Ejemplo n.º 1
double SGD<DecomposableFunctionType, UpdatePolicyType>::Optimize(
    DecomposableFunctionType& function,
    arma::mat& iterate)
  // Find the number of functions to use.
  const size_t numFunctions = function.NumFunctions();

  // This is used only if shuffle is true.
  arma::Col<size_t> visitationOrder;
  if (shuffle)
    visitationOrder = arma::shuffle(arma::linspace<arma::Col<size_t>>(0,
        (numFunctions - 1), numFunctions));

  // To keep track of where we are and how things are going.
  size_t currentFunction = 0;
  double overallObjective = 0;
  double lastObjective = DBL_MAX;

  // Calculate the first objective function.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i)
    overallObjective += function.Evaluate(iterate, i);

  // Initialize the update policy.
  updatePolicy.Initialize(iterate.n_rows, iterate.n_cols);

  // Now iterate!
  arma::mat gradient(iterate.n_rows, iterate.n_cols);
  for (size_t i = 1; i != maxIterations; ++i, ++currentFunction)
    // Is this iteration the start of a sequence?
    if ((currentFunction % numFunctions) == 0)
      // Output current objective function.
      Log::Info << "SGD: iteration " << i << ", objective " << overallObjective
          << "." << std::endl;

      if (std::isnan(overallObjective) || std::isinf(overallObjective))
        Log::Warn << "SGD: converged to " << overallObjective << "; terminating"
            << " with failure.  Try a smaller step size?" << std::endl;
        return overallObjective;

      if (std::abs(lastObjective - overallObjective) < tolerance)
        Log::Info << "SGD: minimized within tolerance " << tolerance << "; "
            << "terminating optimization." << std::endl;
        return overallObjective;

      // Reset the counter variables.
      lastObjective = overallObjective;
      overallObjective = 0;
      currentFunction = 0;

      if (shuffle) // Determine order of visitation.
        visitationOrder = arma::shuffle(visitationOrder);

    // Evaluate the gradient for this iteration.
    if (shuffle)
      function.Gradient(iterate, visitationOrder[currentFunction], gradient);
      function.Gradient(iterate, currentFunction, gradient);

    // Use the update policy to take a step.
    updatePolicy.Update(iterate, stepSize, gradient);

    // Now add that to the overall objective function.
    if (shuffle)
      overallObjective += function.Evaluate(iterate,
      overallObjective += function.Evaluate(iterate, currentFunction);

  Log::Info << "SGD: maximum iterations (" << maxIterations << ") reached; "
      << "terminating optimization." << std::endl;

  // Calculate final objective.
  overallObjective = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i)
    overallObjective += function.Evaluate(iterate, i);
  return overallObjective;