Ejemplo n.º 1
    static long createGearForILD(Detector& description, int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
      std::cout << " **** running plugin createGearForILD ! " <<  std::endl ;
      // ===========================================================================================
      // global parameters:
      double crossing_angle(0.) ;
      try{ crossing_angle = description.constant<double>("ILC_Main_Crossing_Angle") ; } catch(std::runtime_error&e) {std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;} 
      //========= TPC ==============================================================================

	DetElement tpcDE = description.detector("TPC") ;
	FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpc = tpcDE.extension<FixedPadSizeTPCData>() ;
	gear::TPCParametersImpl* gearTPC = new gear::TPCParametersImpl( tpc->driftLength /dd4hep::mm , gear::PadRowLayout2D::POLAR ) ;
	gearTPC->setPadLayout( new gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout( tpc->rMinReadout/dd4hep::mm , tpc->rMaxReadout/dd4hep::mm, tpc->padHeight/dd4hep::mm,
								 tpc->padWidth/dd4hep::mm , tpc->maxRow, tpc->padGap /dd4hep::mm  ) ) ;
	gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerRadius", tpc->rMin/dd4hep::mm  )  ; // inner r of support tube
	gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterRadius", tpc->rMax/dd4hep::mm  )  ; // outer radius of TPC
	gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerWallThickness", tpc->innerWallThickness/dd4hep::mm  )  ;   // thickness of inner shell
	gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterWallThickness", tpc->outerWallThickness/dd4hep::mm  )  ;   // thickness of outer shell
	tpcDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearTPC, "TPCParameters" ) ) ;

      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      //========= VXD ==============================================================================
	DetElement vxdDE = description.detector("VXD") ;
	ZPlanarData* vxd = vxdDE.extension<ZPlanarData>() ;
	//      ZPlanarParametersImpl (int type, double shellInnerRadius, double shellOuterRadius, double shellHalfLength, double shellGap, double shellRadLength)
	int vxdType =  gear::ZPlanarParameters::CMOS ;
	gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* gearVXD = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl( vxdType, vxd->rInnerShell/dd4hep::mm,  vxd->rOuterShell/dd4hep::mm,
										vxd->zHalfShell/dd4hep::mm , vxd->gapShell/dd4hep::mm , 0.  ) ;
	for(unsigned i=0,n=vxd->layers.size() ; i<n; ++i){
	  const rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& l = vxd->layers[i] ;
	  // FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from dd4hep ....
	  gearVXD->addLayer( l.ladderNumber, l.phi0, 
			     l.distanceSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.offsetSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.thicknessSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.zHalfSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.widthSupport/dd4hep::mm,   0. , 
			     l.distanceSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.offsetSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.thicknessSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.zHalfSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.widthSensitive/dd4hep::mm, 0. )  ;
	GearHandle* handle = new GearHandle( gearVXD, "VXDParameters" )  ;
	// quick hack for now: add the one material that is needed by KalDet :  
	//      handle->addMaterial( "VXDSupportMaterial", 2.075865162e+01, 1.039383117e+01, 2.765900000e+02, 1.014262421e+03, 3.341388059e+03)  ; 
	// -------- better: get right averaged material from first ladder:  ------------------
	MaterialManager matMgr( Detector::getInstance().world().volume() ) ;
	const rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& l = vxd->layers[0] ;
	Vector3D a( l.distanceSupport                      , l.phi0 , 0. ,  Vector3D::cylindrical ) ;
	Vector3D b( l.distanceSupport + l.thicknessSupport , l.phi0 , 0. ,  Vector3D::cylindrical ) ;
	const MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materialsBetween( a , b  ) ;
	MaterialData mat = ( materials.size() > 1  ? matMgr.createAveragedMaterial( materials ) : materials[0].first  ) ;
	// std::cout << " ####### found materials between points : " << a << " and " << b << " : " ;
	// for( unsigned i=0,n=materials.size();i<n;++i){
	// 	std::cout <<  materials[i].first.name() << "[" <<   materials[i].second << "], " ;
	// }
	// std::cout << std::endl ;
	// std::cout << "   averaged material : " << mat << std::endl ;
	handle->addMaterial( "VXDSupportMaterial", mat.A(), mat.Z() , mat.density()/(dd4hep::kg/(dd4hep::g*dd4hep::m3)) , mat.radiationLength()/dd4hep::mm , mat.interactionLength()/dd4hep::mm )  ; 
	vxdDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( handle ) ;

      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      //========= SIT ==============================================================================

	DetElement sitDE = description.detector("SIT") ;
	ZPlanarData* sit = sitDE.extension<ZPlanarData>() ;
	//      ZPlanarParametersImpl (int type, double shellInnerRadius, double shellOuterRadius, double shellHalfLength, double shellGap, double shellRadLength)
	int sitType =  gear::ZPlanarParameters::CCD ;
	gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* gearSIT = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl( sitType, sit->rInnerShell/dd4hep::mm,  sit->rOuterShell/dd4hep::mm,
										sit->zHalfShell/dd4hep::mm , sit->gapShell/dd4hep::mm , 0.  ) ;
	std::vector<int> n_sensors_per_ladder ;
	for(unsigned i=0,n=sit->layers.size() ; i<n; ++i){
	  const rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& l = sit->layers[i] ;
	  // FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from dd4hep ....
	  gearSIT->addLayer( l.ladderNumber, l.phi0, 
			     l.distanceSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.offsetSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l. thicknessSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.zHalfSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.widthSupport/dd4hep::mm,   0. , 
			     l.distanceSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.offsetSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l. thicknessSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.zHalfSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.widthSensitive/dd4hep::mm, 0. )  ;
	  n_sensors_per_ladder.push_back( l.sensorsPerLadder);
	gearSIT->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm"  , sit->widthStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSIT->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm" , sit->lengthStrip/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSIT->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm"  , sit->pitchStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSIT->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg" , sit->angleStrip / dd4hep::deg ) ;
	sitDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearSIT, "SITParameters" ) ) ;

      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){ 
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;


      try {

	DetElement setDE = description.detector("SET") ;
	ZPlanarData* set = setDE.extension<ZPlanarData>() ;
	//      ZPlanarParametersImpl (int type, double shellInnerRadius, double shellOuterRadius, double shellHalfLength, double shellGap, double shellRadLength)
	int setType =  gear::ZPlanarParameters::CCD ;
	gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* gearSET = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl( setType, set->rInnerShell/dd4hep::mm,  set->rOuterShell/dd4hep::mm,
										set->zHalfShell/dd4hep::mm , set->gapShell/dd4hep::mm , 0.  ) ;
	std::vector<int> n_sensors_per_ladder ;
	//n_sensors_per_ladder.clear() ;
	for(unsigned i=0,n=set->layers.size() ; i<n; ++i){
	  const rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& l = set->layers[i] ;
	  // FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from dd4hep ....
	  gearSET->addLayer( l.ladderNumber, l.phi0, 
			     l.distanceSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.offsetSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l. thicknessSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.zHalfSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.widthSupport/dd4hep::mm,   0. , 
			     l.distanceSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.offsetSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l. thicknessSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.zHalfSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.widthSensitive/dd4hep::mm, 0. )  ;
	  n_sensors_per_ladder.push_back( l.sensorsPerLadder);
	gearSET->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm"  , set->widthStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSET->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm" , set->lengthStrip/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSET->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm"  , set->pitchStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearSET->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg" , set->angleStrip / dd4hep::deg ) ;

	setDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearSET, "SETParameters" ) ) ;

      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      try {

	DetElement ftdDE = description.detector("FTD") ;
	ZDiskPetalsData* ftd = ftdDE.extension<ZDiskPetalsData>() ;
	gear::FTDParametersImpl* gearFTD = new gear::FTDParametersImpl();
	for(unsigned i=0,n=ftd->layers.size() ; i<n; ++i){
	  const rec::ZDiskPetalsData::LayerLayout& l = ftd->layers[i] ;
	  bool isDoubleSided  = l.typeFlags[ rec::ZDiskPetalsStruct::SensorType::DoubleSided ] ;
	  // avoid 'undefined reference' at link time ( if built w/o optimization ):
	  static const int PIXEL = gear::FTDParameters::PIXEL ;
	  static const int STRIP = gear::FTDParameters::STRIP ;
	  int  sensorType   = ( l.typeFlags[ rec::ZDiskPetalsStruct::SensorType::Pixel ] ? PIXEL : STRIP ) ;
	  //			      gear::FTDParameters::PIXEL :  gear::FTDParameters::STRIP ) ;
	  double zoffset = fabs( l.zOffsetSupport ) ;
	  double signoffset =  l.zOffsetSupport > 0  ?  1. : -1 ;
	  gearFTD->addLayer( l.petalNumber, l.sensorsPerPetal, 
			     isDoubleSided, sensorType, 
			     l.petalHalfAngle, l.phi0, l.alphaPetal, 
			     l.zPosition/dd4hep::mm, zoffset/dd4hep::mm, signoffset,
			     l.distanceSupport/dd4hep::mm, l.thicknessSupport/dd4hep::mm,
			     l.widthInnerSupport/dd4hep::mm, l.widthOuterSupport/dd4hep::mm,
			     l.distanceSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.thicknessSensitive/dd4hep::mm,
			     l.widthInnerSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.widthOuterSensitive/dd4hep::mm,
			     0. ) ;
	  // FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from dd4hep ....
	gearFTD->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm"  , ftd->widthStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearFTD->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm" , ftd->lengthStrip/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearFTD->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm"  , ftd->pitchStrip / dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearFTD->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg" , ftd->angleStrip / dd4hep::deg ) ;
	ftdDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearFTD, "FTDParameters" ) ) ;

      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;


      try {
	DetElement coilDE = description.detector("Coil") ;
	gear::GearParametersImpl* gearCOIL = new gear::GearParametersImpl();
	Tube coilTube = Tube( coilDE.volume().solid() )  ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_inner_radius" , coilTube->GetRmin()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_outer_radius" , coilTube->GetRmax()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_half_z"       , coilTube->GetDZ()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	coilDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearCOIL, "CoilParameters" ) ) ;
      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;


      try {

	DetElement tubeDE = description.detector("Tube") ;
	ConicalSupportData* tube = tubeDE.extension<ConicalSupportData>() ;
	gear::GearParametersImpl* gearTUBE = new gear::GearParametersImpl();
	tube->isSymmetricInZ = true ;
	unsigned n = tube->sections.size() ;
	std::vector<double> rInner(n) ;
	std::vector<double> rOuter(n) ;
	std::vector<double> zStart(n) ;
	for(unsigned i=0 ; i<n ; ++i){
	  const ConicalSupportData::Section& s = tube->sections[i] ;
	  rInner[i] = s.rInner/ dd4hep::mm  ; 
	  rOuter[i] = s.rOuter/ dd4hep::mm  ; 
	  zStart[i] = s.zPos  / dd4hep::mm  ; 
	  // FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from dd4hep ....
	gearTUBE->setDoubleVals("RInner" , rInner ) ;
	gearTUBE->setDoubleVals("ROuter" , rOuter ) ;
	gearTUBE->setDoubleVals("Z"      , zStart ) ;
	tubeDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearTUBE, "BeamPipe" ) ) ;
      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      //========= CALO ==============================================================================

      //*  gear interface w/ LayeredCalorimeterData extension

      std::map< std::string, std::string > caloMap ;
      caloMap["HcalBarrel"] = "HcalBarrelParameters"  ; 
      caloMap["EcalBarrel"] = "EcalBarrelParameters" ;
      caloMap["EcalEndcap"] = "EcalEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["EcalPlug"]   = "EcalPlugParameters" ;
      caloMap["YokeBarrel"] = "YokeBarrelParameters" ;
      caloMap["YokeEndcap"] = "YokeEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["YokePlug"]   = "YokePlugParameters" ;
      caloMap["HcalBarrel"] = "HcalBarrelParameters" ;
      caloMap["HcalEndcap"] = "HcalEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["HcalRing"]   = "HcalRingParameters" ;
      caloMap["Lcal"]	    = "LcalParameters" ;
      caloMap["LHcal"]	    = "LHcalParameters" ;
      caloMap["BeamCal"]    = "BeamCalParameters" ;
      for(  std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator it = caloMap.begin() ; it != caloMap.end() ; ++it ){


	try {

	  DetElement caloDE = description.detector( it->first ) ;
	  LayeredCalorimeterData* calo = caloDE.extension<LayeredCalorimeterData>() ;
	  gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* gearCalo = 
	    ( calo->layoutType == LayeredCalorimeterData::BarrelLayout  ?
	      new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo->extent[0]/dd4hep::mm, calo->extent[3]/dd4hep::mm, calo->inner_symmetry, calo->phi0 )  :
	      //CalorimeterParametersImpl (double rMin, double zMax, int symOrder=8, double phi0=0.0) - C'tor for a cylindrical (octagonal) BARREL calorimeter.
	      new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo->extent[0]/dd4hep::mm,  calo->extent[1]/dd4hep::mm,  calo->extent[2]/dd4hep::mm, calo->outer_symmetry, calo->phi0 )   ) ;
	  //CalorimeterParametersImpl (double rMin, double rMax, double zMin, int symOrder=2, double phi0=0.0) - C'tor for a cylindrical (octagonal) ENDCAP calorimeter. 
	  for( unsigned i=0, nL = calo->layers.size() ; i <nL ; ++i ){
	    LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer& l = calo->layers[i] ;
            //Do some arithmetic to get thicknesses and (approximate) absorber thickneses from "new" rec structures
            //The positioning should come out right, but the absorber thickness should be overestimated due to the presence of 
            //other less dense material
	    if( i == 0 ) {
	      gearCalo->layerLayout().positionLayer( l.distance/dd4hep::mm, 
						     (l.inner_thickness+l.sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm , 
						     l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, 
						     (l.inner_thickness-l.sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm ) ;
	      gearCalo->layerLayout().addLayer( (l.inner_thickness+l.sensitive_thickness/2.+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2. ) / dd4hep::mm , 
						l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, (l.inner_thickness-l.sensitive_thickness/2.+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm) ;
	    // if( i == 0 ) {
	    //   gearCalo->layerLayout().positionLayer( l.distance/dd4hep::mm, l.thickness/dd4hep::mm , 
	    // 					     l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, l.absorberThickness/dd4hep::mm ) ;
	    // }else{
	    //   gearCalo->layerLayout().addLayer(                             l.thickness/dd4hep::mm , 
	    // 								    l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, l.absorberThickness/dd4hep::mm ) ;
	    // }
	  if( it->first == "HcalBarrel" ){
	    // additional parameters needed by MarlinPandora
	    gearCalo->setIntVal("Hcal_outer_polygon_order"   ,  calo->outer_symmetry  ) ;
	    gearCalo->setDoubleVal("Hcal_outer_polygon_phi0" ,  calo->phi0 ) ;
	  if( it->first == "BeamCal" ){

	      // additional parameters needed by BCalReco
	      SensitiveDetector sD = description.sensitiveDetector( it->first   )   ;
	      Readout readOut = sD.readout() ;
	      Segmentation seg = readOut.segmentation() ;
	      //	    DDSegmentation::DoubleVecParameter rPar =  dynamic_cast<DDSegmentation::DoubleVecParameter>( seg.parameter("grid_r_values"));
	      DDSegmentation::DoubleVecParameter pPar =  dynamic_cast<DDSegmentation::DoubleVecParameter>( seg.parameter("grid_phi_values"));
	      DDSegmentation::DoubleParameter    oPPar=  dynamic_cast<DDSegmentation::DoubleParameter>(    seg.parameter("offset_phi"));

	      double offsetPhi   = oPPar->typedValue() ;
	      double spanningPhi = 360.*dd4hep::deg - 2.*( offsetPhi + 180.*dd4hep::deg ) ;  

	      gearCalo->setDoubleVals( "phi_segmentation"     , pPar->typedValue()  );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "cylinder_starting_phi", offsetPhi  );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "cylinder_spanning_phi", spanningPhi );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "beam_crossing_angle"  , crossing_angle );

	      //fixme: don't know how to get these parameters at this stage ...
	      //       probably need a named parameter object at every DetElement  ....
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "dead_area_outer_r"       ,   0 );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "pairsMonitorZ"           ,   0. );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "FIXME_dead_area_outer_r" ,  -1. );
	      gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "FIXME_pairsMonitorZ"     ,  -1. );
	    } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	      std::cerr << " >>>> BeamCal: " << e.what() << std::endl ;

	  if( it->first == "Lcal" ||  it->first == "LHcal" ){
	    gearCalo->setDoubleVal(  "beam_crossing_angle"  , crossing_angle );

	  caloDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearCalo, it->second ) ) ;
	} catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	  std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      } // calo loop 

      //*  test gear interface w/ LayeredExtensionImpl extension
      // DetElement calo2DE = description.detector("EcalBarrel") ;
      // Calorimeter calo2( calo2DE ) ;
      // gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* gearCalo2 = 
      // 	( calo2.isBarrel()  ?
      // 	  new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo2.getRMin()/dd4hep::mm,                             calo2.getZMax()/dd4hep::mm, calo2.getNSides(),  0. )  :    // fixme: phi 0  is not defined ??
      // 	  new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo2.getRMin()/dd4hep::mm, calo2.getRMax()/dd4hep::mm, calo2.getZMin()/dd4hep::mm, calo2.getNSides(),  0. ) 
      // 	  ) ;

      // for( unsigned i=0, nL = calo2.numberOfLayers() ; i <nL ; ++i ){
      // 	if( i == 0 ) {
      // 	  gearCalo2->layerLayout().positionLayer( calo2.getRMin()/dd4hep::mm, calo2.thickness(i)/dd4hep::mm ,  0. /dd4hep::mm,   0. /dd4hep::mm, calo2.absorberThickness(i)/dd4hep::mm ) ;

      // 	}else{                                                                                        //     fixme:   cell sizes  not in API !? 

      // 	  gearCalo2->layerLayout().addLayer(                                  calo2.thickness(i)/dd4hep::mm ,  0. /dd4hep::mm,   0. /dd4hep::mm, calo2.absorberThickness(i)/dd4hep::mm ) ;
      // 	}

      // }

      // calo2DE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearCalo2, "EcalBarrelParameters" ) ) ;


      // --- Detector::apply() expects return code 1 if all went well ! ----
      return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Constructor. The detector element is identified by the name
Geant4SensitiveDetector::Geant4SensitiveDetector(const string& nam, Detector& description)
  : G4VSensitiveDetector(nam), m_detDesc(description), m_detector(), m_sensitive(), m_readout(), m_hce(0) {
  m_sensitive = description.sensitiveDetector(nam);
  m_detector = description.detector(nam);
  m_readout = m_sensitive.readout();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    static long createGearForSiD(Detector& description, int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
      std::cout << " **** running plugin createGearForSiD ! " <<  std::endl ;
      try {
	DetElement coilDE = description.detector("Solenoid") ;
	gear::GearParametersImpl* gearCOIL = new gear::GearParametersImpl();
	Tube coilTube = Tube( coilDE.volume().solid() )  ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_inner_radius" , coilTube->GetRmin()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_outer_radius" , coilTube->GetRmax()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	gearCOIL->setDoubleVal("Coil_cryostat_half_z"       , coilTube->GetDZ()/ dd4hep::mm ) ;
	coilDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearCOIL, "CoilParameters" ) ) ;
      } catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;
      //========= CALO ONLY ==============================================================

      //*  gear interface w/ LayeredCalorimeterData extension

      std::map< std::string, std::string > caloMap ;
      caloMap["HCalBarrel"] = "HcalBarrelParameters" ; 
      caloMap["HCalEndcap"] = "HcalEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["ECalBarrel"] = "EcalBarrelParameters" ;
      caloMap["ECalEndcap"] = "EcalEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["MuonBarrel"] = "YokeBarrelParameters" ;
      caloMap["MuonEndcap"] = "YokeEndcapParameters" ;
      caloMap["LumiCal"]    = "LcalParameters" ;
      caloMap["BeamCal"]    = "BeamCalParameters" ;
      for( std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator it = caloMap.begin() ; it != caloMap.end() ; ++it ){

	try {

	  DetElement caloDE = description.detector( it->first ) ;
	  LayeredCalorimeterData* calo = caloDE.extension<LayeredCalorimeterData>() ;
	  gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* gearCalo = 
	    ( calo->layoutType == LayeredCalorimeterData::BarrelLayout  ?
	      new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo->extent[0]/dd4hep::mm, calo->extent[3]/dd4hep::mm, calo->inner_symmetry, calo->inner_phi0 )  :
	      //CalorimeterParametersImpl (double rMin, double zMax, int symOrder=8, double phi0=0.0) - C'tor for a cylindrical (octagonal) BARREL calorimeter.
	      new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(  calo->extent[0]/dd4hep::mm,  calo->extent[1]/dd4hep::mm,  calo->extent[2]/dd4hep::mm, calo->outer_symmetry, calo->outer_phi0 )   ) ;
	  //CalorimeterParametersImpl (double rMin, double rMax, double zMin, int symOrder=2, double phi0=0.0) - C'tor for a cylindrical (octagonal) ENDCAP calorimeter. 
	  for( unsigned i=0, nL = calo->layers.size() ; i <nL ; ++i ){
	    LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer& l = calo->layers[i] ;
            //Do some arithmetic to get thicknesses and (approximate) absorber thickneses from "new" rec structures
            //The positioning should come out right, but the absorber thickness should be overestimated due to the presence of 
            //other less dense material
	    if( i == 0 ) {
            //First layer is positioned with only its inner thickness taken into account
	      gearCalo->layerLayout().positionLayer( l.distance/dd4hep::mm, (l.inner_thickness+l.sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm , 
						     l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, (l.inner_thickness-l.sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm ) ;
	    } else if ( i == nL -1 ) {
	      //Need to handle outermost layer differently; add its outer thickness
	      //This gives the right extent, but the "wrong" distance for the last layer
	      gearCalo->layerLayout().addLayer((l.inner_thickness+l.outer_thickness+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm , 
					       l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, (l.inner_thickness+l.outer_thickness-l.sensitive_thickness+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm) ;
	    } else {
	      //All other layers need to be added taking into account the previous layer outer thicknesses
	      gearCalo->layerLayout().addLayer((l.inner_thickness+l.sensitive_thickness/2.+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm , 
					       l.cellSize0/dd4hep::mm, l.cellSize1/dd4hep::mm, (l.inner_thickness-l.sensitive_thickness/2.+calo->layers[i-1].outer_thickness-calo->layers[i-1].sensitive_thickness/2.)/dd4hep::mm) ;
	  if( it->first == "HCalBarrel" ){
	    // additional parameters needed by MarlinPandora
	    gearCalo->setIntVal("Hcal_outer_polygon_order"   , calo->outer_symmetry  ) ;
	    gearCalo->setDoubleVal("Hcal_outer_polygon_phi0" ,  calo->outer_phi0 ) ;
	  caloDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearCalo, it->second ) ) ;

	} catch( std::runtime_error& e ){  
	  std::cerr << " >>>> " << e.what() << std::endl ;

      } // calo loop 

      // --- Detector::apply() expects return code 1 if all went well ! ----
      return 1;