/// SplitCriticalEdge - If this edge is a critical edge, insert a new node to
/// split the critical edge.  This will update DominatorTree and
/// DominatorFrontier information if it is available, thus calling this pass
/// will not invalidate either of them. This returns the new block if the edge
/// was split, null otherwise.
/// If MergeIdenticalEdges is true (not the default), *all* edges from TI to the
/// specified successor will be merged into the same critical edge block.  
/// This is most commonly interesting with switch instructions, which may 
/// have many edges to any one destination.  This ensures that all edges to that
/// dest go to one block instead of each going to a different block, but isn't 
/// the standard definition of a "critical edge".
/// It is invalid to call this function on a critical edge that starts at an
/// IndirectBrInst.  Splitting these edges will almost always create an invalid
/// program because the address of the new block won't be the one that is jumped
/// to.
BasicBlock *llvm::SplitCriticalEdge(TerminatorInst *TI, unsigned SuccNum,
                                    Pass *P, bool MergeIdenticalEdges) {
  if (!isCriticalEdge(TI, SuccNum, MergeIdenticalEdges)) return 0;
  assert(!isa<IndirectBrInst>(TI) &&
         "Cannot split critical edge from IndirectBrInst");
  BasicBlock *TIBB = TI->getParent();
  BasicBlock *DestBB = TI->getSuccessor(SuccNum);

  // Create a new basic block, linking it into the CFG.
  BasicBlock *NewBB = BasicBlock::Create(TI->getContext(),
                      TIBB->getName() + "." + DestBB->getName() + "_crit_edge");
  // Create our unconditional branch.
  BranchInst::Create(DestBB, NewBB);

  // Branch to the new block, breaking the edge.
  TI->setSuccessor(SuccNum, NewBB);

  // Insert the block into the function... right after the block TI lives in.
  Function &F = *TIBB->getParent();
  Function::iterator FBBI = TIBB;
  F.getBasicBlockList().insert(++FBBI, NewBB);
  // If there are any PHI nodes in DestBB, we need to update them so that they
  // merge incoming values from NewBB instead of from TIBB.
  if (PHINode *APHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(DestBB->begin())) {
    // This conceptually does:
    //  foreach (PHINode *PN in DestBB)
    //    PN->setIncomingBlock(PN->getIncomingBlock(TIBB), NewBB);
    // but is optimized for two cases.
    if (APHI->getNumIncomingValues() <= 8) {  // Small # preds case.
      unsigned BBIdx = 0;
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = DestBB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(I); ++I) {
        // We no longer enter through TIBB, now we come in through NewBB.
        // Revector exactly one entry in the PHI node that used to come from
        // TIBB to come from NewBB.
        PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(I);
        // Reuse the previous value of BBIdx if it lines up.  In cases where we
        // have multiple phi nodes with *lots* of predecessors, this is a speed
        // win because we don't have to scan the PHI looking for TIBB.  This
        // happens because the BB list of PHI nodes are usually in the same
        // order.
        if (PN->getIncomingBlock(BBIdx) != TIBB)
          BBIdx = PN->getBasicBlockIndex(TIBB);
        PN->setIncomingBlock(BBIdx, NewBB);
    } else {
      // However, the foreach loop is slow for blocks with lots of predecessors
      // because PHINode::getIncomingBlock is O(n) in # preds.  Instead, walk
      // the user list of TIBB to find the PHI nodes.
      SmallPtrSet<PHINode*, 16> UpdatedPHIs;
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = TIBB->use_begin(), E = TIBB->use_end();
           UI != E; ) {
        Value::use_iterator Use = UI++;
        if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(Use)) {
          // Remove one entry from each PHI.
          if (PN->getParent() == DestBB && UpdatedPHIs.insert(PN))
            PN->setOperand(Use.getOperandNo(), NewBB);
  // If there are any other edges from TIBB to DestBB, update those to go
  // through the split block, making those edges non-critical as well (and
  // reducing the number of phi entries in the DestBB if relevant).
  if (MergeIdenticalEdges) {
    for (unsigned i = SuccNum+1, e = TI->getNumSuccessors(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (TI->getSuccessor(i) != DestBB) continue;
      // Remove an entry for TIBB from DestBB phi nodes.
      // We found another edge to DestBB, go to NewBB instead.
      TI->setSuccessor(i, NewBB);

  // If we don't have a pass object, we can't update anything...
  if (P == 0) return NewBB;
  DominatorTree *DT = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominatorTree>();
  DominanceFrontier *DF = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominanceFrontier>();
  LoopInfo *LI = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<LoopInfo>();
  ProfileInfo *PI = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<ProfileInfo>();
  // If we have nothing to update, just return.
  if (DT == 0 && DF == 0 && LI == 0 && PI == 0)
    return NewBB;

  // Now update analysis information.  Since the only predecessor of NewBB is
  // the TIBB, TIBB clearly dominates NewBB.  TIBB usually doesn't dominate
  // anything, as there are other successors of DestBB.  However, if all other
  // predecessors of DestBB are already dominated by DestBB (e.g. DestBB is a
  // loop header) then NewBB dominates DestBB.
  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> OtherPreds;

  // If there is a PHI in the block, loop over predecessors with it, which is
  // faster than iterating pred_begin/end.
  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(DestBB->begin())) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
      if (PN->getIncomingBlock(i) != NewBB)
  } else {
    for (pred_iterator I = pred_begin(DestBB), E = pred_end(DestBB);
         I != E; ++I)
      if (*I != NewBB)
  bool NewBBDominatesDestBB = true;
  // Should we update DominatorTree information?
  if (DT) {
    DomTreeNode *TINode = DT->getNode(TIBB);

    // The new block is not the immediate dominator for any other nodes, but
    // TINode is the immediate dominator for the new node.
    if (TINode) {       // Don't break unreachable code!
      DomTreeNode *NewBBNode = DT->addNewBlock(NewBB, TIBB);
      DomTreeNode *DestBBNode = 0;
      // If NewBBDominatesDestBB hasn't been computed yet, do so with DT.
      if (!OtherPreds.empty()) {
        DestBBNode = DT->getNode(DestBB);
        while (!OtherPreds.empty() && NewBBDominatesDestBB) {
          if (DomTreeNode *OPNode = DT->getNode(OtherPreds.back()))
            NewBBDominatesDestBB = DT->dominates(DestBBNode, OPNode);
      // If NewBBDominatesDestBB, then NewBB dominates DestBB, otherwise it
      // doesn't dominate anything.
      if (NewBBDominatesDestBB) {
        if (!DestBBNode) DestBBNode = DT->getNode(DestBB);
        DT->changeImmediateDominator(DestBBNode, NewBBNode);

  // Should we update DominanceFrontier information?
  if (DF) {
    // If NewBBDominatesDestBB hasn't been computed yet, do so with DF.
    if (!OtherPreds.empty()) {
      llvm_unreachable("Requiring domfrontiers but not idom/domtree/domset."
                       " not implemented yet!");
    // Since the new block is dominated by its only predecessor TIBB,
    // it cannot be in any block's dominance frontier.  If NewBB dominates
    // DestBB, its dominance frontier is the same as DestBB's, otherwise it is
    // just {DestBB}.
    DominanceFrontier::DomSetType NewDFSet;
    if (NewBBDominatesDestBB) {
      DominanceFrontier::iterator I = DF->find(DestBB);
      if (I != DF->end()) {
        DF->addBasicBlock(NewBB, I->second);
        if (I->second.count(DestBB)) {
          // However NewBB's frontier does not include DestBB.
          DominanceFrontier::iterator NF = DF->find(NewBB);
          DF->removeFromFrontier(NF, DestBB);
        DF->addBasicBlock(NewBB, DominanceFrontier::DomSetType());
    } else {
      DominanceFrontier::DomSetType NewDFSet;
      DF->addBasicBlock(NewBB, NewDFSet);
  // Update LoopInfo if it is around.
  if (LI) {
    if (Loop *TIL = LI->getLoopFor(TIBB)) {
      // If one or the other blocks were not in a loop, the new block is not
      // either, and thus LI doesn't need to be updated.
      if (Loop *DestLoop = LI->getLoopFor(DestBB)) {
        if (TIL == DestLoop) {
          // Both in the same loop, the NewBB joins loop.
          DestLoop->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else if (TIL->contains(DestLoop)) {
          // Edge from an outer loop to an inner loop.  Add to the outer loop.
          TIL->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else if (DestLoop->contains(TIL)) {
          // Edge from an inner loop to an outer loop.  Add to the outer loop.
          DestLoop->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else {
          // Edge from two loops with no containment relation.  Because these
          // are natural loops, we know that the destination block must be the
          // header of its loop (adding a branch into a loop elsewhere would
          // create an irreducible loop).
          assert(DestLoop->getHeader() == DestBB &&
                 "Should not create irreducible loops!");
          if (Loop *P = DestLoop->getParentLoop())
            P->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
      // If TIBB is in a loop and DestBB is outside of that loop, split the
      // other exit blocks of the loop that also have predecessors outside
      // the loop, to maintain a LoopSimplify guarantee.
      if (!TIL->contains(DestBB) &&
          P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LoopSimplifyID)) {
        assert(!TIL->contains(NewBB) &&
               "Split point for loop exit is contained in loop!");

        // Update LCSSA form in the newly created exit block.
        if (P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID)) {
          SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 1> OrigPred;
          CreatePHIsForSplitLoopExit(OrigPred, NewBB, DestBB);

        // For each unique exit block...
        SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> ExitBlocks;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
          // Collect all the preds that are inside the loop, and note
          // whether there are any preds outside the loop.
          SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> Preds;
          bool HasPredOutsideOfLoop = false;
          BasicBlock *Exit = ExitBlocks[i];
          for (pred_iterator I = pred_begin(Exit), E = pred_end(Exit);
               I != E; ++I)
            if (TIL->contains(*I))
              HasPredOutsideOfLoop = true;
          // If there are any preds not in the loop, we'll need to split
          // the edges. The Preds.empty() check is needed because a block
          // may appear multiple times in the list. We can't use
          // getUniqueExitBlocks above because that depends on LoopSimplify
          // form, which we're in the process of restoring!
          if (!Preds.empty() && HasPredOutsideOfLoop) {
            BasicBlock *NewExitBB =
              SplitBlockPredecessors(Exit, Preds.data(), Preds.size(),
                                     "split", P);
            if (P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID))
              CreatePHIsForSplitLoopExit(Preds, NewExitBB, Exit);
      // LCSSA form was updated above for the case where LoopSimplify is
      // available, which means that all predecessors of loop exit blocks
      // are within the loop. Without LoopSimplify form, it would be
      // necessary to insert a new phi.
      assert((!P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID) ||
              P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LoopSimplifyID)) &&
             "SplitCriticalEdge doesn't know how to update LCCSA form "
             "without LoopSimplify!");

  // Update ProfileInfo if it is around.
  if (PI)
    PI->splitEdge(TIBB, DestBB, NewBB, MergeIdenticalEdges);

  return NewBB;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Remove dead loops, by which we mean loops that do not impact the observable
/// behavior of the program other than finite running time.  Note we do ensure
/// that this never remove a loop that might be infinite, as doing so could
/// change the halting/non-halting nature of a program. NOTE: This entire
/// process relies pretty heavily on LoopSimplify and LCSSA in order to make
/// various safety checks work.
bool LoopDeletionPass::runImpl(Loop *L, DominatorTree &DT, ScalarEvolution &SE,
                               LoopInfo &loopInfo) {
  assert(L->isLCSSAForm(DT) && "Expected LCSSA!");

  // We can only remove the loop if there is a preheader that we can
  // branch from after removing it.
  BasicBlock *preheader = L->getLoopPreheader();
  if (!preheader)
    return false;

  // If LoopSimplify form is not available, stay out of trouble.
  if (!L->hasDedicatedExits())
    return false;

  // We can't remove loops that contain subloops.  If the subloops were dead,
  // they would already have been removed in earlier executions of this pass.
  if (L->begin() != L->end())
    return false;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> exitingBlocks;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> exitBlocks;

  // We require that the loop only have a single exit block.  Otherwise, we'd
  // be in the situation of needing to be able to solve statically which exit
  // block will be branched to, or trying to preserve the branching logic in
  // a loop invariant manner.
  if (exitBlocks.size() != 1)
    return false;

  // Finally, we have to check that the loop really is dead.
  bool Changed = false;
  if (!isLoopDead(L, SE, exitingBlocks, exitBlocks, Changed, preheader))
    return Changed;

  // Don't remove loops for which we can't solve the trip count.
  // They could be infinite, in which case we'd be changing program behavior.
  const SCEV *S = SE.getMaxBackedgeTakenCount(L);
  if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(S))
    return Changed;

  // Now that we know the removal is safe, remove the loop by changing the
  // branch from the preheader to go to the single exit block.
  BasicBlock *exitBlock = exitBlocks[0];

  // Because we're deleting a large chunk of code at once, the sequence in which
  // we remove things is very important to avoid invalidation issues.  Don't
  // mess with this unless you have good reason and know what you're doing.

  // Tell ScalarEvolution that the loop is deleted. Do this before
  // deleting the loop so that ScalarEvolution can look at the loop
  // to determine what it needs to clean up.

  // Connect the preheader directly to the exit block.
  TerminatorInst *TI = preheader->getTerminator();
  TI->replaceUsesOfWith(L->getHeader(), exitBlock);

  // Rewrite phis in the exit block to get their inputs from
  // the preheader instead of the exiting block.
  BasicBlock *exitingBlock = exitingBlocks[0];
  BasicBlock::iterator BI = exitBlock->begin();
  while (PHINode *P = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BI)) {
    int j = P->getBasicBlockIndex(exitingBlock);
    assert(j >= 0 && "Can't find exiting block in exit block's phi node!");
    P->setIncomingBlock(j, preheader);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < exitingBlocks.size(); ++i)

  // Update the dominator tree and remove the instructions and blocks that will
  // be deleted from the reference counting scheme.
  SmallVector<DomTreeNode*, 8> ChildNodes;
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI) {
    // Move all of the block's children to be children of the preheader, which
    // allows us to remove the domtree entry for the block.
    ChildNodes.insert(ChildNodes.begin(), DT[*LI]->begin(), DT[*LI]->end());
    for (DomTreeNode *ChildNode : ChildNodes) {
      DT.changeImmediateDominator(ChildNode, DT[preheader]);


    // Remove the block from the reference counting scheme, so that we can
    // delete it freely later.

  // Erase the instructions and the blocks without having to worry
  // about ordering because we already dropped the references.
  // NOTE: This iteration is safe because erasing the block does not remove its
  // entry from the loop's block list.  We do that in the next section.
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI)

  // Finally, the blocks from loopinfo.  This has to happen late because
  // otherwise our loop iterators won't work.

  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> blocks;
  blocks.insert(L->block_begin(), L->block_end());
  for (BasicBlock *BB : blocks)

  // The last step is to update LoopInfo now that we've eliminated this loop.
  Changed = true;


  return Changed;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// SplitCriticalEdge - If this edge is a critical edge, insert a new node to
/// split the critical edge.  This will update DominatorTree information if it
/// is available, thus calling this pass will not invalidate either of them.
/// This returns the new block if the edge was split, null otherwise.
/// If MergeIdenticalEdges is true (not the default), *all* edges from TI to the
/// specified successor will be merged into the same critical edge block.
/// This is most commonly interesting with switch instructions, which may
/// have many edges to any one destination.  This ensures that all edges to that
/// dest go to one block instead of each going to a different block, but isn't
/// the standard definition of a "critical edge".
/// It is invalid to call this function on a critical edge that starts at an
/// IndirectBrInst.  Splitting these edges will almost always create an invalid
/// program because the address of the new block won't be the one that is jumped
/// to.
BasicBlock *llvm::SplitCriticalEdge(TerminatorInst *TI, unsigned SuccNum,
                                    Pass *P, bool MergeIdenticalEdges,
                                    bool DontDeleteUselessPhis,
                                    bool SplitLandingPads) {
  if (!isCriticalEdge(TI, SuccNum, MergeIdenticalEdges)) return 0;

  assert(!isa<IndirectBrInst>(TI) &&
         "Cannot split critical edge from IndirectBrInst");

  BasicBlock *TIBB = TI->getParent();
  BasicBlock *DestBB = TI->getSuccessor(SuccNum);

  // Splitting the critical edge to a landing pad block is non-trivial. Don't do
  // it in this generic function.
  if (DestBB->isLandingPad()) return 0;

  // Create a new basic block, linking it into the CFG.
  BasicBlock *NewBB = BasicBlock::Create(TI->getContext(),
                      TIBB->getName() + "." + DestBB->getName() + "_crit_edge");
  // Create our unconditional branch.
  BranchInst *NewBI = BranchInst::Create(DestBB, NewBB);

  // Branch to the new block, breaking the edge.
  TI->setSuccessor(SuccNum, NewBB);

  // Insert the block into the function... right after the block TI lives in.
  Function &F = *TIBB->getParent();
  Function::iterator FBBI = TIBB;
  F.getBasicBlockList().insert(++FBBI, NewBB);

  // If there are any PHI nodes in DestBB, we need to update them so that they
  // merge incoming values from NewBB instead of from TIBB.
    unsigned BBIdx = 0;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = DestBB->begin(); isa<PHINode>(I); ++I) {
      // We no longer enter through TIBB, now we come in through NewBB.
      // Revector exactly one entry in the PHI node that used to come from
      // TIBB to come from NewBB.
      PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(I);

      // Reuse the previous value of BBIdx if it lines up.  In cases where we
      // have multiple phi nodes with *lots* of predecessors, this is a speed
      // win because we don't have to scan the PHI looking for TIBB.  This
      // happens because the BB list of PHI nodes are usually in the same
      // order.
      if (PN->getIncomingBlock(BBIdx) != TIBB)
        BBIdx = PN->getBasicBlockIndex(TIBB);
      PN->setIncomingBlock(BBIdx, NewBB);

  // If there are any other edges from TIBB to DestBB, update those to go
  // through the split block, making those edges non-critical as well (and
  // reducing the number of phi entries in the DestBB if relevant).
  if (MergeIdenticalEdges) {
    for (unsigned i = SuccNum+1, e = TI->getNumSuccessors(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (TI->getSuccessor(i) != DestBB) continue;

      // Remove an entry for TIBB from DestBB phi nodes.
      DestBB->removePredecessor(TIBB, DontDeleteUselessPhis);

      // We found another edge to DestBB, go to NewBB instead.
      TI->setSuccessor(i, NewBB);

  // If we don't have a pass object, we can't update anything...
  if (P == 0) return NewBB;

  DominatorTree *DT = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominatorTree>();
  LoopInfo *LI = P->getAnalysisIfAvailable<LoopInfo>();

  // If we have nothing to update, just return.
  if (DT == 0 && LI == 0)
    return NewBB;

  // Now update analysis information.  Since the only predecessor of NewBB is
  // the TIBB, TIBB clearly dominates NewBB.  TIBB usually doesn't dominate
  // anything, as there are other successors of DestBB.  However, if all other
  // predecessors of DestBB are already dominated by DestBB (e.g. DestBB is a
  // loop header) then NewBB dominates DestBB.
  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> OtherPreds;

  // If there is a PHI in the block, loop over predecessors with it, which is
  // faster than iterating pred_begin/end.
  if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(DestBB->begin())) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
      if (PN->getIncomingBlock(i) != NewBB)
  } else {
    for (pred_iterator I = pred_begin(DestBB), E = pred_end(DestBB);
         I != E; ++I) {
      BasicBlock *P = *I;
      if (P != NewBB)

  bool NewBBDominatesDestBB = true;

  // Should we update DominatorTree information?
  if (DT) {
    DomTreeNode *TINode = DT->getNode(TIBB);

    // The new block is not the immediate dominator for any other nodes, but
    // TINode is the immediate dominator for the new node.
    if (TINode) {       // Don't break unreachable code!
      DomTreeNode *NewBBNode = DT->addNewBlock(NewBB, TIBB);
      DomTreeNode *DestBBNode = 0;

      // If NewBBDominatesDestBB hasn't been computed yet, do so with DT.
      if (!OtherPreds.empty()) {
        DestBBNode = DT->getNode(DestBB);
        while (!OtherPreds.empty() && NewBBDominatesDestBB) {
          if (DomTreeNode *OPNode = DT->getNode(OtherPreds.back()))
            NewBBDominatesDestBB = DT->dominates(DestBBNode, OPNode);

      // If NewBBDominatesDestBB, then NewBB dominates DestBB, otherwise it
      // doesn't dominate anything.
      if (NewBBDominatesDestBB) {
        if (!DestBBNode) DestBBNode = DT->getNode(DestBB);
        DT->changeImmediateDominator(DestBBNode, NewBBNode);

  // Update LoopInfo if it is around.
  if (LI) {
    if (Loop *TIL = LI->getLoopFor(TIBB)) {
      // If one or the other blocks were not in a loop, the new block is not
      // either, and thus LI doesn't need to be updated.
      if (Loop *DestLoop = LI->getLoopFor(DestBB)) {
        if (TIL == DestLoop) {
          // Both in the same loop, the NewBB joins loop.
          DestLoop->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else if (TIL->contains(DestLoop)) {
          // Edge from an outer loop to an inner loop.  Add to the outer loop.
          TIL->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else if (DestLoop->contains(TIL)) {
          // Edge from an inner loop to an outer loop.  Add to the outer loop.
          DestLoop->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
        } else {
          // Edge from two loops with no containment relation.  Because these
          // are natural loops, we know that the destination block must be the
          // header of its loop (adding a branch into a loop elsewhere would
          // create an irreducible loop).
          assert(DestLoop->getHeader() == DestBB &&
                 "Should not create irreducible loops!");
          if (Loop *P = DestLoop->getParentLoop())
            P->addBasicBlockToLoop(NewBB, LI->getBase());
      // If TIBB is in a loop and DestBB is outside of that loop, split the
      // other exit blocks of the loop that also have predecessors outside
      // the loop, to maintain a LoopSimplify guarantee.
      if (!TIL->contains(DestBB) &&
          P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LoopSimplifyID)) {
        assert(!TIL->contains(NewBB) &&
               "Split point for loop exit is contained in loop!");

        // Update LCSSA form in the newly created exit block.
        if (P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID))
          createPHIsForSplitLoopExit(TIBB, NewBB, DestBB);

        // For each unique exit block...
        // FIXME: This code is functionally equivalent to the corresponding
        // loop in LoopSimplify.
        SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> ExitBlocks;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
          // Collect all the preds that are inside the loop, and note
          // whether there are any preds outside the loop.
          SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> Preds;
          bool HasPredOutsideOfLoop = false;
          BasicBlock *Exit = ExitBlocks[i];
          for (pred_iterator I = pred_begin(Exit), E = pred_end(Exit);
               I != E; ++I) {
            BasicBlock *P = *I;
            if (TIL->contains(P)) {
              if (isa<IndirectBrInst>(P->getTerminator())) {
            } else {
              HasPredOutsideOfLoop = true;
          // If there are any preds not in the loop, we'll need to split
          // the edges. The Preds.empty() check is needed because a block
          // may appear multiple times in the list. We can't use
          // getUniqueExitBlocks above because that depends on LoopSimplify
          // form, which we're in the process of restoring!
          if (!Preds.empty() && HasPredOutsideOfLoop) {
            if (!Exit->isLandingPad()) {
              BasicBlock *NewExitBB =
                SplitBlockPredecessors(Exit, Preds, "split", P);
              if (P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID))
                createPHIsForSplitLoopExit(Preds, NewExitBB, Exit);
            } else if (SplitLandingPads) {
              SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> NewBBs;
              SplitLandingPadPredecessors(Exit, Preds,
                                          ".split1", ".split2",
                                          P, NewBBs);
              if (P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID))
                createPHIsForSplitLoopExit(Preds, NewBBs[0], Exit);
      // LCSSA form was updated above for the case where LoopSimplify is
      // available, which means that all predecessors of loop exit blocks
      // are within the loop. Without LoopSimplify form, it would be
      // necessary to insert a new phi.
      assert((!P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LCSSAID) ||
              P->mustPreserveAnalysisID(LoopSimplifyID)) &&
             "SplitCriticalEdge doesn't know how to update LCCSA form "
             "without LoopSimplify!");

  return NewBB;
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::pair<polly::BBPair, BranchInst *>
polly::executeScopConditionally(Scop &S, Value *RTC, DominatorTree &DT,
                                RegionInfo &RI, LoopInfo &LI) {
  Region &R = S.getRegion();
  PollyIRBuilder Builder(S.getEntry());

  // Before:
  //      \   /      //
  //    EnteringBB   //
  //   _____|_____   //
  //  /  EntryBB  \  //
  //  |  (region) |  //
  //  \_ExitingBB_/  //
  //        |        //
  //      ExitBB     //
  //      /    \     //

  // Create a fork block.
  BasicBlock *EnteringBB = S.getEnteringBlock();
  BasicBlock *EntryBB = S.getEntry();
  assert(EnteringBB && "Must be a simple region");
  BasicBlock *SplitBlock =
      splitEdge(EnteringBB, EntryBB, ".split_new_and_old", &DT, &LI, &RI);

  // If EntryBB is the exit block of the region that includes Prev, exclude
  // SplitBlock from that region by making it itself the exit block. This is
  // trivially possible because there is just one edge to EnteringBB.
  // This is necessary because we will add an outgoing edge from SplitBlock,
  // which would violate the single exit block requirement of PrevRegion.
  Region *PrevRegion = RI.getRegionFor(EnteringBB);
  while (PrevRegion->getExit() == EntryBB) {
    PrevRegion = PrevRegion->getParent();
  RI.setRegionFor(SplitBlock, PrevRegion);

  // Create a join block
  BasicBlock *ExitingBB = S.getExitingBlock();
  BasicBlock *ExitBB = S.getExit();
  assert(ExitingBB && "Must be a simple region");
  BasicBlock *MergeBlock =
      splitEdge(ExitingBB, ExitBB, ".merge_new_and_old", &DT, &LI, &RI);

  // Exclude the join block from the region.
  RI.setRegionFor(MergeBlock, R.getParent());

  //      \   /      //
  //    EnteringBB   //
  //        |        //
  //    SplitBlock   //
  //   _____|_____   //
  //  /  EntryBB  \  //
  //  |  (region) |  //
  //  \_ExitingBB_/  //
  //        |        //
  //    MergeBlock   //
  //        |        //
  //      ExitBB     //
  //      /    \     //

  // Create the start and exiting block.
  Function *F = SplitBlock->getParent();
  BasicBlock *StartBlock =
      BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "polly.start", F);
  BasicBlock *ExitingBlock =
      BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(), "polly.exiting", F);
  BranchInst *CondBr = Builder.CreateCondBr(RTC, StartBlock, S.getEntry());

  if (Loop *L = LI.getLoopFor(SplitBlock)) {
    L->addBasicBlockToLoop(StartBlock, LI);
    L->addBasicBlockToLoop(ExitingBlock, LI);
  DT.addNewBlock(StartBlock, SplitBlock);
  DT.addNewBlock(ExitingBlock, StartBlock);
  RI.setRegionFor(StartBlock, RI.getRegionFor(SplitBlock));
  RI.setRegionFor(ExitingBlock, RI.getRegionFor(SplitBlock));

  //      \   /                    //
  //    EnteringBB                 //
  //        |                      //
  //    SplitBlock---------\       //
  //   _____|_____         |       //
  //  /  EntryBB  \    StartBlock  //
  //  |  (region) |        |       //
  //  \_ExitingBB_/   ExitingBlock //
  //        |                      //
  //    MergeBlock                 //
  //        |                      //
  //      ExitBB                   //
  //      /    \                   //

  // Connect start block to exiting block.
  DT.changeImmediateDominator(ExitingBlock, StartBlock);

  // Connect exiting block to join block.
  DT.changeImmediateDominator(MergeBlock, SplitBlock);

  //      \   /                    //
  //    EnteringBB                 //
  //        |                      //
  //    SplitBlock---------\       //
  //   _____|_____         |       //
  //  /  EntryBB  \    StartBlock  //
  //  |  (region) |        |       //
  //  \_ExitingBB_/   ExitingBlock //
  //        |              |       //
  //    MergeBlock---------/       //
  //        |                      //
  //      ExitBB                   //
  //      /    \                   //

  // Split the edge between SplitBlock and EntryBB, to avoid a critical edge.
  splitEdge(SplitBlock, EntryBB, ".pre_entry_bb", &DT, &LI, &RI);

  //      \   /                    //
  //    EnteringBB                 //
  //        |                      //
  //    SplitBlock---------\       //
  //        |              |       //
  //    PreEntryBB         |       //
  //   _____|_____         |       //
  //  /  EntryBB  \    StartBlock  //
  //  |  (region) |        |       //
  //  \_ExitingBB_/   ExitingBlock //
  //        |              |       //
  //    MergeBlock---------/       //
  //        |                      //
  //      ExitBB                   //
  //      /    \                   //

  return std::make_pair(std::make_pair(StartBlock, ExitingBlock), CondBr);