

          // don't forget the renderwindow independent list
          PropertyList* propertyList = node->GetPropertyList();
          if ( propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
            TiXmlElement* propertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-node") ); // returns a reference to a file
            nodeElement->LinkEndChild( propertiesElement );
          document.LinkEndChild( nodeElement );
          MITK_WARN << "Ignoring NULL node during scene serialization.";

      } // end for all nodes

    } // end if sceneNodes

    if ( !document.SaveFile( m_WorkingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + "index.xml" ) )
      MITK_ERROR << "Could not write scene to " << m_WorkingDirectory << Poco::Path::separator() << "index.xml" << "\nTinyXML reports '" << document.ErrorDesc() << "'";
      return false;
        Poco::File deleteFile( filename.c_str() );
        if (deleteFile.exists())

        // create zip at filename
        std::ofstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
        if (!file.good())
          MITK_ERROR << "Could not open a zip file for writing: '" << filename << "'";
          Poco::Zip::Compress zipper( file, true );
          Poco::Path tmpdir( m_WorkingDirectory );
          zipper.addRecursive( tmpdir );
          Poco::File deleteDir( m_WorkingDirectory );
          deleteDir.remove(true); // recursive
          MITK_ERROR << "Could not delete temporary directory " << m_WorkingDirectory;
          return false; // ok?
      catch(std::exception& e)
        MITK_ERROR << "Could not create ZIP file from " << m_WorkingDirectory << "\nReason: " << e.what();
        return false;
      return true;
  catch(std::exception& e)
    MITK_ERROR << "Caught exception during saving temporary files to disk. Error description: '" << e.what() << "'";
    return false;