Ejemplo n.º 1
void GetMappedDiagonal
( const DistMatrix<T,U,V>& A,
        AbstractDistMatrix<S>& dPre,
        function<S(const T&)> func,
        Int offset )
    EL_DEBUG_ONLY(AssertSameGrids( A, dPre ))
    ElementalProxyCtrl ctrl;
    ctrl.colConstrain = true;
    ctrl.colAlign = A.DiagonalAlign(offset);
    ctrl.rootConstrain = true;
    ctrl.root = A.DiagonalRoot(offset);

    DistMatrixWriteProxy<S,S,DiagCol<U,V>(),DiagRow<U,V>()> dProx( dPre, ctrl );
    auto& d = dProx.Get();

    d.Resize( A.DiagonalLength(offset), 1 );
    if( d.Participating() )
        const Int diagShift = d.ColShift();
        const Int iStart = diagShift + Max(-offset,0);
        const Int jStart = diagShift + Max( offset,0);

        const Int colStride = A.ColStride();
        const Int rowStride = A.RowStride();
        const Int iLocStart = (iStart-A.ColShift()) / colStride;
        const Int jLocStart = (jStart-A.RowShift()) / rowStride;
        const Int iLocStride = d.ColStride() / colStride;
        const Int jLocStride = d.ColStride() / rowStride;

        const Int localDiagLength = d.LocalHeight();
        S* dBuf = d.Buffer();
        const T* ABuf = A.LockedBuffer();
        const Int ldim = A.LDim();
        for( Int k=0; k<localDiagLength; ++k )
            const Int iLoc = iLocStart + k*iLocStride;
            const Int jLoc = jLocStart + k*jLocStride;
            dBuf[k] = func(ABuf[iLoc+jLoc*ldim]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void TestCorrectness
( UpperOrLower uplo, 
  const DistMatrix<F>& A, 
  const DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR>& t,
        DistMatrix<F>& AOrig,
  bool print, bool display )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const Int m = AOrig.Height();
    const Real infNormAOrig = HermitianInfinityNorm( uplo, AOrig );
    const Real frobNormAOrig = HermitianFrobeniusNorm( uplo, AOrig );
    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "Testing error..." << endl;

    // Grab the diagonal and subdiagonal of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix
    Int subdiagonal = ( uplo==LOWER ? -1 : +1 );
    auto d = GetRealPartOfDiagonal(A);
    auto e = GetRealPartOfDiagonal(A,subdiagonal);
    // Grab a full copy of e so that we may fill the opposite subdiagonal 
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> e_STAR_STAR( e );
    DistMatrix<Real,MD,STAR> eOpposite(g);
    eOpposite.SetRoot( A.DiagonalRoot(-subdiagonal) );
    eOpposite.AlignCols( A.DiagonalAlign(-subdiagonal) );
    eOpposite = e_STAR_STAR;
    // Zero B and then fill its tridiagonal
    DistMatrix<F> B(g);
    B.AlignWith( A );
    Zeros( B, m, m );
    SetRealPartOfDiagonal( B, d );
    SetRealPartOfDiagonal( B, e, subdiagonal );
    SetRealPartOfDiagonal( B, eOpposite, -subdiagonal );
    if( print )
        Print( B, "Tridiagonal" );
    if( display )
        Display( B, "Tridiagonal" );

    // Reverse the accumulated Householder transforms, ignoring symmetry
    herm_tridiag::ApplyQ( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, A, t, B );
    herm_tridiag::ApplyQ( RIGHT, uplo, ADJOINT, A, t, B );
    if( print )
        Print( B, "Rotated tridiagonal" );
    if( display )
        Display( B, "Rotated tridiagonal" );

    // Compare the appropriate triangle of AOrig and B
    MakeTrapezoidal( uplo, AOrig );
    MakeTrapezoidal( uplo, B );
    B -= AOrig;
    if( print )
        Print( B, "Error in rotated tridiagonal" );
    if( display )
        Display( B, "Error in rotated tridiagonal" );
    const Real infNormError = HermitianInfinityNorm( uplo, B );
    const Real frobNormError = HermitianFrobeniusNorm( uplo, B );

    // Compute || I - Q Q^H ||
    MakeIdentity( B );
    herm_tridiag::ApplyQ( RIGHT, uplo, ADJOINT, A, t, B );
    DistMatrix<F> QHAdj( g );
    Adjoint( B, QHAdj );
    MakeIdentity( B );
    herm_tridiag::ApplyQ( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, A, t, B );
    QHAdj -= B;
    herm_tridiag::ApplyQ( RIGHT, uplo, ADJOINT, A, t, B );
    ShiftDiagonal( B, F(-1) );
    const Real infNormQError = InfinityNorm( B );
    const Real frobNormQError = FrobeniusNorm( B ); 

    if( g.Rank() == 0 )
        cout << "    ||A||_oo = " << infNormAOrig << "\n"
             << "    ||A||_F  = " << frobNormAOrig << "\n"
             << "    || I - Q^H Q ||_oo = " << infNormQError << "\n"
             << "    || I - Q^H Q ||_F  = " << frobNormQError << "\n"
             << "    ||A - Q T Q^H||_oo = " << infNormError << "\n"
             << "    ||A - Q T Q^H||_F  = " << frobNormError << endl;