Ejemplo n.º 1
void CParticleJetEffectPainter::CreateLinearParticles (CSpaceObject *pObj, int iCount, const CVector &vInitialPos, const CVector &vInitialVel)

//	CreateLinearParticles
//	Creates new particles on a straight line

	int i;

	//	Compute some basic stuff

	const Metric rJitterFactor = LIGHT_SPEED / 100000.0;
	Metric rCurRotation = AngleToRadians(180 + m_iXformRotation + m_iCurDirection);

	//	Compute the spread angle, in radians

	Metric rSpread = AngleToRadians(Max(0, m_SpreadAngle.Roll()));
	Metric rHalfSpread = 0.5 * rSpread;

	//	Calculate where last tick's particles would be based on the last rotation.

	Metric rAveSpeed = m_EmitSpeed.GetAveValue() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;
	CVector vCurStart = (m_vLastEmitPos + (m_rXformTime * ::PolarToVectorRadians(rCurRotation, rAveSpeed * g_SecondsPerUpdate))) - vInitialPos;

	//	Create particles

	for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Metric rSlide = mathRandom(0, 9999) / 10000.0;

		//	We place the particle along the line betwen the current
		//	and last emit positions

		CVector vPos = vInitialPos + rSlide * vCurStart;

		//	Generate a random velocity backwards

		Metric rRotation = rCurRotation + (rHalfSpread * mathRandom(-1000, 1000) / 1000.0);
		Metric rSpeed = m_EmitSpeed.Roll() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;
		CVector vVel = m_rXformTime * (vInitialVel + ::PolarToVectorRadians(rRotation, rSpeed + rJitterFactor * mathRandom(-500, 500)));

		//	Lifetime

		int iLifeLeft = m_ParticleLifetime.Roll();

		//	Add the particle

		m_Particles.AddParticle(vPos, vVel, iLifeLeft, AngleToDegrees(rRotation));

	//	Remember the last position

	m_iLastDirection = m_iCurDirection;
	m_vLastEmitPos = vInitialPos;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CParticleJetEffectPainter::CreateInterpolatedParticles (CSpaceObject *pObj, int iCount, const CVector &vInitialPos, const CVector &vInitialVel)

//	CreateInterpolatedParticles
//	Creates particles interpolated between to directions.

	int i;

	//	Compute some basic stuff

	const Metric rJitterFactor = LIGHT_SPEED / 100000.0;
	Metric rLastRotation = AngleToRadians(180 + m_iXformRotation + m_iLastDirection);
	Metric rCurRotation = AngleToRadians(180 + m_iXformRotation + m_iCurDirection);

	//	Compute the spread angle, in radians

	Metric rSpread = AngleToRadians(Max(0, m_SpreadAngle.Roll()));
	Metric rHalfSpread = 0.5 * rSpread;

	//	Calculate where last tick's particles would be based on the last rotation.

	Metric rAveSpeed = m_EmitSpeed.GetAveValue() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;
	CVector vLastStart = (m_vLastEmitPos + (m_rXformTime * ::PolarToVectorRadians(rLastRotation, rAveSpeed * g_SecondsPerUpdate))) - vInitialPos;

	//	Calculate where last tick's particles would be IF we have used the current
	//	rotation. This allows us to interpolate a turn.

	CVector vCurStart = (m_vLastEmitPos + (m_rXformTime * ::PolarToVectorRadians(rCurRotation, rAveSpeed * g_SecondsPerUpdate))) - vInitialPos;

	//	Create particles

	for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Metric rSlide = mathRandom(0, 9999) / 10000.0;

		//	Compute two points along the two slide vectors (last and current)

		CVector vSlide1 = rSlide * vLastStart;
		CVector vSlide2 = rSlide * vCurStart;
		CVector vAdj = (rSlide * vSlide1) + ((1.0 - rSlide) * vSlide2);

		//	We place the particle along the line betwen the current
		//	and last emit positions

		CVector vPos = vInitialPos + vAdj;

		//	We blend the rotation as well

		if (Absolute(rCurRotation - rLastRotation) > g_Pi)
			if (rLastRotation < rCurRotation)
				rLastRotation += g_Pi * 2.0;
				rCurRotation += g_Pi * 2.0;

		Metric rSlideRotation = (rSlide * rLastRotation) + ((1.0 - rSlide) * rCurRotation);

		//	Generate a random velocity backwards

		Metric rRotation = rSlideRotation + (rHalfSpread * mathRandom(-1000, 1000) / 1000.0);
		Metric rSpeed = m_EmitSpeed.Roll() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;
		CVector vVel = m_rXformTime * (vInitialVel + ::PolarToVectorRadians(rRotation, rSpeed + rJitterFactor * mathRandom(-500, 500)));

		//	Lifetime

		int iLifeLeft = m_ParticleLifetime.Roll();

		//	Add the particle

		m_Particles.AddParticle(vPos, vVel, iLifeLeft, AngleToDegrees(rRotation));

	//	Remember the last position

	m_iLastDirection = m_iCurDirection;
	m_vLastEmitPos = vInitialPos;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CParticleJetEffectPainter::CreateFixedParticles (CSpaceObject *pObj, int iCount, const CVector &vInitialPos, const CVector &vInitialVel)

//	CreateFixedParticles
//	Creates particles along the objects path (e.g., missile exhaust).

	int i;

	//	Calculate a vector to our previous position
	//	NOTE: In this mode m_vLastEmitPos is the last position of the object.

	CVector vCurPos = (pObj ? pObj->GetPos() : CVector());
	CVector vToOldPos;
	if (m_bTrackingObject)
		Metric rAveSpeed = m_rXformTime * m_EmitSpeed.GetAveValue() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0;
		vToOldPos = m_vLastEmitPos - (vCurPos + vInitialPos) + ::PolarToVector(180 + m_iLastDirection, rAveSpeed * g_SecondsPerUpdate);
		Metric rSpeed = (pObj ? pObj->GetVel().Length() : 0.0);
		vToOldPos = ::PolarToVector(180 + m_iLastDirection, rSpeed * g_SecondsPerUpdate);

	//	Compute two orthogonal coordinates

	CVector vAxis = ::PolarToVector(m_iCurDirection + 180, 1.0);
	CVector vTangent = ::PolarToVector(m_iCurDirection + 90, 1.0);

	//	Create particles

	for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Metric rSlide = mathRandom(0, 9999) / 10000.0;

		//	Compute a position randomly along the line between the current and
		//	last emit positions.

		CVector vPos = vInitialPos + rSlide * vToOldPos;

		//	Generate a random velocity along the tangent

		Metric rTangentSlide = mathRandom(-9999, 9999) / 10000.0;
		Metric rAxisJitter = mathRandom(-50, 50) / 100.0;
		CVector vVel = (vTangent * rTangentSlide * m_rXformTime * m_TangentSpeed.Roll() * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0)
				+ (vAxis * (m_EmitSpeed.Roll() + rAxisJitter) * LIGHT_SPEED / 100.0);

		//	Lifetime

		int iLifeLeft = m_ParticleLifetime.Roll();

		//	Add the particle

		m_Particles.AddParticle(vPos, vVel, iLifeLeft, m_iCurDirection);

	//	Remember the last position

	m_iLastDirection = m_iCurDirection;
	m_vLastEmitPos = vCurPos + vInitialPos;