Ejemplo n.º 1
static std::string
compute_sha1 (Oiiotool &ot, ImageInput *input)
    SHA1 sha;
    const ImageSpec &spec (input->spec());
    if (spec.deep) {
        // Special handling of deep data
        DeepData dd;
        if (! input->read_native_deep_image (dd)) {
            ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, could not read image\n");
            return std::string();
        // Hash both the sample counts and the data block
        sha.append (dd.all_samples());
        sha.append (dd.all_data());
    } else {
        imagesize_t size = input->spec().image_bytes (true /*native*/);
        if (size >= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
            ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, image is too big\n");
            return std::string();
        else if (size != 0) {
            boost::scoped_array<char> buf (new char [size]);
            if (! input->read_image (TypeDesc::UNKNOWN /*native*/, &buf[0])) {
                ot.error ("    SHA-1: unable to compute, could not read image\n");
                return std::string();
            sha.append (&buf[0], size);

    return sha.digest().c_str();
Ejemplo n.º 2
OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                                          int firstchan, int nchans,
                                          DeepData &deepdata)
    if (m_deep_scanline_input_part == NULL) {
        error ("called OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_scanlines without an open file");
        return false;

    try {
        const PartInfo &part (m_parts[m_subimage]);
        size_t npixels = (yend - ybegin) * m_spec.width;

        // Set up the count and pointers arrays and the Imf framebuffer
        std::vector<TypeDesc> channeltypes;
        m_spec.get_channelformats (channeltypes);
        deepdata.init (npixels, nchans, &channeltypes[firstchan],
        Imf::DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        Imf::Slice countslice (Imf::UINT,
                               (char *)(&deepdata.nsamples[0]
                                        - m_spec.x
                                        - ybegin*m_spec.width),
                               sizeof(unsigned int),
                               sizeof(unsigned int) * m_spec.width);
        frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (countslice);
        for (int c = 0;  c < nchans;  ++c) {
            Imf::DeepSlice slice (part.pixeltype[c+firstchan],
                                  (char *)(&deepdata.pointers[c]
                                           - m_spec.x * nchans
                                           - ybegin*m_spec.width*nchans),
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans, // xstride of pointer array
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans*m_spec.width, // ystride of pointer array
                                  part.chanbytes[c+firstchan]); // stride of data sample
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c+firstchan].c_str(), slice);
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

        // Get the sample counts for each pixel and compute the total
        // number of samples and resize the data area appropriately.
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->readPixelSampleCounts (ybegin, yend-1);
        deepdata.alloc ();

        // Read the pixels
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->readPixels (ybegin, yend-1);
    catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;

    return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
DeepData_init (DeepData &dd, int npix, int nchan, tuple p)
    std::vector<TypeDesc> chantypes;
    py_to_stdvector (chantypes, p);
    ScopedGILRelease gil;
    dd.init (npix, nchan, &(*chantypes.begin()), &(*chantypes.end()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
DeepData::copy_deep_pixel (int pixel, const DeepData &src, int srcpixel)
    if (pixel < 0 || pixel >= pixels()) {
        // std::cout << "dst pixel was " << pixel << "\n";
        DASSERT (0 && "Out of range pixel index");
        return false;
    if (srcpixel < 0 || srcpixel >= src.pixels()) {
        // Copying empty pixel -- set samples to 0 and we're done
        // std::cout << "Source pixel was " << srcpixel << "\n";
        set_samples (pixel, 0);
        return true;
    int nchans = channels();
    if (nchans != src.channels()) {
        DASSERT (0 && "Number of channels don't match.");
        return false;
    int nsamples = src.samples(srcpixel);
    set_samples (pixel, nsamples);
    if (nsamples == 0)
        return true;
    bool sametypes = samplesize() == src.samplesize();
    if (sametypes)
        for (int c = 0; c < nchans; ++c)
            sametypes &= (channeltype(c) == src.channeltype(c));
    if (sametypes)
        memcpy (data_ptr (pixel, 0, 0), src.data_ptr (srcpixel, 0, 0),
    else {
        for (int c = 0; c < nchans; ++c) {
            if (channeltype(c) == TypeDesc::UINT32 && src.channeltype(c) == TypeDesc::UINT32)
                for (int s = 0; s < nsamples; ++s)
                    set_deep_value (pixel, c, s,
                                    src.deep_value_uint (srcpixel, c, s));
                for (int s = 0; s < nsamples; ++s)
                    set_deep_value (pixel, c, s,
                                    src.deep_value (srcpixel, c, s));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
DeepData::merge_deep_pixels (int pixel, const DeepData &src, int srcpixel)
    int srcsamples = src.samples(srcpixel);
    if (srcsamples == 0)
        return;   // No samples to merge
    int dstsamples = samples(pixel);
    if (dstsamples == 0) {
        // Nothing in our pixel yet, so just copy src's pixel
        copy_deep_pixel (pixel, src, srcpixel);

    // Need to merge the pixels

    // First, merge all of src's samples into our pixel
    set_samples (pixel, dstsamples+srcsamples);
    for (int i = 0; i < srcsamples; ++i)
        copy_deep_sample (pixel, dstsamples+i, src, srcpixel, i);

    // Now ALL the samples from both images are in our pixel.
    // Mutually split the samples against each other.
    sort (pixel);  // sort first so we only loop once
    int zchan = m_impl->m_z_channel;
    int zbackchan = m_impl->m_zback_channel;
    for (int s = 0; s < samples(pixel); ++s) {
        float z = deep_value (pixel, zchan, s);
        float zback = deep_value (pixel, zbackchan, s);
        split (pixel, z);
        split (pixel, zback);
    sort (pixel);

    // Now merge the overlaps
    merge_overlaps (pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 6
DeepData::copy_deep_sample (int pixel, int sample,
                            const DeepData &src, int srcpixel, int srcsample)
    const void *srcdata = src.data_ptr (srcpixel, 0, srcsample);
    int nchans = channels();
    if (! srcdata || nchans != src.channels())
        return false;
    int nsamples = src.samples(srcpixel);
    set_samples (pixel, std::max (samples(pixel), nsamples));
    for (int c = 0; c < m_nchannels; ++c) {
        if (channeltype(c) == TypeDesc::UINT32 && src.channeltype(c) == TypeDesc::UINT32)
            set_deep_value (pixel, c, sample,
                            src.deep_value_uint (srcpixel, c, srcsample));
            set_deep_value (pixel, c, sample,
                            src.deep_value (srcpixel, c, srcsample));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void
dump_data (ImageInput *input, const print_info_options &opt)
    const ImageSpec &spec (input->spec());
    if (spec.deep) {
        // Special handling of deep data
        DeepData dd;
        if (! input->read_native_deep_image (dd)) {
            printf ("    dump data: could not read image\n");
        int nc = spec.nchannels;
        for (int z = 0, pixel = 0;  z < spec.depth;  ++z) {
            for (int y = 0;  y < spec.height;  ++y) {
                for (int x = 0;  x < spec.width;  ++x, ++pixel) {
                    int nsamples = dd.samples(pixel);
                    if (nsamples == 0 && ! opt.dumpdata_showempty)
                    std::cout << "    Pixel (";
                    if (spec.depth > 1 || spec.z != 0)
                        std::cout << Strutil::format("%d, %d, %d",
                                             x+spec.x, y+spec.y, z+spec.z);
                        std::cout << Strutil::format("%d, %d",
                                                     x+spec.x, y+spec.y);
                    std::cout << "): " << nsamples << " samples" 
                              << (nsamples ? ":" : "");
                    for (int s = 0;  s < nsamples;  ++s) {
                        if (s)
                            std::cout << " / ";
                        for (int c = 0;  c < nc;  ++c) {
                            std::cout << " " << spec.channelnames[c] << "=";
                            if (dd.channeltype(c) == TypeDesc::UINT)
                                std::cout << dd.deep_value_uint(pixel, c, s);
                                std::cout << dd.deep_value (pixel, c, s);
                    std::cout << "\n";

    } else {
        std::vector<float> buf(spec.image_pixels() * spec.nchannels);
        if (! input->read_image (TypeDesc::FLOAT, &buf[0])) {
            printf ("    dump data: could not read image\n");
        const float *ptr = &buf[0];
        for (int z = 0;  z < spec.depth;  ++z) {
            for (int y = 0;  y < spec.height;  ++y) {
                for (int x = 0;  x < spec.width;  ++x) {
                    if (! opt.dumpdata_showempty) {
                        bool allzero = true;
                        for (int c = 0; c < spec.nchannels && allzero; ++c)
                            allzero &= (ptr[c] == 0.0f);
                        if (allzero) {
                            ptr += spec.nchannels;
                    if (spec.depth > 1 || spec.z != 0)
                        std::cout << Strutil::format("    Pixel (%d, %d, %d):",
                                             x+spec.x, y+spec.y, z+spec.z);
                        std::cout << Strutil::format("    Pixel (%d, %d):",
                                             x+spec.x, y+spec.y);
                    for (int c = 0;  c < spec.nchannels;  ++c, ++ptr) {
                        std::cout << ' ' << (*ptr);
                    std::cout << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 8
OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_tiles (int xbegin, int xend,
                                      int ybegin, int yend,
                                      int zbegin, int zend,
                                      int chbegin, int chend,
                                      DeepData &deepdata)
    if (m_deep_tiled_input_part == NULL) {
        error ("called OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_tiles without an open file");
        return false;

    try {
        const PartInfo &part (m_parts[m_subimage]);
        size_t width = (xend - xbegin);
        size_t npixels = width * (yend - ybegin) * (zend - zbegin);
        chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
        int nchans = chend - chbegin;

        // Set up the count and pointers arrays and the Imf framebuffer
        std::vector<TypeDesc> channeltypes;
        m_spec.get_channelformats (channeltypes);
        deepdata.init (npixels, nchans, &channeltypes[chbegin],
        Imf::DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        Imf::Slice countslice (Imf::UINT,
                               (char *)(&deepdata.nsamples[0]
                                        - xbegin
                                        - ybegin*width),
                               sizeof(unsigned int),
                               sizeof(unsigned int) * width);
        frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (countslice);
        for (int c = chbegin;  c < chend;  ++c) {
            Imf::DeepSlice slice (part.pixeltype[c],
                                  (char *)(&deepdata.pointers[c-chbegin]
                                           - xbegin*nchans
                                           - ybegin*width*nchans),
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans, // xstride of pointer array
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans*width, // ystride of pointer array
                                  part.chanbytes[c]); // stride of data sample
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c].c_str(), slice);
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

        int xtiles = round_to_multiple (xend-xbegin, m_spec.tile_width) / m_spec.tile_width;
        int ytiles = round_to_multiple (yend-ybegin, m_spec.tile_height) / m_spec.tile_height;

        // Get the sample counts for each pixel and compute the total
        // number of samples and resize the data area appropriately.
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->readPixelSampleCounts (0, xtiles-1, 0, ytiles-1);
        deepdata.alloc ();

        // Read the pixels
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->readTiles (0, xtiles-1, 0, ytiles-1,
                                            m_miplevel, m_miplevel);
    catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;

    return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_tiles (int xbegin, int xend,
                                      int ybegin, int yend,
                                      int zbegin, int zend,
                                      int chbegin, int chend,
                                      DeepData &deepdata)
    if (m_deep_tiled_input_part == NULL) {
        error ("called OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_tiles without an open file");
        return false;

    try {
        const PartInfo &part (m_parts[m_subimage]);
        size_t width = (xend - xbegin);
        size_t npixels = width * (yend - ybegin) * (zend - zbegin);
        chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
        int nchans = chend - chbegin;

        // Set up the count and pointers arrays and the Imf framebuffer
        std::vector<TypeDesc> channeltypes;
        m_spec.get_channelformats (channeltypes);
        deepdata.init (npixels, nchans,
                       array_view<const TypeDesc>(&channeltypes[chbegin], chend-chbegin),
        std::vector<unsigned int> all_samples (npixels);
        std::vector<void*> pointerbuf (npixels * nchans);
        Imf::DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        Imf::Slice countslice (Imf::UINT,
                               (char *)(&all_samples[0]
                                        - xbegin
                                        - ybegin*width),
                               sizeof(unsigned int),
                               sizeof(unsigned int) * width);
        frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (countslice);
        for (int c = chbegin;  c < chend;  ++c) {
            Imf::DeepSlice slice (part.pixeltype[c],
                                  (char *)(&pointerbuf[0]+(c-chbegin)
                                           - xbegin*nchans
                                           - ybegin*width*nchans),
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans, // xstride of pointer array
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans*width, // ystride of pointer array
                                  deepdata.samplesize()); // stride of data sample
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c].c_str(), slice);
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

        int xtiles = round_to_multiple (xend-xbegin, m_spec.tile_width) / m_spec.tile_width;
        int ytiles = round_to_multiple (yend-ybegin, m_spec.tile_height) / m_spec.tile_height;

        int firstxtile = (xbegin - m_spec.x) / m_spec.tile_width;
        int firstytile = (ybegin - m_spec.y) / m_spec.tile_height;

        // Get the sample counts for each pixel and compute the total
        // number of samples and resize the data area appropriately.
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->readPixelSampleCounts (
                firstxtile, firstxtile+xtiles-1,
                firstytile, firstytile+ytiles-1);
        deepdata.set_all_samples (all_samples);
        deepdata.get_pointers (pointerbuf);

        // Read the pixels
        m_deep_tiled_input_part->readTiles (
                firstxtile, firstxtile+xtiles-1,
                firstytile, firstytile+ytiles-1,
                m_miplevel, m_miplevel);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;
    } catch (...) {   // catch-all for edge cases or compiler bugs
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: unknown exception");
        return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                                          int chbegin, int chend,
                                          DeepData &deepdata)
    if (m_deep_scanline_input_part == NULL) {
        error ("called OpenEXRInput::read_native_deep_scanlines without an open file");
        return false;

    try {
        const PartInfo &part (m_parts[m_subimage]);
        size_t npixels = (yend - ybegin) * m_spec.width;
        chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
        int nchans = chend - chbegin;

        // Set up the count and pointers arrays and the Imf framebuffer
        std::vector<TypeDesc> channeltypes;
        m_spec.get_channelformats (channeltypes);
        deepdata.init (npixels, nchans,
                       array_view<const TypeDesc>(&channeltypes[chbegin], chend-chbegin),
        std::vector<unsigned int> all_samples (npixels);
        std::vector<void*> pointerbuf (npixels*nchans);
        Imf::DeepFrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        Imf::Slice countslice (Imf::UINT,
                               (char *)(&all_samples[0]
                                        - m_spec.x
                                        - ybegin*m_spec.width),
                               sizeof(unsigned int),
                               sizeof(unsigned int) * m_spec.width);
        frameBuffer.insertSampleCountSlice (countslice);

        for (int c = chbegin;  c < chend;  ++c) {
            Imf::DeepSlice slice (part.pixeltype[c],
                                  (char *)(&pointerbuf[0]+(c-chbegin)
                                           - m_spec.x * nchans
                                           - ybegin*m_spec.width*nchans),
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans, // xstride of pointer array
                                  sizeof(void*) * nchans*m_spec.width, // ystride of pointer array
                                  deepdata.samplesize()); // stride of data sample
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c].c_str(), slice);
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);

        // Get the sample counts for each pixel and compute the total
        // number of samples and resize the data area appropriately.
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->readPixelSampleCounts (ybegin, yend-1);
        deepdata.set_all_samples (all_samples);
        deepdata.get_pointers (pointerbuf);

        // Read the pixels
        m_deep_scanline_input_part->readPixels (ybegin, yend-1);
        // deepdata.import_chansamp (pointerbuf);
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;
    } catch (...) {   // catch-all for edge cases or compiler bugs
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: unknown exception");
        return false;

    return true;

    return false;