void build_model() {
			vector<Mat> trainDesc;
        		FeatureDetector *detector = new SurfFeatureDetector();
        		DescriptorExtractor *extractor = new SurfDescriptorExtractor();

        		// Generate descriptors from the image db
        		fs::path p = fs::system_complete(IMAGE_DATABASE);
			fs::directory_iterator end_iter;
			for(fs::directory_iterator dir_itr(p); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr) {
                		string img_name(dir_itr->path().string());
                		Mat img = imread(img_name, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
				// feature extraction
                		vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
				detector->detect(img, keypoints);

				// feature description
				Mat descriptor;
				extractor->compute(img, keypoints, descriptor);

			// train the model

			// Clean up
        		delete detector;
        		delete extractor;
		string exec_match(Mat testDesc, int match_method) {
			vector<vector<DMatch> > knnMatches;
			vector<DMatch> annMatches;
			vector<int> bestMatches(imgNames.size(), 0);

			// apply the required matching method
			switch(match_method) {
				case 1:	{
					int knn = 1;
					matcher->knnMatch(testDesc, knnMatches, knn);
                                        // Filter results
                                        for(vector<vector<DMatch> >::const_iterator it = knnMatches.begin(); it != knnMatches.end(); ++it) {
                                                for(vector<DMatch>::const_iterator it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2) {

				case 2: {
					matcher->match(testDesc, annMatches);
					for(vector<DMatch>::const_iterator iter = annMatches.begin(); iter != annMatches.end(); ++iter) {
        		// Filter results
        		for(vector<vector<DMatch> >::const_iterator it = knnMatches.begin(); it != knnMatches.end(); ++it){
                		for(vector<DMatch>::const_iterator it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2){

        		// Find best match
        		int bestScore = 0;
        		int bestIdx = -1;
        		for(int i = 0; i < bestMatches.size(); ++i){
                		if(bestMatches[i] >= bestScore){
                        		bestScore = bestMatches[i];
                        		bestIdx = i;
			string imgBaseName = string(fs::basename(imgNames.at(bestIdx)));
			boost::replace_all(imgBaseName, "-", " ");
			return imgBaseName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static double match(const vector<KeyPoint>& /*kpts_train*/, const vector<KeyPoint>& /*kpts_query*/, DescriptorMatcher& matcher,
            const Mat& train, const Mat& query, vector<DMatch>& matches)

  double t = (double)getTickCount();
  matcher.match(query, train, matches); //Using features2d
  return ((double)getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ratioTestMatching(DescriptorMatcher& descriptorMatcher, const Mat& descriptors1, const Mat& descriptors2,
                       vector<DMatch>& filteredMatches12, float ratio = 0.6f)
    const int knn = 2;
    vector<vector<DMatch> > matches12;
    descriptorMatcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches12, 2);
    for (size_t m = 0; m < matches12.size(); m++)
        if (matches12[m][0].distance / matches12[m][1].distance < ratio)