Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Info::update_shoot_variables (MapClass &Map)
     int xdiff, ydiff;
     char m_symbol;
     Direction d;
     can_shoot_at_enemy_falcon = false;
     can_shoot_at_enemy_tank = false;
     Position my_posn, f_posn, e_posn;
     f_posn = this->opp_falcon.posn;
     e_posn = this->opp_tank.posn;

     xdiff = f_posn.x - curr_posn.x;
     ydiff = f_posn.y - curr_posn.y;

     if ((xdiff == 0) || (ydiff == 0))
          if (xdiff == 0){
               if (ydiff < 0){
                    d.get_from_integer (LEFT);
                    d.get_from_integer (RIGHT);
          else if (ydiff == 0) {
               if (xdiff < 0){
                    d.get_from_integer (UP);
                    d.get_from_integer (DOWN);
          my_posn = curr_posn;
          my_posn.go_in_direction (d);

          while (!(my_posn == f_posn)){
               m_symbol = Map.get_element (my_posn);

               if (m_symbol == WALL || m_symbol == GOLD || m_symbol == MACHINE_GUN){
                    can_shoot_at_enemy_falcon = false;
               my_posn.go_in_direction (d);
          if (my_posn == f_posn){
               shoot_falcon_dirn = d;
               can_shoot_at_enemy_falcon = true;

     xdiff = e_posn.x - curr_posn.x;
     ydiff = e_posn.y - curr_posn.y;

     if (xdiff != 0 && ydiff != 0){
          return 1;
     if (xdiff == 0){
          if (ydiff < 0){
               d.get_from_integer (LEFT);
               d.get_from_integer (RIGHT);
     else if (ydiff == 0) {
          if (xdiff < 0){
               d.get_from_integer (UP);
               d.get_from_integer (DOWN);

     my_posn = curr_posn;
     my_posn.go_in_direction (d);

     while (!(my_posn == e_posn)){
          m_symbol = Map.get_element (my_posn);

          if (m_symbol == WALL || m_symbol == GOLD || m_symbol == MACHINE_GUN){
               can_shoot_at_enemy_tank = false;
          my_posn.go_in_direction (d);
     if (my_posn == e_posn){
          shoot_enemy_tank_dirn = d;
          can_shoot_at_enemy_tank = true;

     return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Info::update_distances(MapClass &map,Position source)
     // This function does BREADTH FIRST TRAVERSAL on the Map and
     // stores the distances in the appropriate objects. The logic is
     // explained and you can change/add stuff to it if you want

     queue <Position> q;

     // visited : a 2D array which is used as a colour attribute in the BFT part
     vector< vector <int> > visited(MAP_SIZE - 1,vector <int>(MAP_SIZE - 1,0));

     // initial_move : a 2D array which stores the first moves to be
     // made from the source to reach that position in BFT time
     vector< vector <Move> > initial_move(MAP_SIZE - 1,vector <Move>(MAP_SIZE - 1));

     // distance : a 2D vector which stores the BFT distances of various position 
     vector< vector <int> > distance(MAP_SIZE - 1,vector <int>(MAP_SIZE - 1, -1));
     object_info temp_info_object, null_gold;

     Position temp, temp1;
     Direction d;
     char char_buffer, map_element;
     int x, y;

     visited[x][y] = 1;		// Set source to be visited
     distance[x][y] = 0;		// Distance from source to itself is 0

     // Gold and bunker vectors need to be cleared,
     // because each move we are rebuilding them.
     // That is because they can change from move to move.
     gold.clear ();
     enemy_bunker.clear ();

     // Initially pushing all the valid neighbors into the queue
     // the initial_move must be appropiately assigned values
     for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
          d.get_from_integer (i);
          temp = source;
          temp.go_in_direction (d);
          map_element = map.get_element (temp);

          if(map_element == enemy_ID.my_bunker || map_element == GOLD || map_element == EMPTY || map_element == BULLET1 || map_element == BULLET2 || map_element == enemy_ID.falcon_symbol){

               // Unless the position is empty or gold
               // dont enqueue the position.
               if (map_element == enemy_ID.falcon_symbol){
                    opp_falcon.shortest_distance = 1;
                    opp_falcon.initial_move.dirn = d;
                    opp_falcon.posn = temp;
                    initial_move[temp.x][temp.y].dirn = d;  
                    visited[temp.x][temp.y] = 1;            //set the colour
                    distance[temp.x][temp.y] = 1;           //distance of the neighbours of source is 1.

// While queue is not empty bft proceeds
// This is the key BFT algo
          temp=q.front();     //temp is the first element in the queue

          x = temp.x;
          y = temp.y;
          char_buffer = map.get_element(temp);
          //get element returns the symbol of the given position

          // Contains the info of the current node to be dequeued
          temp_info_object.shortest_distance = distance[temp.x][temp.y];
          temp_info_object.initial_move = initial_move[temp.x][temp.y];
          temp_info_object.posn = temp;

          // If the current position is GOLD push it into the
          // gold gold vector
          if(char_buffer == GOLD)

          if(char_buffer == enemy_ID.my_bunker)
          // If the position is a tank or a falcon update the
          // corresponding objects. But the neighbours shouldn't be
          // pushed. so continue the process
          else if (char_buffer == enemy_ID.tank_symbol)       
               opp_tank = temp_info_object;
          else if (char_buffer == enemy_ID.falcon_symbol)
               distance[x][y] = -1;
               opp_falcon = temp_info_object;
               // We say continue because you can never reach
               // that place and go to a neighbour
          else if( char_buffer ==  my_ID.falcon_symbol)
               distance[x][y] = -1;
               my_falcon = temp_info_object;
          else if( char_buffer ==  WALL || char_buffer == my_ID.my_bunker || char_buffer == MACHINE_GUN)
               distance[x][y] = -1;

          for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) // Going through current node's neighbours
               d.get_from_integer (i);     
               temp1 = temp;
               temp1.go_in_direction (d); // temp1 is the neighbour

               // push the neighbours if they are not already visited
               if( visited[temp1.x][temp1.y] == 0 &&
                   !map.is_symbol (temp1, WALL) &&
                   !map.is_symbol (temp1, MACHINE_GUN) &&
                   !map.is_symbol (temp1, my_ID.my_bunker))
                    // the initial move is the same as its parents
                    // initial move 
                    initial_move[temp1.x][temp1.y] = initial_move[temp.x][temp.y];
                    visited[temp1.x][temp1.y] = 1;
                    distance[temp1.x][temp1.y] = 1 + distance[x][y];
                    // distance is one more than its parent

// This null_gold object has been created to 
// equate nearest gold to null gold when 
// there is no gold in map
     null_gold.initial_move.dirn = Direction(0, 1);
     null_gold.shortest_distance = 10000;
     null_gold.initial_move.shoot = false;
     gold_available = true;

          nearest_gold = gold[0];
          nearest_gold = null_gold;
          gold_available = false;

// Test code to show the shortest distances to each position on
// the map

//      int i = 0, j = 0;
//      for(i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE - 1; i++)
//      {
//          for(j = 0; j < MAP_SIZE - 1; j++)
//          {
//              if(i != source.x || (j != source.y))
// 		  initial_move[i][j].dirn.print();
//              else 
// 		  cout << setw (2) << '9';//distance[i][j];
//          }

//          cout << endl << endl;
//      }

//          exit(0);
